Sojafay Diary

:) End of week 2, weigh in and a nice little 3lbs off, well chuffed.

Read on one of the diaries an idea for using two vases/glasses with glass beads,each one a wee pound.
one has the weight you have to lose and you take from it and put into the other as you lose.
So you watch one go down and the other grow.....
Thats gonna be my buy this week from my junk food money that i no longer spend...

song for today "Rosie" Jackson Browne
Be Happy

:) End of week 2, weigh in and a nice little 3lbs off, well chuffed.

Read on one of the diaries an idea for using two vases/glasses with glass beads,each one a wee pound.
one has the weight you have to lose and you take from it and put into the other as you lose.
So you watch one go down and the other grow.....
Thats gonna be my buy this week from my junk food money that i no longer spend...

song for today "Rosie" Jackson Browne
Be Happy

Ooooh i love this....
Pmsl just thought.......
Dee you've done that well, you would have enough
to use as chips round the garden:)
Found this ....... Have a feelng gonna be a tortoise in this carb life race so want this too look back on and spur me on
When you've eaten too much and you can't write it down,

And you feel like the biggest failure in town.

When you want to give up just because you gave in,

and forget all about being healthy and thin.

So What! You went over your carbs a bit,

It's your next move that counts...So don't you quit!

It's a moment of truth, it's an attitude change.

It's learning the skills to get back in your range.

It's telling yourself, "You've done great up till now.

You can take on this challenge and beat it somehow."

It's part of your journey toward reaching your goal.

You're still gonna make it, just stay in control.

To stumble and fall is not a disgrace,

if you summon the will to get back in the race.

But, often the struggler's, when losing their grip,

Just throw in the towel and continue to slip.

And learn too late when the damage is done,

that the race wasn't over...they still could have won.

Lifestyle change can be awkward and slow,

but facing each challenge will help you grow.

Success is failure turned inside out,

the silver tint in a cloud of doubt.

When you're pushing to the brink, just refuse to submit,

If you bite it, you write it....But don't you quit!
- Author Unknown
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awesome x
Up early to enjoy part of the day as turning into a vampire again for two nights, hoping to increase water intake to combat the dehydration and sluggish bowel....
Noticed yesterday night had the urge for a wee glass of something not to "try to relax with" but to enjoy "being relaxed". Guess when you take all the faff away about shopping, choices, preparing and cooking food leaves you with some good up time for you.....

song for today "Cockney Rebel" - come up and see me an gary barlow youre not a patch on original Cockney
Be Happy
Today spent most of it reading John Bruffa book recommended by Deezer....
Cant put it down, its explaining things and backing things up with evidence that sure helps a lot in understanding a low carb diet and in maintaining after. Also explaining the low fat high carb diet which we struggle with or wouldnt be here.
Lots to make you think.
I know you shouldnt take just one viewpoint as gospel so still looking for more reading material if anyone has recommendations
would be very grateful
Its amazing isn't it!!! SO much of it makes sense....

I'be read up on GI stuff too.... thats all really interesting!!!

One night down one to go......
Have to say feeling awfully weak, dont know if its nights upsetting my routine or the diet but hanging in there.
we'll see when back on days tomorrow

Back in the daylight thank god.....
Well this time i treated night shift as a normal day i had my 3 meal packs during the day and just took my bar with me to have about 2/3 in the morning, loaded up with water at every chance and had breakfast meal before going to bed.
I feel i was able to cope much better than trying to eat through the night.
Weird thing is even with chugging away on water day and night, urine deff becomes concentrated during night hours, turning from straw colour to amber sorry if tmi. Guess the body is using water at night in some way
This week i'm starting to add in a omega 3 fish oil daily along with the multi vit + minerals.
I feel better this week not so hungry but do have to fight off the urge to have something quick in the morning, arguing with myself that its just as easy to make a shake as toast 2 slice of bread.....
Hope everyone is doing well, plan to catch up with diaries when i cant sleep tonight with the jet lag
Be Happy
Well that plan to read diaries last night didn't work i slept right through, i figure from the 24hrs i slept 18 of them just call me Rip Van.....
'm roughly Day 18 now
Not hungry as such but well aware when its time to have something to eat
Cold but not uncomfortably so
A wee bit lethargic can push through it but have to rest after it
So no whoosh of energy yet.......hope its soon want to start doing a little more exercise
Bad Bad breath using tesco sugar free breath spray and more water lol
Clothes def looser, plan to measure inch loss every month

On the whole 80% feeling better 20% downs- energy low, bad breath

song for today "Shelter from the Storm" Bob Dylan
Be Happy

yuk where has our weather gone.....don't mind the cold but rain rain rain arghhhhhh
Was awfully restless yesterday evening kept going into kitchen and opening fridge and cupboards looking for something.
Good job there was nothing there tempting or i would have been talking myself in to having it.
You know that "i'll just have one pringle........ then bloody hell........Who ate that whole tube..... moi......nooooooooooo" moment.
Instead i gave in to a stick of celery chopped up to snack on sighhhh
Thought i was in control but how easy is it to give in gulp.

today i plan to go shopping for resistance weights for my little exercises that i plan to start next week
Hmmmm I remember years ago leotard, leg warmers, jane fonda and going for "the burn" now it'll be leggings Hidey In Jumper and a slow peep of gas.......... (yip i'm that old lol)

Anyway have a good day all on your journey Song for today "Aint no Sunshine" Bill Withers
Be Happy
hope you are feeling in the land of the living now youre up in the day.... whens your next WI? x

i recommend a book called trick and the treat by barry groves, dispells many myths about healthy eating. x
hope you are feeling in the land of the living now youre up in the day.... whens your next WI? x

i recommend a book called trick and the treat by barry groves, dispells many myths about healthy eating. x

Yes Thanks feeling like a day person again.
My next weigh in is tomorrow I weigh on thursdays at work, a crowd of us do,we're all following diff diets but weigh together.
thanks for the book tip i shall look for it paula and get back to you about it, many thanks
How about you, how's the vlcd journey treating you? , good i hope
im good ta... good losses so far on day 3... keep sneaking a peek... just waiting for the ketosis to kick in... not quite there yet i dont think.

just keep pluggin away x
That's three weeks done phew........ drumrollllllllllllllllllllllllllll.........4lbs Yipeee:)
I get to drop 4 glass beads from one of my vases to another, chink, chink, chink, chink.......
I now will have 17 lovely teal blue glass beads to stare at with pride

I am well past my first goal and heading for my second goal Yipeee:)
My treat for this week with my junk food money is proper weights instead of filled water bottles to do my gentle exercises with.

I hope and pray that I can keep going on this plan and see the rewards and please "Big Man" none of life's curve balls to mess this up eh!

Song for today "Simple Things
" Paolo Nutini
Be Happy