size102bs WW 'vs' Gastric Band fight.

Hi ya night owl

I expect its hard but you are used to the different shifts,and I suppose its easier being on your own so you can go to bed when you please? Yes its true I think too much and plan in my head what I feel would make me happy in the future,you have it right whats the point when theres no planning needed,I must admit living alone with the girls after I moved out Oh house last year has been really hard and I think it makes me a little anxious so effects my sromach,I feel like you say the york tests pointless as I already feel they say lots isnt agreeng with me?

Im so hungry this week?I think its totm have a coil so I just get the moods etc and I really want chocolate and carbs also I cant use food to comfort myself and so therefore am having a head argument this week to stay on plan?
You know when you are really hungry well thats me :cry: I think it maybe cutting back last week as I was ill also as Im better my hungry is back?

Glad your good on the plan and exercise yes its making yourself do it isnt it,Im naturally lazy lol

Have a good night and hope works ok for you x
Hi again

Well the plan to keep myself awake last night worked but I did munch half of my easter egg :eek: No panic though cos have pointed it in for the week. Will probably regret this when Sunday comes and I've only got half left.
I imagine shift working is much easier for me living on my own, like you say I can sleep when I want and get up when I want. One of my cats comes to bed with me, and the other is no bother as long as shes got some food - bit like me really ;)

The York test is a difficult one - if science backed it up I'd say it was worth it and if money was no object I'd say give it a go, but if it would make you short then I would say think twice. Sometimes we already know what is giving us the trouble. If anxiety is making things worse (that was always my worse enemy) then some stress management may be worth a go.

I must confess to being a tad highly strung myself but have been learning to deal with things. One of my strategies is not worrying about the future and what will happen - again easier to say than do. But I figure if I can change things change them, if not I have got to learn to deal with them. I do have some plans for the future but these are my plans for me. I've been married before and once bitten makes me a tad synical. I vowed then no man would ever make me lose my home again, I really dont know how people with children manage, I have enough problems looking after myself sometimes :).

Hungry days are evil. Mine used to turn into hungry weeks and then months hence the weight. It is difficult to deal with, I've had many an argument with myself over head hunger. Somehow when head hunger strikes no point soup just doesnt cut it. Distraction can work though, anything you like doing that would take your mind off eating? Or try the no point munchies. Its suprising how many carrot sticks I can munch of an evening.

Have been waffling on now so am off to make dinner. Hope you feel more positive soon, you can beat the evil head hunger. its only a thought and thoughts cant hurt you unless you act on them. Keep your chin and eveything else up. :D
Hi Vanda
You werent waffling it was nice to listen to someone who knows how I feel.My anxiety stems from my father voilent alcoholic and I know its the past but I think it stays sadly,I think stress management maybe the answer,I also know some foods disagree with me,but like you said the york test is expensive and I cant justify the cost.

Well done on staying up,Im a night person 2am is my usual sleep time then 5 hours later I have to get up an get the kids ready for school lol.......
I know what you mean about wanting to have some egg for sunday lol terribe isnt it but amazing will power we have hey , especially as I was like you had hunger for weeks and months,I must admit I didnt know real hunger or emotional hunger until 2 weeks ago for many years.
Ahh love cats what are yurs called? We have puddy but hes inlove with Rachel my middle daughter ha and he only sleeps with her. Having the girls is hard work but they are my life I tried 8 years for Kirsty my eldest and I have done my part for mankind but it is easier now they are older.
I know what you mean about marriage,I was married too to my ex 10 years together 16 hes an alcoholic too ,my Oh he doesnt want to marry he never has 7 years we have been together July,but I think now Im not sure Marriage is ok for us after wanting to for 5 years ?

Well done on getting your head round the plan and I hope your weekends good :) xx
Hi again

Well 1st night shift over and done with and no more easter egg left :cry:Will have to try and sneak some ww chocolate cake in my points. I seem to be more relaxed once the food has gone. When its in my cupboards its as if it is calling to me - just the reason why I dont usually keep chocs etc in the house. Got up at 4pm this afternoon, so its still early morning for me :)

Sorry to hear of your troubled past and yes I do think that the past can stay with us in ways that are not positive. I did a stress management day at work recently and found it useful. Dont know about you but I do tend to mull things over a tad too much at times which makes me even more stressed. I do like to listen to relaxation cds the ones that talk to you, maybe a bit new age for some but they work for me.

My lovely cats are 12 this year, Molly & Beth both black one short haired and the other long haired. They're sisters and get on most of the time but have the odd tiff.

Do you and oh live together? Interesting what you said about marriage. Part of me would love to get married not the big fancy wedding thing - did that the 1st time, but just a romantic day for me and oh. The other part of me is still scared of failing again and having to go through the trauma of breaking up. So have just decided to chill about things and just try and make me happy - hence the new weight loss positivity. If I'm honest there is part of me that likes the act that I only have to consider me in most of the life decisions I make.

Have a lovely easter. I've got another 3 nights to go before a day off.
Hiya did you have a nice easter?
Ths si my first time on since Thursday,I had to cook for 7 today was stressed lol but it was nice for my girls,they had alot of eggs and some money each,I had 3/4 of an easter egg I had saved 12 points tbh I didnt enjoy it?
I have stuff in the house all the time so have to ignore it,cake chocolate biscuits.
Ah youve had your cats along time ,mine is black too meant to be lucky?lol
Yes stress isnt good I think I need to unwind I had meditation CDs need to use them.
No we dont live together we did for 5 1/2 years I moved out he didnt behave and I wasnt being cheated on on cooking and cleaning for him and doing hose renovation for him and tenants stuff when he can do that.Its been 10 ,months I went through hell when I found out and left but Im better now.

Yeah maybe one day you may decide to marry but I know how you feel.
Easter eggs lol ban em I say well done on sticking to it,hard when theres so much choc about.The girls have 6 - 8 each :( be glad when they have gone but they can only have one every other day.

I had abusy weekend,weigh-in tomorrow good luck to both of us :) xx
Seems like you've had a busy Easter. Don't know how you manage with all the chocs around - well done.

My ex husband didnt understand the meaning of the word fidelity hence the ex. Horrible things break ups but I know now its better to single than with someone who makes you feel bad. I've never been so lonely when married to someone who cheats. Being alone is a lot different to being lonely.

On the happier side have stuck to my points this week even with eating all the easter egg earlier than planned. Was a bit tempted today but resisted, finished the ww choc cake and had some diet pepsi instead - so halos all around.

Hoorah its my last night shift tonight and will be off until Wednesday night.

Good luck for the weigh in tomorrow - mine is delayed until Tuesday cos the school my class is usually in doesnt open on bank holidays. I will be have to drop a point after my weigh in cos will be in the next stone bracket so will enjoy the extra point an extra day.

Am off to work now, have a good evening.
Hi Well done you :D hope your weigh-in is good :)
I lost 3lbs :D,I hit the stone barrier and 5% so good week,have brought some green tea with lemon to try and do it naked :eek: (without milk ) lol
Oh nice few days off for you hope the sun shines its been lovely here for 2 days.

Ive 1/2 term they all go back on the 19th of April so Im hoping to go out walk to the parks and so hope the sun stays out.

Hope you had a good bank holiday :) xx
Big well done on the weight loss you are doing so well. :clap: I have got my weigh in tomorrow so hopefully everything will go well for me too.

Didnt see much of the bank holiday cos was working but I tend to avoid going out so much during the school holidays - too many scary children around ;)

Enjoy the school hols, my mum used to love it when I was off school.

Have a good day tomorrow.
Good luck vanda

Hello :)
Good Luck tomorrow
I do know that a good loss makes me feel happy so dread a bad one :( stupid isnt it ????
I felt really happy today as it was 3lbs as I never have thse losses on ww ,so Im already :confused: for next week?
I need to remember as you said this is not a race.
You know what I mean,we put the effort in and get the result we deserve HAPPY,then we put the effort in and dont get the result we deserve SADDDDD......
I thinjk too many years of yoyoing and I read a post earlier someone said they lost 5 stone on ww a couple of years ago and now they have more to lose than they did then and I thought oh no why did you do it then remembered thats me and I cant face starting over again.
I agree I dont like going out too much when the kids off teens can be so rude and Im firey lol :rolleyes:

I hope your weigh ins great you deserve it and im fingers crossing ;) xx
I'm convinced that yo-yoing is the devil's work :flamingmad: I lost almost 5 stone with sw two years ago. Moved house, changed job and had a car accident in a short space of time and went back to the dreaded comfort eating and never went back to sw. After mum died in November put on 3 stone in two months and ended up heavier than I had ever been.

When I think of how long it is going to take me to lose that 3 stone I am angry with myself :mad:

Every time we do it it seems we gain more weight and get even more demotivated which is why we agreed this was the last time. We cannot put ourselves through this anymore and deserve so much better.

Yes this is not a sprint, and as much as we would love to lose this weight slowly it's not going to happen on this plan. I'm using the time to learn to love myself more, making plans for my future and learning to be a slim person because I will get there - you will too :D

I must remember that if I have a week that is not what I want on the scales it is a set back not a disaster and going off plan and eating more isnt going to help and it will just end up worse. If you do get discouraged get on line and off load on here. It does help - you can and will do it this time. Apart from that we cant afford the gastric band ;)

I'm planning that when I get to goal the money I would have spend on a gastirc band is being spent on me a new me - clothes, hair, nails, face and everywhere else. :D

Will catch up with later, am off to my weigh in later on. Keep smiling :D

Back from weigh in a fab 3.5lbs lighter - hoorah
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Fab well done thats a great weigh-in

Im sorry about your mum Im not surprised you gained the weight,I think maybe we both need to do this for that last journey as its so demoralising isnt it :( ......
I bet your well :D
On the way to 2 stone wheyyy Heyyy xx
Two stone doesnt sound so far away now that the 1st one has gone. And this is def the last time we are going to do this. I am hoping that there will be no set backs along the way, but if I do run into any I am going to give them a good kicking and not comfort eat. This positive thinking malarky can be addictive.

Hows things with you, busy with the children home? Am working nights tonight and for the next two so sleeping and eating at different times. It makes me laugh when I work with people who complain that they cant eat at nights - never seems to stop me. I can eat whatever the time of day.

Have a great day
Two stone doesnt sound so far away now that the 1st one has gone. And this is def the last time we are going to do this. I am hoping that there will be no set backs along the way, but if I do run into any I am going to give them a good kicking and not comfort eat. This positive thinking malarky can be addictive.

Hows things with you, busy with the children home? Am working nights tonight and for the next two so sleeping and eating at different times. It makes me laugh when I work with people who complain that they cant eat at nights - never seems to stop me. I can eat whatever the time of day.

Have a great day

Hi I know Ive been busier with them off havent hardly sat down only on here for a little time try and get replies done then something happens :eek:

Well done you,glad your in a good frameof mind lets hope we can look back in 6 months and laugh at out 1st posts here ....

Kids are ok they get bored so glad the weathers nice,they have 5 weeks back after they go back 19th and have another week off then 6 weeks back then 7 weeks off.......what with teacher training days they seem to be off all the time ?

Hope the nights are okay for you do you have much to do?


Well done on all the weighlosses in this room right now :D xxx

Thanks Vanda always beats me lol :eek: xx
Thanks Vanda always beats me lol :eek: xx

Not deliberately ;)

Hoep all is well with you. Hoorah last night shift tonight so off then until Tuesday afternoon. Cant complain really as all in all has been sort of quiet with not much to do - although it is a struggle to stay awake sometimes.

No plans for the weekend my garden needs a good seeing to so maybe I'll surprise myself and give it a go. Why is it the bright weather always shows what needs doing more. My kitchen windows need a good clean too - maybe I'll just go out then I wont notice.

Have a great weekend am going to watch australias biggest loser while eating my tea. At least now Its home made tuna fish cakes and not fish and chips like I used to :eek:
Hi ahh your tea sound nice and well done on the good choice,I cantwatch the biggest loser programmes :(
Im having a horrible weekend he makes me :cry: so Friday I lost my appatite and only had 10 points and had saved 7 from the week and I had a peak at the scales ystd am it was a big loss then this am it wasnt? how can we lose and gain over night?
Today I just feel a little :( and I feel things will always be as they are with me and him so after 7 years I may have to move on but dont know how :(......

Hope your ok and have a lovely couple of days and stuff the window lol xx
So sorry you are feelin low :hug99: It must be much harder when relationships break down and there are children involved. At least when I split up with my ex we could make a clean break and I didnt have to see him again.

Please try not to get upset. I remember when my ex and I went to relate and the counsellor told me that no one can make you feel anything, you let them, she told me I was responsible for my own feelings. You cannot stop someone doing or saying hurtful things but you can change the way you react. I always tried to remember this and it is not always easy but it has helped.

Again, moving on isnt easy either, the only thing I can say is be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to grieve and take it one day at a time. You are a strong person, you must be to look after your children on your own. Put yourself first sometimes and concentrate on what is best for you and the children. Put the ex out of your mind as often as you can - not easy but it does get easier.

On the weigh in side - stop weighing ev ery day :whoopass: it doesnt help. Our bodies are not machines and weight fluctuates daily whether we want it to or not. The weight did not go on overnight and its not going to come off that way however much we want it to. Lecture over ;)

I did clean the kitchen windows and have not got around to doing the garden but did tidy the shed :)

Try and have a peaceful day :kitty:
Thanks :)
Hes not my ex he wants to stay together but he cant give me full commitment so I erther accept that or move on? Maybe I should just let it be for now until I have my confidence back maybe when I statr college it will be better,I hopefully will meet new people.

I hope you are ok and thanks for being kind xx
Sorry I thought you had split up. But yes you are right you either have to accept what you have right now or move on. A difficult decision to make even if you are feeling confident. relationships can be difficult if you both want different things - but not impossible.

Could you chill and not worry about what happens next with your relationship? When your confidence levels improve you may find it easier to come to a decision that is right for you. I live my life by 'if in doubt, do nowt'.

Whatever happens you will get through it.

Am dashing off to church catch up with you later. :)
Hi you are right I suppose I want wha I cant have and maybe if I could would I? Had another bad thing happen today I have a friend who has really bad depression but is drinking alot on meds so I simply said ts best not to drink if you want to get better,she called me a couple of names ended our friendship and all I said was is best to not drink? I have been here for here for 3-4 years and she threw it away in an hour?

Not my weekend hey lol

I stuck to plan and didnt turn to food so thats something.

How was church? I bet your windows are shiny :) xx
I lost 2.5lbs after a weekend of down up up down scales Im weighing at the same time every week now and thats got to be it as Im going to start to get :cry:
How'd you do? xx