Lydia's New Year New Me Diary

hey Lydia, just popping in to see how you're doing today. Hope you've had a good day anyway :)
Went to the gym this morning, 40mins on the treadmill powerwalking - did 2.4 miles in 40 mins not very good really but something to get better from! Also 3 x 10 squats, 3 x 10 static lunges and 3 x 15 crunches on a SB - all the crunches are killing my stomach but it doesn't seem to be getting any smaller :8855: 3.5 BPs earned.

I have watched the Claire Sweeney DVD through last night and it seems to be based on interval trainer which I am a big fan of, going to give it a go on Tuesday morning, so will be able to give a detailed feedback sometime on Tuesday.

Food for today:

B/L toasted WW bagel (2)
Spread (0.5)
Scrambled eggs (2.5)
Quorn Bacon (1.5)
D - Homemade quorn lasagne (4.5)
Rustic chips (just a few) (3)
Salad (0)
S - milk (1.5)

15.5 points so far, will have something else later.
Doing so well there Lydia, as I'm exhausted just reading about the excercise I had a light bulb moment - just pop in here every day read it get exhausted must mean a small AP for me.

Quorn bacon hmn I'll be tracking that down and no mistake.

Really well done

Thanks honey

Add to the food a Nutrigain Soft Oatie 3 points ,so thats 18.5 points, I wonder if I could have a very small slice of xmas cake for 2.5 points?
Afternoon everyone, I can't make my meeting tonight as my grandad is poorly so I need to go to the home to see how he is, so won't get an official weigh in until next Monday now.

Food for today:

B - porridge (3)
1 teaspoon honey (0.5)
L - homemade broccoli & stilton soup (3)
bread (1.5)
Yoghurt (1)
D - quorn crispy fillet (3)
jacket pot (2.5)
Salad (0)
S - milk (1.5)
Walkers baked crisps (1.5)
Banana (1.5)
Pear (1)
Options drink (1)

21 out of 21

no exercise today
Afternoon everyone, I can't make my meeting tonight as my grandad is poorly so I need to go to the home to see how he is, so won't get an official weigh in until next Monday now.

no exercise today

Hope your Grandad is ok Lydia x
Thanks sweetie, he has a chest infection but with the other things wrong with him we always worry as its difficult for him to fight off infections, I just want to see him and make sure he's ok then I will rest easy (he's my number one guy!!! LOL)
Thanks sweetie, he has a chest infection but with the other things wrong with him we always worry as its difficult for him to fight off infections, I just want to see him and make sure he's ok then I will rest easy (he's my number one guy!!! LOL)

I hope he gets better soon :) xx
Hope your grandad is ok xxx
He was ok when I went to see him, seemed quite chirppy and happy to have visitors!

Did my claire sweeney dvd this morning, 60 mins earned 3 bonus points. Can really feel in the old legs now though!!

Food for today:

B - 40g branflakes & 1 chopped banana (3.5)
D - WW pitta bread with hummus and salad (3.5)
yoghurt (1)
D - Oriental casserole (from Delicious) (3.5)
40g dried weight brown rice (2)
Steamed broccoli (0)
Sugar free jelly(0)
S - milk (1.5)
WW choc bar (1.5)
Ryvita Minis (1.5)
Satsumas x 2 (0.5)
Pear (1)

20 out of 21 points
3 BPS earned
Hi Lydia, sounds like you are doing brilliantly. all these ap's must surely mean a loss next Monday

sorry to hear about your grandpa - hope he is better soon. xx
Hi sweetie, hope you are ok?

Food for today:

B - porridge (3)
1 teaspoon honey (0.5)
D - WW pitta with hummus & cucumber (3.5)
yoghurt (1)
D - 1/2 pack beanfeast bolognaise (3)
60g dried weight spagetti (3)
1 tablespoon cheese (1)
S - milk (1.5)
Banana (1.5)
WW choc bar (1.5)
2 satsumas (0.5)
Grapes (1)

21 out of 21

No exercise today.
Food for today:

B - 40g Readybrek (2.5)
L - half carton New Covent Garden Choc full of Beans soup (2.5)
1 slice seeded bread (1.5)
Yoghurt (1)
D - Jacket potato (2.5)
1/2 tin beans (2.5)
40g low fat cheddar (2.5)
S - milk (1.5)
WW choc bar (1.5)
Banana (1.5)
Nectarine (1)
2 satsumas (1)

21 points out of 21

Going to the gym tonight going to do circuits for 1 hour should earn 3 BPs from that.

Have had a look through my new Davina DVDs and really looking forward to giving them a try.

Have also decided am definintely well enough to compete in the Moonwalk this year, so getting on with my training from this week for it as well - the circuits will help with that as I really need to increase muscle strength and stamina

Hope everyone is having a great week! I am really happy at the moment and physically feel great (just needed to share that with you LOL!!):)
I certainly hope so, I haven't weighed myself all week, I have new scales (xmas pressie) and I don't want to sound ungrateful, but they are right royal pain in the butt! They weigh to 1/8 of a lb so everyday my weight would fluctuate like mad! It was really getting on my nerves so I will only weigh Monday morning and see how I get on. I'm not naturally one for losing huge amounts of weight so 1 or 2lbs would be fantastic for me!!

Food for today:

B - 50g cornflakes (2.5)
L - WW pitta bread (1.5)
Egg and Hellmans EL Mayo with cress (1.5)
Yoghurt (ww) (0.5)
D - Texan Chilli (from new cookbook) (4)
60g dried weight brown rice (3)
S - milk (1.5)
WW choc bar (1.5)
Sainsburys Sweet chilli snacks (1.5)
Satsumas (0.5)
Banana (1.5)
Pear (1)

20.5 out of 21

No exercise today, my butt is on fire from the gym last night!!

BTW - don't try the new WW pitta breads, whilst its great they are only 1.5 points each, they break up and its a nightmare trying to eat them, glad I am having the last of them today. Sainsburys basic pittas are 2 points each and don't break up!
I know what you mean about the terribly "accurate" scales. I bought some as "happy christmas to me" - and they weigh stones, lbs and then another number - which I am assuming is ounces - or maybe its a fraction of a pound (eg. 9.5.8) I just ignore the number and round it up or down to the half pound - makes life easier.