Lydia's New Year New Me Diary

Weigh in tomorrow for me.............wonder what the demon scales have in store for me.

I have cancelled my monthly pass afterall and from 1 January (my pass runs out the day before) i'll be going it alone with the help of this board, should have all the info on the new plan by then and the new shopping guide.
hope you have a positive result tomorrow :) and congrats on the swim too!
Good Morning Hun,
How was your weekend? I see on your FB status you said you have done all your xmas shopping! Bloody hell i have not started yet....
Good luck for wi tonight xx
Good luck for tonight!
Thanks everyone, my scales showed a 1lb loss again this week. I am going by my scales in future, but will update you on what the WW scales say.

I am so tired, there was a horrible fight outside our house last night, really violent stuff, the police were called it was awful and frightening, that was at 12.40 this morning by the time I got back to bed it was 2 am and gone 4 am by the time I fell asleep again! Theres only 12 houses in a street its tiny but with a really rough pub at the top!
Thanks everyone, my scales showed a 1lb loss again this week. I am going by my scales in future, but will update you on what the WW scales say.

I am so tired, there was a horrible fight outside our house last night, really violent stuff, the police were called it was awful and frightening, that was at 12.40 this morning by the time I got back to bed it was 2 am and gone 4 am by the time I fell asleep again! Theres only 12 houses in a street its tiny but with a really rough pub at the top!

Well done on the loss!

Not good about the fight outside especially it keeping you awake! Some people that used to live in my mums neighbourhood used to be like that, fighting 24/7 and when they were awake at 2 am they had to make sure everyone else was too x
I know what you mean Emma - can these people not keep their fights to non residential areas or at least think about the neighbours! Ive already had one run in with the neighbour that evidently started it all, theyve only moved in a couple of months ago!
I know what you mean Emma - can these people not keep their fights to non residential areas or at least think about the neighbours! Ive already had one run in with the neighbour that evidently started it all, theyve only moved in a couple of months ago!
Eeek, it's not one of those families that seem like they are straight out of Little Britain or Eastenders is it lol x
Yes that'll be the type! I just want to go about my business keeping my nose clean and out of trouble, get on with work, have a bit of fun and not cause any trouble, however, if I'm backed into a corner then I'll come out fighting but I don't want drama in my life every day why can't everyone be like that!
I haven't really lost as much weight as my ticker is suggesting, its just that I am going to do morning weigh ins from now one, so its an adjustment.
Well it was my weigh in tonight and I weighed on the other scales tonight (not the same ones from last week) and I worked out that if my theory of the scales was correct I would lose 2lbs, and guess what...............I lost 2lbs - so thats the 1lb for last week and the 1lb my scales showed I had lost this week.

My friend has worked out that if our theory was correct she needed to lose 1.5lbs on the other scales and bingo, thats what she lost. So we are only going to weigh on set 1 scales in future!
congrats! i am confused though, what'd you lose then?! LOL :p

either way, a loss is a loss so well done! :D xx
Well done on your loss :) Hope you get good nights sleep tonight xxx
Well done on the loss Lydia! That's great!
Glad the theory worked out too!x
I know! No drama in the street last night, was all quiet and everyone got a goods night sleep thank god!!!

Our leader says that we have to attend every meeting in December to get all the info on the new plan! I am paid up until 31 December so thats good, will get all the info.

Food for today:

B - 40g Special K Sustain (2)
L - 1/2 carton New Covent Garden Choc Full of Beans soup (2.5)
Bread (1)
Yoghurt (1)
D - Homemade Spicy Lentil Hotpot (3)
Steamed broccoli (0)
Highlights mousse (1)
S - Milk (1.5)
iced Gems (1.5)
Banana (1.5)
Satsumas (0.5)
Options drink (0.5)

16 points out of 21 so lots to play with there if I get a bit hungry later or I can save some points.
what a scam that it.. they know how skinnt everyone is so they'll be spreading it out across the weeks to ensure people still come to weigh ins! :p meanies..

however again, congrats on your weight loss and glad you had no street drama last night.. unless you watch Corrie? :p
I missed Corrie last night but did manage to watch 'Enders.