JanD's Maintenance Diary. Into the 2nd year :o)))

Ah thanks - that makes me feel a whole lot better ..... HONEST! ;) x

Enjoy xx
Well straight in from work, on the treadmill, shower, dinner..........voddie time, the first one is for you hun.
Gee thanks xx
Defeats the object of having fish if ya can't taste it, don't bother with that again mrs d, or make yer own! :giggle:
I know - I won't be bothering with it as I said, mum was buying some so thought i'd try it as I haven't had plaice.

Forgot to say I had a shape zero yog and 2 medjool dates before I came out to work but also I'm afraid I had 4 squares of that pesky chocolate at work again :eek::(!! x
Jan, Plaice is lovely, but I never buy it prepared. I just buy the fish and dip it in beaten egg, then cover it in the orange breadcrumbs, and oven bake for about 12 minutes, its delicious.

What do you think of the medjool dates?.......I love them. Have you tried freezing them and just chewing on one or two from frozen as a treat - its just like eating toffee.
Orange breadcrumbs?! I've heard of lemon but not orange! :)
ooooooh! I thought you meant like breadcrumbs with orange zest in! :giggle:
Eeeeeeeee MARY!! That would mean touching the fish!!! LOL!! Maybe one day :)
The dates - yes it was from a previous post of yours that I got some and froze them and that's how I've been having them but I'm not sure I'm going to get any more, they're a bit too nice - I've had another 2 tonight, & gave John the last one so I wouldn't eat that too.

Iris! The back hasn't been touched since that TINY bit of progress last week. I swear I'm going to get someone in and make him pay!! ;)

Thursday 8th July

Nothing at Mum's :D

Breakie - 50g Lizi's granola, berries & skimmed milk. Then for some reason 2 melba toasts - just dry - they were pretty horrible and i have no idea why I felt I needed something else but very few calories in them, no harm done.


Tea - Chicken stir fry with some black bean sauce added in for a change (100 cals the pk & I had less than half)
We've found a new stir fry, they have it in Sainsbury's & Asda & it's got Edamame beans in it, they look like little broad beans but they don't taste like them, they're really nice.

Anyway - there wasn't a lot of chicken in the stir fry and I don't know if that's why but I felt a bit 'picky' this evening. So before I came out to work I had -
2 medjoul dates
shape zero yoghurt
slice ham rolled up with phili light

Work - I've brought a ham salad wrap with vlf salad cream and a pear. xx
Eeeeeeeee MARY!! That would mean touching the fish!!! LOL!! Maybe one day :)
The dates - yes it was from a previous post of yours that I got some and froze them and that's how I've been having them but I'm not sure I'm going to get any more, they're a bit too nice - I've had another 2 tonight, & gave John the last one so I wouldn't eat that too.

Iris! The back hasn't been touched since that TINY bit of progress last week. I swear I'm going to get someone in and make him pay!! ;)

Thursday 8th July

Nothing at Mum's :D

Breakie - 50g Lizi's granola, berries & skimmed milk. Then for some reason 2 melba toasts - just dry - they were pretty horrible and i have no idea why I felt I needed something else but very few calories in them, no harm done.


Tea - Chicken stir fry with some black bean sauce added in for a change (100 cals the pk & I had less than half)
We've found a new stir fry, they have it in Sainsbury's & Asda & it's got Edamame beans in it, they look like little broad beans but they don't taste like them, they're really nice.

Anyway - there wasn't a lot of chicken in the stir fry and I don't know if that's why but I felt a bit 'picky' this evening. So before I came out to work I had -
2 medjoul dates
shape zero yoghurt
slice ham rolled up with phili light

Work - I've brought a ham salad wrap with vlf salad cream and a pear. xx

Ach dont be so soft woman, there is no head or tail on it :p

The dates can be a bit more-ish, but absolutely delicious, I love them with a hot cup of coffee.

Well done on not nibbling at your Mums today, maybe thats why you felt you needed the 2 Melba Toasts - but like you say, nowt in them, so no harm done chick.
You've told me about them before Mary, I want to try one now! :giggle:
I think I will pick up a pack this week too, not had them in ages.

Whats the GI/GL like in them Jan?
Haven't a clue but I'll try & find out.

Just had 2 squares choc :eek: xx
Oooooops!!! They appear to be high GI .. good decision not to get any more a the moment it seems. Thanks for making me look Mary :) xx
Only for the time being! Once we're where we want to be they're a heck of a lot better as a snack than a bar of chocolate ;) x