Wii EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge

yeah defo join in emmaa
i'm sure if we all keep posting and encouraging each other we will defo do this challenge with easy.

i did kettle bells today at work loved it.
was i sweating :D

Hey everyone, can I join in too? I started the 30 day challenge on EA Sports Active last Thursday, so I'm on to my fourth exercise session today after having a rest day on Saturday. I thought I'd quickly post here before I go on the Wii, so I'll post my stats and such later on :) x
Thanks for the PM boost the other day :)

I have totally failed my 30 day challenge - I only did 2 sessions! LOL! But I started again tonight with a 30 minute, 180cal work out. Back on it.
nice one helliecopter!!

keep posting ladie!!!

lets get a nice little support group going between us all.
as long as we keep moving it's better that doing nothing.
i am starting to love working out again.
and it all started off with this challenge.
ok i don't do the work outs everyday but i work out and add it to the diary.
i can feel my body getting stronger and my posture has improved, so i'm happy!!!!
hey girls i just thought of an extra idea, but it will involve a cost of about £3.
why don't we all get pedometres to and on our training days make sure that we step at the 10000 steps that is recommended? or what ever goal we can set as a goup.
if you think this idea is poo, no problem but though i would run this by you guys as an idea.
so we can see just how much we actually move in a day.

so what do you think???
I have a pedometer in my bedside drawer! I've never been able to calibrate it properly! When I used to drive alot with my job it used to count me changing gear!
h aha haaa , get it out get your mate or husband on the job to make it work propperly, and lets get stepping.
I've already got one as well!

There's an old fella at our class who's joined a walking group. He's got himself a pedometer that he straps to his sock (don't ask me?!?!) and he said it counts when he drives and changes gear, and that counts as a movement. Well, I had to laugh! I think I upset him a bit, he was so proud that he was getting around 8000 steps I day. I tried to explain why - because you could drive round all day and clock up a few thousand 'steps' with a gear change...but not have walked more than 30 paces from home to car and back! He was adamant it all counted!

Anyway, thanks for the Wii Active boost! I did high intensity and am rather achey today. A LOT of squats and lunges, and the inline skating crouching with the jumps was a killer...but my thighs will thank me (as the trainer kept reminding me!)
Hey all, I did my 4th training session yesterday. I'm sticking to low intensity at the minute because I'm mega unfit, but even on the low intensity setting I'm still sweating buckets by the end of it! I know it's a good sign though lol. I burned off 160 calories in about 17 minutes yesterday, and I'm really starting to enjoy it! I've got the Wii Fit as well so I'm doing the muscle building and aerobics workouts on there as well as the EA Sports Active workout, and I'm aching all over! x
Well done Emma!

OMG! Well it arrived today! So I set it all up and did my first day. I was sweating buckets after the first 2 mins! It really is in a different league to the others isn't it? My legs feel like they don't belong to me with all that squatting, lunges and in line skating jumps! But I have a real talent for the boxing! I only did 22 mins and 120 cals but I've got a real high!
I love the boxing on it, and I'm even getting in to the running now, I used to hate it, but it's growing on me! Probably because I'm finding it easier and not getting out of breath as much. I can't seem to get as low down on the ground with the lunges as the trainer does, but hopefully that'll improve. I'm on to jumping lunges and jumping squats now, and they're really tough! I can't manage them yet lol. I've let it pretty late today cause I've been busy and I've been at work as well, so I'll not have time to do my daily workout until Big Brother's finished at 10pm lol x
Rest day today and god did I need it! Yesterdays workout was a mix of the lunges, inline skate jumps and side to side jumps...they were hard! I didn't think I would carry on missing it on the rest days! lol
I've just done my 5th workout, it took 17 minutes and burned 135 calories. It focussed on my upper body, so it was mostly the shoulder raises and a lot of boxing, with the inline skating and side lunges with toe touches and alternating lunges with high knees or something to that effect! Lol, it was tough, but I'm glad it's over and done with now. I didn't realise until I'd finished that I'd done three days in a row instead of two, so I'll definitely be having a rest day tomorrow! Maybe just a few aerobic exercises on the Wii Fit and that'll be it for me apart from a good old shopping spree with my brother and sister-in-law(to be) lol x
Oh I am so glad I found this forum and also a thread about EA Active sports!

Today I will do my 7th workout day of my 30 day challenge.
I find that I dont get bored and that I actually break a sweat.
However I keep wondering if it will really make me fit? I think that because I am having so much fun with it that it wont do me any good. Does it make sense?
I understand what you mean Typa, it is a lot of fun so it makes me wonder if it'll actually work, but my way of thinking is that anything that gets me sweating has to have some impact on my fitness! Doing a 20 minute workout is much better than just sitting watching TV, so it has to help to some extent.
hi guys
i did start a long reply yesterday, saying how fantastic you all are, and to keep up the good work, ibut i missplaced my plug for the lap top and the battery went , and i then went to bed.
but i want to say again that i think you are all doing fantastic, and to keep it up... you guys spur me on to work out everyday.
welcome typa!!!

and yesterday i did 20 mins on the rower in my lunch time and 10 mins kettle bells
today i have taken it a little easy and done 30 mins abs class.

all i can say is my a*s, thighs, calfs, core, back muscles, are defo there i can feel every one ha haaaaa, but it feels GREAT!!!
I had WI yesterday and then dad came over for dinner, so yesterday turned into a rest day. However, I got out for a walk at lunchtime today and then had a really good swim for half an hour. Must remember to stick that info in my journal thingy.

Good workouts everyone. Like reading it all - keep it up!
Thanks for the welcome Tryer!

Did my 7th day today and I am glad I did it. I am doing medium intensity and I am starting to find it easy.. shall I change it to Hard??
I really cannot get over how much I enjoy doing it! And I actually get sad when it is my rest day (tomorrow) I feel like I am being lazy if I do a rest day!!!!
I think I may regret it tomorrow! I could feel my quads and adductors this morning, but non the less did my second day. 146 cals in 20 mins. 3 pints of sweat! My glasses nearly floated off my nose at one point! I find the upper body work quite easy as I'm strong with my job, but the never ending lunges and kick backs and running! I sat down to cool off and I've just hobbled across to the computer like a little old woman! My legs are seizing up as we speak! Thank goodness it's a rest day tomorrow! :eek:
I'm now halfway through the challenge! Whats amazed me the most with this is that it has really got me motivated! It showed me the halfway video when i'd finished, said that its going to get harder from now on! Not sure if i'm looking forward to that though lol
[SIZE=3 said:
! It showed me the halfway video when i'd finished, said that its going to get harder from now on! Not sure if i'm looking forward to that though lol[/SIZE]

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Oh hell!