Jim's lazy Atkins diary

Morning all, don't know what went wrong with mini's but I've not been able to log on fort a couple of days.

Nothing planned today, just watching the cricket, maybe have a nice cool beer as well :)
Evening James ... Gorgeous pics! Hugs xxx
Morning Jim - make the most of any last sunshine. Cold is heading back for the weekend - that'll be because we have barbeques planned :sigh:
Morning all, I see the site is back up, I've not been able to log on for a couple of days because the site had been hacked.

NTR here, no cricket, no rugby, cant wait for the suppers to start. I might take my Mum out for lunch today.
Morning, well i was planning a quiet day, but Colleen has other ideas, I'm to clear out the fourth bedroom, which has been used a s a fly tip for the lat ten years. Seems she wants to get the plasterer and painters in, ah well *sigh*
Morning Jim:)

Fancy being asked to do some work :eek: ;). At least it's going to be an indoorsy day by the look of the rain radar!

Morning Jim... Hope you have a lovely day xx
Morning all,

well a days work, 4 trips to the dump and finally the room is empty, the carpet was almost shredded. LOL

Cricket today though. :)
Well done Jim. You definitely deserve some cricket watching:D
Morning all, I'm fed up with this endless rain and I'm fed up with the Jubilee. :( :sigh:
Morning all, ah well back to normal at last. i'm stuck in today, we have plasterer's working here. I'm 4lbs up this morning, time to go on induction again after the long weekend excess.