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  1. T

    The Death of Common Sense...R.I.P.

    I think so, too! It's funny, but when you think about it, it's kind of true, too. There was more stuff about religion in it, but I edited it out because I didn't want anyone to think I was taking a religious stance or anything, especially since I am not the author. I just saw it on a blog and...
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    The Death of Common Sense...R.I.P.

    Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to...
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    Taking a multivitamin

    I used to regularly take a multivitamin, and then kind of slacked off for awhile. I have recently started back on them (about a month ago) and I am AMAZED at the difference I see. I look less tired, I feel less sluggish, my nails are stronger, there's a bit of color in my perpetually fair...
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    I actually really like the Slimfast products. They are great as a quick breakfast, because you can eat/drink them on the commute, and they keep you satisfied until you can have a mid-morning snack or lunch (depending on how early you eat I have always incorporated them into my plan...
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    Marathon finder?

    Okay, so I think I AM going to start at least initial training to do some kind of marathon next year. I'd like to do a shorter distance, and will need to decide on what that distance will be before I begin training hard core. I live in the U.S., in the midwest, and want to know if there is any...
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    Good workout shoes?

    Wow, that's insane for shipping! Thanks for checking into that for me-I really appreciate it. I'm sure I can find something online inexpensively, and then go try it on in a store before I order it to make sure it fits and I like how it feels. I wish you could test drive shoes, like cars. Get...
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    Celebrity quotes...

    "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." - Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign. "Whenever I watch TV and I see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I would...
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    Meat-Like Loaf

    A friend of mine recommended this recipe to me-it can be a bit crumbly, but it's good! And you can add beans for more texture. tsp olive oil 1 cup of cold cooked brown rice 1/2 green pepper chopped 1/2 onion chopped 1 cup of plain bread crumbs (or dry oatmeal) 1/2 cup of soy milk several...
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    TPPW's monthly goals diary

    Here are my goals for the month of November. Well, some of them, anyway: To lose 6 pounds from today until the 30th. Not to have any soda or fancy coffees with all the whipped cream and stuff. To work my way up to 2 miles on the treadmill at a 6.0 To change one food item on my regular grocery...
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    What diets have you tried?

    In a world of yo-yoing and fad diets, what diets have you tried, and to what degree of success? Why did it work or not work for you? Is it still around, or has it faded into the background like so many before? And what have you found is truly the best eating plan for you to attain your goals?
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    TwoPoundsPerWeek weigh in

    Thanks! I hope so! I'm not necessarily looking to wear a bikin or anything-I have had a baby, after all, and no matter what I do, some things are not going away. But to wear a fitted tee shirt? It sounds heavenly. My workout today was really good-I forced myself to really push my limits a bit...
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    Good workout shoes?

    40 pounds is roughly 80 U.S. dollars, correct? I have always heard good things about New Balance-I am definitely interested in checking those out. Do you know off hand if they ship to the States?
  13. T

    Good workout shoes?

    Oh, my, much more to it than I realized. lol Do you think that it matters as much if most of my running is on a treadmill as opposed to outdoors, or do the same rules apply? I am considering beginning training for a marathon next year, although I haven't decided which one, so distance is still...
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    Using a Personal Trainer

    Okay, I did it! I have an appointment Saturday morning with a trainer who works for the company that my gym subcontracts. This particular guy was recommended by one of the other moms that takes her kids to the childcare facility at our gym, and she is in GREAT shape. I know that's not...
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    Good workout shoes?

    Okay, I am in desperate need of a good, supportive pair of all-purpose workout shoes. I would need either a pair of crosstrainers, or running shoes. I have a pair of Nike Shox and although they were labeled as "running shoes", they are terrible for it. They are not comfortable on the elliptical...
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    TwoPoundsPerWeek weigh in

    Currently at 5'6", 144lbs., as of today...aiming, ultimately, for 130... Putting in an hour of cardio tomorrow, and about a half hour of upper body work on the machines...might take spinning on Friday...weigh in again next Thursday. Come on, TWO POUNDS!
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    Things you will never say on your deathbed...

    "Yeah, help yourself to my shoe and bag collection. It's just stuff." "WHY didn't I go see Riverdance when I had the chance?!" "Bring me my copies of "Crossroads" and "From Justin to Kelly." "Does this hospice gown make me look hippy?" "Pull my finger."
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    Ugh! I meant to post this in "recipes". I am so bad about this...if a mod sees it and can move it, I would appreciate it. I don't want to just make the same thread twice. Thank you!
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    If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love some recipes for healthy casseroles that can be made ahead of time and frozen for later. Since my husband's work hours have changed, I have not been making true meals for myself and my daughter because I hate cooking for just us, especially when she is...
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    Weather and our food choices

    Good! Then I am not an a-hole, because I kind of feel like one.
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    Tales from the gym

    I used to work in the childcare facility in my gym, and I saw some rather entertaining things. There was the lady who's two and a half year old daughter peed her pants in the kid's area and wouldn;t come change her until she finished her last ten minutes. She said "I've only got ten minutes...
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    How are you losing weight?

    Thanks! I really am better at the tried and true than I am at the newer or more experimental diets. I took the best nutrition class in school last semester and I learned so much. It just made it sound so reasonable and logical, and a light bulb went off. I am thinking of looking into the...
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    Weather and our food choices

    Like I said, I didn't mean to. And I didn't realize what the diet was-I actually wouldn't have posted here at all except for this unintentional post, because I don't know anything about it and therefor have nothing to add to discussion. I'm sorry if I offended anyone-it wasn't my intention. My...
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    Weather and our food choices

    I accidentally posted this in the wrong forum and couldn't figure out how to move it. And then people started replying, so I left it alone.
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    Weather and our food choices

    Oops, sorry! chips...tofu...vegetarian beans and rice... Better?
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    How are you losing weight?

    I count calories and keep at or below 1400 per day. I make those calories count as much as possible with high fiber choices, and lots of lean protein and healthy carbohydrates. I try very hard to eliminate trans fats altogether each day, and I try to keep most of my fats in the mono and...
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    Good hummus recipe?

    Hmmm. Maybe I will try both and see which works better for me. Both sound yummy. Yes, I just said "yummy". lol. I'd love to have this at my next party, which will probably be around Christmas, so that gives me time to test out both and see what I get. I can't imagine there are TOO many...
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    Healthy Choice Mfrozen meals

    These are great. Most of them are low in sugar and sodium, not to mention calories (perfect for meals). They also include food pyramid serving information. The one I had today was 1/2 a starch, 1 vegetable, and one lean meat. I had a serving of grapes with it-total of less than 250 calories for...
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    Good hummus recipe?

    I had some hummus at a baby shower recently, and it was so good! But I don't really know the woman who hosted it very well, so I was hoping someone here would have a good recipe. I have no clue how to make this stuff! Other than something about
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    Using a Personal Trainer

    It sounds pretty legit to me! National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) | Fitness Certification, Personal Trainer Certification Programs, Become a Certified Personal Trainer I think I am going to talk to some of the trainers tomorrow when I go in. It's time to just bite the bullet and talk to...
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    Using a Personal Trainer

    I don't think that's perverse at all! Whatever it takes to make you feel good about it for now, until you become comfortable on your own. And thanks, as well.
  32. T

    'Food is my friend' - NOT!

    Well, you don't want to make it the enemy, either. Maybe more of an acquaintance... It's a tough thing to get a handle on, this relationship with food. Maybe you can think of it more as a doctor. You schedule an appointment for the purpose of bettering your health. If you're lucky, you even...
  33. T

    This Works!

    Is there a website for these drugs, or especially one compariing them? I'd really like to pass this along to my mom, as she is a lifelong smoker who is constantly "quitting". It would be wonderful to find something that would really work. Slushy-I am so sorry to hear about your friend. That's...
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    Weather and our food choices

    I really just keep track of my calories. I'm on about 1400 a day. But something about warm pumpkin pie and/or a big bowl of stew makes that hard to stick to. Plus there's apple cider, and eggnog, and... Sorry. Hope I'm not making anyone hungry. lol
  35. T

    When your spouse is fit...

    You're right-I know I should. He's a good man, and he's not going to hurt my feelings or anything. I guess I'm a little embarassed. I don't want to point OUT my flaws, or make him think I don't trust him. I really do-it's just a tiny, nagging doubt. But you're absolutely right. I need to suck it...
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    Using a Personal Trainer

    Kate, thanks for your feedback AS a personal trainer. That's really helpful. I can just see me getting paired up with some guy in spandex sproting a mullet, fresh from 1985. The "gym instructors" at my gym are also salespeople. They can be helpful in showing me how to properly use equipment...
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    Using a Personal Trainer

    Hm...bartering, eh? I think for a first meeting, at least, one should be willing to make a deal with me! I will make sure to ask about credentials, and ask to see them. And if he's hot, too...well, no hard feelings!
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    How Jordan , katie price lost 2 stone in 6 weeks

    The problem with diets like these is maintenance. Once a person begins eating normal breakfasts and lunches again, or forgoing breakfast all together, they puff back up. Plus, I would not want to look like Jordan if at all possible. lol
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    Using a Personal Trainer

    I do have a gym membership, but I don't really know any of the other members. I guess asking about trainers would be a good way to break the ice! We do have trainers at the gym (who cost extra, of course), so if I can muster up the courage to ask a stranger, I might find someone good. Have you...
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    When your spouse is fit...

    My husband has never complained or given me reason to think he finds me disgusting, and I'm definitely not a big girl. I am an average, normal sized woman. He has just (unintentionally) set the bar so high! lol. He never makes me feel bad-it's my own neuroses. I just wondered if anyone else had...
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    Energy and Hunger

    Adding in exercise could definitely contribute to increased energy. If you don't mind me asking, how many calories are you getting per day? It sounds like a very small amount, but I obviously can't say for sure. If you are feeling hunger pangs, a good thing to do is to make sure you are getting...
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    What's everyone reading at the moment?

    Our book club is reading "My Sister's Keeper". I haven't started it yet-I plan to tomorrow. Our meeting is next Sunday, so I have a bit of time. I'm really excited about it-it's gotten great reviews, and the synopsis sounds really good.
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    Using a Personal Trainer

    Has anyone had good luck with using a personal trainer? I have been reluctant because my brother looked into programs for becoming a PT, and it's almost a joke much of the time. There are actually weekend courses a person can take. I would love the one on one in my workout, but I am afraid of...
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    When your spouse is fit...

    You're right, of course. These are things I know with my heart, but MAN, my head is good at messing with me. So I'm guessing I should avoid spandex and spray tans. lol I suppose on some level I DO wonder if I'm good enough for him. I know it's dumb, and I'm not looking for a pity party-I know...
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    When your spouse is fit...

    ...and you're not. I am not obese. I know my husband loves me. But it's hard, in many ways, having a fit, toned spouse. I feel like in public, people wonder why he's with me when he could have a "hotter" (aka, thinner) wife. I am a relatively confident person, and I don't look down on myself...
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    Teaching our children healthy habits

    A friend who is a teacher uses this in her classroom to teach her kids about healthy lifestyles, and I thought I'd pass it on. With the childhood obesity crisis in modern times, we need every weapon and resource we can get!
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    Weather and our food choices

    I don't know if anyone else does this, but when it gets cold or rainy outside, I like comfort foods. I like chili, and pot roast, and pork chops. I tend to use lower fat meats and ingredients, but it seems like when the weather's foul, I eat MORE as well. And I take the leftovers to work for...
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    Unrealistic expectations?

    Ok, I have to ask-what is a stone? I keep seeing it and I have deducted that it is a weight meaurement (obviously), but I am wondering what that converts to in pounds. Educate the dumb American, please. lol
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    Anyone doing a marathon this Thanksgiving?

    Slushy, I don't think there's anything wrong with you. There's a vulnerability in putting yourself out there, and I think it's normal to have some fear or doubt. When we're running, everything that we normally hide so well jiggles, and we worry that we look funny, or aren't "doing it right." But...
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    Steps Vs Gym

    I agree with Mrs. Moo. Reason being, the walking and steps are great, but they won't work your heart and lungs like you can at the gym. The benefits of solid cardiovascular exercise far outweigh a measly 2000 steps. And I think you're doing SPLENDIDLY. It's a lot harder than it sounds to get in...
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    Toning bum and thighs

    I'm not really sure why my post above showed up twice, and I can't figure out how to delete it. Sorry-I hate double posts. They're annoying.
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    How much of your diet is difficult.

    Mmmm...I need someone to help me resist the Halloween candy in my kitchen. Distract me-remind me that the pleasure of a few pieces of candy is not worth abandoning the pleasure of a healthy, thin frame...that it's bad for my teeth as well as my waitline...that grapes are just as sweet and so...
  53. T

    Tips for making cardio more interesting?

    LOL. Who cares about exercising? No, I got you. It's so hard to read a tone on a message board, but I knew what you meant. I have been doing the same stuff, I suppose, because it's what I know. I have gotten into a comfort zone, and even though it's boring, it's safe. I need to step outside...
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    Anyone doing a marathon this Thanksgiving?

    LOL. I am totally with you. It's harder for me to be enthusiastic about running with people who are already good at it and enjoy it than with people who are on my level. My low, low level. I think that I might try to find a shorter run, like a little two or three mile fundraiser type ofthing to...
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    hair loss

    If there is hair loss, it may be due to a lack in an essential nutrient. I am not familiar with the Cambridge Diet, but it seems like anything that can cause hair loss might not be the best plan. If you do go ahead with it, it might not be a bad idea to discuss it with your doctor, or at least...
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    Anyone doing a marathon this Thanksgiving?

    I'll make it immediately clear that I am not. lol I do have a few friends who are training hard to run their first marathons this Thanksgiving, and it's been amazing watching their progress. Amazing enough to make me consider doing it next year, if I'm feeling crazy. Is anyone else experiencing...
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    Tips for making cardio more interesting?

    Well, I'm doing it to lose weight and keep my heart healthy. Trying a class might be a nice idea-maybe kickboxing or something. I occasionally do spinning, and it's okay, but I don't love it. I'm just trying to make a necessary activity more enjoyable to do. I think a group fitness class might...
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    How much of your diet is difficult.

    That's ok-I just had KFC for lunch. I SMELLED it on my way in to work and I had to have it. But I ate very slowly and paid attention to my body so I'd stop when I was full. I don't feel at all guilty about it. If I had ignored the craving, I would have thought about it all day and probably...
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    Unrealistic expectations?

    I agree with Clopo-3 pounds in a week is great! That's actually a bit more than the "norm" of one or two pounds (of course, that depends on your starting weight and body type and a dozen other things). 5 pounds in a week is a tough loss-that's a burn of over 17,000 calories! Can you imagine what...
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    I think jealousy is very normal, but it crosses into a problem when it becomes obsessive or negatively affects other aspects of your life. If you're losing sleep, or spending money you don't have, or avoiding friends and phone calls, it can be a problem. But I don't see anything wrong with...
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    Making the Commitment to your Diet Plan

    I hope it works out for you! I agree that our attitiudes towards food are shaped by our upbringing. My mother was CONSTANTLY dieting, and pissing and moaning about her weight and her perceived flaws. I think that really had an effect on me. As a mother myself, I make a conscious effort to never...
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    How much of your diet is difficult.

    Sparkling water, eh? I've never heard of that. I might give it a try, myself. My thing is that if I can get myself distracted, I can usually avoid the temptation. But if there is nothing to keep my mind off of it, I am SO going to have that cupcake, or chips, or whatever. Sometimes I can fix a...
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    Is anyone else a Cetaphil fan? I have been using the cleanser exclusively for about three years, and I love it. If you're looking for a cleanser that is easy on your skin, but gets all the makeup and grime off, I don't see how it could get any better. I must say, though, that I hate the Cetaphil...
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    Tips for making cardio more interesting?

    Does anyone have any advice or tips on how to make cardio more pallatable? lol I am trying my hardest to get through it, but I get bored before I get tired, and then I want to go home and have a snack. I have tried mixing up different forms of cardio, but other than that, I'm at a loss. Any...
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    Essential beauty products - What are your bathroom must haves?

    Definitely Aquaphor for lips and dry skin patches. I also love Estee Lauder Idealist, and Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair. I am in my mid twenties, but I have noticed an improvement in my skin since starting with these products.
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    a load of poo (sorry)

    I have not done it because I read up on the procedure and the scientific studies that have debunked any real benefits. Colonics can actually rid your colon of necessary, healthy bacteria-not to mention do some serious damage if the technician is not properly trained. Your body doesn't "need"...
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    Toning bum and thighs

    I agree with Vodaka on the squats and lunges-they really ARE the best for toning the glutes and thighs. I also like the fitness area for tutorials on how to do various exercises with proper form and technique, and they often have videos targeting specific body parts.
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    Toning bum and thighs

    I agree with vodaka about squats and lunges-they are fantastic for toning the glutes and thighs. A website that I really like for exercises is Fitness on There are tutorials for various exercises that guide you through the techniques and assist with proper form.
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    Slimming Down Thighs and Calves!!!!

    To lose fat at all, it really will take cardio and a reduced fat diet. In the meantime, while you're doing cardio and watching those pounds melt off, you can do leg exercises to tone the muscle underneath so that when the fat is gone, the legs beneath will be shapely and lovely. Bonus: Adding a...
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    Making the Commitment to your Diet Plan

    I think a lot of us get stuck in a cycle of 2-4. We get so gung-ho and do so well...and then we fall off the wagon. And then we decide, again, that we are "really going to do it this time"...and we do well for awhile...and then we're back to cheeseburgers and fountain cokes 3 times a week. It...
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    How much of your diet is difficult.

    I find that it is the evenings that are hardest for me. That's when I watch all of my favorite shows on the DVR, and kick back with a snack. I'm okay if I have fruit in the house. But if all there is are chips...I'm gonna eat them. It's hard to break the habit of overeating late at night. It's...