Jayne's maintenance diary (at last)

I did enjoy, LOVED it. Been a long time since I've had such a good night and was fantastic to catch up with old friends and make a pile of new ones :D

Yesterday was my day of transition and today I'm back into the correct mindset.

Got to wave the white flag to my liver :p

Jan - are you back now? Did you have a lovely time? x
Yep - back, had a great time thanks .... stuffed whilst away but back on track now ;)

Love the white flag/liver comment, lol! x
Wahey! Glad you had a good time missy - and well done on remembering all that drink - i'm a lightweight these days and would have probably forgotten after the cocktails and cheeky v! hahahaa

There must've been something in the air to do with chocolate this weekend!!!!!!! :giggle:

Glad to see your straight back to it - determination or what!

Its soooooooooooooooooooooooo close now isnt it untill they are home! I can't wait for the phonecall to say they are at Bastion. That will be when we can kind of relax a little as there will be no more patrols etc ..... :fingerscrossed: we both hear soon :)

Well if I don't surrender I think it'll pack up its bags and leave me lol :giveup:. Already planning my next sesh tho (but it's not til November) :crazy:

Glad you had a lovely time, back on the straight and narrow now ey? xx:p
Tan, I only noticed your post there :eek:. My b/f has been at bastion for a week or so now. Your bro mustn't be far behind him I'm sure. I've booked my flights to come over :D, I'm having a bit of a road trip, but I'll be there for the parade thru Taunton on 17th.

Well yesterday was a disaster. Forgot (lost) :eek: my shaker (have found it again now) and was totally starving and stuck out in the arse-end of nowhere so I ended up having a ........... battered sausage supper :eek:. Then we shared (between 2) a bag of caramel nibbles doh!:break_diet:!
So I have now located said shaker. I have had a flapjack today for breakfast wtih a bucket of coffee. AND...............
I went for a 4 mile run (thanks Tan for the inspiration), gonna suffer for it tho :whistle:
OFGS!!!!!! ANOTHER EXERCISER!!! :(;):p xx
I am suffering for it now ALREADY tho Jan. I'm not gonna be able to walk for much longer. If any criminals do a runner from me tonight they stand a seriously good chance of making a successful getaway (to be fair that chance is always quite good) lol xx
HaHa .. I can just picture the scene ;)


But still ...
hahahha! yes it would be something like that. I know plenty of men who should be wearing that t-shirt ;) xx
Tan, I only noticed your post there :eek:. My b/f has been at bastion for a week or so now. Your bro mustn't be far behind him I'm sure. I've booked my flights to come over :D, I'm having a bit of a road trip, but I'll be there for the parade thru Taunton on 17th.

Well yesterday was a disaster. Forgot (lost) :eek: my shaker (have found it again now) and was totally starving and stuck out in the arse-end of nowhere so I ended up having a ........... battered sausage supper :eek:. Then we shared (between 2) a bag of caramel nibbles doh!:break_diet:!
So I have now located said shaker. I have had a flapjack today for breakfast wtih a bucket of coffee. AND...............
I went for a 4 mile run (thanks Tan for the inspiration), gonna suffer for it tho :whistle:

We heard from my brother tonight - apparantly they are all back at bastion but my brother and 2 others are still 'out there' they managed to get back to a fob for a much needed shower after 8 days! and then those 3 are back out. Heaven only knows why but he should be back to bastion soon :fingerscrossed:

4miles! Get in there girl!!! hahaha i love Jan's pictures!!! xxxx
Tonight has not gone well either pft!! Back on it tomoro *i am going to slap myself* and remember not to start being good on a night shift turn.
Glad you heard from your bro tan, always sets the nerves at rest a bit. The Americans have well and truly taken over so I'm not too sure why they've kept brits out on the ground! Pft xx
Me either but they were told at the families brief some from b and d company would be staying out a little longer.

Still only 2 weeks untill they are home!!! Might See you at the parade then! I'll keep an eye out for ya :)

I've gone to pot today too! :( munched quality streets and a bag of crisps :sigh: what we like! We should be alright now that the queen aka jan is back kicking our butts :giggle xxx
:asskick::whistle::giggle: x
Evening all!!
Today has been mmmmmmh - Okay.
Had to work 70 miles away from home today so that was a bummer. AND lost my day off yesterday cause I had to go to court pft!
Anyhoo. I had:
Breakfast: shake
Lunch: flapjack
Afternoon shake taken too
Maintenance bar for dinner.
Then I was starvin so had another flapjack. Dunno how this translates into any form of diet. But if I didn't do that then I would have cracked completely and had choc or something equally rediculous. So it was the best of a bad situation.
AND, AND!! I did an hour at the gym. Sprints on the treadmill, 2000 metres on the rower and 10 mins on the bike (hate it), then some free weights. I'm gonna suffer for it tomoro but it's making me feel a bit better for being a bit naughty on the food front. Tomorrow looks to be alcohol fuelled - oopsies. xx
Oh btw it's the be-yu shakes I'm doing and you are supposed to have 4 of them a day allegedly xx
Sounds ok though. Should be an easier way of getting into ketosis surely like having 5 shakes for the first few days lol.

I used to love running, its a real fat burner but one of my knees is bad (clicks when i walk fast) so no running for me. Do a lot of walking though!
As with most things I do it in fits and spurts. Before I got into police training I ran 4 miles about 2 times a week and then went to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. Good bod on me then :sigh: I'm hoping this is the start of good things to come now, with the diet too. The small dress collection needs another airing before I hit 30! lol x
I'm sure your gym work would have more than made up for the extra flapjack .... don't be going into ketosis before alcohol now will you! Highly unlikely after just one day like that i know but have some carbs tomorrow just in case or you could be really ill.

Have a good time!! :D xx
Well....... I was intending on not drinking tomoro night, but I can feel my resolve slipping already. Due to peer pressure of course ;)

I will make sure I have something a bit substantial before going otherwise I'll end up on me backside. So much for being good ey? I'll have to hit the gym big time next week, got a few pounds that need shifting (AGAIN) rah. xx