Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Morning all - and Jim, you can come off the naughty step now

After another virtually sleepless night, I have stopped trying to fit a round Orbit into a square flat (iyswim) and decided that a flat with a balcony is just not going to work.

She was out like a shot this morning in the garden and having such a lovely time smelling everything, whiskers twitching, tail waving and then off up the fire escape. I just couldn't make her stay inside.

So it's back to watching Right Move and hoping that something comes up that has a garden and is still affordable.

Sad, I was loving the thought of all that kitchen space :cry:- but at least I won't have any nightmares of Orbit trying to jump onto the balcony, missing and plummeting down six floors :eek::eek::eek:

See you tonight, ladies, really looking forward to it! I might be a teensy bit late, have to find a shoe repair place because the strap has broken off my bag :(
Good luck for the house hunting. I've had indoor cats before but if cat is used to going out the transition would take a while but not impossible.

Enjoy your meal btw

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sorry forgot to mention Bert is a bearded dragon
currently sleeping for the winter in his special K box :D
this was him back in the summer.


erm... bearded dragons dont hibernate you know! Tell me you havent stuck Bert in a box?!
I think it's called Brumation which is not quite hibernation where the Beardie just slows down for a few months - I could be wrong but if memory serves from about 20 years back it usually starts in their second year from about Mid October until Dec/Jan xx

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Yeah, I used to keep beardies for years, but I never put them in a box to hibernate! So I just have that slightly paniced look accross my face at the thought!

Keep thinking I might get another couple of them but got no idea where I can put the viv. My rat palace takes up most of my livingroom! lol!
it just gives him some where to hide,otherwise before
he's ready to settle for the winter,he tries to scrape up
the bottom of the viv,so i give him the box,he goes in
makes a bed in the aspen and goes to sleep,i check on him
at regular intervals,he will peep at me,then shut his eyes,
i always have to have a mountain of food for when he wakes
in the spring,as he's hungry,and looks to bask under his
UV light.he gets up when he's ready and not before lol
i was very panicy (sp) the first time he went down however
the people on RFUK were great and me and Bert did ok.
he's not a furry cuddle kind of guy at all,however he will
sit with me and watch telly.
he's in a nice big 4x2x2 was wondering about getting a female
but the market is so swamped with baby bearded dragons,why add to the population.
Claire could you not put the ratites on top of a viv ?
sorry to hijack your thread susie :eek:
I'm just really interested in this conversation... a bit jittery at the same time though! lol ... I think I might like them better than rats... but, it's a close call! lol ;)
Heading out to drop DD at her drama class:)
Hehe! That makes sense! I had visions of him being packed up into a box for the winter like a turtle! lol!

Mine had a little winter house for those such events!

And if I put my rat cage ontop of a viv I'd break the viv! My boys have a 1.8m high, 1m long wraught iron cage which has 4 door on it that open up like double kitchen cabinets. Its massive and ****ing heavy! lol!
Hehe! That makes sense! I had visions of him being packed up into a box for the winter like a turtle! lol!

Mine had a little winter house for those such events!

And if I put my rat cage ontop of a viv I'd break the viv! My boys have a 1.8m high, 1m long wraught iron cage which has 4 door on it that open up like double kitchen cabinets. Its massive and ****ing heavy! lol!

dang,that's no good,
i'm going to check out the hobbies thread,i think there is an animal section about pets,maybe we can show and tell in there.
Hi Susie... Hope you finish and get home soon! :) xx
Sorry to miss you this evening Susie. Hope you got work sorted!
Just home. Watch check - 22.10pm. Well thanks very much work....

Hope Di and and Katie had a lovely evening. I had no dinner...hear the violins for sad sack susie :)

Wine, then bed. Catch up tomorrow comrades xxx

Postscript - my new laptop was waiting for me when I got home, it's great, v-e-r-y fast but the keyboard's a bit different so I apologise in advance for mad typos. There is a lot of backspacing going on. Bear with me. Spent 40 mins on phone to Virgin help desk (hell desk more like it) to get a new security key - so got net back but it still won't accept it to login on the iphone. WHY NOT!
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Morning Susie, shame you missed the meet love
Afternoon all

Another busy day, will be like this until Christmas - but hey it's money in the bank. Gutted to have missed last night though :(

Hope you're all having a good day.

Am starting to clear out the cupboards, so will be ready to go back on induction on Monday :)
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Evening Susie:). Dont worry, we promise to do again sometime - and it's great that you have work and a job even if you do have to write own JD:D
Evening Susie... How's the new lapdog? It was a lovely evening and the food was great! Such a shame you couldn't get there!

Good luck on induction on Monday! :) xx