diary of angie-bum, first time mum

Wow thats a great amount of thinking you've done and fanastic you sound so positive and are coming on leaps and bounds. Well done! Especially for talking to OH and bringing him up to speed on some things. You are right that they need things spelling out sometimes. I honestly think they just don't 'see' things in the same light we do.

Hope your test comes back clear and they can sort out the readings in your urine. ((hugs)) sounds like the MW is listening at last too.
I think men really need clear talking to get them to understand us most of the time! Terry and I had a big chat at the weekend about what I expect from him during and just after the birth, things like I don't want my mother trying to sneak in to the delivery room (I had her removed last time;)) and I don't mind people visiting but not for long periods of time and NO houseguests. I explained I expect him to act as a gatekeeper in effect and take responsibility for that. Also things like who I want him to call after the baby comes, who will be offended if they aren't notified immediately at every stage etc. I think he found it as helpful as me because I was very straight with the info instead of just hinting and now we both understand how things will work :)
I think that's party it shel, that we know what we expect but often just hint at it.. rather than spell it out. lol glad you had a good chat with your OH. I must admit I had to tell my DH that I don't want my next door neighbour to 'invite herself' as she really is that type! lol whilst we are sort of friends I don't want her here when I'm having baby or immediately after. lol
I hadn't thought of after the birth! Hmm, I think we are actually quite a reclusive couple, even good friends and close family tend not to come round less invited or if they phone in advance. Maybe because the first few years of me and hubby being together we were away in out of county with me doing my degree, then family and friends got used to us visiting them. It suits us. I hope it carries on like that, I would be seriously freaked out if lots of people I know or barely know (hubby's family) suddenly decided to pitch up just because I have had a baby. I hope this is the case because as it's going to be so close to Christmas, we are likely to be home, I am going to feel like a sitting duck otherwise!! I'm sure people would ring first, but it's worth thinking about Hubby being a gate keeper.

Otherwise, I am awake at this ungodly hour (5.30 am) cos I have been awake since 3ish. Got up for a wee and now can't stop thinking, or get to sleep. So have padded downstairs and have had 2 fruit and bran muffins and am having a cuppa tea. I feel slightly better.
I think the problem is that I have to get everything sorted for work and am feeling increasingly uncomfortable due to sudden weight gain and bh contractions (they make tummy hard and me feel sick and breathless all at once).

Also I was feeling nauseous and breathless yesterday. I got into work at good time and then drove to a local conference area, set up our work's exhibitions, helped 2 other stall set up theirs and then hung around manning the fort with 2 colleagues til late afternoon. My direct boss swans in, after hours of being god knows where with another female colleague, he takes a photo of 2 of my colleagues sitting at the stall, but makes some comment about not including me cos I haven't done any work on the organising (!) he then swans off again til the end of the day when he steps in at the last minute to sit on the stall. I am feeling physically dreadful at this point, too much walking and carrying at the beginning of the day and strong bh by the end of. So my female colleague and I make moves to go, leaving him with the colleague he came in with, we suggest we can take some things back with us. My boss takes the piss out of me and makes the same suggestion again that I haven't contributed to the day so why didI need to leave? he said it in a jokey way, like he was just trying to get a reaction, but I could have slapped him. He can be very childish/childlike and I have noticed that he has been like this when this another female colleague is around. Anyway, being jokey back again I said that how would he know what I have been doing or not all day as he has only just dained to show up?

Hmm it's rattled me
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oh angie. i've been doing a bit of catching up. sorry to hear your boss is being an arse. vent away!!

have a massive hug!!

abz xx
Thanks Abz, things are always better in the light of day, not that it's that light out! didn't get back to sleep had a bath instead, lovely! Only a couple of minutes from work so will get my knackard arse out of here in 15 mins. Feel totally shot from only having 4 hours sleep, but feel focused on what can be achieved today....I intend to write at least one letter of discharge, finish a report that I can then distribute next week, get the antibiotics from the pharmacy for uti, write an official letter to manager to say when I am leaving (he knows verbally but will get it down on paper). I expect that will take me the morning. Then I hope to get another summary/discharge report letter sorted this afternoon with the aim of taking to the person who needs to see it today or if not enough time, early next week. If I see my manager (yeah right! he was making humming and harring to my colleague about not knowing where he would be today!)I will suppress the urge to punch him =)
Hope you got things sorted today ((hugs))
Hope also by 'leaving' you mean starting maternity leave early as leaving now would compromise your SMP leave - though you could get maternity allowance still.

Whatever happens hope you get a better night tonight for having taken action. x Oh and get used to 4 hours sleep that's a 'good night' with a newborn! lol
Thankyou kirsty abz and mrs hugs...today has been better. But it will be a case of hubby cooking for me tonight and an early night me thinks.

And yes, I have thought all this getting up in the night is a great way of getting used to lack of sleep.
I did get lots of stuff done today. My boss was back to being a lot less childish, so didn't need to shoot, stuff and mount his head on the wall. And no Mrs hugs I have no intention of leaving! just leaving to start maternity leave. I have finally worked out that I am leaving at week 37, doesn't give me a lot of time b4 birth if she comes early, but plenty if she comes on time or late. I am also having a week off annual leave at the beginning of Nov, then back to work 2 weeks of paperwork and the like. So should be able to get some stuff sorted babywise then.

It seems to have been a week of male energy getting right up my nose! But in some ways it has made me more resolute and focussed and I needed that. I feel stronger this week & it's a good feeling =)
That's fab to hear you are feeling stronger and able to bat off that energy from the men around you.
Also about your plan for annual leave then mat leave. I think you are wise and fingers x'd baby stays put till due date etc. I worked right up till my EDD with Erin lol mad when I think about it now considering I was walking for 45 minutes either side of my days work.

30 weeks has arrived on your ticker eh! amazing stuff! ((Hugs))
Hi Jane, Hmm wish had some of that strong energy about me now!

How I feel today: totally, totally look-into-space-with-a-glazed expression exhausted!
I actually feel sick with it. But did get up and baked a meat pie, with mash spud veg and gravey at 10.30 this am.... if someone could have just fed me a half a maninated cow in bed I would have stayed there!
I am assuming my bone felt craving for meat and the exhaustion signals that I need to up my iron/vitamin count. I don't want to miss the rest of the day so am trying to stave off the urge just to slump sideways and sleep!
If you need to sleep have a power nap - half an hour or so will do wonders. I had an hour earlier and feel so much better. Never used to do that till I was pregnant with Erin and it's stuck! lol
you'll need the ability to power nap when baby arrives x
I agree with hugs, a power nap can do wonders!!

Sorry to hear of your fears around going in to hospital, the only thing I can say to reassure you is that maternity departments are very seperate to the general side of a hospital and the main difference also is that you have essentially well people going in to maternity where as people are sick when they go in to the general side - there are much much lower rates of infection as a result in maternity because people aren't taking the bugs in with them!

that's a very good point sunflowers, thankyou, had not thought of it that way, suppose my experience was working on general medical wards and the experience with my Mum, I was hating the idea of going back to that hospital. But anyway have booked a visit in there, so I can have a look myself. Have been feeling babs kicking lots the last week so am feeling more reassured, funny enough she is kicking so well I can see my top moving as I type this. Bliss. You just stay in there baby and don't give me any frights!
oh god i am tired now....right one foot infront of the other, that's the way to do it.

Okay, need to look at night dresses, slippers and a bathrobe. Have a mini shopping centre nearby that has a next, boots and and m&s. Will drag my weary bottom down there. Will also ring sis and see if she want to come, will try not to fall on my face like last time lol! right have a plan, just need the energy to get off the sofa....
If you're planning on breastfeeding don't forget to look for nighties that button down the front or have some form of access.

when I went in with Al I took my slippers with me, but my hind-waters burst all over them and they were soaked. This time I'm taking 2 pairs of ballet slipper style ones, so they don't take up much room in the case but I've got a spare pair!
good thinking shel on the slipper front! lol

I have some spag strapped nighties from Asda in size 22/24 needless to say they are big on my upper part but the belly fits now (yes i'm that big). lol They'll be handy for breast feeding as I'm always falling out of them! DH loves them! lol I think they were about £6 for 2.
ballet slippers sound like a good idea as do the tops from asda.

Had a look at the m&s etc, but didn't see anything I wanted. I am going to the local asda sometime this week so will have a look then. Had a power nap this afternoon and then sat reading a book in the sun, felt really nice.

I also need to get some bottles and cleaning stuff, anyone got any ideas? I got the free bottle Purple hugs drew our attention to...wondering if I should get more of the same. Boots had quite a good selection today, but felt a bit overwhelmed and thought I would ask you guys and do some research on the topic. A friend said something about dr roberts anti colic bottles...never heard of them! anyway, bit disappointed I didn't find a robe/slippers/nightie combo that I liked. Oh well, will just have to go shopping again on the weekend or look on line. Otherwise feel quite good that my baby and hospital bags are more than half done =)
Bottles are bottles at the end of the day, we all have our favourite brands etc but there isn't a huge amount of difference.

If you want to combine feed, then go for something with a more natural shape teat, like the tommee tippee closer to nature or the boots own brand equivalent. The tommee tippee ones are here and come in an anti-colic version too here. They are my preferred brand, and are often on offer in the supermarkets. If you register online they send you a 25% off voucher which is worth comparing. I haven't bothered with fancy anti-colic bottles, if a baby is going to get colic then it's going to get colic!

I used Avent with my son 8 years ago, and found them to leak quite regularly, so I wouldn't recommend them.

Along side bottles, you'll need some kind of method for sterilising. This can be cold water with tablets, boiling in a pan of water, using a microwave steriliser, or using an electric steriliser. Again, we've gone with the tommee tippee one, and the electric one as the bottles remain sterile in the unit for 24 hours. You'll need a bottle and teat brush to make sure everything is clean before sterilising.

A good way to shop around is to have a look on something like boots or mothercare online at the different brands, choose a couple that meet your needs, and then google the brand name and review to see what other parents have thought. Look at what else comes in that range as then you are guaranteed compatibility, so with tommee tippee you can get the steriliser, milk powder storage pots, bottle warmers, flask units etc that are all designed to accomodate the bottles.

Hope that helps, if not, just shout ;)