Lydia's New Year New Me Diary

Thanks guy for all being so supportive! Don't know what I would do with minimins!!!

Food for today:

B - 3 grain porridge (3.5)
L - working lunch going to allow (7.5)
D - Spanish Gnocchi bake (from Delicious) (4.5)
Steamed Broccoli & Cauliflower (0)
S - 2 satsumas (0.5)
Banana (1.5)
Pear (1)
Options white choc drink (1)
Milk (1.5)

21 points used 105 points left.
Food for today:

B - 50g shreddies (2.5)
L - Vegetable chilli (1.5)
Yoghurt (1)
D - 1/2 pack beanfeast bolognaise (3)
60g dried weight spagetti (3)
1 tablespoon low fat cheese (1)
S - milk (1.5)
Pear (1)
banana (1.5)
Satsumas (0.5)
WW choc bar (1.5)
quorn scotch egg (1)

19 points 105 points remaining
Well back on track then Lydia. You will soon be going down again.

I'm pleased to see that Quorn scotch egg I love them and only 1pt excellent

Good luck

Oh I love Quorn scotch eggs, Karen will tell you I have a slight obsession with them LOL!!!

My pilates dyna band dvd has arrived, so excited I am already to go with my new fitness regime from next week ,can't wait. Have also ordered the Claire Sweeney one £1.99 on bargain!
Sorry to hear about your gain. Well done you for getting straight back on the wagon :) xxx
Hope you have a great week this week :)
Hi everyone,

My Pilates and Claire Sweeney dvds have arrived and have ordered 2 of the Davina ones, so looking forward to getting started on those from next Tuesday.

Food for today:

B - 50g cornflakes (2.5)
L - BNS, apple, ginger soup (0)
1 slice bread (1)
yoghurt (1)
D - jacket pot (2.5)
Beans (2.5)
Low fat cheddar 40g (2.5)
S - milk (1.5)
Nutrigrain soft oatie (3.5)
Banana (1.5)
Satsumas x 2 (0.5)
Options white choc drink (1)

20 points 65 points remaining
Wow, seems like someone is going to be busy busy busy losing those lbs. Have a lovely day hun.
Thanks sweetie, off to the gym as soon as I get home, will attempt to do 40mins cross trainer and some crunches!!
My OH has requested we go on Points for a bit as he prefers the way we eat on Points so I might treat myself to some quorn scotch eggs as I do love them :)
Oh they are lovely aren't they!!

I managed 40mins on the treadmill last night on an interval training setting and then 100 crunches!! Dead proud of myself - earned 3 BPs.

Food for today:

B - 50g special K
L - 2 slices bread (1)
Spread (0.5)
1/2 pack quorn ham (0.5)
Yoghurt (1)
D - WW quiche (5.5)
Rustic chips (200g) (4)
1/2 tin mushy peas (1.5)
S - milk (1.5)
Banana (1.5)
2 Satsumas (0.5)
1 pear (1)
WW choc bar (1.5)

22 points used 62.5 left.
wow thats a lot of exercise! Well done on those crunches! I have to say I use the excuse that my fat roll stops me from moving from the floor.. are they making a difference do you think? :) x
Morning hun, you are really doing fantastically with your exercise regime. The rate you're going is seems like the Pink Ladies will be in the lead :):).
Hiya lydia hows it going - you seem to be doing great on the discovery plan - i think im going toi have a look today at it.
It really doesn't feel any different to the old points plan if I am honest. The only difference is the lovely little folder you get now to put all your booklets and tracker sheet in, other than that I am eating pretty much the same as before, although am trying to up my fruit intake which has been lacking for a while.
Morning hun, you are really doing fantastically with your exercise regime. The rate you're going is seems like the Pink Ladies will be in the lead :):).

OH god, immediate feeling of pressure now!! ;)
Pink Ladies rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my life - you are putting me to shame on the exercise front - where do you get your energy from?

Let me know what the Claire Sweeney dvd is like as the Jennifer Ellison one is rubbish - teaches you to dance more than get fit really (although to be fair, I have only done one section plus the warm up)