New and so confused.

I've got some concentrated stock 'Touch of Taste' by Knorr beef & chicken flavours, hoping a mug of that dipped slowly will take the edge off and the bit of salt in it should help to balance out the minerals etc . I'm lucky I choose not to do nights think that would finish me off, the 15hr days are gonna be a killer tho x
Ouch! 15hr days. Do you live far from work? I do 12hr nights with approx an hour and half way!!! Not good if I cop a late job.

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My fault but we aren't allowed to mention the name of what we are doing. BUT I hope it's working for you and that fairy lands and sprinkles lots of diet dust on you tonight. I'm going to wi on fri when I start. So scared after a week of a very hefty dose of steroids. They are never good for the waist line

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Luckily I'm only 10-15 mins from work, couldn't face a commute at stupid o'clock in the morn or after I have finished. Hubby had been in London today, train home is late cus some poor soul decided on a permanent solution to their temporary problem x
Oh dear. It's the drivers I feel for. At least it's clear that the one in control of that situation are certain how
They want things to turn out. I recently took someone who works on the tubes and with those unfortunate to have been in that situation. They really are looked after which is so nice to know.

Mini. I must apologise again. I have only just realised that your pm said do not reply! I've been back for all of 10mins and already creating merry hell lol. I'll soon pick it up again. Sorry once again. Xx

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Hi Cheryl

We were staying in the South not far from Saint Maxime. The nearest town was called Vidauban. We were there to celebrate my father's 80th birthday. The villa is in the middle of a vineyard so very rural but we had a lovely time, apart from the gale force winds!!

I'm starting tomorrow. I've gone with Shake That Weight this time (!) because they seemed a bit more flexible than some of the others I have tried before. To be honest I don't think it really matters what you do as long as you just do it! The plan I'm following is three shakes and one high protein meal and/or snacks up to 400 calories a day. It all sounds quite doable but I just can't seem to get going. Got to do it tho as I am so sick and tired of hating what I see in the mirror every day - it just doesn't look like me!

When are you off to France? I think sometimes going to a place you've been before has it's advantages, especially if you aren't staying for too long. I was like you and always tried to go to a different place but we have been back to the same place in Spain for a few years now and I absolutely love knowing where I'm going and what I'm doing and, each time we go, we venture a little bit further afield and see a different town/destination. I was very proud of myself this time in France tho as I drove for the first time and completely loved it!

How did you get your lovely sparkly doobree on your posts?

Hey Cheryl and MummyNurse - what's the chances of three randomers starting chatting on a site like this and all of us being involved in healthcare! I work as a PA in a general practice in Devon! I walk to work!! Can't imagine having to commute for one and a half hours like you Cheryl but I envy you the buzz and bustle - two cars and a tractor constitutes a traffic jam in my town!!

Hope your headache is getting better MummyNurse.


Hahahahaha how funny is that. We have been looking at moving down to your part of the country too!

Argeles is at the foot of the Pyrenees. It's perfect for a holiday that ticks every box for mummy dad day and 2 young children (son is 7 daughter is 2). It's just a great all rounder. We love France and if it wasn't for the children we would be gone. My son gets so upset if we so much as suggest it to him.

I've planned 4wks with wk1 as a shake for brekkie, meal for lunch and meal for dinner. Then a good mix of the shakes bars and meals not forgetting the muesli for breakfasts later. I'm thinking week one will be whatever fills me up more lol

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Devon is great - the kids would love it here. I'm all for having a foot in two camps if I ever get the chance - I'd like a place in Spain and a place here too so that we can come and go as we please. Will have to wait for a bit longer until hubby retires (six years!) and then try hard to persuade him - he is a bit like your 7 year old about it all!! Actually, your son is probably more reasonable!!

I'm watching One Born at the moment and feeling all emotional! My "babies" are nearly 24 and 21 now - I just don't know where it all went!

Right, off to bed in a minute and going to go for it tomorrow! I'll keep you posted.

Can't stand any medical programmes lol. I sky+ things like 24hours and trauma drs so I can watch it in fast forward and see what friends are on it but that's it.

Sleep well. It's a big day for you both tomorrow! Hopefully MN will get the fairy and you to start! I'm getting so excited and yet petrified of living without all the food I like to indulge in.

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Headache gone, decided against the salad and just had another shake to stop me picking , another bottle of water and I'm ready for bed, earlies tomorrow , here's hoping the fairies visit eh !!!
Ps the caramel lol shake tastes like butterscotch angel delight. !!
Oh no! I didn't order any of those lol.
Glad your head has cleared. Come on fairy sprinkle lots of dust on MN (are we allowed to ask your name? If not MN will do me ;0))

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Morning all. Well I've woken up nervous and excited. My monthly shop and all I'm allowed to eat is arriving today!!!!! Feeling a little scared as I know it's going to be a tough week but I'm still off work so no shifts just the children to contend with lol.
How is everyone feeling today? Did the fairy arrive?

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Morning Cheryl - Well, I had my delightful and delicious "porridge" for my breakfast, which was actually very nice. Drinking loads and weeing like a racehorse and all OK so far but, then again, it is only 9 o'clock!

I know what you mean about being excited and scared at the same time. You've already lost so much weight tho by sensible dieting so you will completely breeze this! It is hard giving up food and I think that managing other people around you is equally as hard. It is important not to let them see the whites of your eyes I think!!!! If they smell weakness, they hound you!!!!!

Are you starting tomorrow, did you say?

I'm afraid I'm one if those people that doesn't give two hoots what others think lol. I've had my fair share of people trying to tell me low carbing is terrible etc. My reply to them is go and do some research then let's talk! Hahahahahaha it works every time.

Yup I'm starting tomorrow. I wasn't sure what time my food parcel will arrive so thought it better to start from the morning rather than just for one or two meals.

I'm having my last "proper" low carb meal. Sausages egg and mushrooms. I probably won't eat much tonight and if I do it might just be a hm cauli cheese with salami. All low carb still.
I actually feel like a child on Xmas eve. Looking out of the window waiting for my parcel lol. How sad am I!

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Thank goodness I didn't wait to start today. I've just had an email from the courier saying it will be delivered before 9pm!!!!

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It's arrived. It's arrived. So I'm def starting my "space diet" tomorrow.
I'm going to call it that because it's all dried and in packets lol.
Day one in space tomorrow. Really excited now it's here. Won't be when I'm starving tomorrow though lol.

How are you both getting on?

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Hey Hun, it's Sharon!, no ketosis yet , a wee. 3 lb loss since Tuesday and still being good, survived a busy day at work, parents evening and school production , just got in so need to drink some water and get some kip another early shift beckons x