diary of angie-bum, first time mum

Aye they turn round and round right up to 34 weeks, and can turn after that, but that is when they start to think if you are presenting breech.
my girl is still going transverse at night but when awake she's head down and during the day. :)
I'd forgotten all about the leaky boobs. It's all flooding back now LOL

Jocels went breech at 32 weeks, hubby and I were laying in bed watching tv one night at 35 weeks and she turned while we were watching her do it! Very surreal - she did a big forward roll so my bump really stretched forwards, hubby likened it to an adult standing up in a child play tent :D
Gah awake in the middle of the night again...been awake since 3ish...have tried listening to my hypnobirthing which usually gets me off again, but not this morning....so have come downstairs to have some bread and marmite and a cup of early grey. Will give my self another 15 minutes down here and will try stetching a little (as shoulder and back muscles feel tight) and will probably try listening to hypno again, or maybe just radio/static down low. If I lie in the dark in silence all I will do it either think about work or baby or get more anxious cos I can't sleep.

I think I couldn't relax into the hypno music, cos baby was moving so much. It is reassuring, if not very relaxing...anyway only 12 mins left of downstairs time so will try an sip my tea and think non-stimulating thoughts =)
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Aww angie sorry you were awake ((hugs)).
You could try listening with headphones next time - I find baby doesn't 'react' to the hypno then. My baby kind of rises up in my belly to listen more I'm convinced of it! lol If I have head phones on though she falls for it! ;)

Really hope you got back to sleep and work goes ok for you.

Congrats on 32 weeks! ((hugs)) not long till maternity leave for you! X
Another marmite and toast eater in the night here too, I was up from 1 til nearly 4.. Still I watched question time and then eventually dozed off on the sofa!

Hope we both have better nights and, if not, that there's lots of good things to sky+! :D
Unfortunately I was already listening on headphones, but baby was doing cartwheels anyway, which was reassuring as she'd not moved much during that day, but didn't help with getting some shut eye...

and thanks I did get back to sleep eventually, was awake until 6am and managed to sleep 'til 7.30am. Okay day at work
But very very glad it's Friday. Also very happy we can go pick up our hand whittled bed tomorrow, it's been on order since from Ireland for 2 months, have been having to get off a mattress on the floor for too long! the mattress has been lovely for it's pressure relief properties, but blimey! the last week trying to peel myself off the floor up to 4 times a night! I was just praying my back didn't giveout again or I'd have had to borrow a bedpan!!

anyway, last night of it tonight, getting up early to go collect the thing tomorrow. This is the one we're having The County Kerry Bed - Traditional Irish style

Ooooh Angie, that is absolutely beautiful!! We'd love a new bed, I've requested a brochure!!

They do one that is up to 8ft, would be FABULOUS for all the co-sleeping we do!
ours is 6ft by 6.4", hubby still curls up at one end, so I have best part of 4ft to myself. I actually have to especially pull myself to his side to get a cuddle! we'd have loved an 8ft bed but we'd have had to come through the window! will just have enough room with the bed we have to open and shut the door. I have a moses basket, at least in the short term there is enough room for it to go between hubby and I...we'll have to see. Otherwise we have been given a small rocking crib that I can put by my side of the bed. Glad you like the bed! it does take as long as 10 weeks (it's whittled by pixies in Ireland!)

I am so looking forward to a good nights sleep in my lovely bed!
My goodness that is BEAUTIFUL and definately a bed for life!
Ours is a standard double metal framed we've had it since Erin was a few months old and I can't bring myself to get rid of it! lol
oh arse! just spent over 3 hour in the maternity wing.... hadn't felt babs move at all since yesterday, rang on call midwives explained that and sudden breathlessness over the weekend. They asked me to come in for a check. I go in. They get babies heart beat (hip hip hooray!) but also put me on contraction checker, seems I am having mild but regular contractions. Wait over an hour to have those results checked by a dr. She is very nice, but says by the look of me I am not in the early stages of labour lol! she listens to me when I say I seem to have just completely swelled over last few weeks, she checks me over and says she thinks that I have a lot of fluid in with baby and to come in for an emergency scan tomorrow. I will not have an appointment, I just have to turn up and be seen when they have a free five minutes. They said I could have quite a wait. Have just left a message on works answering machine, saying they'll see me later tomorrow depending on when the scan is and what the scan means.
I am not worried at present. I would rather know if I need to know something now, rather than things go wrong in next few weeks. I am just glad I followed my instincts and called the on call midwives.

Anyway will try and sleep. Am hoping for the best and looking forward to seeing babs on the screen again, at least I heard the hearthbeat tonight and I was told she was moving, though I couldn't feel it
What a worry for you angie.. Fingers crossed for a reassuring scan today and that you managed to get some sleep!
((Hugs)) Angie, sorry you are having the stress of this, but well done listening to your body and instinct.
Hope the scan goes well too. Whatever happens it's better to know than not to know - if you know what I mean! ((Hugs))
And baby's gestation is really good if anything does happen and he/she arrives earlier than expected. So try not to stress over that. But fingers x'd baby is comfy where they are and the contractions ease - they can stop those if they were concerned generally anyway.

Sounds like you need a good book or magazine for later ((hugs)) Will be thinking of you. x
oh thankyou you lovely people! Was very worried had strong lower back & bump pains most of the night, was also worried because friend and colleague lost her baby to edwards syndrome this time last year at 33 weeks, her only clue being before the birth that there was too much amniotic fluid around baby. So I was bricking it today.

However, everything seems to be fine. They did the emergency scan, there is a lot of water around baby but the amount is still in the top 95% of normal. So the staff reassured me that when the waters broke I would need a mattress protector and wellies (lol!), but that I was still within normal limits. They couldn't tell me why I was having regular mild contractions last night, but I didn't seem to be having them today, so they just put it down to practice contractions.

Oh and lovely lovely! they were able to show me baby's face, she was always turned away from the scanner before but they were able to get her fully face on, we were able to see her properly for the first time (well before she stuck her hand in front of her face that is!!) they were also able to confirm she's a girl. At the last scan the sonographer was being abit cagey, this one just said, yes you can clearly see she's a girl!!!!

And little miss has long legs, her femur length was at the very top of the 95th percentile as was her estimated weight!! she is measuring 5lb 6oz at the moment....I said does that mean you'll get her out early, they said no, you'll likely just have a big baby!! However, I am thinking with her being long, heavy and surrounded by lots of water and me having bouts of regular practice contractions...well, I think she may come out early.

It's all good. I will definitely get my hospital bag 100% done now, they warned me last night to take overnight stuff with me & I couldn't put my hands on everything. Knowing she might come early, will need to be prepared. My god! it's all a bit real now, I have seen my baby's face, she is moving fine and has a good heart beat, has long legs and by the looks of it, her Mother's build. I am very reasured =)
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Gad everything went well Angie :) I had excess fluid with Alex and he was fine, so don't worry about that too much. It does indeed just make for a BIG mess when your waters burst!
i am so glad things turned out well honey. and you saw her face!! how exciting!! am so chuffed for you :)