WAHOO another compliment, wow they are flowing now.....!

well I had to larf as no sooner had she said that (in front of deb and anna) then she went on bout herself for about 10 mins...lol.
I hope I dont get obsessed about myself when I have lost my weight.
u wont mate. do u mean she went on about the weight she lost or just talking about herself in general?
yeh ....lol. sha said a bit bout me then went on and on about her loss, everytime we see her its weight this weight that......really annoying, think i will have to keep on bout how much i have lost next time and not give her a chance....lol.
i had no idea! shes never talks about her weight with me...well not in the couple of years since we were doing SW. mind u, i dont think she or anyone else knows i am doing CD. except u and lucky, of course :D

some people dont like the limelight taken from them and trying to with u is a bit daft cos cant really over shadow ur loss! uve done so much!
im due on so anything is possible!!! most likely gonna curl up in bed with a good book after eastenders though and play the rest by ear :)

what about you??
OMG I have been so distracted these last couple of days !! I was LMAO at these little comments , Karen , since us 3 doing SW the comments about weight with C has been unreal , i love her to bits and stuff but things have changed so much and there is always the comments about 'look how skinny my legs are' !!!! Cant wait till im up there in my size 14's to show off my slim legs !!!
Sonkie you will not get over obsesed when you are at target , because you are down to earth and are doing this for you and not so everyone else can look at ur perfect ...or not so perfect bits !!!!
As we know just because the clothes are looking ok'ish whats underneath can still be a shock !!!! LOL
Any way ...i did laugh !!!
Isnt it weird how people can get such different prospectives? i would never have seen her as being so insecure as to be threatened by others successes?

i really like C and have never seen her being like that but at the same time...i remember seeing her after my party and commenting on how much weight her hubby has lost. she didnt look comfortable discussing it and turned it to the weight she has lost instead. Ive mentioned how well she looks and stuff plenty of times and shes happy to take the compliment but she doesnt usually carry it on. maybe thats because i have commented first and that has been enough?

i cant understand why people take other peoples successes as a personal jibe tho??? I mean...sonkie has done amazingly and i do wish i had lost as much as she has BUT i didnt start at the same time as her, i took the breaks for xmas and birthday and therefore i just havent put in the time and effort that sonkie has. thats my tough luck! it doesnt take away one iota of what sonkie has managed to do! i dont understand why people begrudge giving the compliment or encouragement. unreal!!
I dont understand it either hun , we all want to loose weight for different reasons and its our own personal choice how we do it , having suportive friends helps so much .
People are strange !!!!
You have done really well too , even thou you had the breaks its the choice you mad to make it easier for you and your family , much better i think to take the decision and then get back on track on the day u set yourself .
I take my hat offto u for getting back on track so quickly too .
God help the guys in town or Bath when we are let loose hey !!!!!
i am chuffed i have managed to get back on track and thank you for the support. as u say, we r all doing this and it doesnt matter how it happens, we should still all be there for eachother!

i definately dont think sonkie will become self absorbed. u can tell cos she finds it impossible to take a compliment, let alone blow her own trumpet! i feel that way too and i dunno if its the same for sonya but for me it is a confidence thing (of lack of it) hehe.

i do hope she does flaunt it a bit at the school tho cos there are some pretty clicky people up there and it would be nice to see her rub their noses in it a bit. im inclined to say u need to feel sorry for people who r so insecure that they cant handle someone else having a success but at the same time...sod it! sonya has earned it. if sonkie wont blow her own trumpet, im sure we can do it for her and shame them all a bit lol.

i havent seen u for a couple of weeks so i bet u would ruffle some feathers in ur 14s :D u r lucky cos u have good proportion but great knockers so u will look fab in everything LOL

im looking forward to going to bath. god help them all!!
Bath is gonna be great , i already have asked the ex to have the kids LOL
Although the git hasnt said yes or no yet !!
As for a great pair !! ha ha Have u seen ur birthday pics LOL
Right i better go and get sorted for the cinema haha im taking me water lol
OMG I was LMAO at these little comments , Karen , since us 3 doing SW the comments about weight with C has been unreal , i love her to bits and stuff but things have changed so much and there is always the comments about 'look how skinny my legs are' !!!! Cant wait till im up there in my size 14's to show off my slim legs !!!

Hee hee see what I mean ....lol.
well at first aid course, bloke taking it asked all the skinny girls to assist with slings etc...when it came to the recovery position I was called to lay on the floor, well after showing how to do it he commented on a girl who couldnt weigh more than 8 stone doing this move on a 23 stone woman......you use the persons body weight to aid moving them, cheeky f****r I knew what he meant and so did every one else in the group.

Then someone asked how do you know when you can give compressions to someone with 1 hand or 2......well he pointed to stick insect and said you could get away with using 1 hand on her, then looked at me and said you would definately need to use 2 hands on her......welll I kept my cool...but I could have slapped him there and then.
Well if this bloke picks on me again this saturday I am gonna give him a piece of my mind, Im not gonna stand for this sizeist idiot again.
insensitve moron. u'd think he would at least pull u aside before the sessions and ask if u mind him using u as an example...then u dont have to feel picked on.

i suggest that next week u use him as an example of what damage a big girl can do to a stupid mans health and safety :D
Well how long have I been on this diet...... yesterday and today my oh actually complimented me and thinks I look a lot slimmer this week .....?
OH MY GOD!!! :eek:

Knock that guy out Son, bandage his head so he looks really stupid (maybe add an eye patch) and pretend you thought it was part of the training. what an ARSE!!! can I say arse? grrrr xxx
Sonkie it mayb harder for your OH as he sees you everyday. My boss gave me a compliment today as i havent been in the office since last week. I had a party last night and seen friends i havent seen since Dec and nobody said owt.

Good for you if you have to have words on sat as i would suffer in silence