Christie's Fitness Diary

Out late Monday (only drinking water, though!), so slept in Tues morning.

Wed - 80+ mins cardio, 25 mins core and stretching.
Tues - 75+ cardio *puff puff*, 20 mins core + stretching

Went early Tues evening instead of early morning, it was packed in the gym (which I don't like). I prefer the early morning, I guess. Taking today off, since I'll be going to gym this weekend (OH at golf :mad: ), so taking rest day for my knee.

BTW...seeing physio on Friday for follow-on regarding right knee. Not feeling very confident in this guy. Overall, knee is somewhat better, still sore at times esp when doing seated leg curls, but I don't think this is due to core stuff, but more to the ibuprofen I was taking!
Went back to physio about my right knee this morning (didn't go to gym as didn't want to aggravate anything). Still not very impressed, but he did find that it's the tendon at bottom outside of hamstring that seems to be giving me problems. But it's not swollen or anything. Hamstring also has some very very sore points above that, so there may be something going on with that muscle.

So I'll continue has I have been, staying away temporarily from the seated hamstring curl as that really hurts it, and will think about trying the jogging intervals. He wants me to continue working core, and to increase hamstring stretching, which I can do. Will see him in a month when I get back from states.
Long time no post...well, for me anyway (and considering nobody reads me, lol).

Did workouts last weekend, both Sat and Sunday, standard 75 min cardio + some strength and stretching. Knee was really bugging me, right knee, and bottom of hamstring, so took Mon-Fri off to give it some good rest. Felt weird not going to gym! But it seems to have helped it to calm down. I'm gone for 2 weeks starting 2 August, to US, will get some workout time in there as I can, but will pound it a bit this week in preparation for a layoff.

Sat - 75+ mins cardio, 30 mins lower body weights, 30 mins core and stretching. Got massage this afternoon at 1330. Gonna feel great! :D
ibuprofen on Sunday, lol!

Mon - 75+ mins cardio (man, was I puffing!), 30 mins core + stretching. Plus tons of housework this morning.

I"m feeling like I"m getting a bit bigger in the middle, around abdomen, maybe some bloating. I have been eating a bit more, had some bread on Saturday night with sandwiches, so am going to get back to my usual eating and be a bit more strict. It'll be a bit tough while I"m gone in US, but can always get great salads there!
Impressive weightloss Huney! (wistfully visualises target!) You don't seem to be letting up at all! What sort of cardio do you do?
Hi judimac. I normally do 35 mins on stepper/stairclimber @ around 10-11 out of 15 intensity, 20 mins crosstrainer at 6-10 intensity but pretty fast to keep heart rate up, then 20 mins treadmill at incline 10 out of 15, about 4.2mph. When I change-up, I add in rowing at maximum pull for at least 10 mins, and versa-climber. I use the 1-10 intensity scale, 1 extremely easy to talk etc, 10 gasping for breath! Normally I'm at intensity level around 8-9. It's enough to really drench me with sweat, I normally look like a drowned rat when I'm done, muscles a bit quivery but good.

I keep the intensity up to get the most "bang for the buck" from my cardio.

Today is last day before heading to New Orleans!

Sat - 90 mins med-med-high intensity cardio, 30 mins core + stretching.

See everyone in a couple of weeks, I"ll be hitting the gyms in the hotels and the pavements when there isn't a gym handy.
Have a wonderful holiday!
Hi all; had a great time in US of A. New Orleans wasn't so great (part of that was work), but took OH over to northern Florida, Pensacola Beach, and it was superb. Didn't do much exercise, to be honest, other than a lot of swimming, and I definitely put a few pounds back on from eating stuff I never eat anymore, like bread, potatoes, waffles...all those terrible simple carbs! I think I needed the splurge, however. I still fit in my clothes, just a bit snug.

Have been back at the gym, not quite as intense as they have now started turning air off at night while closed, so it is like an oven in the morning when I go in. It's pretty difficult to work out at my normal fairly high intensity at those high temperatures without feeling sick. So I've had to ramp down intensity a bit, while complaining to management over and over. Knee is still a bit wonky, have a referral with another therapist in a couple of weeks.

I'm not updating here constantly any more...sorry, but too often feels like I"m talking to myself! But will stop in as I can. Do keep at it, everyone, I'm not worried about my few extra pounds as I know they are coming off, and working out is such a positive thing for you, mentally as much as physically.
Hi there - new to MiniMins - just been having a look at your diary - wow - that is some impressive workouts you have going on there . You're making me feel puffed out just reading about them lol.

I've just started up at a gym in the summer there - was going every other day but now changed to four mornings a week, aiming to do about 45mins a time either doing cardio, weights or body pump class. Alas I am constantly time limited with kids and work and all.

Still you have inspired me to really go for it next time - i can feel that sweat already! Thanks for writing your diary.