Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Thx hun will be interesting to see if it looks the same when I actually see it :)

Job news - got contacted by an agency for a Head of News role this morning, sent my CV through and been shortlisted for interview! I don't want to leave where I am but perhaps it's the bargaining tool I need to get them to pull their finger out re a contract. The new role is just 3 months, leading to a permanent role, but location is good - Russell Square, so I could move to the coast and be at work in 90 minutes. So, pros and this space :D

Shannon has just left - she seems lovely :) Orbit came to her straight away and had a cuddle, so I'm sure she will be well looked after. Really looking forward to the 19th - although I will miss you all!
Great Susie, new job could be just what the doctor ordered.

Aww Orby will be well looked after.

Bet you are looking forward to the 19th it will be here before you know it- woohoo. We'll miss you too Susie, but you can keep up with your minimins app. x
That's amazing to be short listed Susie!! Wow and well done! Would be great to have you in Russell Sq - just down the road from me!!! Yay! Xx

Really pleased Orby likes Shannon! Cxx
oo job sounds good.
don't worry,we'll all be there in sprit,just don't do anything that none of us would
and you'll be fine.
Its all go over here Suze :)
I love getting headhunted for things! Makes me feel superior! lol!
Morning Susie:). Wow exciting news on the job - as always it's all about possibilities:D. Pleased that kitty sitter visit went well - means you can relax about HRH and focus on anticipating fabulous holiday:)
you can keep up with your minimins app. x

How does using apps actually work overseas? I'm trying to avoid the exorbitant data roaming charges...

Morning all

Don't know wha'ts wrong me with me lately, could barely get out of bed yesterday and when the alarm went off at 7 this morning, I swtiched it off and had another hour's kip! Roll on 6pm tonight!!! Maybe it's the weather....meantime it's getting into the 20s in Provence (celsius!) :D
You need to be wifi connected then I think it's ok Sooz... So jealous of Provence... I adore the place and haven't been for yonks! Xxx
No haven't been taking vits for a while, Alps love, so that may be it...

Nothing strenuous is planned for the weekend - bed, books, cooking, wine, tellie :D

OMG I have been busy this morning, one of the Principals of the dance school passed away yesterday so i've been writing copy for all sorts of audiences, posting on the website, tweeting, organising posters....phew!
Afternoon Susie, Sound like my kind of weekend.

Sorry to hear about dance teacher.

It was in the 20' here yesterday, but back to cold and windy today. x
It was 21 degree's in Glasgow yesterday, for at least 5 minutes. Didnt last long tho, its been a bit chilly today! Summer is over! :p
i'm trying to get away...looks like Tenerife maybe next week.
have a great weekend.
Wow busy day! Have a lovely chilled weekend:D

Green monster wants to talk to lainey......
Hello again LadyFelsham. Sadly I don't get to pop in very often, but have just had a little catch up with your diary.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday, all of France is so nice, but their food is TOO nice. Lol.

I remember when I bought my house, it was a nightmare time. I had so many 'has to have' boxes, I didn't think I would ever find any thing. I think you're rather brave looking at such a long commute, but there again, I like my bed and appreciate those extra minutes/hours, just a little too much. :)

Have a great holiday, and happy house hunting.
Morning all

Well, that was a pretty rubbish meeting with the boss yesterday afternoon...I am "indispensable" to the organisation but the budget is shot and he's asked me to go to four days a week; and they want me to stay forever but can't give me an answer on when a contract will be ready.

Will have to do that in the short term - I so love what I do but it's time to get another job. Bugga bugga bum....:(
(((hugs))) sweetie - so frustrating! I know security is really important for you so this doesnt do at all! The upside i can see is to keep doing a job you love while having time to find another good job - with little conflicting loyalty.
Look after yourself and have a good weekend
Thanks Katie, you too.

Feeling really down about it, I've worked my a*se off since I've been there, but that obviously counts for nothing.

I'm going back to bed :(