diary of angie-bum, first time mum

Hope you had a nice time at the works do and your baby makes an entrance today. Although it's quite rare for babies to be born on their due date my first did!
Hmm baby hasn't come out on anything like her due date!

But hopefully we will see her this week.

Am going for an induction in the morning. Have to be there by 8 am. Have been talking to my friend who had an induction. It was her 2nd baby but she went from zero dilation to being in the delivery suite by 10.30 am!

However, I am also currently following a lady on babyandbump being induced and I think she is on her 3rd day!!! (it's taken her a little time for dilation and any contractions to start).

I am currently sitting in the nursery, with the little side light on, so in semi darkness. It's nice and calm in here and it means I don't have to look at my hospital bag and baby's bag, which I have to go through again before we leave tomorrow. I am going to have to reorganise them with the knowledge I could be in a few days, when it hadn't really occurred to me before.

My sister lives locally to me but had to go to London and is hotfooting it back down the map as we speak. It's been lovely actually, cos I have been feeling really blue and she has obviously put the message out, that she is out of the county and I need a shoulder to cry on, because people we are both friends with have obviously been prepped to give me some support. I have had a series of supportive phone calls today.
It is nice to feel loved.

However, one of my friends doesn't agree with inductions and thinks nature should just take it's course, I spoke today on the phone to her, she sounded like she was sucking a lemon. She still didn't understand when I said the chance of still birth goes up rapidly after 42 weeks. If I wasn't absolutely certain that they had got the dating scan wrong and if baby wasn't already so big I would have waited. But I am simply not willing to risk waiting.

What do I feel about the induction? now I actually feel relieved that I will be getting some help to get her out. I am hoping that a few drugs in the right place will kick start the whole process and my body can do what it is meant to do.

I am aware the labour maybe more intense because of the drugs. I am not scared as yet about that as I have never had a proper contraction (and therefore do not know what to expect). I am hoping I don't go through a long painful labour just to have to have a c-section, but I am at the point that I am willing to do anything to increase the chance that my baby will be alright.

Whatever happens it is dawning on me that I will shortly be going through a transition of roles. Soon I will no longer be pregnant.

Anyway, will sign off now. Am feeling ready for the next part to start, whatever that may be.
Best of luck for tomorrow Angie, will be thinking of you! We'll all be waiting patiently for news :)
thanks Shell, am hoping once I have a dose of prostaglandins, that it will be like shelling peas....or is that sprouts!
Hi Angie, just want to second what Shel said. Lots of luck for tomorrow and hope your induction goes well. Hopefully it'll all happen fairly quickly for you. My friend had to be induced and she had her induction at 4:30pm, contractions started at 5:30pm and her baby was born at 11:52pm. So her labour wasn't terribly long although it must have felt it lol and she was way overdue also and had had 1 or 2 sweeps, i can't remember lol, which were unsuccessful.
You'll be fine and we'll all be here waiting for the news of how it all went.

Thankyou! I like all these stories of quick labours! Depending on how it progresses and my access to the Internet I will try and post updates.

Bye for now, really need to try to get some sleep
am on the ward. they are short staffed, only one mw been able to get in cos of the ice. am using the free bedside multimdia unit. it has a long delay.
am really glad they have internt, thought imight go nuts with bordem!
i think this might take smetime, as have been here an hour and have only been gven a name band. am awaiting monitoring and of course the pessary.
Am now using my hubbys iPhone to post as way quicker.
Am on the monitor and was given pessary about 10 minutes again.
They have managed to get more staff in. But the carpark and pavements are supposed to belike glass
I am having to post with one hand at times as monitor keeps slipping off and have been asked to hold in place.

It sounds like they are chockablock on the delivery suite upstairs. Sounds like there are more than a few people giving birth at the moment!
Sendign all the luck in the world to you Angie!!

Fingers toes legs and everythign crossed!!

Come on baby!

Hope things happen quickly for you Angie - lots of luck!
thanks guys! no change here. Am on a 4 bedder on day ax unit. 3 ladies around me far further on and waiting for a bed upstairs. Have hd a couple of mild cramps but nothing unusual. Will be reassessed at 5pm and another pessary at 6. have sent hubby home to gt some kip and spend time with our dog! i have plenty of entertainment here. and need a kip myself, at this rate i can't see anything happening soon
though i am def. getting more backache
lmao at side ways crab walking round the hospital!

will bear that in mind, thanks shel!
Fingers x'd baby gets going overnight for you Ang - most do at night anyhow. Backache and another pessary will help.
Also a firm believer in walking and staying on your feet - ended up giving birth on my feet as it felt right! lol

Fingers x'd your LO is in your arms soon. Glad you're not alone either at least you'll have people to chat to, just don't compare yourself to them. ((Hugs))

Thinking of you. x
Hi guys, got it wrong about the pessary, it's actually one they keep intil tomorrow.
However have been put back on the monitors. However b4 that went for tea in hosp canteen with huuby (who had returned after a sleep) got 3 lots of sharp tightenings whilst there. So headed back to the ward.
Now monitor is showing on the trace low level regular tightenings. Will have to wait for mw to return to say if they are sig. Or not. I would so like them to turn into the full blown thing without having to go on a drip in the morning :)
ooooh there's another! Sharp tug in foofoo and back.... And yay! It's registered on the trace too ;)

hubby may have to stay the night at this rate!
ooh sounding hopeful.. fingers crossed! xx
Hoping the lack of update means things are moving in the right direction. Will check in first thing in the morning and hopefully your little one will have entered the world!
me too lisa! hope you are doing well.