Non scale victories (stolen from SW forum)

I totally shocked someone at Zumba tonight by telling her I was 27! She thought I was only 17!!

I went to the theatre last night for the first time in months and I was so pleased to sit (almost) comfortably for the whole performance. For once it was my now-less-padded bum that was uncomfortable and not my sides from the arms digging in!
I ordered 3 size 12 dresses from asos and all fitted! I chose which to keep based on how they looked rather than fits, or having to buy extra bigger sizes! Must be a comfortable 12 now! X
My mum said that my tummys gone down and I don't look like a "pregnant porpoise" anymore. Lol. We like alliteration- that was endearing not mean! Also- good!
jan9209 said:
I just (without thinking) pulled down my trousers without unzipping then :O x

Hope you were somewhere private and not in supermarket lol
My 'too small to fit' jeans that I posted about earlier in this thread which finally fit my a couple of weeks ago have now gotten to big:banana dancer:
Whhhheeeeeeyyyyyyy x
I did day two of week 4 of the couch to 5k and had to hold up my trousers the whole way cause they're far too big!
I wore this dress at the weekend....and confronted people that had made comments pre diet. I felt good. I seem to have managed to STS despite drinks, so although I don't advocate it I am happy and back on track!
new pic.jpg
eilidh you are looking amazing :D
Wow, you are definitely looking amazing Eilidh - you go girl!