The big ship sails on the Alli Alli Oh...


So I didn't quite follow my meal plan but I did OK under the circumstances.

I stuck to it up to dinner but we had a disaster at work and I didn't get home until fairly late. As I was going out I didn't have time to cook risotto and ended up having some super noodles that I'd bought to try. I then ended up having 3 g&ts as well as a quarter of a portion of nachos.

Could have been worse - so I'm not beating myself up about it and my night out was so needed.

Today's menu will look very similar to yesterdays so here goes:

B: Yogurt, Banana
S: Fibre plus
L: leftover cous cous salad (2.5)
S: Fruit
D: BNS risotto
S: HEB of nuts

I'll add some more syns in there somewhere as well. Maybe some mini eggs or a bag of walkers baked....choices choices ;)
OMG more lovely food talk I shouldn't be here while on ss LOL LOL

Ali I like your food choice chick.. And Mel is right BEck credit lots of planning ahead.

Have a lovely day x
Hi Alli,

It sounds like you managed well with the spanner in the works at work. Good menu planning, too. So CREDIT!

Question: Do you have to eat the Syns, or are they a nice to have option? Because I think I, personally, would do better to just not have them. I am an "all or nothing" kind of person.

Hi Alli,

It sounds like you managed well with the spanner in the works at work. Good menu planning, too. So CREDIT!

Question: Do you have to eat the Syns, or are they a nice to have option? Because I think I, personally, would do better to just not have them. I am an "all or nothing" kind of person.


You should have 5-15 per day so according to the SW rules you should have at least 5.

It's not like they have to be used on junk though - they can be used of things like butter, mayo, cheese, chutneys etc so can form part of your main meals.

Are you thinking of joining us at some point them MM? ;)
Hi Alli,

I am interested -- but in all honesty -- I wil am sure I will do South Beach for maintenance. I know that it works, and can work for life. it is really just a low (bad) carb, balanced, lean (low fat), more raw foods, etc. way of eating. It is a healthy heart diet designed by a cardiologist for his patients.

DH has lost over 30 pounds since January 2nd. Several men (and ladies) where he works are now using the South Beach diet. They have been seeing and smelling his food every day at lunch and cannot believe that someone can lose that much weight, that fast and eat so well. And, they know he is not working out much, because he is always at work. lol

And, since I am cooking this way for the family and they like it... it will work for all of us.

Alli, I think the Walker's baked crisps are 5 syns, is that right?

MM: You've mentioned the SB diet often - and your husband has lost loads on it - I was wondering why you don't move over to it now? Do you think your losses would be slower than on CD? Or is it just that you've made a plan and are sticking to it?
Alli, I think the Walker's baked crisps are 5 syns, is that right?

MM: You've mentioned the SB diet often - and your husband has lost loads on it - I was wondering why you don't move over to it now? Do you think your losses would be slower than on CD?

Or is it just that you've made a plan and are sticking to it?

Hi Bess,

It is pretty much the latter. I like the simplicity of CD... and in all honestly, I am doing a mixed thing.

My one meal is portion controlled South Beach (which works for CD810/1000) and if they are having pork, then I have my meal at lunch otherwise.

I am fine with porridge in the morning, a bar at lunch, a SB meal and a MAM for dessert.

Once I am at goal and maintaining, I will figure out how to replace the CD or not! lol

Hi Bess,

It is pretty much the latter. I like the simplicity of CD... and in all honestly, I am doing a mixed thing.

My one meal is portion controlled South Beach (which works for CD810/1000) and if they are having pork, then I have my meal at lunch otherwise.

I am fine with porridge in the morning, a bar at lunch, a SB meal and a MAM for dessert.

Once I am at goal and maintaining, I will figure out how to replace the CD or not! lol


Looks like you are doing great to me and the thing is with plans like ours, whatever they are, hopefully we should find maintaining easier! x:)
Bloody nightmare at work this week so little time to plan or even think.

today I'm having:

B: Chocolate weetabix :) (2)
L: Veg Sushi (1/2), fruit
S: Fibre Plus
D: Not sure but probably veg stirfry with cashews (HEB).
S: Fruit salad and glass of wine (4)

Am taking DD to a friend's house tonight to babysit so will no doubt be offered wine and choccies. Will leave the chocolate but suspect I'll need the wine after putting 4 kids under the age of 7 to bed... ;)
Bloody nightmare at work this week so little time to plan or even think.

today I'm having:

B: Chocolate weetabix :) (2)
L: Veg Sushi (1/2), fruit
S: Fibre Plus
D: Not sure but probably veg stirfry with cashews (HEB).
S: Fruit salad and glass of wine (4)

Am taking DD to a friend's house tonight to babysit so will no doubt be offered wine and choccies. Will leave the chocolate but suspect I'll need the wine after putting 4 kids under the age of 7 to bed... ;)
Food sounds good Alli......the wine even better lol.

I am taking Jess out to the local pub to have a couple of glasses of wine in the pub garden tonight. I haven't been out for months and her and I haven't had a night out together for a long time. She is really down at the moment, so will do us both good. I don't have 4 young children as an excuse I'm afraid.....just the need to have some alcohol :D:D xx
Look at you Chels. Doing your part to help the local economy. I suppose you are aware that locals are closing at an incredible rate, and you are doing what you can to help out! Well done! ;)
Bloody nightmare at work this week so little time to plan or even think.

today I'm having:

B: Chocolate weetabix :) (2)
L: Veg Sushi (1/2), fruit
S: Fibre Plus
D: Not sure but probably veg stirfry with cashews (HEB).
S: Fruit salad and glass of wine (4)

Am taking DD to a friend's house tonight to babysit so will no doubt be offered wine and choccies. Will leave the chocolate but suspect I'll need the wine after putting 4 kids under the age of 7 to bed... ;)

:eek: :faint2:

Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend Alli. xx
The kids are finally asleep - OMG the 3 year old boy was a nightmare :). Every time I put him to bed he got back up again - no amount of telling off helped. I then decided to sit with him and he proceeded to slowly and deliberately throw all his teddies and bed linen out of his bed. In the end it seemed as if he was settling down and I started on the girls. After giving up on the idea of having them all in a double bed I separated out the youngest one (the trouble maker) and left the two older girls whispering and giggling. I stood on the landing for 5 minutes and it was quiet (bar the whispering). I punched the air in relief and went downstairs to have a glass of wine. When I got to the kitchen I found the little brat (the boy) sat on the kitchen floor eating ice cream :D. Honestly - I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Luckily he fell asleep quickly after that and I can now relax for half hour or so until I can go home.

I'm so not having any more kids ;)
Morning all!

It's a lovely sunny day here in Kent and everything would be great if I hadn't been woken up by the puppy at 5.30! Oh well - it's all forgotten when I see that wriggly bottom so happy to see me :D

I'm having a red day today in the hope that it will help the scales be kind to me on Monday. I put the scales away on Tuesday or Wednesday when I saw that I had lost the lbs that I put on last week but I'm not sure how I've done since then...I know I've had a few flexis and a few meals where I've had to make the best of a situation as work's been so busy and I haven't had much time to plan / shop.

So, my menu for today will be:

B: Bacon, boiled egg and tomato in pitta bread (HEB)
S: Clementines
L: Ham and cheese (HEA) Omelette with green beens
S: Fruit of some kind (need to buy some first)
D: BBQ - Peppered beef steaks and pork grills with salad and pitta

I'm not sure what to have for pudding - might get a meringue nest and top it with raspberries and vanilla yogurt - think that's 2 syns.

I also have a Dime bar waiting to be eaten so might have that as well at 7.5 syns....all depends on if I want a glass of wine with BBQ :)

Decisions decisions!

Right - I need to get ready to go and have my hair cut! Have a great day everyone!
The kids are finally asleep - OMG the 3 year old boy was a nightmare :). Every time I put him to bed he got back up again - no amount of telling off helped. I then decided to sit with him and he proceeded to slowly and deliberately throw all his teddies and bed linen out of his bed. In the end it seemed as if he was settling down and I started on the girls. After giving up on the idea of having them all in a double bed I separated out the youngest one (the trouble maker) and left the two older girls whispering and giggling. I stood on the landing for 5 minutes and it was quiet (bar the whispering). I punched the air in relief and went downstairs to have a glass of wine. When I got to the kitchen I found the little brat (the boy) sat on the kitchen floor eating ice cream :D. Honestly - I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Luckily he fell asleep quickly after that and I can now relax for half hour or so until I can go home.

I'm so not having any more kids ;)

Oh, poor you, my idea of the evening from Hell. I was often asked to babysit or look after friend's children and always did, but really didn't like it at all. My own were a doddle, well I knew how they would behave and didn't worry nearly so much about them getting hurt, or when they did, but I was always so anxious about having other children to look after.
I can remember one 'friend' asking me to care for her 6 week old baby for a couple of hours while she went hunting, she'd already got the midwife to ring me while she was in labour ( her OH was a wimp) t to go and hold her hand, so I saw in glorious technicolour, a forceps delivery - from the wrong end and I was 4 months pregnant. So still pregnant and with a 4 and a 3 year old of my own, this fiend (!) left me her baby and one bottle of ribena. :eek: It was a breast fed baby. Writing this now, I can't believe I was so unassertive, what a wimp! The poor babe slept for an hour and screamed for another before falling asleep again, her mother turned up 4 hours later!
She asked me to be the baby's godmother but by then the writing was on the wall and I realised that I'd end up with an unwelcome semi permanent foster child so politely declined another (godchild). A narrow escape I feel. Oddly enough I haven't seen her for years!

The menu today looks good Alli, I love dime bars! mmmmm........... xx
Bess - I'm with you on the babysitting other people's children - I really don't like it! Still I live to tell the tale ;)

My day went to pot really...

My actual menu was something like this:

B: Yogurt, bacon sandwich (HEB + 1 for ketchup)
L: Banana, bag of crisps (9), biscuit (4)
D: BBQ meats and salad
S: Clementines, sugar free jelly, glass of wine (6)

So far too many syns. We were shopping (not fun shopping - DIY shopping) and ended up in an industrial estate realising that it was several hours past lunch time and we were all starving. We found a petrol station and with my halo still firmly attached I bought some bananas. DH and the kids bought crisps, sandwiches, fruit and biscuits. Well, as you will have deduced from my menu I succumbed to a bag of crisps and a biccie. I really shouldn't have the glass of wine tonight now but...

On the other hand we walked the dogs for 2 hours up and down hills late afternoon so I've had plenty of exercise.

The Dime bar will have to wait until tomorrow :)
Good morning Ali.. peppered beef steaks sound lush lush lol where are they from?

how many of glasses did u have then? i will be tispy tomorrow at my friends wedding tomorrow.. can't wait lol

happy sunday hun x
Hi Alli,

I always used to refer to babysitting as the best form of birth control!!!

It sounds like you are making reasonable accomodations for any alterations in your plan. Good job!

4lbs off this morning - so that's the 3lbs I put on last week + a new lb :)

No time to post diary but just wanted to get my great news out there :D
Congrats Alli,

SW is working well for you!
