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  1. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hello lovely! 2 days of strictness again - Is the story of my life to just be rebooting? - I guess so yes :-o We're ordering some new scales as the non digital ones we've had of years are playing silly *******....I cannot lose a stone in 2 days, then put 10 lbs on in 15 mins without moving...
  2. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks Shrimp! and bless you for reading through my rubbish!scales dipped into the 18s this morning which made me stupidly happy despite the totm cramps! Happy nearly Friday! :-)
  3. DivaDavis

    huwiesmummy is having another

    I was starving the first few months when pregnant with my Huw - I'd strictly dieted prior to the pregnancy, so then felt like I HAD to eat all the time! It did wear off as the pregnancy wore on, so fingers crossed it'll do that for you. pickled cucumber is good. just take care with vinegar and...
  4. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    head in gear today. hopefully some off by the end of the week. :-)
  5. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    gave myself a day off yesterday. definitely heading for totm as I wanted crap! back to it today so hopefully into the 18s soon. :-)
  6. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks bob123 :-) I had an exante delivery today which has helped on the drinking front and so hopefully the water retaining front too! the mulled wine drink mix is divine! also having a try of the choco balls and chicken bites/crisps. alllll good so will keep on keeping on :-) ttfn X
  7. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    can't do it. :-( scales say weight on!! am hoping just water pre totm. clothes feel good so I'll hold on to that.
  8. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    I should stop weighing every day!!! I can feel in my clothes that the weight is coming off so will try and stay away til monday!
  9. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    thankyou! another 5 lbs off so back to where I was in May. (19) just want it to carry on now! 18s would be good to start with :-) Happy Friday everyone.
  10. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    a stone in two weeks :-) ttfn
  11. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    pancakes. yum. :-) 12lbs off in less than 2 weeks. I knew there was a reason I chose exante! happy sunday all X
  12. DivaDavis

    huwiesmummy is having another

    Hi Huwiesmummy - just catching up after an age away and am so happy to read your wonderful news - I know how hard just getting there can be (ended up with my Huw after 3rd ivf attempt!) I hope your sickness subsides after the first trimester, if not waaaaaay before, and wish you so much love...
  13. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    thanks guys. trying pancakes this morning. (proper exante ones rather than me making pancakes out of the porridge mix!) they smell yummy so hope they live up to it! also tried a hot cross bun bar yesterday - again a lovely smell and taste, but slightly different texture to what I expected. not...
  14. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    so I'm back again. again again! done a week of TS using old slightly past the use by date products and have got 7lbs off. 3 '50' boxes arriving today...! Had managed not to get quite back to my heaviest (half a stone away) but enough is enough. Hi to those of you still here that I have...
  15. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Did it!! Knackered and sore but walked the 11 miles over fields, up and down hills and through woods in 5 hours exactly :-) managed to raise £612 so far with some promises of more to come. Beautiful countryside, and no rain!! Also back to total solution as of today :-D hope everyone is on track...
  16. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hoorah! I've managed to raise over £500 for the walk on Sunday! Getting a bit nervous but think I'll enjoy the countryside :-) hope all are well? I will be well and truly back in exante firm soon :-D ttfn x
  17. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hey sweets-it's on the 23rd. Eeeeeek!! Hope you doing ok? I over stretched my Achilles a couple of weeks ago which is ok, just keeping it supported! Then did my back in, which is sorted now :-) and had 24hr sick bug on tues/wed so now am knackered!! Will all be fine and dandy though... :-) ttfn xxx
  18. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thankyou shrimp, lynne and vee :-) have kind of decided a mix of total and working solution is going to have to work for now as I seem to be hitting a wall with total solution 24/7. Will see how I go! Hope all doing well and enjoying the sun :-) ttfn x
  19. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    thought I better raise my head on here....been a few weeks of not sticking to anything BUT Huw has finally got into the school we desperately wanted for him (mainstream with ARP) and starts in September so one major source of stress is going! H is still up every night so the OH and I are always...
  20. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    thanks vee - i need reminding occ! soo tired today which just means I want to eat the wrong stuff and sleep! will be better tomorrow I know. just another blip as you say. X
  21. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hi vee-nice to see you back! Stick with it. :-) unlike me.... Major diet fail!!! Migraine went leaving a munchie hole...all I could find was some of Huw's sweets :argh: back on the bike tomorrow I guess.
  22. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    did a peek at the scales this morning and they haven't budged. thinking I may just record losses when they happen rather than weekly....think inches are going tho as a little trying on sess yesterday was quite fruitful and I now have back a summer skirt and a couple of tops from my 'thin'...
  23. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    how about some sketching or painting? you could do some with a pad propped on your lap I'm sure! Any letters to write? Cross stitch? It seems ages I know hon but it will go. Only 13 now anyway! hugs X
  24. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks Mere and Angel. I am pleased with the toppers and have ordered some pre coloured fondant to play with incase I think of anything else! Mere I think the fact that 3 of the things are food related says rather a lot! Had teaching today so fridge avoidance this morning was easy! This...
  25. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks Angel. Hope you slept well and are feeling not so groggy. Concert was fab-flowers, wine AND a cheque :D been fridge avoiding today by more cleaning-my house is definitely cleaner doing this diet!! Also started in the toppers for my brother's 40th birthday cake. His likes and things he...
  26. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Verrrry pretty-I like the neck line esp. :-) am rehearsing at the mo but they've pretty much done my bits so waiting til tea time! (Going to have to be a two bar day today) hope all well and happy. XX
  27. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    You made me laugh Angel-super strength underwear! :-D yours sounds pretty though -pic? Mind is m and co and a black background with a light floral pattern (bit of purple) looking forward to wearing it now. Rain this morning but sunny now. Happy day mere and angel xx
  28. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Boiler sorted fingers crossed for good! Got a pretty dress while mooching yesterday and feeling groovy! Must be heading to ketosis as forgot my lunchtime bar yesterday and didn't realise til tea time! Sneak peek at the scales today and I'm nearly back to where I was before falling off the wagon...
  29. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    I'll join the big boob club! Happy sunny day all-stay cool x
  30. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks sweetie. Happy follie growing for tomorrow! Huw's been dropped off so I'm off to do a quick flit round the shops as the boiler man has just gone! (completing the work now, fingers crossed no more visits) i'm off, tata, then wee wee wee all the way hoooooome!!! Ttfn x
  31. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Sorry hon-been at the Wycombe swan to see blood brothers-brilliant but a bit disappointed with Maureen Nolan! 6 follies well done Angel-keep em warm til Friday :-) got everything crossed X day 3 good-even had water tonight at the theatre -v unlike me!! Hopefully get the rest of the weight that...
  32. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    He decided he wanted to write to Repton! We're visiting a school on 2nd may so if we like it we avoid the cross county problem and could start transitioning over the rest of the term... If we don't like it as much, then we wait for the Oxford SEN meeting 22may and if they approve he could start...
  33. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks Mere :-) Having to wee every time I go and make a drink is fun-not!! Hey ho back to the grindstone :-) Angel this weekend's one is in Bicester and I was printing out some Mendelssohn. In the end Huw wrote a letter to a character from one if the games he plays...odd but he is my son :-)...
  34. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    hi Mere, Just for a couple of days at the moment while we are sorting out a different school! it is ok while it is still a novelty to him but I can imagine him becoming bored quite quickly.....should be no longer than this term at any rate. :-) x
  35. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    thanks Mere :) just printing out some music for the concert this weekend then a cuppa. tomorrow at least I'll be busy being Mummy teacher with Huw! Hope all is good with you X
  36. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Angel you are sweet! I am blushing:-) I was on such a high afterwards too, I love it even tho I am nervous to start with - next weekend's one to concentrate on now!! I have started today with renewed vigour! (and Huw slept well and didn't appear til 6.30!! yay) had coffee before drop off and as...
  37. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Hey hon-hope you're feeling less heady now? Could be the hormones/jabs/weather! I had s mega one yesterday but expected it due to bad sleep and nerves! Sending a hug X
  38. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Well the concert was fab and I feel suitably ego-boosted!! Got my new box and start back strictly in the morning. :-) hope all had a good weekend. Will no doubt be on here through the week as I get back to ketosis!! Ttfn x
  39. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Didn't like it or drink it for years then tried Bombay blue sapphire with tonic and lime and rather liked it! Don't have it as often these days so prob seemed a bit of a lightweight! :-)
  40. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Angel, Mere and Jael - Thankyou so much for your kind words and support.:o (and the hug!) Also a huge thankyou for your donations and promoting me - that means a lot. I feel I am getting back into the saddle - got to remember that I will probably fall out again, but that I have a lot of help to...
  41. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks honey, Nothing more than any parent of a small child I guess :-) add in the autism and you get a little more fun...He is being quite a challenge at the moment, shouting at me all day some days and others being good as gold. he decided to draw on our fairly newly papered living room wall...
  42. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Been a bit mad....also not sticking to anything :-( either eating crap or eating nothing . Feeling crap cos of that on top of feeling stressed! Things are getting better so I just need to shake myself up a bit. Can't put any more back on. (Stone went on and half off again) sending you...
  43. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Hey hon. :-) sending hugs x
  44. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Mere the little guy is 5 and a handful! Hope your daughter and family have a fab time :-) Jael I agree loads of walking-which was better now than it would've been but still knackering! Just thik how much easier it'll be for you next time and what you'll be able to do :-) (its pouring today so...
  45. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Ta Mere! Been a long day at Legoland today-fun but tiring :-) lil man enjoyed it which is the main thing, and the OH and I did too! We even managed a couple of the smaller 'rides' (one more an experience type thing) and gold panning, which was great as we weren't sure he'd want to do anything...
  46. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Mental kick received and taken on board :-) been resisting in the kitchen but drinking rather a lot of tea instead... I know in a few days I'll be back in the swing of it and losing again so feeling positive. Th sunshine helps too :-) happy day all x
  47. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    been away at bro in law's for a coupla nights - soooo not eaten anything from my plan at alllll....need a swift bum kick methinks - not going to undo all the work so far. (did enjoy the chinese last night, tho not the indigestion that followed....) Hope all well? ttfn X
  48. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Enjoyed a good day with my boy. Lego, drawing, reading baking and now chilling with a cuppa before getting him to bed! Have started my planning for the walk in June so going to put my justgiving page on my signature so if anyone wants to donate then they can :-) traing will begin end of the...
  49. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks for the tip mere-v easy to get out of the habit of drinking water! And yes it would help the day go! Have since changed the beds and loaded the dishwasher! Fridge avoidance working so far! X
  50. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Eat it and enjoy it! Indoor cycling and sooooo need to get back to it :-) off down now to have a coffee and wake up-lil man in at 6.40 this morning...! Love x Ways to avoid eating crap this morning - cycle, sort washing, put washing on, make breakfast for OH, make breakfast for son, empty...
  51. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Not yet angel..... Sqeeeeeeeeeze!! X
  52. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Good to see you Angel. Decided to have a week off as not coping with the diet on top of other stuff. Hopefully won't do too much damage.....difficult with chocolate around :-/ am cycling to start the 'training' ahem! So we'll see where that gets me! Ttfn x
  53. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Hurrah! Very glad you're back :-) you have been missed X
  54. DivaDavis

    inspiration, help and motivation needed :) long thread warning

    Hi guys. Thought I'd welcome you and wish you luck. I started in oct lat year at 22st. Am now at just under 17st.I am 38 and apart from losing 8 st before ivf 7 yrs ago have always been overweight/obese. I'm having a week off as ive been under a lot of emotional stress recently, which is not...
  55. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    not been the best week emotionally....may make the decision to not weigh this week and continue next as normal. as soon as there is too much emotional pressure I crack and turn to food. don't think too much damage has been done . totm arriving also hasn't helped. better things to come. x
  56. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    same old same old! no matzoh balls yesterday - may make the dough today and shape tomorrow to cook Friday...Got apple almond cake to do Friday morning so that seems like a plan! Hope all good. ttfn X
  57. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks Mere :-) hot strawb this morning for a change, then drop off, teaching, shopping, pick up and matzoh ball making! Ttfn xx
  58. DivaDavis

    EXANTE Weight Loss Achievement Badges!

    dunnit! finally lost enough to put one on! Had it waiting on my desktop til last WI. thanks ED for the something to aim for. X
  59. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    And Thankyou Mere! back to the norm - coffee porridge drop off and teaching! Got Good Friday/Passover coming up (My side is C of E and OH's is Jewish, so we do allllll the festivals!) I make the matzoh balls for the soup, and an apple/almond cake for dessert. We do the 2 on the same day cos we...
  60. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thankyou Jael X
  61. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    I'm amazed!! Another 3 off this week so I'm in the 16s! 72 lbs gone-I'll add my badge when I get on the computer later :-) happy happy happy !!! Xx
  62. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks Mere xx
  63. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Snow and lots of it! Hello spring :-) not feeling so down today-hoping that last lb is off for WI tomorrow so I can have my badge! Warm drinks and looking at the snow from inside ! X
  64. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    parents wisely decided to stay put as extremely heavy snow is forecast for them overnight. I'd rather they stayed safe and warm. DS has been a bit of a trial today to say the least - I have been really tested, actually ended up blubbing on my own in the loo at one point - not good really but...
  65. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    thanks Mere! breakfast as usual then drop off and a clear up before my parents visit! ttfn X
  66. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    coffee porridge and teaching then trips into the loft to put stuff away that has been waiting to go up for months... :-) ttfn X
  67. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    coffee porridge drop off and shopping! (teaching this evening!) feeling a bit more with it today so newly determined to stick at this and get that last 3 stone off!!! ttfn X
  68. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    back to the grindstone. coffee porridge drop off teaching. XX
  69. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    AAAAAAngel..........where you is?? XX
  70. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    well. 3lbs off :-) would have like 4 but there we are - I'll get that 5 stone badge up if it kills me! coffee and porridge and headache - tablets I think! all the excitement of a mini hol and car! ttfn X
  71. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Ended up coming up north a day earlier as a pupil cancelled-means I feel like I've had a mini holiday whil picking up my car :-) back home tomorrow a little restored x
  72. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    thanks vee. better today - in fact yesterday ended up being a good day :-) Coffee and porridge before drop off and a bit of a chill today! Hope all have a good day. ttfn X
  73. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    bit rah again today. tired - lots on my mind at the mo plus OH had done his back in so is home. that makes for a confused and loud son who makes life difficult getting ready for school. I love them both and wouldn't be without them but RAH!!!!!! ok. thanks for the rant. coffee porridge drop off...
  74. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Here we go again - Day 1

    Slow and steady vee-keep going x
  75. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    hey Vee - well done on keeping going :-) you'll get there (as we all will eventually!) My problem is wanting to pick when it's cold and I'm tired. I also seem to want to set myself up to fall by baking and making chocs! (which I do give away so they arent there....most of the time. I now cycle...
  76. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    coffe and porridge before drop off and teaching. ttfn X
  77. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Stayed the same this week - bit annoying as I really want to get past 17! ah well - strictness and a bit more on the bike. Happy Mum day all X
  78. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Hey hon, you being good? ;-) x
  79. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Porridge and a second coffee as I taught my niece first thing this morning! Got in laws over soon and may go out for lunch-will take my bar. Ttfn x
  80. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    porridge and coffee before drop off and chocolate making! thought I'd make some Mothering Sunday chocs for Mum and the Mum in law. Haven't made any for a while so quite looking forward to it :-) ttfn happy day all X done - made boxes too as hadn't got anything to put them in!
  81. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    porridge and coffee before drop off in the pouring rain - yuk! must go and buy some wellies as I might actually be able to get my calves in some now :-) happy wet day X forgot to say Angel - it's black! (not my first choice, but beggars can't be choosers!)
  82. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hellooo! So glad you're back :-) I am getting a nissan note from a used car place up near my parents in Derby. quite excited really! and yes, I probably do love the porridge as much as you - I missed it when I was using up shakes :-) I am not in the 17s just yet, but managed to get the 6lbs I...
  83. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Angel - where are yooooooooou? XX hope you're well and looking forward to seeing you soon. x
  84. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    porridge coffee and drop off and teaching. Littlest man home yesterday with tummy ache but back to school today. :-) Bought an exercise bike and assembled it yesterday too - can see it being a real boon. ttfn X
  85. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    porridge and coffee then drop off and teaching. (boring diary for anyone else this!) hoping to be at 17 this weekend WI.... fingers crossed. :fingerscrossed:
  86. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    New car! Well new to me :-) collection in two weeks. Yay! Happy bunny :bunnydance:
  87. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Yay! good start to Saturday - the 6lbs that went on last week are now off! back to where I was. :-) Now to get more off....porridge and coffee before teaching and travelling up to Derby. ttfn X
  88. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    good work! I didn't like the soups either - I've become a winter warmer gal! Onwards and inwards X
  89. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    porridge coffee drop off and now tea and teaching! Happy drizzly day all X
  90. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    porridge and a coffee before drop off and shop. Maybe it's psychological, but I don't notice the time going when I've had the porridge - no phantom munchies etc but I do a bit with the shakes for breakfast. mmm good job there was the winter box offer! ttfn X
  91. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    porridge! mmmmm and a coffee before drop off and teaching. promised the little guy lunch at the garden centre if he's good- must remember to put a bar in my bag! ttfn X Grrrrrrrrr totm arrived and I wasn't ready! so Grrrrrrrr :grumble:
  92. DivaDavis

    EXANTE Weight Loss Achievement Badges!

    Brilliant! going to find the right one to put on.... thanks muchly X
  93. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Try and take regular breaks hon- and if you're strictly back on the diet then you'll need all your energy. Can you get some time off after the work thing? I am just amazed that you are doing what you're doing with a broken arm! X hot banana and coffee before drop off and teaching!
  94. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    missing you already!! Have fun hon and please don't work too hard! x
  95. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    hellooo! I started off doing 4 weeks TS then tried adding some food. I find too much temptation for a whole week, so I now aim for one meal a week - makes meeting friends out etc easier to plan! Last week was my birthday week so I enjoyed myself and its the first time I've put any on on exante...
  96. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    Hi jenbuzz, victorianne and Sam-welcome and best of luck :-) as has been said, if you can stick with it for a week, you can stick with it for months! Be positive and think thin thoughts :-D
  97. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    winter box ordered! off to do drop off and teaching today after hot banana :-) Littlest guy seems back to normal after his cough but it looks like I may be getting it...grrrr! blatting it with paracetemol. :-) ttfn XX
  98. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    And tha damage from the birthday week is plus 6lbs... :-( still, I've had a great week so time to get back on track tomorrow morning. (Well today really I guess!) ordering the winter box again as the offer us on til the 28th. Hope all have a good day ttfn x
  99. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    mine is the dr Pepper - my treat of choice! :-)
  100. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    have a good day at work hon. choc banana for breakfast then a coffee. neither oh or I sleeping well at the mo. hopefully break the cycle and get back to normal as it's getting exhausting. little guy sleeping fine tho coughing still after his cold. ttfn X
  101. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    yes, Good luck! I didn't tell anyone initially as I have fallen off so many times before. Now I've lost quite a bit people are all asking what I'm doing and praising it! (none so queer as folk!)
  102. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    nice meal and we loved the school for my son....just have to get through the hoops of getting him there! We've another lunch today with friends at a local place (friend's sister's birthday!) and final birthday lunch with my bro tomorrow in Bicester. Then back on exante track with a vengeance...
  103. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks Angel - will survey the damage at the end of the week! will steer clear of the carbs as much as are still doing fabulously hon so keep it up! When I have more details re the concert in July I'll let you know! XX
  104. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    saw on Facebook re the offer - is til 28th Feb. 4 Week Winter Warmer Bumper Pack - 50% OFF - Meal Replacements | Exante Diet theres the link anyways! Latte this morning then off to look at a school with the OH. (friend coming to watch Huw and we're going for lunch as it's her birthday today...
  105. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Found an emoticon for you Angel! :painting: Hope you have a fab few days off hon X
  106. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thankyou Angel -made me smile this morning!:thankyouthankyou: Am feeling fairly crap today, but this I did expect as I ate crap yesterday! I enjoyed what I had when I had it but went to bed with indigestion, didnt sleep that well and have a headache this morning! Hard to believe I ate like...
  107. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Thanks hon! Keep at it and you'll be past where you were. X
  108. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Birthday cake! Yum :-) a taste tonight then it's off to the OH's work tomorrow! X
  109. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    helloooo! I had a back/neck/shoulder massage with a taster facial after spending the afternoon lounging in the jacuzzi, steam room and swimming. (after a lunch in the orangery!) brilliant day. Making my cake later - will post a pic. it will be epic! off to babysit in a mo.... ttfn. happy day all XXX
  110. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Sending you a hug hon.:hug99: Nothing else I can add to the above, just stay strong. Love x
  111. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Chiiiiiilled! Now enjoying a cheese and marmite toast sandwich! Decided that once in a blue moon is ok! And it's my birthday week! And a fancied it!! Chillaxed thoughts to all xxx
  112. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    Always room! Welcome weight champ and Sam. Stick with it and you won't go wrong :-) first week is crap, once it's done you'll be flying. X
  113. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    morning angel, hows you hon X
  114. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    coffee and a bar for breakfast - off to the spa this afternoon with a friend to chiiiiiiill! (birthday present from the hubby) really quite excited, tho I may end up snoozing.. Hope all have a wonderful day XX
  115. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    Loser85 you can do lots with vanilla shakes! And personally I like the carbonara :-) good luck starting tomorrow x
  116. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Morning sweets-how's you today? X
  117. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    3lbs off this week-really was expecting none :-) yay!! def need to see if I can sts this week and not put on...
  118. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    off to the in laws for lunch today - the next week is going to involve eating out quite a lot - am going to try and stick to protein and little/no carb :-) If I can sts and not put on I will be happy! sinus headache this morning so tablets and lots of water. mocha for breakfast and now just a...
  119. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Beautiful! And thanks for the compliment! I got an n for art at a level -love drawing and watercolour but not done any for years. Can't wait to see more of your work angel xxx
  120. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    indeedy! Taking the little man to notcutts for lunch (his choice, he likes garden centres!) Happy day hon and happy day all X
  121. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    wow ! what a lovely lovely thing to do - lucky lady Angel! Stay positive and focused - you won't sabotage it this time. We are human beings not robots so live a little :D(within reason of course!;)) Made me smile, brightened my day and the sun is shining here too! XX
  122. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    morning hon. how's you today? x
  123. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    hot strawb before drop off. not sure what to do today - prob lots of stuff I should be doing but not a lot I want to do! Sure I'll think of something! Ttfn X
  124. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Thanks Mere - you too! Angel I love the Princess Bride - haven't seen it for years tho :-) enjoy. Hope you feel back to energised again soon - maybe the food just didn't agree with you. :bighug:sending a big hug cos it sounds like you could do with one! Have a lovely cuddly Valentines Hon. XXX
  125. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Hi Hon, How you doing? XX
  126. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    chai latte for brekkie then drop off and some shopping. nice warm house after boiler man came yesterday - think the pcb is faulty tho so he may be back! Shouty son this morning - hope he has a better time at school :-) catch up later ttfn X
  127. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    hot mint choc this morning before drop off and hopefully the boiler man to fix it properly this time! yes - it broke again yesterday!! grrrr and brrrrrr! Angel I'll pm the details - would be good to meet you! the chai latte was on here on a thread so I can't take credit for it - I'll keep...
  128. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    hmmmmm discovering a noisy side effect to maltitol...looking for some suitable tablet/granular sweeteners to try. I've ordered some xylitol and hermasetas - been warned off sucralose so seeing what happens if I avoid it for a bit! Have been an avid splenda user as I thought it better than...
  129. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    it is a spiced* black tea in bags - most supermarkets have it. I make a two bag brew (300ml water) then whisk in the vanilla shake. mmmm. :D *most contain cinnamon cardamom black pepper ginger star anise in varying proportions! I like teapigs but it is pricy, so settle for twinings which is good!
  130. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    the more the merrier loser85! welcome and best of luck X
  131. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    :-) made me smile this morning Angel thankyou-feeling fairly cold-y at the mo courtesy of the little man being full of one yesterday! Keeping him home today is probably best for all concerned. Deddington is near Oxford -not sure if that'd be too far for you? I'll be singing in Vivaldi Gloria and...
  132. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    The blips don't matter if you are back on target hon. Only if they throw you off and keep you off! Stay with it and you'll continue your losses. X
  133. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Chai tea-Make it black and whisk in the vanilla shake. Instant chai tea latte. Yumminess personified :-)
  134. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thankyou angel (blush!) - I'll see what I can do! I am gigging at Coventry cathedral in March, Warwick in April and Deddington in July - if you can get to any feel free to come! The shawl bit is a bit shiny plasticky feel but the dress is lovely. I'll find a shrug to go with. Happy bunny...
  135. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    I second all the above! Stay fab x
  136. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    Welcome one, welcome all. I wish you strength and willpower :-) x
  137. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks guys-still deciding on cars....I like auto gearbox but all seem expensive and I'm feeling very pushed to look at manual which I just don't want. I passed in a manual but have driven an auto for nearly 6yrs and am very happy. Slightly marring the smiley start to today. And it's pouring...
  138. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Go angel go angel go angel!!! You stay focused you are doing so well. And fab news on the blouse-bet you look brill :-) weigh when you like-when you feel thinner. It's your diet hon! Xxx
  139. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Yay!!! 5lbs off. Happy start to the day. Off to make brekkie for little man and me. Also to think about cars.....
  140. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    I did resist and the wine is still in the fridge! Spent today looking at possible new cars. Loooooooong day and knackered! Sleep now, decision on which car in the morning. Night night x
  141. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Keep healing well and make sure you do your physio exercises! X
  142. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    :thankyou:! we have heating! :party0049: having a stir fry for lunch - 1 egg white omelette, mushies and beansprouts with no cal teriyaki mmmmmm! might help my mood! headache abated too and little guy happy. I'll try and resist the callllll!!! ttfn XX
  143. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thankyou Angel - hug v gratefully received! drinking now and will do lots today. stress is so not helping and I keep being emotional all the time (well, it seems like it!)there is also wine in the fridge calling....resist resist! Visiting another school a week Thursday which has a place sooner...
  144. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hi all. hope the bone man helps you Angel :-) Our boiler went kaput last night so we've had no heating - apart from the 2 oil filled ones we bought late last night! rather chilly still, waiting for the boiler man to come and fix it today. hopefully. fingers crossed! Got monster headache so...
  145. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    glad the chai latte is going down well - I might have one for lunch! The school was nice and they have a space in sept which is good - need to see what happens with statements! We've got a couple of other schools to see but as one is over the oxfordshire border we need to wait to visit (they're...
  146. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    angel it's lovely - and I second the others - what a lovely fella! XXX
  147. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    hot banana! again I nod to you Angel! Off to look at a possible school change for the little guy this morning after drop off - always strange to have the OH here when he's normally at work! Hope all have a good day. will pop back on later XXX
  148. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    you have a good night hon! Teaching in a bit so better scoot off the pooter! X
  149. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Thankyou Mere :) - I tend to gravitate to the more unusual! I've wanted to munch today so drinking lots of tea.....still want to munch tho! I did some trying on of stuff from the upper end of the thin wardrobe and can get one of the skirts on and a dress for performance that I'd forgotten about...
  150. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    ok heres the ring! all sparkly and shiny! :D X
  151. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    I agree with Ali - buy the dress!! and I'll try and take a pic of the ring...can we see the new bauble for your bracelet? :-) I was around 14 1/2 st when last in the thin wardrobe, but am aiming for 14 this time as I've had Huw in between and changed shape! may even try and get more off if I...
  152. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    hot strawberry - thanks for that one Angel! I worry about me sometimes too, but not for long! Quieter morning as I have some deliveries to wait in for after drop off, then teaching tonight. and now I have that beatles song in my head for today - ta! :-) 'Desmond has a barrow in the market...
  153. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Hi Mere - no I can't! it's like when I first had it:) getting there on the clothes - couple more sizes down and I'll be swapping back to the thin wardrobe! Well done on your losses too - keep it up X
  154. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    :happy036: :happy096: well done hon. X:talk017: (I love these - can you tell?!)X
  155. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hope you are feeling better this morning hon - have written on your diary thread so won't bore you again! All that has popped into my head this morning is a speech exercise I had to do at college (random lady alert!) That and the 'skyfall' theme as I'm teaching it to a pupil at the mo and my...
  156. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Angel I hope you eventually got to sleep! You did what Marge said and talked yourself through wonderfully - I know where to look for a boost when I feel that downward pull :-) I get hormonal pre totm (as do a lot of women!!) and with it I get paranoid and end up dissecting every conversation...
  157. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    hello Angel. doing good ta - gaining confidence in myself as the weight goes down! So glad you are feeling good, and you WILL be in the 18s! :fingerscrossed: :-) the dress looks gorgeous btw. :D I have been doing the measurements which helps on the lower losses. I am already looking at what I'm...
  158. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    thankyou Angel - you make me feel brill! I had a lovely day - we had a lunch out with some work colleagues of OH and they were really nice. :-) am actually very happy I am finally in the 17s - last time was on the way up when pregnant! I will think of some new goals too - maybe the next sizes...
  159. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    the film has a song in it sung by bette midler about 'otto titsling' who creates the first 'over the shoulder boulder holder' if I can find a link I'll post it. verrrrrrry funny!! X
  160. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    I love the film beaches! X
  161. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Morning! Lost 2lbs this week :-) as always, was hoping for more but will look at measurements later on and see if that cheers me up!! Now in the 17s.... Been a wee whiley since I've been there! Ttfn x
  162. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Got my engagement ring comfortably on today!! am very pleased as I haven't worn it since having my son 5 yrs ago.... :bliss: also got some m and s jammies in a 20!!!
  163. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    hellllooooo! hope you're having a good weekend hon. keep thinking thin thoughts ;) XXX
  164. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    welcome on board newbies - keirasmummy and wannabeskinnyminnie13 - good luck on the journey. You'll find all the support and encouragement you need here when it ain't happening in the real world! get the first few days out the way and you'll be flying. :-)
  165. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks hon, rain did clear up and it's the weekend so def a sunnier outlook! Hope not touch snow for you and that the snuggling helps you drift off nicely xx
  166. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    morning morning - so much rain!! caramel mocha then drop off. yuk yuk yuk - don't like winter rain. ah well, has to be done or little guy doesn't get to school! ttfn X
  167. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    yay - so glad you're feeling better :-) when's official WI? can't remember when you do now (weekly, monthly whenever you want!) you'll have lost that last pesky bit and earn your next charm :-) XXX
  168. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    it's an evans plain black 'skater' dress - I like the fact I can dress it up or down. nice bright cardi to cheer the day up - it's now hailing/raining/blowing (winding as my son calls it!) maybe totm has been a bit shaken up? mine went a bit haywire when I started losing. blood pressure also...
  169. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    morning morning - feel like the house is going to blow away in this wind! Bar for brekkie today just for a change. coffee as usual tho as neeeeeed it! Wearing the dress today with the boots cos I can :D Hope some weight comes off this week as I lost an inch on the waist but nothing else last...
  170. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    morning Angel - How you feeling today? Really hope the tum is better. X
  171. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    Yay!!!! Well done 11ST!! :talk017:
  172. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Big hug hon-hopefully you'll kick it with sleep. Fingers crossed it isn't anything too yucky or long lasting. X sleep well X
  173. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Mmmm I have on occ but generally put it down to totm due, or when I have stiff back or neck. Maybe all your work on the kitchen floor one armed has put pressure on your shoulder/neck which is making you queasy. Knowing you you'll have drunk enough so I doubt it's dehydration....maybe the extra...
  174. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    we have many iDevices......and I have an addictive personality....may have to go peek!!
  175. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    hellooooo Angel!! been on a little shopping outing this pupils mean a little more wonga sooooo I felt some retail therapy was in order! (and I need everything I got, honestly!) ;-) aaaaand I got a size 20 dress!!!! soooooo chuffed! and som knee high boots that were less than half...
  176. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hi hon-been a busy day but better than yesterday thankyou :-) and the hug was much appreciated x I do hope pooch is feeling better? Do rest your arm-it will be mended soon enough-make the most of resting (not cleaning kitchens!!). I can understand it getting frustrating but it won't be long. I...
  177. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Same s**t different day! Been a bit of an up and down day. Not good for a diet!! Not been too bad so no damage limitation required :-) needed a hug this afternoon! Trying a hot strawberry now and an early night. Hope your days been ok hon. X
  178. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    SSDD but its ok. all's good. X
  179. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    Hi 11stonetarget, dontwanttobesocurvygirl, and pup and welcome! I wish you strength and luck on your journeys, whether new or restarting, we are all in the same boat!:welcome2: DWTBSCG - you've been here before and you did well so go girl and you'll be back in those clothes again soon - positive...
  180. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    night night X
  181. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    ok. totally understand freaked-out-ness. :-I you're doing this for you, so when you are happy with you, that is all that matters. (then others that mean something to you can continue their love, and those that don't can go take a jump) big hug X
  182. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    I look at it that I'm getting attention for the right reasons when I'm slimmer - I know I felt more confident in myself as I liked the way I looked and I suppose I gave other people permission to like me too. (even if friends and family had always done so and unconditionally!!) Bit of self...
  183. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    I have just put the run keeper app on my phone as I am intending to do some walking to keep the loss going (and to start training 'ahem') looks good as I'll be able to track how far I'm going and how fast and what I'm burning. I'm going to start small and build up rather than my usual gung ho...
  184. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thankyou for your super support Angel :-) I did sts over Christmas but kind of counted that as a loss cos I didn't put on! (skewed logic I know!) Going to be super strict this week and see if I can't get 1/2 stone off (totm should help if it hurries up!!!) Huw had a great time - he does't...
  185. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    I like the graph on the tracker too - I can see how far I've come and how far left to go. Somehow more of a motivator! X
  186. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    well. Stayed the same this week but kinda figured I would! will measure later but with totm approaching that may not be such a good idea!! Tried the pancake thing with no egg - just the porridge mix and water to the right works! at least gives you the feeling of having a treat...
  187. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    well done hon - good control. you'll be fine. :-)
  188. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Eight Stone to go! Slinky summer here I come...

    Yay! well done hon - I looooove the charms, so pretty. hmmmmm might have to suggest that idea to the OH......! Keep going hon you are a star. :angel09: and Carrie - you did indeed look gorgeous! soz for the add on - missed a few posts! X:doh:
  189. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    hellooo! bought some caramel coffee, and some calorie/sugar free caramel dip stuff - et voila guilt free caramel coffee! (tried a bit of the dip in a vanilla shake and it tasted like butterscotch angel delight!) Got a friend over today so looking forward to a good catch up :-) Hope your arm is...
  190. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hi honey, been a bit of a mad morning! Huw wasn't too bad getting into school today, though he HAD to scoot....on ice and snow.....with me holding on!!! I then had a pupil and now have a mini coffee break before pick up at lunchtime! Hows you? He loves mine craft and creating his own landscapes...
  191. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hi angel, hon I hope you're feeling a bit better and not so sad? How's the arm going? And hubby, back safely or still away sorting? (I hope safe wherever he is :-)) can't believe my little guy is 5 today:-) time has gone sooooo quickly! Had my parents here today (they're travelling back oop...
  192. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    thanks Angel - hope you're not too worn out. made a snow dalek which then got snowed on! Hot choc for breakfast this morning for a change, and a bar for lunch. just made chocolate rice krispie cakes with green choc on top for Huw to take into school tomorrow - minecraft again! Hope all having a...
  193. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    wow - steeleee, you've done so well so far! You know how this works and you know it can, so I wish you determination, strength and luck on the next leg of your journey. :-) X
  194. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    welcome hutchi - yes, you're right, and I second what YesICan just said! Best of luck X
  195. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    Thanks all - have just reread and seen I put mining.....I meant mini! (and it was a poss lunch...promise!!) I desperately want to buy something clothes wise but know I won't be in it long... (hopefully!) a manicure sounds good too my birthday coming up in Feb tho so may just hold...
  196. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    helloooo! up and ready to go and teach as son's school is shut today but mine not, OH staying home to look after him.....then school call to say none of my pupils are in! so now OH has gone to work and I am having another snow day! Angel I whipped the eggs til they were frothy (just cos I...
  197. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Here we go again - Day 1

    Welcome back hon and all luck x
  198. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    I love time team-the old ones are better tho-with the exception if a couple of the latest ones :-) Snowman building today and piss lunch out if bro in law can make it through the snow! Feel a mining celebration as I'm halfway there! 4off and 4to go! :-) happy snowy day all (sound like peppa pig...
  199. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hope you feel suitably cleansed Angel? ;-) little guy and I had a jama day yesterday, and OH cleared the drive. We are going to make a snowman today I think :-) WI today and 2 more gone! Am at my halfway mark yayyyyyy!!!!! Always would like more than 2 but am at least satisfied its coming off...
  200. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Yay!!!!! Go Angel woohoo :-) little guy loves the minecraft game so wanted a minecraft cake-I found one online I liked so decided to have a go....lots of tiny tiles on a cube cake (nearly a thousand!!) am pleased but shattered! Am on phone so it won't let me post z pic, but will try when I go...
  201. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    good for you Angel - hope the Hobbit was good? I enjoyed it if a tad long! Havent done the warm strawb or banana....might have to do so soon :-) XX
  202. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    it was ok - I did hear before going anywhere! just changed the little guy out of his uniform and let him play! been making his birthday cake today and am sooooo tired now - been on my feet for app 8 1/2 hours :-) hope all are safe in the snowy weather. X
  203. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    coffee and porridge then out into the cold. lots of schools closed in anticipation but so far not ours! Happy day all X school was closed so lots of hot drinks in the warm and a happy boy!
  204. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    Angel, its great your OH is doing it too - makes the whole temptations at home thing a lot simpler! Mine is slim fast-ing at the mo and happy enough so there's lots of salad about if I feel the need! (see my cotton tail...!) XX
  205. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Angel you make me smile! And you have a wonderful husband :-) I have been told I have less chin now! also that I am looking good which is always a nice boost :-) lots of teaching in the evenings for me so no more going out for a bit, tho I did have fun! porridge, coffee water drop off and then...
  206. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Loved it! had a lovely evening and met some new people. :-) Porridge, coffee water and drop off then teaching, washing and cleaning! ttfn girls have a good day X
  207. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanjs Angel . Friends tonight-tho I know OH would prob like to see it so will more than likely watch it again! (No worries tho, plenty of eye candy!!) xx
  208. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    porridge coffee water and drop off! Going to see Les Mis tonight - quite excited as I haven't been to the pictures for ages - sad bird I am! will pop on later ttfn X
  209. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    Got down to 14st before (8 lost) so going for the same this time. May do more if the wardrobe don't fit! :-) and thanks hon-sorting out sponsorship stuff at the mo so will do an online thing if I can. Glamping sounds fun-you WILL get into that dress it sounds gorgeous :-D and YIC wear it...
  210. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    Awwww made me smile angel :-)
  211. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Angel def def def drink more-I didn't a coupla days back and got the headache-went for th drugs but then drank instead-presto no headache! Also if you've been out in the cold then in the warm it can get you headache wise (yoda again I am yes) Mere welcome! Just think how much more will be gone...
  212. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    2 lbs off - a loss so I'm happy! checked the inches and am pleased there too! snow but not too much today so porridge coffee and water before clearing the car for drop off and teaching! happy Monday all! X
  213. DivaDavis

    A Journey of 5 stone or more ?

    Found it angel!! Good luck to all on this journey. No matter how we got here, we are and we're doing something about it! I would suggest a tape measure along with your scales, cos some weeks it shifts from the bod and if you see that too it keeps you going :)YesICan-fab loss :D I'm aiming for...
  214. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Oh angel ow ow ow-really hope your arm heals super quick hon. Good work still going with the plan too-6lbs wooooohoooooo!!!!! I'll see if I can find your thread but will carry on here too as the diary thing has been quite good to read back over at times! if you click on subscribed threads, all...
  215. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    WI on Mon this week as not home to do it Sunday morning. Have a good weekend all XX
  216. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    same old same old! BUT I know it works so not so bothered! Having a little extra today as been a bit whizzy headed and I found that it helps. Like my sam but slightly less :-) Hope all are doing grand. Off up to Ashbourne with the littlest guy tomorrow for a couple of nights with my parents - my...
  217. DivaDavis

    Pasta & Porridge

    150mls hot water stirred in bit by bit gets rid of lumps the micro for 1min stir then micro another min. Should be creamy thick and yum! X
  218. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    hi hoooooo! porridge coffee water and school run! Happy Tuesday all XX
  219. DivaDavis

    Total Solution What to expect in the first few days of Exante? (Total Solution)

    You're where I was at beginning if October and there's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be where I am now in 3months!! It will show by then-it is being noticed in me now and will in you too. Have faith and stick with it girl! X. (Obviously when you start!)
  220. DivaDavis

    Total Solution What to expect in the first few days of Exante? (Total Solution)

    Poppy you are more than welcome :-) Just stick to what you do and you'll be grand! And hatebeingfat of course we can! I pop on most days as I seem to now be addicted to this site :-) I'm back in the zone after enjoying Christmas and soooo looking forward to getting into the smaller clothes...
  221. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hi vee-thank you hon, but no secrets I'm afraid. Just back to being bloody minded as I'd allowed myself bits and the losses were slowing. (and nonexistent for two weeks!!) I did enjoy Christmas but didn't go mad and wed thurs fri sat I was super strict and upped the water. Totm also meant a good...
  222. DivaDavis

    I just want to say a big well done everyone!!!

    thankyou! X
  223. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks vee-hope you are feeling back on form now :-) WI this morning and 6lb off yippee!! Happy bunny off to have porridge :D ttfn xx
  224. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Mmmmm put a whisper of nutmeg on my porridge this morning-reminiscent of baked rice pud. :-) lovely way to start my Saturday! Party for a friend's 40th tonight but I'm feeling in the zone so quite looking forward to it! Ttfn all x
  225. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hi hon - doing good ta - freezing and headachy yesterday so assuming back into ketosis yay! Just having a chai latte mmmmm decorations coming down today as we've a party tomorrow and panto in Sunday (oh yes we have!) Hope all have a good day - Angel, you've been here before you can do it again...
  226. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Quick question..... possible challenge!

    I would think so - I managed 46 in 10 weeks! Good luck :-)
  227. DivaDavis

    Pasta & Porridge

    love them both! porridge - I use 150 mls just boiled water, stir in slowly so no lumps and do 1 min in micro, stir then 1 min more. yum :-) carbonara - 130 mls just boiled and stir in so no lumps, 30 secs in micro, stir, 30 secs, stir, 30 secs again (otherwise I get cheese volcano) then leave...
  228. DivaDavis

    Total Solution What to expect in the first few days of Exante? (Total Solution)

    Hi there and welcome! I was looking into gastric banding as I thought there wasn't much else I could do, and found this site! I started just over 12 wks ago and have lost just over 3 stone - I've still a way to go but it does work if you stick to it! The first few days are crap - you may feel...
  229. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hi, thankyou :) and welcome Dreamer - you stick to it and you won't be disappointed! XX good luck :fingerscrossed:
  230. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    staying stricter than strict today. getting these next few days out of the way and back to feeling groovy! Hope all are being good ;) ttfn XXX
  231. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Happy new year hon and good luck for the continuing journey! I'm rebooting so going to continue my weeks as before! The bubbles were yum-got quite squiffy! (advantage of no alcohol for months!) totm for the new year-joyousness :-S good to know there are people still here for the ride;-) xxx
  232. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    got just over a week's worth of exante left before I need to order - going to see in the new year with some bubbles tho! :party0036:(ok I know it's a pic of red wine but was closest I could get!) :new_year: to one and all! X
  233. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Here we go again - Day 1

    Oh vee-sounds a bloody nightmare, really hope you are on the mend now. Day one reboot dawning for me too! Good luck hon xx
  234. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Hello! Sts this week but considering the meals I've shared and bits I've eaten I'm more than happy with that! Got to order my next box in the new year which will help me back on track :-) happy new year all xx
  235. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Time to leave the fat suit and put on that sexy dress

    I agree, wait til you're back to normal before introducing too much. Bland stuff and small amounts and see how you go. Sending love and happy get better vibes xxx
  236. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks stinginbelle! :-) Stayed the same this week-no worries, just don't want it creeping back up! The inches are coming off still so happy! Have a wonderful Christmas all x
  237. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Yum dinner tonight and didn't go too mad so pleased :-) WI in the morning so fingers crossed no gain....! G'night x
  238. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    back on track today! got a pair of boots on that my calves had no hope of squeezing into before so that has helped! :-) My parents are down today so we're having a mini Christmas with them as they are back home on Sunday, then brothers and in laws galore over the festive few days after! Have...
  239. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Ok, confession time...I made bara brith today for my parents visit tomorrow and couldn't resist 'testing' a slice off the end!!! Bit cross but in the grand scheme of things not a major blip. Guess I can kiss a 4lb loss bye bye this week :-S hope I can be stronger over the festive period...
  240. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Here we go again - Day 1

    Looks fab hon-well done you! ;-)
  241. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    awww thankyou Angel! :o (blushes!) I'm actually growing my hair at the mo - the profile pic is just a fave of mine with my little guy from a holiday a few years back - the hair all came off after he appeared as it was just too much hassle! Hope you have a fabulous Christmas hon :party0036...
  242. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Here we go again - Day 1

    Good for you vee! Have a bloody good Christmas! Xx
  243. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    cold today! plodding on til WI on Sunday. would love to have got 4 off just cos it takes me to 3 and 1/2 off and it's a nice round number! tbh I'll be happy to keep losing over the Christmas period :-) Hope all well and happy XX
  244. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Here we go again - Day 1

    It is it is! At least you're not running it alone x
  245. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Here we go again - Day 1

    Slow and steady wins the race hon! X
  246. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

    Thanks vee! :-)
  247. DivaDavis

    Total Solution Time to leave the fat suit and put on that sexy dress

    Hi hon - how you doing? Hopefully back on the straight and narrow...sending strength X