Mummy wants to be a YummyBride =] 14 Weeks To Go!

DAY 21
Well I was nearly 4st heavier when I was pregnant so im hoping that it decides to p*ss off soon!

Its a nightmare - I first got it at xmas when I was 19 week pregnant, I was meant to be going xmas shopping, hopped out of bed and just fell on the floor. It feels ok once walking, but as soon as I sit down its like my huge arse is putting pressue on it lol.

I seen 2 docs about it whilst I was pregnant - one offered to put me in for acupunture - with a low success rate and the other offered me codine, which I couldnt take after 37 weeks. So they were'nt much help. I've not been since I was pregnant, not sure what else they could offer me.

I was always one of thos people where my weight didn't affect my health - I thought I was quite lucky. But then again I only got 'big' at 17/18 so never had the bullying at school, always had friends and boyfriends so it really didn't seem to affect me at all. Plus aslong as I could shop at all my favourite shops I didn't care.
Until I got pregnant! I've always been on one healthy eating plan or another - as soon as I found out it was an excuse to live on pizza and chineses! I went for my first midwife app and was told due to my OBESE BMI I would need to be under consultant care. That scared the crap out of me. But I still ate like pig, when I could eat - I suffered from Hyperemis. I did have comments about my huge BMI oput on my scan reports - Nice! I don't want that next time. I never seen a consultant until I was 38 weeks and that was only because baby was too small.

I don't want that again. I want to have nice clear scan pictures like my friends and for the docs to be able to see everything clearly so the can pick up any problems - not left it to be my fault cos I was too fat for them to notice. Thats anoter big factor in me doing this - I want a healthy pregnancy next time. I've even told my OH im signing up to slimming world as pregnant women can.

Anyway im babbling...

Day 21 wooohoooooo!
Had a nice lie in this morning =] was lovely but means I've only had about half a litre of water so far oops! Will get the other half down soon so I can have my bar yum yum! WI tomorrow wooooop woooop! I don't think I've lost more than 4lbs, im hoping for 4lbs, but any more and I'll be happy!
good luck for tomorrow, 4lbs already is GREAT!
yay for the lie in! i had one yest til 11 am oops lol. talking of back probs i suffer with my sacrilium joint which decides to pop out every now and then with pain like sciatica. i end up on tramadol and diazepam as my body seizes up with pain. not nice lol.

well done day 21 you have had no blips im very jealous lol. im sure youl have done 4lbs hun!!

talking of gym tell me exactly what you do there as i keep hearing that too much excercise slows down your weight loss? got induction later and am going to tell them im on a vlcd but dont want a lecture lol. x
YM, my main aim for loosing weight is related to pregnancy too. Once we are married next year we will be starting to plan our family and seeing as we are almost positive we won't be able to conceive without help, I want to be nice and slim. As I know they won't offer IVF or fertility treatment to someone who is morbidely obese!
Yummy, I ate loads of crap during my first pregnancy and put on 5 stones. I only ever lost 3 of them and have struggled with my weight since. I was heaver when I got preganant 2nd time round but I did not put on another 5 stones, I was careful and managed to only put on 2 which I lost. However, am still heaver than before babies and really want my figure back.

I think you will be more careful in your next pregnancy and I admire you for knowing what you want and going for it.

I am stuggling with water today too.

PB xx
DAY 22 & WI!

I get weighed in 2 hours n 10 mins. Im nervous eeeeekkk!!!!

I also have a broken coccyx - long story involving 4 bottles of wine and stairs! I rebroke it when giving birth - the paiiinnnn! But it did make me forget about the burning ring of fire the head creates! It has got better, it used to shift everytime I sat down making it painful to get the pressure off but it doesnt do it all the time now, only when I slouch. Still too scared to go to the cinema - I can never get up after the film =S Im like an old woman!

I do 100 cals exactly on the X trainer - takes me between 10-15 mins and 2000m on the rower which is just over 100 cals and about 12mins. The the vibrogym, which works up a sweat trying to get into all the positions quickly!

Anyways will update later on!
Morning YummyMum

ooohh I bet you are.. I always am too, but you've been good and gyming it too with your injury can't be easy, and I;m sure your loss will be good this week because of it. Good luck at WI and get back on here and let us all know :) xx
6lbs!! well done hun! thats fab loss in 3 weeks!
wooo hooo
Wow, 6lbs. That's crazy! At this rate you'll have lost 2 stone in a month! Congrats.

What is a vibrogym? I've heard a few people mention it now?
DAY 23

Im no no way expecting 6lbs next week, 3-4will do!
Vibrogym is like a vibrating plate and you do different poses and stuff and it tones your muscles. You can get a whole body work out in 8 mins if your fast enough! They are really effective, I love it! My legs have totally changed shape and my arms feel more toned.

Well had a massive palava with the honeymoon. Was supposed to be going to Cuba. Was a bit skeptical cos Im quite a fussy eater (believe it of not) If food doesnt look nice I won't eat it. Im one of those English people that go to Spain and order fish and chips lol. Then we heard some shocking reviews from somebody who's just been mainly about the cold food and getting stomach bugs!

But its ok now cos Im going to see Mickey Mouse in Disney World. Im extra extra excited now! Not exactly the lounging around the pool holiday we intended to have but im happy cos Harry Potter World will be open by then. So I need to make sure I can get skinny to sit in all the seats, then probably put it all back on again eating KFC and TGI Fridays!
When are you getting married? I'm getting married next July and then we're going to Canada to visit my mum who emigrated last year.

That vibro thing sounds great! Can I get one for the spare room?! lol
i want a vibro thingy aswell god that sounds well dodgy ha ah!
Getting married on 18th Sept - this year eeeek! Still not got used to saying it. Its coming round so so quick!
Got my invites yesterday and thats made it feel a bit more real. I've not really been dress shopping so think I'll get more excited then.

Amazon sell vibrogyms - but they can be called power plates aswell. You can get a decent one for about £100-£150 quid
DAY 24
So went to the gym today, still feeling really faint when I do go though =[ Not good! Took it steady but still feel crap! Had to go for a lie down when I got in it was that bad.

OH was meant to be home at 4 and its nearly bloody 6! Arghhh!!!
DAY 25
Nearly 3 whole weeks! Its flown by! Theres been struggles but the comments I got today - off 4 different people were so worth it!

Roll on wednesday!
hiya ym! hurray for the comments!! as for the gym maybe your doin too mu8ch?? x
Good work on the nice compliments you recieved! Can't wait to hear your weightloss this week, woop!