I really dont know what to do

I am really impressed with how you have sliced up my post and used it to multi-quote - how did you do that? clever girl.

fingers crossed for you for WI. xx
good luck for your class today :) you will do fine xxx
Thank you I did do fine over the two weeks 3.5 down - I am very happy with that
Morning H

Totally agree with your scientific project ... I've lost 17lbs and haven't dropped a size at all.. although my clothes are fitting a bit better :D I think (hope) the next stone will do the trick.

I am SURE it will do the trick :D after my little investigation I have proven it to myself - now I just need all your results to prove my investigation was valid

What time is your class? Sending you good luck vibes!! :vibes:

Have a great day!


It was at 10am and I always go with a friend - now one of my little targets was to weigh less than she does - just so I can prove my weight is NOT the issue my height it (only problem is said friend has a healthy BMI as she is over 6foot) and TODAY I DID IT - just by half a pound so she is determined to beat me next week and weigh less than me again

I am NOT competitive honest I'm not :rolleyes:

I am really impressed

I am so pleased someone is impressed with me

with how you have sliced up my post and used it to multi-quote
how did you do that? clever girl.

its quite simple - first I put spaces between the bits of message I wanted to split then made sure the QUOTE tags were at the beg and end of each bit

fingers crossed for you for WI. xx

Thank you I did good :D

3.5lbs YAY you! Excellent loss!!!!

Hmm you've got two comps going on at the same time ... yeah yeah .. I believe you're not competitive lol

Congrats on a fab loss you deserve it,
Have a fab evening xx
two weigh ins like that one and you get a half stone. Really nice.
Yeah it MIGHT be obvious - but I hadn't thought of it like that - so thanks :)

also thanks to others for the congrats - even through the depression I can work this plan - some days easier than others

Well its silly o'clock in the morning
I have woken up due to turning over in bed and my knees being in so much pain - now I cant get back to sleep

one of the reasons I am doing this is to help my arthritic joints - even though its going to be difficult to keep moving I must

the steriod injections I had are obviously wearing off - I honestly hoped they would last longer than this - 10 good weeks - but 10 weeks of being nearly pain free was brilliant

anyone take any complimentary meds that they find help arthritis - I must do some research -right off to catch up on some diaries then hopefully pain killers will have kicked in and I can go back to bed for a bit
aww sorry to hear you've been up with your knees.. sounds really painful!

just wanted to say again, well done with your weight loss - what a fab result :) xxx
Hope the pain has eased up and you got some more sleep.
Have a good day xx
Hi, I am a big fan of complimentary or alternative medicines. I believe that I am still around today because of them.

My father had some painful joints, most likely not nearly as painful as yours, just the beginnings you understand.

It was suggested that cutting the acidic foods from his diet would help, so he cut out things like tea and coffee, tomatoes, citrus fruits, you know the sort of thing. He was also told to drink a cup of BOILING water in the morning, as hot as he could possibly manage it.

Now on the surface these things seem ridiculous to most people with faith and trust in the medical profession and are brushed aside. But my dad recons that after about a month of this regime the pain had drastically reduced.

My opinion about this kind of dietary advice is that if tyou try it and it makes no difference then all you have done ultimately is missed out on some tea and some oranges, but if it makes a 20% difference to how you feel, the gains outweigh the sacrifices.

I hope this doesn't sound like an complimentary medicine preacher but I do feel quite strongly about the whole subject and generally feel like the response is disparaging.
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone
did go back to bed - DH woke me with a cuppa as he was leaving for work 7.15 next I knew it was gone 8 the tea was cold and I had a huge rush to get out the door and to work on time- as I was leaving I plugged themp3 player into my ears only for Pink Floyds you better run (disk 2 pulse) come on - did make me laugh - a fast walk was all I managed - but it is good walking music - with any luck I wont have another night likit it tonight

as for the giving up on acidic things balsamic tomatoes and limes will be the hardest but will give it a go
sorry didnt get onto your diary yesterday,well done on 3.5lbs thats really great.
was amused by your kitchen roll experiment, and have 2 things to add for consideration, the bigger you are then a 2lb loss, for example is a smaller % of weight loss than on a smaller person and therefore wouldnt show as much, also we dont all loose the weight consistently all over, so people like me who are a size smaller on top to begin with will probably loose weight more unevenly. HOpe this makes sense.

Hope your knees are feeling better soon.
thanks you three
Twigs the day got better
and when Holby is over I am off to bed for an early night - I cant survive on little sleep - at my age I need my full 8 hours :)