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  1. P

    XLS Medical

    Hi all, I had these (but a diferent brand name) on prescription when i was severely obese and actually stopped taking them... This is a bit graphic but as it binds the fat in your diet, it literally comes out as fat! I felt a sudden urgency to get to the loo no matter when or where I was, and...
  2. P

    Starting next week!

    What is S&S Caz? How are you getting on? :)
  3. P

    Long time no post... but I have some news :)

    How are you doing sididd?! :) x
  4. P

    Long time no post... but I have some news :)

    Bonkers you will definitely get there!! I am not an inspiration, i am jist proof that Dukan works... and that it can work for anyone! :) Everyone is so fed up of me preaching Dukan at them! I have a massive speech that i give to everyone about how everyone believes that it is fat that makes you...
  5. P


    I plan to follow the schedule as far as my health allows :) I really want to tone up after losing 80+lbs in the last year! How about you? :)
  6. P

    Long time no post... but I have some news :)

    Hi all! So very very long time no post! I had quite a hard 2nd half of 2013. As some of you will know (if you remember me) i started Dukan on 12/12/12. Yes, just two weeks before Christmas! However, i stuck by it religiously for 6months and had lost 57lbs :) good- but not yet tw. I went on hols...
  7. P


    I love my fitbit. Only started a month ago but love love love it! :) Mine is the fitbit one and it tracks steps (i also used another pedometer at the same time for the first two weeks to track accuracy- within 14 steps of each other!), intensity of exercise, how long you have sat still, length...
  8. P


    Has anyone done this program?! Looks intense but also looks so worth it! :)
  9. P

    Two years today!!!

    Well done! Such an encouragement. My mum weighed 7 stone when she got married- i bet your body feels much better for it?! Were all so proud *minimins group hug*
  10. P


    The calorie burn may well be correct if it has accounted for your basal metabolic rate which is the rate at which your body burns calories in order just to survive. . . I.e for your body to breathe and organs to work etc. The fitter you are, the more muscle you have, the higher your basal...
  11. P

    Attack over 3stone gone now back to attack. . .

    Yes. Worked well for me, though i understand iy may not for everyone. Was on hols last week amd put on 1.5lb. . . Although i didnt plan to go on attack again. . . I felt i needed a detox rather than for the weightloss so to me this lot of attack would be a bonus if anything was lost. . . Still...
  12. P

    TRUE WEIGHT ANYONE? ..................... YEP!!!

    so so so pleased!!! You have done amazingly well and been such an amazing help to everyone through their jouneys too! Well done! :) xx
  13. P

    Attack over 3stone gone now back to attack. . .

    Thanks dnsf :) only planning 3 days (when i recalculated it on the website to see what it would be if i had started the diet at this weight it says 3 days attack... so at least its not too long. My initial attack was 10days :/ I take multi vits and iron anyway as i struggle with lack of certain...
  14. P

    Attack over 3stone gone now back to attack. . .

    Re-read the book again and found (on pg 100) that Dr Dukan has written out exactly whatvhas happened for me on my diet. Lost 12lbs within 3 weeks then almost 45lbs within 6months. Then the idea from during the chapter is plateau stagnate etc weightloss.This is me down to a T!! So reading on, i...
  15. P

    Consolidation Anyone still lost weight on conso. . ?

    I dont think i phrased what i meant very well :) I am planning to stay on cruise for deffo until i hit my target. . . My question is more that i feel that 11.5stone (although its the weight dr dukan said is my true weight) may still be too big and i want to lose some more. I would like to be...
  16. P

    Consolidation Anyone still lost weight on conso. . ?

    Hi I am a stone away and about 6 weeks away from target weight (set by Dr Dukan). I am just wondering if anyone has lost more weight during conso? I want to weugh less than Dr D's true weught for me (would still make me 11.5stone). Worth moving to conso or staying on cruise til im happy? Any...
  17. P

    Just an update and a bit of good news :-)

    News :) weighed this morni g and loat 1lb. Not much for a 2week+ plataeu! But it'a started to shift! :)
  18. P

    Just an update and a bit of good news :-)

    Nope. Exactly the same :( bleurgh! But havent lost motivation yet. Determind to still meet target weight!! Thanks for remembering :)
  19. P

    Just an update and a bit of good news :-)

    Love the way we know each others stories- makes it feel like our own community/little village. Its lovely. Thanks guys for your support. Its weigh in day tomorrow so shall see if any difference. Hoping to pick up exercise soon too as i said so will update when things get a-shifting!!
  20. P

    Just an update and a bit of good news :-)

    Weightloss has stalled. Been 179.6lbs for over a week now :/ however im persevering as im just about a stone and a half away (sounds loads but i've done that twice over!) Was expecting it to slow down this last 8weeks or so. But also bot si much exercise as have been ill and too light headed to...
  21. P

    Attack Bacon yes or no?

    Weightwatchers and Morrisons NuMe bacon are both fat reduced bacon- which taste normal. Personally thia doesnt affect my weightloss at all and is nice now and again to change things up a bit :-)
  22. P

    Just an update and a bit of good news :-)

    Whoop whoop weighed today and under 13st :-) 12 st 13lb :-D yay! Getting there. My june target seems viable! X
  23. P

    How often do you weigh

    A new article in this weeks paper says that a study of people weighing in daily vs weekly found that daily weighers lost more weight. . . Presumably being because they were more aware of how things were going?
  24. P

    Attack Bacon yes or no?

    In the Dukan book it says you can have fat reduced bacon :-) hope this helps :-)
  25. P

    Just an update and a bit of good news :-)

    Thanks guys :-) To any of you just starting KEEP AT IT! I never thought id stick it through- but my goodness am i glad i have. Thanks everyone for your encouragement- most people in my life dont seem to realise what a big deal these things are to me :-\ Can always rely on you for support :-)
  26. P

    Just an update and a bit of good news :-)

    So although i have had lots of little milestones/achievements along the way, today was possibly the best. Today i wore a pair of size 14 skinny jeans! First time in about 7 years. To think that, just before Christmas when i started this diet (12th Decemeber-yes i was that stupid), i was in a...
  27. P

    help on nutrional value

    Yes. True! Didnt think of it that way. I guess i just mean things like sugar free sweets etc that i havent looked at before :-) thanks :-) x
  28. P

    help on nutrional value

    Just a quick question. When we look at the nutritional value of food (specifically at carbs) do we look at the amount of carbs or the amount of carbs which sugar?! Thanks in advance!
  29. P

    Just checking in

    However, on the positive side- your post tells me that you are a lot stronger than you think :-) Although you emphasise that you jumped straight back to old habits once the band was out- this means you restricted your food when the band was in. . . I know that is the purpose of them, but if...
  30. P

    Oat bran makes me feel sluggish

    I felt this at the beginning but my body has got used to it. The message i have got it that it is a must (the main source of fibre). Dr Dukan says that his diet is like a prescription and everything he 'prescribes' is for a purpose. . . Including the oat bran im afraid! :-(
  31. P

    Attack My Dukan diet

    Yes- Dr Dukan in his book actually says he encourages low calorie soda drinks (1 calorie) diet coke, coke zero etc to make sure people drink enough. I think the one thing to keep in mind on this diet is that if your weight doesnt go doen or you stall at any point, assess the extras (i.e the diet...
  32. P

    A website that has been a lifesaver at times!

    Yes. Luckily one thing this diet has tought me is willpower. And now when having a sweet or two i always remember i lasted 3 months without and they are there next time- that i dont need to eat all at once! Now. . . If they were to make sugar, carb and fat free ice cream, i doubt my willpower...
  33. P

    A website that has been a lifesaver at times!

    I havent yet once on Dukan broken the diet. I am 4lbs off being two thirds to my target weight :-) But i have often, in a moment of craving, needed something to calm the urge of wanting to stuff my face. Have often had a couple of bits from here (They even sell the sheryaki noodles at a...
  34. P

    motivational bracelet :-)

    Just thought i'd share what i have been doing to keep up motivation. . . To show where ive come from, the journey im going through, and where im at and where i never want to go back :-) hope the picture attches ok! Weight loss journey bracelet :-) Caterpillar - the beginning of the journey...
  35. P

    Are Sugarfree Werther Originals allowed?

    I eat sugar free worthers. Not loads- but whem i need a sweet fix! It hasn't hindered my weightloss at all. :-) Sorry cant tell you if they are or arent allowed :-) x
  36. P

    Walden Farms

    Some of these look delucioys and sound ok. . . But sounds too good to be true, dont you think?? :-D
  37. P

    Dikan friendly coco powder

    Dukan nutella? ? Please tell me how to make this?!?!
  38. P

    Gym - frusrated!!!

    Hey. Im on Cruise and since January have been gymming 2-4 times a week. I have not had the loss that most people have - and sometimes i o ly lose 1lb. However, i dont just weigh, i also measure my body and going to the gym i have lost more than 22 inches. The Dukan book does state that if...
  39. P

    Never give up this diet is the only one that works !!!!!!!!!

    Well done! Its great to hear these stories! Fab work! Don't be worried about Conso. . . If you stick to it as described you shouldnt put on weight- we hhve trusted dr dukan this far, why not through Conso? :-) i am hoping to start conso in June so feel a bit away but still within the forseeable...
  40. P

    Sneaking in......

    I think it's definitely do-able. :-) stick with it :-)
  41. P

    may be a little tmi but getting down :-(

    Thank you all so much for being sounderstanding and lovely. All of you on this forum are the backbone of my diet- and i feel so much more comfortable talking on here than to anyone in 'real' life :-) So hope next year i feel comfortable and well enough to come to the Dukan meet xxx
  42. P

    may be a little tmi but getting down :-(

    Hey all Dont get me wrong, i am loving losing weight, getting fitter and all the other positives. I feel im winning the battle slowly but surely. However, afer gyming 4 times a week and losing weight with Dukan i have awfully saggy boobs that are just wrinkly and covered in loose skin. Its...
  43. P

    Urine analysis strips

    Thanks everyone. :-) i dont think i will invest. Haha
  44. P

    Urine analysis strips

    Does anyone use keytone strips to check they are staying on track/if what they are eating is as low carb as pos/ are continuing in ketosis?? If yes, when and how often do you use them? Any advice would be greatful X
  45. P

    re read dr dukans book and found some helpful/intersting info.

    Hey all. Just thought i would share this as i know tjere have been lots of conversations about plateau-ing and wanting faster loss etc etc. Well i started reading the bool again and pgs 98-102 answer alot of these questions. For example he says you can do periods of pp and then periods of pv...
  46. P

    What Changes Have You Noticed?

    Thanks Dukannotsofatty. I have never been one for photographs, but luckily before i started dukan i got my mum to do some photos of me in undies (i bet it gave her nightmares!haha) so will check back on them :-)
  47. P

    OFF TOPIC - what do we all do?!

    I am currently a student with the Open Uni doing BSc Criminology and Psychology. Not being able to work at the moment, i felt i should do a degree at home so that when things improve i may stand in better stead for applying for a job. Also, after being on some meds and going from a size 14 to a...
  48. P

    A Top Tip for Portion Sizes

    In my book and a leaflet i have Dr Dukan does not restrict the amount of sugar free fizzy drinks :-) I have sts for a while but have been having sf fizzy drinks daily since day 1 and when i cut them out for a week there was no difference. Hope this helps
  49. P

    What Changes Have You Noticed?

    I would love to be able to write something i have notuced on this thread- but i cant. I havent noticed a thing. However absolutely everyone has commented how different i look. . . Why cant i see it myself?!
  50. P

    Quick question about weight sts. .

    Thats not controversial, if i didnt want peoples opinions i wiuldnt have asked :-) Its worth waiting i think. . . Patience isnt my middle name but maybe i should wait a bit before trying that to see if my weight shifts anymore :-) thanks all.
  51. P

    Quick question about weight sts. .

    Thanks. Didnt want to do anything wrong and it seemed an okay idea, but thought it was best to check! :-)
  52. P

    Quick question about weight sts. .

    Just wondering if anyone does a few pp days to kick start their weightloss again after it has sts for a while? If yes, did it work? Thanks :-)
  53. P

    cauliflower rice on the one show :-)

    As above. . . The one show have just shown the presenter making this :-) p.s it is delicious.
  54. P

    Cheese flavouring

    Anyone got any advice on whetjer we can use cheese flavouring? Powdered or liquid? Any specific nutrional info to look out for? Thanks.
  55. P

    Anyone else taking Orlistat/Xenical too?

    I was taking it last year, but even when i ate just porridge, chicken, salad and fat free yoghurt i still had orange 'squit' as i called it. I had a constant need for the toilet and leakage. I have done much better weightloss now i am on thia diet and it hasnt had those effects. However, i know...
  56. P

    things must be getting serious!

    I had lasange made with courgette strips instead of pasta and a little bit of extra light laughing cow cheese. IT FELT SO NAUGHTY! I must be taking the diet serious now... I never would have felt naughty eating anything like that before! Hehe.
  57. P

    olive oil

    Thanks. Its great to know :-) Good idea about poaching plain fillets... Will give it ago :-)
  58. P

    olive oil

    Hi... Just been looking at some fish meal ideas... Alot of meals with fish (cod) use olive oil to help marinade/keep the fish moist. Have been looking for a fish meal to keep in the freezer for a 'quick' meal if i am busy. The birds eye bake to perfections look nice but have olive oil in too...
  59. P


    I own a powerplate. 10mins on it is like an hour in the gym. Dont forget to drink lots of water tho. I dont know if it helped me lose weight, but when i use it i lose inches... Going to start again now can get it back out because the Christmas tree took its place over Christmas. It has...
  60. P

    Holland and Barrett - Oat Bran is BOGOHP!

    Hi. I did 7 days attack. I have lost consistantly apart from when i first went on to cruise i put on 0.2 lbs.... However this was my fault for weighing myself everyday. By the end of first cruise week i had lost 3lb. I have now lost a stone and going strong :-)
  61. P

    Hey. Just saying 'Hi, im a newbie' :)

    Hey everyone. I have lost a stone and started at the gym this week. Will be doing that twice per week so hope this helps me. Really pleased so far a stone in less than a month is great. Its amazing how Dukan is my normal life now :-) I dont think twice when people go to the fish and chip shop...
  62. P

    What yoghurts are allowed exactly...?

    Hi, i have seen in some of the recipes that there is toffee muller light as an ingredient. I had the impression I could only eat fat free natural or greek yoghurt and sweeten to taste? However, I realise that muller lights are fat free but when I look at the sugar it blew me away. . . does this...
  63. P

    can anyone explain tolereteds to me please?

    Thanks guys... Yes i didnt recall seeing them in the book :-) shall have a look. Greatly appreciated!
  64. P

    can anyone explain tolereteds to me please?

    As it says in the title really... What are they? How many are allowed? Is there any general rules surrounding them? I am just wondering as i have been dukaning for 3weeks and worried i may be going wrong! Thhnks :-) Petal
  65. P

    Holland and Barrett - Oat Bran is BOGOHP!

    Mmmm, i donn think they are 'nice'. Certainly when i first had them i didnt anyway. They are quite dry. However now i hhve them with a glass of skimmed milk and now they are not so dry and i can taste the flavour i have a small packet of three in my bag for emergancies when going out and about...
  66. P

    Soup recipe for PP and snack ideas?

    Hi all. I find on a PV day i am absolutley fine but on PP days i stroll around the kitchen looking for lunch ideas. I love the soup (butternut squash) that i hhve on PV but i would like a soup recipe for PP as i would be quite happy with soup everyday but alternate flavours... Any ideas...
  67. P

    Feeling rubbish... any motivational ideas??

    Hi. I started Dukan on 12/12/12. Have stuck to it ridgedly right over Christmas too. I have never eaten so little on Christmas day (oat bran porridge, small amount of fat redced bacon, turkey and veggies for Christmas dinner). My rationale was if i can do it over Christmas whilst all that...
  68. P

    Put on weight kow i am on the cruise phase???

    Thanks for that. It was only 0.2 lbs- and when i have weighed this morning (week on cruise) i have lost. I guess i was too eager. Thanks ever so much. P.s is there other ways of doing the diet other than 1:1 then?
  69. P

    Holland and Barrett - Oat Bran is BOGOHP!

    The coconut dukan biscuits are allowed on cruise phase. The box states 3 biscuits a day on cruise (this is your oatbran allowance for the day though). The coconut in itbis justvthe dukan coconut flavouring so thats ok too.
  70. P

    Hey. Just saying 'Hi, im a newbie' :)

    Hi. 7days seems alot... Mine was that too. However, after the first 3 days I lost cravings for sugar and carbs-so then it wasnt too bad. I wouldn't say its an awfully hard diet- however i do get a little bored (mainly because i am not a great cook and so dont experiment!) Not long to go until...
  71. P

    Put on weight kow i am on the cruise phase???

    I lost 7.5lb during the attack phase. I started Cruising on Saturday but i have put on weight?! I only eaten the same except added veggies and half a tablespoon extra of oatbran..... Whats going on?!
  72. P

    Do you find weight drops off much quicker/larger amounts per week if exercising too?

    Yes. Want taking multi vits hut after third day was feeling it! (im a big veg eater!) Sadly i am taking the reccommemded oatbran for the day! Haha.
  73. P

    Do you find weight drops off much quicker/larger amounts per week if exercising too?

    Hey, so I am thinking of starting with a personal trainer in the new year, and possibly joining a gym. From anybody's experience of the Dukan Diet, does this help shift weight a lot quicker/more excessively? I know I read in the Dukan book that it is not required to do more than 20mins a day on...
  74. P

    Holland and Barrett - Oat Bran is BOGOHP!

    I have just been on. Got hazelnut, coconut and caramel flavouring, coconut biscuits, hazelnut biscuits and oatbran for just a few pence under £30!! Bargain!
  75. P

    Hey. Just saying 'Hi, im a newbie' :)

    Thanks everyone. My rationale behind starting when I did was because I thought that if I can get the attack phase out of the way before Christmas, so that the 'cravings' have gone, then, if I manage over Christmas (when temptation is at its highest - I live with a foster family who love their...
  76. P

    Hey. Just saying 'Hi, im a newbie' :)

    Hi all. Just to say its nice to find a place with support. Its a hard diet but when i am 'in the weight-loss zone' i get quite determined. Started Dukan on 12/12/12 so Attack phase soon to finish. I have struggled but no where near as much as i thought i would when i was wondering whether to...