Marmaduke's food diary



mullerlight, banana


sandwich with weightwatchers bread, quorn ham, laughing cow extra light, tomatoes, apple, hifi bar


Jacket potato, quorn chilli, grated reduced fat cheese, quorn chicken burger

2 segments terrys choc orange, 2 prunes

hexA - skimmed milk in tea, laughing cow extra light, grated cheese
hexB - 2xslices bread, hifi bar
syns - quorn buger, choc orange, prunes (8)
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Green Day

Brekkie: banana, hifi bar

Lunch: mugshot, laughing cow exlight triangles, quorn ham, apple

Tea: 2xquorn chicken burgers (2 syns), sw chips, beans, 3xww brown bread, ketchup, laughing cow extra light, slice of low fat cheese

Snacks: 2x quality street choccies, 2 choc orange segments, mullerlight, prune

hexA: milk in tea/coffee, laughing cows, cheese
hexB: hifi bar, ww bread
syns: quorn burgers, choccies, ketchup, muller lemon cheesecake (13)

I was so hungry today but managed to stay on plan and allowed myself a bit of choccie which I was craving as it's TOTM. Decided to stay off the wine and save it for saturday.
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Green Day

Brekkie: quorn sausages, egg, beans, mushroom, tomato

Lunch: sw free quiche (pasta n sauce, mushrooms, spring onions, tomato, eggs, low fat cottage cheese)

Tea: quorn buger in bread, laughing cow ex light, sw quiche

snacks: pk snack a jacks (5 syns) hifi bar, laughing cow extra lights, quorn ham slices, banana

bottle of rose wine

hexA - milk in tea/coffe, laughing cow ex light
hexB - hifi bar, 2 x weight watchers bread
syns - snack a jacks (5) ketchup (1) wine (lots)
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Green Day

Brekkie: banana, apple, hifi bar

Lunch: homemade quorn chilli con carne, jacket potato, little bit grated reduced fat cheese

Tea: chicken chow mein from chinese, little bit bbq sauce, bite of spring roll, half a fortune cookie, small glass of coke, tea with sugar!

snacks - snack a jacks, hifi bar, apple, banana

hexA: - skimmed milk in tea, cheese
hexB: - hifi bar x 2
syns: - ketchup on lunch (1), chinese take-away (lots) sml glass coke

Definately went over syns tonight as was at sister in laws house meeting up with all the family and we got a chinese take away. It was lovely and I enjoyed it but got caught out having sugar in my tea (must remember to keep some sweetners in my bag) and a glass of full fat coke as she didn't have any diet drinks and I really wanted fizzy pop! Stuck to chicken chow mein for food though which I don't think is too bad syn wise, resisted the urge to have a few chips or fried rice. Back on plan 100% and trying to use hardly any syns monday and tuesday before weigh in tues night.
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Green Day

brekkie: cherry mullerlight with sliced banana and alpen light bar, 1 slice ww brown bread with 1 laughing cow ex lite triangle, 1 prune

lunch: sw quiche, laughing cow lights, quorn ham, apple, 2 prunes

tea: homemade quorn chilli with sw potato wedges, grated reduced fat cheese, hifi bar

hexA - skimmed milk in tea/coffee, cheese, laughing cow light x 3
hexB - alpen light, ww bread
syns - prunes (1)
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Tuesday (weigh in 6pm)

Green Day


1 slice ww toast with laughing cow extra light, banana, alpen light bar


slice of sw quiche, quorn ham slices, laughing cow ex light triangles, apple


Mugshot, hifi bar

Late night snack:

sandwich with nimble wholemeal, laughing cow ex light, quorn ham, snack a jacks, adsa good for you bakewell slice

HexA - milk in tea/coffee, laughing cow extra lights
HexB - hifi bar after weigh in, 1 slice ww toast, alpen light
syns - extra hexB (6) snack a jacks (6) mini cake (approx 5?)
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Just back from weigh in and I've lost another pound, happy with this as I did have 2 takeaways last week and a bottle and a half of wine on saturday night. I can live with losing a pound a week if it means I can still have the odd treat, just got to try and stay on track now over xmas. Will be happy to maintain over xmas, if I put on more that 2lbs I'll be dissapointed. Planning on still going to weigh in over xmas to keep me motivated.

Green Day


mullerlight, apple


mugshot, small sandwich quorn ham & laughing cow ex light, lettuce, cherry tomatoes & tiny bit of l/f dressing (1 syn)


sandwich with nimble wholemeal with laughing cow ex light, quorn ham, couple of pieces quorn tikka pieces, snack a jacks (5 syns)


noodles, stir fry veg, soy sauce, quorn pieces



HexA: skimmed milk in tea/coffee, laughing cow ex lights
HexB: nimble wholemeal bread
Syns: salad dressing (1) snack a jacks (5)
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Green Day


mullerlight, banana, alpen light bar


noodles, stir fry veg, quorn pieces, soy sauce, quorn ham, laughing cow ex light, apple, alpen light


3 x quality street choccies yummy (green triangles my faves) (about 6 syns)


quorn chicken burger, slice of reduced fat cheese in 2 slices nimble wholemeal, sw chips, beans, tiny bit of light mayo and ketchup

late night munchies:

grapes, quorn ham, laughing cow light, lettuce, cherry tomato, quorn tikka fillet pieces

hexA - skimmed milk in tea/coffee, lc ex lights, tiny bit of l/f cheese
hexB - 2 x alpen light bars, 2 x slices nimble wholemeal
syns - ketchup (1) mayo (1) choccies (6)
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Green Day:


big fruit salad with pineapple, grapes and banana


salad with quorn tikka pieces & honey mustard dressing lf (1 syn), sandwich with nimble wholemeal, lc ex light & quorn ham


pasta quiche, couple of prunes

fancy a couple of glasses of wine later so that will use up my syns

hexA: milk in tea, laughing cow extra lights
hexB: 2 x nimble wholemeal, alpen light bar
syns: salad dressing (1) prunes (1) pasta quiche (1) wine (12)
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Green Day


banana, hifi bar


pasta quiche, quorn chicken tikka pieces, laughing cow extra light, apple, mullerlight


sandwich with nimble wholemeal, quorn ham, laughing cow extra light, snack a jacks (5)

hexA: skimmed milk in tea/coffee, laughing cow extra lights
hexB: nimble wholemeal bread, hifi bar
syns: lots of vodka (night out) snack a jacks (5)
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Extra Easy Day


banana, alpen light bar, couple of slices of quorn ham & lc ex light triangles


Went to the harvester for lunch and had the chicken/bacon/cheese thing with chips, salad from salad bar and half a white roll with butter. Also had a pint of full fat coke - can't stand diet coke and really craved coke for the hangover. Didn't have pudding had a little bit of my son's rocky horror as always has one but can never eat it all. Obviously went over syns and I'm not going to work it out but I couldn't finish my meal, i didn't even come close, don't know if this was due to the hangover or that my stomach has shrunk due to my healthy eating - obviously i'm hoping it's the later!

snack: packet of crisps & packet of snack a jacks

tea: wholemeal roll with lc ex light, quorn ham, apple, mugshot

hexA: skimmed milk in tea, cheese
hexB: brown roll
syns: meal at harvester, full fat coke, bit of rocky horror, crisps, snack a jacks
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Green Day


banana, hifi bar


brown roll with laughing cow e/l, quorn ham, apple, mullerlight, mughsot


sw chips, quorn chicken burger with cheese in a brown roll, beans

hexA: milk in tea/coffee, cheese/laughing cow
hexB: brown roll, hifi bar
syns: quorn burgers (2), ketchup/mayo (3) roll (6)
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Weigh in tonight although i need to check if class is on as we have bad snow/ice around here

Green Day


alpen light bar, banana


brown roll with laughing cow ex light, quorn ham, mugshot, apple


2 x small brown rolls with laughing cow, quorn ham & light mayo, pkt of crisps

went out and drank lots of vodka/cocktails, lots of syns

hexA: milk in tea/coffee, laughing cow extra light
hexB: brown roll, alpen light bar
syns: lots
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had weigh in last night and lost another 1 and a half pounds which brings my total to 12lbs, didn't quite make the stone by xmas but was very close and I'm happy with this

A bit disorganised with lunch etc today so I've ended up eating crap, will have something healthy tonight, I know the next few days I won't be sticking to plan completely. I will more than likely not bother filling in my food diary over xmas but will be back very soon.
I've been off plan for nearly a week now, just been to weigh in and put on 2.5lbs, I'm not dissapointed with this as I have not been on plan at all and Ive had a great xmas and not worried about it at all but need to get back on track now so will be starting my food diary again from tomorrow, after my chinese tonight!
Wednesday 30/12

back on track today after a naughty week

brekkie: banana, alpen light

lunch: mugshot, alpen light, banana, mullerlight

snack: small brown roll with laughing cow extra light & quorn ham, alpen light bar

tea: quorn chicken style burger (2) jacket potato, beans and low fat cheddar

hexA: milk in tea, laughing cow extra light, cheese
hexB: alpen light bar (x3) small roll
syns: alpen light (3), tiny bit lf mayo (1) quorn burger (2)
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Thursday, new years eve!

going to be good all day, then off to a party tonigt so will have another night off but will be back on track tomorrow

brekkie: mullerlight, alpen light, banana

lunch: mugshot, small brown roll with laughing cow extra light & quorn ham

tea: will have a bit of buffet food at the party tonight, will try to make sensible choices (ended up having 1 small plate of party food & lots of pear cider & a bit of wine/champagne)

hexA: milk in tea/coffee, laughing cow extra light
hexB: alpen light, brown roll
syns: lots of alcohol (pear cider/wine), buffet food (lots of syns - not counting)
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New years day

brekkie: small brown roll with laughing cow extra light, quorn ham, small pkt crisps!

lunch/tea: went to the harvester and had buger and chips and lots of salad & dressing, shared a rocky horror between the 3 of us.

I have decided to get back on plan 100% from monday although I'm going to try and be good most of the time. I will be happy if I have a sts this week or even a gain of a pound as I havent been good but then I will get back to be really good from monday. I'm also giving up the fags this day as I've snuck back to smoking everyday over xmas.