diary of angie-bum, first time mum

thank you! so much choice will take your advice and do a bit more research. I was already looking at the tommee tippee ones but noticed the boots ones looked similar. Not sure about the cleaning aspect, I just want something simple that does the job and I don't have to think about too much. My sister said she just had a bucket and some tablets when she had hers. I like the idea of something staying sterile for a good long period as I am not sure how many I will be going through as I hope to bf...not sure, more reading to do me thinks
am with shel on tommee tippee and avent leaking.. booo! Tested on many foster babies as well as my own two.

I've got tommee tippee bottles 1 bottle in a 'tub' that is a steriliser you put in the microwave. figured this would be good when away or if need a container for hot water to warm bottle up - as restaurants won't warm bottles etc anymore and even if they will they make them too hot!

I have 3 little half size bottles to go with my T/T pump and 2 of the bigger bottles in sterilisers. I'm not buying anymore as want to BF and know they'll likely be used for water or something later on.
You will use a steriliser even if you breastfeed, for doing dummies if you use them, feeding spoons and containers etc when you start weaning (around 6 months), and if you express breast milk (essential if you want an evening out at any stage in the first few months!) you'll have to sterilise the pump and whatever you use for storage. You have to sterilise anything to do with feeding basically for the first 12 months.

I had a microwave steriliser with Alex, which was fine, it was just that staying sterile thing that appealed to me too ;) Nice and simple to use by the look of it.
We just got a tesco portable steriliser - you can put it in the microwave or use it as a cold water steriliser! It holds 2 bottles or a breastpump kit easily but would only be useful if you weren't sterilising many bottles, we only fed expressed milk in the odd bottle so didnt need to sterilise lots, would have been a nightmare if we were using bottles all the time though! On the bright side it's much smaller than the standard sterilisers and can just live in your microwave so doesn't take up room!

As for bottles, we're going to use the ones that PH mentioned this time round, we used TT ones for jocelyn last time.. Once bf is established then it doesn't really matter which ones you use as they're all much of a muchness really and the thought is that you won't get bottle/nipple confusion if bf is established! Try and look for ones which are BPA free!

Have you got a primark near you? They're fab for cheap nighties/pjs for using in labour/hospital postnatally! As an aside, I bought some baby vests in there recently and also some baby pjs - they're actually nicer quality than the mothercare ones I bought for her believe it or not and much much much cheaper - so primark is good for baby things too!
thanks guys, am getting a clearer idea what I might need now. No can do re primark unfortunately, none in my county. Could go to Plymouth I suppose and do ikea at the same time...hmmm may have to think on that one.

Well went to see mw today baby is head down, fundal height 32, bp 142/78. Passed my glucose test and am no longer low in iron (but may have to check this as she gave me someone else's blood report!)
I still feel I am not getting much out of my mw, she keeps the appointments ultra short & has given no ideas re birthing options though I have asked her twice. I asked my health visitor and she gave me more info a week ago, but said she wasn't up to date and to ask my mw. Would it be too difficult just to tell me the options in my area? What it does do is make me more motivated to go to those mum and bump groups in the area that I have been promising myself. How else am I going to find out this stuff?
Primark isn't worth driving too far for to be honest as the money would be spent on travelling. lol Tesco's and Asda are really good for baby clothes though. I don't buy much from Mothercare at all - so far 2 pairs of velour trousers for baby with feet in them, and 2 pairs of knickers for me! Oh and a pair of knocked down mat jeans I never wear as baby hates them with a passion! lol

Shame about MW - I wrote a few bits on my thread - but mum n' bumps is a good idea. and calling the birthing unit to ask for more info if you're getting no where with your MW. They might do a 'tour' or antenatal classes by now. Perhaps consider NCT classes if you want, or even hypno birthing (?). though they won't help with options locally they'll help you feel more empowered and knowledgeable.

Glad your MW appointment went well x
Oooh are you near Plymouth? Tis about 3/4 hour away from me!
I'm further away in pasty land lol
woo hoo! success on the hospital bag front.... had a meeting across from a big tescos...so in the break got big softie button up pyjama set for £10, big fluffy dressing gown for £15, a nursing bra in my size for £2.50 & a big pair of fluffy slippers for £3! (there's a big and fluffy theme emerging here me thinks!). I am still on the look out for some nice nightshirts just in case pjam bottoms are a nono....otherwise I think I will look into bottle feeding options tonight and will go get some on the weekend. The working week went okay, feel I managed to get through quite a bit, at this rate I hope to have wound up my caseload by the time I have a few days annual leave, then just back to work for 10 working days, probably helping out with colleagues workloads til I go on mat. leave

Baby is also moving at nice intervals so I am in no doubt she is still in there. It felt like she did a full somersault last night which was weird to feel, but maybe she was just trying to get comfy, I know I wasnt! was awake again at 4am, but did manage to get back to sleep (praise be!) so I enter the weekend with everything feeling alright in my world, which is a nice change.

I just need to find my mp3 player and see if I can load the hypnobirthing cds I have on it, would be nice to have it to listen to when I can't sleep, instead of tossing and turning and thinking about work in those wee hours. But as it is, I am hoping for an early night, a night of unbroken sleep (hahahahahahaha) and an early morning feeling refreshed, so I can take on the weekend with a good heart rather than dragging my sorry arse around for 48 hours! anyway, off now, I spend far too much time on this thing!
lol at the pink and fluffy theme!
Did you get a nursing bra from Tesco? Will have to have a look - never thought to! lol

Am just wondering how the hell I'll fit my purple fluffy dressing gown into my hospital bag!! lol it's HUGE! Hmm

As for waking at 4am, I was awake at 2.45 again but managed to get back off - by doing the breathing from the hypno book (in for count of 6 and then out for count of 10 I think it is can't remember the name off hand). Having your hypno birthing on mp3 player will really help. I've added mine to my phone - will put charger and headphones in my bag. I'm lucky Erin has the same phone so we have 2 chargers. lol Have the tracks on my laptop too.

How do you find the hypno birthing ? I've really found it going in and doing well. am looking forward to using it for the real thing.

Glad baby is moving around well and work is going well - not long now and you'll be a 'lady of leisure'! lol
Woohoo on the packing! I'm really looking forward to packing mine, I really enjoyed it last time!
Got over my big and fluffy stage, now onto practical baby stuff, just got my bottles and steriliser sorted (see boots offer thread) also spoke to my SIL and she has lots of new born stuff and a expressor that she didn't use so will drop that off for me. Also spoke to my good friend that helped sort my hospital bag last weekend, she has obtained a buggy and car seat set from her step daugher and has given it a good once over with miltons and has put loads of clothes etc through the wash for me ready. Bless her heart! don't know how I will repay her (though will probably involve chocolate, a meal at mine & a big Christmas prezzie) Also have heard a moses basket is amongst the promised stuff. What lovely people, now just have to make some space in the spare room. Hubby is off on Monday, so may take the day too and try and make the space also only 2 of the walls have been painted, so need to sort that. Hmm, good day on the organising front =)
oh and I almost forgot to say, I am producing milk, blimey!
Great sign on leaking colostrum :) Milk will follow a few days after baby is born - but means all is working right ;)
Sadly I'm not leaking at all.. :( but fingers x'd feeding still goes well for me later, it can do so not letting it bother me.

Wow at all the freebies and organising! Freebies are fab!! and I'm sure you'll return the favour to someone after baby has outgrown items. :)
absolutely! okay just colostrum then...it's all new to me! That and bump growing suddenly overnight and baby being head down...I am wondering if she is going to stay in place til Christmas!
All fab signs on being pregnant and baby doing as she/he should! ((Hugs)) don't panic on the xmas front! x
Baby is gaining weight (around half a lb a week now) and head down is important as they gain weight because they won't turn easily after a while.
It's all good! :)
:: grins ::

what fun! the plumbing is working!

(and will do on the new mattress front).