Search results

  1. SandraEG

    putting on weight

    When I stopped I put on a bit of weight as I was enjoying being able to eat again. I put on about a stone and a half. However, that has stabilised now and I'm still 3 stone less than I was. In January I plan to join weight watchers with the hordes as I don't think I could do a VLCD again. But...
  2. SandraEG

    LL diet and health

    I didn't have any obvious signs of illness or problems. My endocrinologist was not pleased about me being on it and insisted of full bloods being done. They were mostly fine although I was low on zinc. He made a big deal about this but I'm sure this is reasonably common. Hope you start to feel...
  3. SandraEG

    Reluctantly leaving LL...

    Unfortunately there is no money for any of these things at the moment - I have no cash until the end of the month - doesn't matter which diet is suggested. And TBH, if I start eating, I wont be going back onto an abstinence programme when I do have money in the account. I'm going to do South...
  4. SandraEG

    Reluctantly leaving LL...

    Hi all Thanks for all the support. I have to cut short my LL journey despite not getting anywhere near goal due to a bit of a financial disaster. The fact is I was £10 short at weigh in last night and I have no idea where the next £66 is going to come from. I am desperately trying to sell...
  5. SandraEG

    Be Good To Yourself

    Sorry if I contributed to that. I am the opposite really and feel ignored if there are no comments and so I try to be to others what I would want. But I guess it just proves we're all different...
  6. SandraEG

    Sarah's Management Thread (August 12th - November 5th 2007)

    What about checking out the charity shops in the posh parts of town for a suit to tide you over? I have heard they get great stuff. Other than that - the cycling and the sweet potatoes and parsnips all sound fab. Sigh.
  7. SandraEG

    Going back to LL after a break . . .

    Hi Paul I really sympathise with your situation as I have been there! I went on a 3 week holiday during foundation and didn't lose any weight but didn't gain. I tried to get back on track but I've found it so much harder. The problem is that once you have let the chatterbox win, it gets louder...
  8. SandraEG

    Exercise on LL

    I have exercised since the beginning (and before). My LLC said if you were already doing exercise, you could continue but be aware of your energy levels. I go 4 or 5 times a week and do classes (RPM/Pump) and cardio and weight workouts. I have had no problems at all.
  9. SandraEG

    What do you think to the counselling?

    I'm very happy with my counsellor. I know she had done a degree in psychology and then did the diet herself before training as an LLC. Sometimes I find the LL tools can be a bit cliched but I do feel I can relate to her and that she actually understands the process and what she is facilitating...
  10. SandraEG

    Sarah's Management Thread (August 12th - November 5th 2007)

    Well I'm not sure the answer to loneliness is company - as company makes it sound very functional. But surely the key to combating loneliness is connection. The people we connect with are usually those that know us well. I have in the past been someone who felt lonely in a crowd - and more...
  11. SandraEG

    New Bar flavours

    I think both are devine. The nut bar is a bit like a rice crispy bar and the cranberry one is like a sweet muesli bar covered in white choclate. Yum.
  12. SandraEG

    Problems again with my stomach

    Lorraine I think the time has come to stop asking for advice from the forum and get some medical advice. When you read this message, I suggest you call LL HQ immediately and ask to speak to the medical team. If for any reason they are not helpful, get yourself to a walk-in centre and see a...
  13. SandraEG

    Self-Sabotage - HELP!

    Yes - really enjoying the thread. Re: portion size - I like the ones that are simple or visual. A portion of protein (meat, vege alternatives) is about the size of your palm (thickness and diameter), a portion of carbohydrates is about a rolled up fist size (I think). Fruit is 1 medium piece...
  14. SandraEG

    lets do 7 days SS-ing together!!

    Good luck girls! I would be in but will be away from Friday to Monday so will not be able to get online for support. Going away for a girlie weekend... Have already packed my foodpacks and plan to abstain but a little worried I'll cave in. Will definitley let you know how I got on when I get...
  15. SandraEG

    My Makeover

    Woo Hoo! :jelous: Where did you have it done? I love the one in the circle thing...
  16. SandraEG

    Question re LL rules....

    Actually I asked my LLC about paying a month in advance! I'm struggling financially a bit and paying out the whole months worth after payday at least means that's sorted and I don't have to scrabble around for the cash at the end of the month... I do think this is all down to your LLC as it's...
  17. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Good luck Helen. I'll send you another email... I've got some NZ papers for you. I know what you mean - sometimes I feel like I'm thinking about food too much when I'm on here. But there is good support at times and some of the threads are good. Sandra.
  18. SandraEG

    My first weigh in last night

    Stirling effort! Onwards and downwards...
  19. SandraEG

    forgot my bar, absolutley starving so.....

    Maybe so but I know I can't get through a whole day without packs. I keep a small stash in a drawer at work in case I forget. I start feeling hungry about 4 hours after a pack. It doesn't feel like emotional hunger for me...
  20. SandraEG

    forgot my bar, absolutley starving so.....

    Are there any health food shops or boots/Superdrug nearby? For absolute emergencies like this I would buy a Powerbar bar from Holland & Barrett (flavours are cholate or vanilla coconut). the formulation is very similar to LL bars but sweeter - so be careful they don't set off sweet cravings...
  21. SandraEG

    Depressed and failing

    Sez I think one way or another you need some space to think about how to are going to continue. Can you plan a nice day/morning/afternoon for yourself with some quiet reflective time - maybe a massage or a soak in a jacuzzi at the gym (if you go to one) or whatever nice treat for yourself...
  22. SandraEG

    Embarrassing Toilet Problem - Help, Advice Needed

    I went to a reflexologist last night and that is supposed to be good for digestive issues. Not sure if it was a coincidence but I had two large evacuations before I went to bed. Feel very good now!
  23. SandraEG

    got the biggest stomach ache ever

    Have you been doing regular bowel motions? I have had quite severe constipation at times and that can be really painful - although never in my chest. I now use psyllium husk capsules to stay regular.
  24. SandraEG

    Is it harder to start over again?

    You are sorted if you are staying in a hotel. Take your hand blender with you (do you use one?). If you don't, buy one. I use a Braun with a detachable end that you can easily wash after every use in the hotel bathroom. It froths up the shakes really well. I always take mine with me. You know...
  25. SandraEG

    Is it harder to start over again?

    Not sure if this is unfair or not, but... "I promise that I will, within my power and knowledge look after myself, put myself first when needed." That is the first sentence you wrote in your letter to yourself on your blog. Is eating on that weekend away looking after yourself? I know how...
  26. SandraEG

    1st week weigh in tonight...

    With that inch loss, I'm sure you will have blitzed your target for the week.
  27. SandraEG

    100 days almost up!

    That's a common response GG! I think other people - especially if you always been large or been large for a long time - take a long time to catch up with the new you picture instead their heads. They can see you look good and think you're finished. Take it as a compliment but don't let it stop...
  28. SandraEG

    Is it normal to feel so miserable and tired?

    It might just be taking you longer to get used to it - or the TOTM is having a worse effect than you think. Or, regrettably, you might be one of the small minority who do feel tired on the diet. Personally I felt full of beans as soon as the carb withdrawal lifted and continued that way. The...
  29. SandraEG

    Sarah's Management Thread (August 12th - November 5th 2007)

    Sarah I hope you find the right mix for you. I have sent you a PM as well.
  30. SandraEG

    Oh my poor legs!

    Good for you! I'm going to get my bike out this weekend too.
  31. SandraEG

    Sarah's Management Thread (August 12th - November 5th 2007)

    Sarah It all sounds good. I must admit I was a bit dubious when you said you were going to eat salads at a festival - but then I hadn't ever been to Bestival so I didn't know if it had better food stalls than Reading or V. Glad to hear you made it work for you. Of course it is perfectly...
  32. SandraEG

    Is E45 cream good for saggy skin?

    Someone on here (was it cerulean?) said that you can get the Bio Oil beneffits from adding a few drops to a cheaper moisturiser. I've been doing that but I don't put it on twice a day... Only after the gym.
  33. SandraEG

    what can i eat?!?

    You really shouldn't break abstinence - I am speaking as one who knows how much of a struggle it is to go back to packs only after eating. The chatterbox gets louder... For your own sake, I would advise you to take a bar with you instead. That's what I plan to do on Saturday night for my...
  34. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    The new group seems nice but I managed to hijack the meeting a bit. I really didin't want to as most of these have just come out of foundation and are really motivated. I sent my LLC an email yesterday so we could discuss my issues privately and she got the wrong end of the stick and thought I...
  35. SandraEG

    Meetings Am I thick ?

    Two things: 1. Maybe you are getting too caught up in the terminology? Especially if you think your LLC said you had the concept of the ego states right. We use counselling terms in the sessions and it might be you just need to put the terms to one side initially. 2. We all have personal...
  36. SandraEG

    100 days - or not?

    I am sure the others had their last meeting on day 98 and then swapped to management or developers. I was earlier for the same reason as the other contributor - I started the following week after they did.
  37. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    I haven't been posting much lately - combination of being busy and not feeling that inspired by some of the topics on here at the moment. I guess when you've been on the LL treadmill for 6 months, the same old things come up again and again. As much as I want to support newer members on minis -...
  38. SandraEG


    Julia Thanks for your valuable post! My chatterbox really wants me to go to Starbucks and have something to eat but I'm going to have a shake instead!
  39. SandraEG

    increased fertility on LL ????

    I have heard of people getting pregnant once they've started LL. Don't know excatly why but presume it is a combination of losing some weight and better nutrition via the packs...
  40. SandraEG

    Body fat percentage - How is a healthy level decided?

    My best advice would be to do weight-bearing exercise and try to build some muscle. More muscle equals less fat!:D
  41. SandraEG

    Savoury Drink and Sweet Shakes

    Hi Essentially the savoury drinks are a stock cube! Many people on here buy Marigold Bouillon instead as it tastes the same and is only just over £1 for a tub. But the savoury drink sachets are useful to keep in your bag... Marigold has 12 cals per teaspoon so won't make much effect on your...
  42. SandraEG

    BMI - a question

    BMI is the body mass index and is a formula based on weight and height. Not fat! Using BMI elite sportspeople are almost always obese - the entire All Blacks would be considered obese. I read once on the BBC that George Clooney and Matt Damon would both be either overweight or obese! Clearly...
  43. SandraEG

    Loose Skin

    The only thing I would add (because I have been reading DGs blog for several years now) is that she has lost her weight over 5 years and exercised hard all the while. This does not reduce her achievement - far from it - the commitment to stick to a new lifestyle like that is something I haven't...
  44. SandraEG

    Costa iced americano

    I've had a sweet on from Costa as well and wondered what they'd put in it. The next time I went to a diferent store and they guy asked me if I wanted syrup in it and I said no - so I think that was the mystery solved! Next time make sure it's just espresso and iced water and nothing else!
  45. SandraEG

    binge binge binge

    Sez Big Hug! I've been going through a very out of control week myself and trying to get back on track. It's quite hard work but we will get there!
  46. SandraEG

    New formula Vanilla

    Personally I can't get enough of the new vanilla - but then I have always been a fan of sweet creamy flavours. Sorry Peridot - I have no idea what McDonald's Vanilla shakes were like. To me the new vanilla is a bit like melted vanilla ice cream (a budget one - not one those gourmet vanilla pod...
  47. SandraEG

    Do you have ALL your foodpacks!

    Soups work well if you mix the powder to a paste with cold water and then add hot from the kettle a little at a time...
  48. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Hi its the middle of the night and I'm lurking after a dissatisfactory discussion with my partner - who obviously wasn't bothered by it as I can hear him sleeping next door. Essentially he blamed me and some of my behaviour for his anxieties - which I think is a major cop out considering I've...
  49. SandraEG

    Starting LL in May

    Helen - I was just lurking and saw that you are getting married on the Empire State Building in February! Have you been to NYC before in winter? We were there this Feb for Valentine's Day and I have never been so cold. The day we went up ESB half of it was closed of due to wind chill and...
  50. SandraEG

    How do I make a vanilla Latte? Coffee rationinhg?

    I do my biscuits in about 6 or 7 pieces and microwave for almost 2 minutes (I have one of those dials on the microwave that's hard to be precise about). They are brilliant.
  51. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    We're cross-posting at the mo! I do think the changes in group have had an effect because I have lost the feeling of a group I people I started to get to know and could be honest with. In foundation, there people I really identified with. My recent developers group has been really good too and...
  52. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    I do understand mine I think but it has a few strands. Firstly, I had a very dysfunctional family. My mother and brother are both alcoholics. My sister and I both became obese. It's not difficult to see that we use food in the way my mother/brother use alcohol. Anyway, I know this to be true...
  53. SandraEG

    People starting LL in March...

    Okay - time to fess up. The week from hell and I put on the whole 8lbs I lost last week. felt so ashamed I really didn't want to go to group last night BUT I went and feel determined to get back n track this week...
  54. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Thanks Amanda Jayne. I am very interested in hearing you say you did most of the plan in adaptive child. What's interesting about that is that - obviously - being in that mode and obeying the rules means you project an aura of having succeeded and achieving your goals BUT there were still...
  55. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Feeling bad today. Weigh in a couple of hours and I'm sitting here eating sweets... I've put on a fair amount of the 8lbs I lost last week so feeling a bit silly for advertising that so much! Scales this morning suggested 5lbs but I've eaten today so who knows... My latest thought is a second...
  56. SandraEG

    binge binge binge

    Sez Just caught up with your thread as I haven't been on minis the last few days. I have to admit I'm in the same place. I lost 8lbs last week and I will have put on at least 5 tonight - possibly more considering what I've had today. It feels a bit like a rollercoaster at the moment. I'm...
  57. SandraEG

    How do I make a vanilla Latte? Coffee rationinhg?

    I've not heard the limit coffee rule. I often have about 6 cups of coffee or tea. Only decaf in the evening though as that's what we have at home. Did you like the latte? I have tried adding coffee to vanilla twice and have to say I found it revolting. Much prefer the vanilla on its own.
  58. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    When food is love is the book I always recommend to anyone with food issues. A counsellor 'prescribed' it to me once and I remember bawling my way through it. It was a hard read but made me learn so much about myself. Funnily enough I would say it has made my LL journey quite different to the...
  59. SandraEG

    Hello New to forum

    Did you use quick reply? You don't get to use smilies if you use quick reply...
  60. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Well - rather ineveitably getting straight back on track after a night off was too difficult to manage... In the back of my mind I knew this... It didn't help that in my sister's birthday package from NZ there were two packets of really yummy looking gourmet biscuits. When I unwrapped them I...
  61. SandraEG

    LL Magazine

    Sorry you were upset but that's my opinion...
  62. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Mrs I agree with Laura. I am constantly amazed by what is going on in your life. I think you should try to reflect on whether returning to development is what you really want to do. You may not have reached whatever goal you set yourself but your pics show that you are slim. Certainly...
  63. SandraEG

    LL Magazine

    That's true Sarah - I was thinking they need to run two programmes really. One for the 3-4 stone people who are just looking for quick results but could do any die. And the other for the 5-12 stone to lose people who have food issues. I did wonder why there was so much food and recipes in the...
  64. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Well - having a 'high' moment and since we are usually on a downer I thought I'd post it. I lost 8lbs this week. It comes after a 2lb gain last week but has totally saved my month. I feel good!
  65. SandraEG

    People starting LL in March...

    Woo HOO! :party0049::party0049::bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss: Okay I'm on here to dance around in public and scream to the world - I lost 8lbs! This makes up for a few bad weeks and now takes me to 61lbs lost. 5 more pounds and I'm halfway. I feel SO good tonight.
  66. SandraEG

    No Support in Managment?

    Why don't you try to talk to your LLC about how you are feeling. She may just be unaware that you need more support. If she isn't receptive to you, then definitely find out about moving to another LLC.
  67. SandraEG

    Good news for Fat Bottomed Girls

    Good for you. Not sure there is any real hope for my thighs though! I was looking at them the other morning and they are already looking ravaged by the weight loss. I'm slathering on firming creams and doing exercise fairly regularly but I think I have to accept that my thighs have always been...
  68. SandraEG


    Thanks I am feeling a bit better today. I just upped the water a bit and it seems to be a bit better now.
  69. SandraEG

    The protein shake mixers....

    Don't know about CD but those shakers are what is given to us on LL. In LL the older flavours can be quite lumpy made in it but the new shakes shake up really well - so it will depend on what the CD powders are like...
  70. SandraEG

    Why are CD bars so much nicer than LL bars?

    Yes - personal taste is a starnge thing. I bought some CD bars from someone on another forum who was moving to healthy eating because I wanted to find out what everyone was raving about. My first taste was Malt Toffee and it made me gag. I had to throw it away. The other one I got was chocolate...
  71. SandraEG

    Drum Roll...... week 3!

    Yay! Halfway there...:D
  72. SandraEG

    Sarah's Management Thread (August 12th - November 5th 2007)

    Regarding fruit and veg boxes - if getting them delivered while you're out is not a good option, Ocado deliver in the usual supermarket slots when you're home and they sell waitrose mixed organic boxes. Obviously it's better to use a smaller supplier rather than a supermarket but I also have...
  73. SandraEG


    Hi Over the bank holiday I've been getting that feleling like I need to go tot he loo again after I've just been. No pain or discomfort as yet - just the feeling like I need to 'go' again. I haven't had cystitis in years but this is always how it started before. All the new herbal remmedies...
  74. SandraEG

    Well done us! (that's you fellow LLers and VLCDers

    I gave myself a huge pat on the back after foundation. I have not been perfect on this diet but I have never given up and I have lost a significant amount of weight despite my stumbles. I remember looking around the group I started with and wondering if I would make it. At the end there was...
  75. SandraEG

    TOTM - A question for the girls (post-Foundation)

    Mine haven't stopped and haven't decreased in intensity. But I suspect mine are odd in themselves. As you know I have PCOS but I never suspected that as I had regular periods every month - and irregular periods is the classic symptom.
  76. SandraEG

    People starting LL in March...

    Sam - all the best with management. I am in awe of you doing packs in NYC and I'm not that surprised about breaking abstinence on the plane. In May when I went to NZ I had intended to stay abstinent and fell as soon as they announced dinner was coming around! But then again, Air NZ has always...
  77. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    That's interesting JDI. Chin up. I was recently rejected for a basic admin job at LL despite the fact I am a manager in education at the moment and could have done the job with my eyes closed. I challenged the fact I didn't even warrant an interview and the HR person admitted in writing...
  78. SandraEG

    I hope the first week really is the hardest

    If you've stuck to it for a couple of weeks, it should get easier. But if you give in to temptation, it does get harder because the mind starts to play tricks on you. You didn't make life easy for yourself! I definitely stayed in the first few days. My top tips for going out would be to only...
  79. SandraEG

    What are the nicest bars? on LL

    Well, I'll be different because the only one I really enjoy is nut crunch. I also have lemon made into biscuits and I make toffee into frozen caramel chunks. But I usually get 4 or 5 nut crunch and the other two just make up the numbers for something different. Having seen the recipes for...
  80. SandraEG

    Progress photos - now in Route to Management

    WOW! You look great and I bet you feel great too.:character00115:
  81. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    You'll probably do different exercises for each topic though...
  82. SandraEG

    New formula Vanilla

    We had a trial of the new vanilla a couple of months ago and we all thought it was like liquid ice cream. Yum! It's made by the same people who make the banana and strawberry and our LLC said they were going to gradually swap all the flavours to the new producer. Unfortunately I haven't been...
  83. SandraEG

    Starting to get jealous...

    You're not alone. I have 5-6 stone to go depending on where I finish. I have also been feeling a bit abandoned because all my buddies are at or nearing the finish line. Even the friend at work who started LL because of me will finish before me! But there is nothing for it but to keep going...
  84. SandraEG

    What happens when you have a tummy tuck?

    Hi Mike Catching up with your posts. I was at V as well and my partner and I have decided we are a bit too old now for these types of festivals. I love the bands but the drunks and the rubbish and smelly loos really got to me this year. Overall it sounds as though things did not go well with...
  85. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    You know what? Development sucks! I've had 4 weeks in a new developers group because my other group all went on management. It has started to dwindle until last night there were 4 of us and two of those are going to start management next week! It's starting to feel like one of those dodgy...
  86. SandraEG

    People starting LL in March...

    Time to fess up - I put on 2 this week! It was expected as I had a major binge on Tuesday and continued a bit into yesterday. So 2 on was a good result actually. Planning a back to basics week.
  87. SandraEG

    How to recognise Ego States

    Last week I bought 'Personal Development for Dummies' which is the 'for dummies' books about NLP, CBT, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in one book for £19.99. I've only had a flikc through at the mo but it loks really good although - on first look - the life coaching section looks the most...
  88. SandraEG

    Indigestion - A Route To Management Question (week one)

    Reflux is when acid rises from your stomach - it often causes heartburn and people take indigestion remedies to calm the burn. I haven't had reflux at all since I started LighterLife. Bread used to cause it badly for me so I think it might be a slight wheat intolerance or yeast. Something in...
  89. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    A big thanks to you all for your support. I've copied and pasted your comments onto word and will print off and paste into my scrapbook. This morning continued badly and I had a blood test and then ended up at Starbucks and then Costa for two lots of 'post-blood test treats'. Before I got...
  90. SandraEG

    How to recognise Ego States

    Thanks Sharon! I didn't see your original post. This is a really good explanation and I'm going to print it out.
  91. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    I've had a major binge today. Stressed about money stuff and went out at lunchtime to deposit some cash in the bank and went mad at Starbucks and EAT in the city. The in the vending machine here at work. I'm thinking about going for seconds... This feels so different to other lapses I've...
  92. SandraEG

    Indigestion - A Route To Management Question (week one)

    Well, obviously I am not on management - nor do I know what it says re: portion size. But 'normal' portion sizes for protein are about the palm of your hand - are they not? In that case I would say a few tablespoons of cottage cheeses is not enough...
  93. SandraEG

    Ketosis hunger

    I get genuinely hungry at times too. That's why I could never have all my packs at one time and then go all day without anything - although some in my group can and do. I have to space out the packs and I have one when I feel hungry.
  94. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Funnily enough I was looking up Beechy last night on the internet because his books and website were listed as a resource at the end of the green book and the first thing that came up was the Daily Mail article. I will end up doing way more than 230 days because it's now day 153 for me and...
  95. SandraEG

    HELP re eating food!

    If you must eat avoid any carbs - that's rice!, bread, potatoes. Stick to meat dishes and don't touch your OH's pilau!!!
  96. SandraEG

    End of Week 1

    Congrats on the brilliant first week loss!
  97. SandraEG

    Nut Crunch - the work of the devil himself??

    It's just personal taste. I love Nut Crunch bars and feel a bit mystified when people say they hated it so much they threw it away... Some weeks I get 7 Nut Crunch bars and other week I get one or two others just for a bit of variety.
  98. SandraEG

    10 weeks into Foundation - and leaving!

    Will WW let you join when you're already within the healthy BMI range? Good luck with keeping the weight off!
  99. SandraEG


    ISOM A big hug! I hadn't realised it had got as bad as this. You must be quite stoic to not list your ailments all the time! I'm going to go against what everyone else has said and say that it you are really that ill on this diet, you should find another way. I don't mean adding a meal, I...
  100. SandraEG

    Something of a thought record - bit long (sorry)

    It's funny - you know. People are always going on about how bad the LL packs are. I admit that when I first started they weren't what I would have chosen to eat but, apart from caramel and raspberry, I now like them all (and those two I haven't tried in ages so who knows?). I don't bother with...
  101. SandraEG

    Mouldy Nut Crunch, anyone?

    I haven't come across a mouldy one as yet but I had noted the different texture - and I definitely prefer them this way. However - I don't really want the extra blue fuzz!
  102. SandraEG

    Hi! Sez is back from hols!

    Welcome back! We've missed you. How brilliant that you avoided eating in the cafe! I bet in the old days you wouldn't have hesitated. You are learning about what you want to put into your body - and it's not pizza and chips!
  103. SandraEG

    Need help - down but not out!

    Just a thought - if one of the issues is you haven't met a real success story and you're panicking about the long term - could you ask your LLC (once she comes back!!!) if she could invite one or two of her former clients in to a session? BTW: your goals for the week sound fab and I think I...
  104. SandraEG

    Something of a thought record - bit long (sorry)

    Helen If you do swap to CD, don't eat in between - just move from LL foodpacks to CD foodpacks. That way, you won't feel like anything has changed. If your LLC is not offering to switch you to a proper development group, I would say go to CD rather than have a strange counselling session...
  105. SandraEG

    Introductions to LL

    1 friend from work has started. A few others have said they wish they could - but they don't have 3 stone to lose.
  106. SandraEG

    Trying to catch up

    I'm seriously impressed. I intended to be abstinent during a 3 week holiday but caved as soon as they said they were bringing dinner around on the plane. I managed a bit better during the holiday but I am sending respect vibes:party0038: for sticking to it while being confined to a small space...
  107. SandraEG

    Bio Oil and Other Magic Lotions & Potions

    I just popped into superdrug this morning and they have a new Vitamin E firming body cream. It comes in a 200ml tube and is currently on special for £1.59. Never tried it before but I thought, for the price, it was worth keeping in my gym bag!
  108. SandraEG

    Flavouring smuggler

    There's no time limit on drinking the water flavours - so I often add it to bottles of water using a funnel in the morning and then carry those in with me. I have to say - for me I have found the psyillium husks have worked well with being regular. Have they had any benefit at all to you? I'm...
  109. SandraEG

    Sarah's Management Thread (August 12th - November 5th 2007)

    Just a quick HUG to you Sarah. I really appreciate the way you think so deeply about these issues and then articulate them so well. My LLC is away for a couple of weeks and we had the locum last night. We've had her before and she is lovely. BUT because she hadn't seen us in ages she just...
  110. SandraEG

    Feeling bemused :-(

    If I was you I wouldn't count the pop in weighs officially. It's a good chance to see how you're going. If you hadn't counted the pop in, you would have lost 4lbs this week, which is great for a week on any diet. The first 8lbs was a partial week. Besides our bodies work in funny ways. I weigh...
  111. SandraEG

    People starting LL in March...

    Chin up ISOM! Overall you've had a great result with more than 4 stone gone forever! I lost 2lbs last night taking me to 53lbs. 1 lb away from 4 stone...
  112. SandraEG

    LL v CD

    It sure is horses for courses. Good luck to all those who have swapped and prefer CD. I will be sticking with LL. I bought some CD bars off someone on another forum who was giving up VLCDs because I wanted to see what everyone raved about. I had to throw the one I nibbled on last night...
  113. SandraEG

    Friend's comments (long post sorry) Help needed!

    Ruby I don't think your friend is being a very good friend. Sometimes we big girls (particularly if we are shy) accept these kinds of people as our friends. Your post about her comments reminds me of all those hollywood movies where the blonde cheerleader types have a fat or plain friend they...
  114. SandraEG

    Off Topic slightly

    Sorry Sharon. I don't do MySpace or FaceBook or any of those. People keep asking me but I know I'd spend even less time on my work and more time on the internet than I do at present! So - it's nothing personal... Your page looks great though and it's nice to see another redhead about!
  115. SandraEG

    All set for my holidays (NOT)

    Peridot: That's why we have milk week... Have a lovely time in Germany!
  116. SandraEG

    Feeling yuck!

    Oh dear. You have my sympathy. The tongue doesn't sound good. Not sure what to say because I have felt good since day 3 - except when I've lapsed. For me I only feel tired or sluggish if I've eaten carbs... There's a lesson in that for me! Re: the throat - if it is sore, hot water with a...
  117. SandraEG

    A cup of tea - will it make a difference

    I agree that it depends on whether it becomes a slippery slope. I have tea with milk every morning. I must admit it started to become a slipery slope and I went onto skinny caps and skinny lattes BUT I have recently realised I just don't enjoy those the way I used to so I've stopped that now. A...
  118. SandraEG

    Books in Development

    I don't think they let you do that because the people in the foundation group should be at the same stage and learning together. Why don't you ask your LLC what activities she does in development to put your mind at rest? Since I swapped to a new developers group the sessions have been really...
  119. SandraEG

    Sarah's Management Thread (August 12th - November 5th 2007)

    Remember, also, that once you start doing the muscle building/toning work you've mentioned before, you will fill out a bit. I tried the Paul McKenna technique before when I saw it on TV. It worked for that day. The next morning it was gone. But then again, I really don't want any foods to be...
  120. SandraEG

    Boiled Sweets - For Flying

    I have terrible trouble with blocked ears and changing pressure. I read a tip somewhere that using a decongestant inhaler really helps. Now I always take my vicks inhaler with me and sniff it all the time while ascending and descending. It has made such a difference.
  121. SandraEG

    Books in Development

    There isn't much to support development. A blank scrapbook (which you could buy from any stationery shop for little cash) plus a thin booklet of about 10 pages explaining the types of activities your LLC will take you through. This stage really depends on the strengths of your LLC and how good...
  122. SandraEG

    Self-Sabotage - HELP!

    Mrs I was going to respond yesterday but I wasn't sure I had any wise words to give as I'm currently sabotaging myself and I 'should' be completely abstinent. (Should is in parentheses because that's one of the things Bar talks about in that podcast in the fat happens website - I know I need...
  123. SandraEG

    Ready for Management - Size 8-10 and 10 stone 8 stone lost in 7 months. GOLD STAR!

    oh - £10 dresses? Where? that lovely black and white number didn't look like a primark! I can never find anything I like in there. I've been overspending in the Monsoon sale - although their new season stuff looks much better colours and fabrics. I bought a size 14 Julien MacDonald dress in...
  124. SandraEG

    Bio Oil and Other Magic Lotions & Potions

    Personally I think it's the massaging that makes the difference. Bio Oil advises twice daily massage. The ingredients are basically just a carrier oil with some essence added. I have got some Bio Oil - so I'm not just putting it down. I am just saying that I think what makes it work is the...
  125. SandraEG

    I lost... Drum Roll........

    That is a truly fabulous weight loss for someone who only has the basic 3 stone to lose! WOW.;)
  126. SandraEG

    Ready for Management - Size 8-10 and 10 stone 8 stone lost in 7 months. GOLD STAR!

    Hey - you already know I think this - but you are amazing. I'm going to start with the yoga seriously I think. I've got yoga and pilates DVDs for England at home. I just need to set aside the time! BTW: you have fabulous taste. What are you doing with the clothes you are growing out of? (hint...
  127. SandraEG


    I have a Braun hand held blender which retails about £15-£20 I think. I haven't tried to crush ice with it but I was planning to try that soon.
  128. SandraEG

    Exercise Advice

    There's really no need. I was doing Pump, Combat and RPM at almost 20 stone. Most people are too busy dealing with their own workout to worry about you and what you look like.
  129. SandraEG

    Milk Week

    Milk week was introduced because NICE guidelines say you shouldn't do a VLCD for more than 12 weeks at a time. I knew this before I signed up because I was quite sceptical about LL before I decided to do it and the advice on the internet is to have a break after 3 motnhs and then start again...
  130. SandraEG

    Nettle tea

    I swear by peppermint tea as it's palatable and aids digestion...
  131. SandraEG

    Can anyone recommend a GREAT firming cream or gel ??

    Bio Oil is on special at the mo at Lloyds pharmacy - 200mls is £16.95 - so £3 discount.
  132. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Karen R. Koenig - Book Information cerulean - did you check out her website directly? I think unchartered territory is spot on. In the past I have tried loads of diet and been prescribed reducil and the most I have ever lost is 20lbs before giving up and returning to old habits. I think...
  133. SandraEG

    Fat Content - in me, not a packet!

    Lloyds pharmacy sell a hand held body fat analyser for £4.99. Google Lloyds pharmacy and find the website to locate one near you. I bought it the other day when I had my BP checked and I don't know if it is 100% accurate but it was quite close to the gym scales result - so it could be right.
  134. SandraEG

    How do you eat yours?

    I also leave mine until the end of the day as I can get through the morning on coffee water and marigold but I couldn't get through the evening on that! I tend to have 1 about lunchtime (anytime from 11am to 1pm) and 1 mid afternoon, 1 either on the commute home (bar) or as soon as I get in...
  135. SandraEG

    Can anyone recommend a GREAT firming cream or gel ??

    I've been using Clarins firming products and having a monthly body firming treatment with Clarins. very pricey and hasn't really worked - although it could be because as I'm using the products I keep losing and the skin gets slack again... Not sure how to test if it really works until I've...
  136. SandraEG

    Psyllium husks

    For a dire need I recommend suppositories. they work quickly...;)
  137. SandraEG

    Psyllium husks

    I just googled and Goodness Direct - Online Health and Special Diet Food Store sell a brand of these for £8.04 for 120 capsules. I might try that if the H&B ones are £12.
  138. SandraEG

    Nettle tea

    No idea, I'm afraid. Why don't you start at 2-3 cups a day and see how you go?
  139. SandraEG

    Psyllium husks

    I have avoided it thus far but having real problems this week - i won't go into detail though! - so i might try these.
  140. SandraEG

    T.M.I query!

    It affects people in different ways. If you have a sensitivity to lactose that might make loo visits more frequent because LL packs have lactose. personally I am always having constipation issues...
  141. SandraEG

    Holidays during LL - Eating/Drinking

    I went on 3 weeks holiday during foundation. the first week I abstained. The second week I was 50/50 - one meal a day plus 2 foodpacks and wine once or twice. The third week I ate what I wanted but only when I was hungry - which often meant skipping lunch and I drank when I wanted. I got back to...
  142. SandraEG

    Universal Contour Wrap

    There's a recent thread on the LighterLife forum (I think about a week ago) which you could check out. I don't know how to copy and paste threads...
  143. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Well Sarah - joint he club. I got home from the meeting and just lost control. No idea why. Had a fabulous day yesterday. Got a new job, which has cheered me up no end. Hating my current job,a nd the resulting lack of confidence, has made me very vulnerable to emotional eating. It's a...
  144. SandraEG

    After 4 days.......

    Sometimes it's like that at the beginning when there is 12 of you to weigh and organise foodpacks for. I found as the people dropped off, ours was able to spend more time with us.
  145. SandraEG

    CDC Help please...can I have 5 packs?

    Couldn't you have less during the day and save up a pack or two for the do? I've heard that some people split packs to make it feel as though they are having more. You could also have more marigold if you have that. I don't know about CD as I'm on LL but I would have thought you'd be better...
  146. SandraEG

    Excess Skin

    Re: the loose skin - I thin it depends on your expectations and different parts of the body may be okay while athers are not. For me, I am not too bothered about the tummy. It seems to be shrinking a bit and I hope to get pregnant at the end of all this - so it'll need room to expand again...
  147. SandraEG

    Word Association

  148. SandraEG

    Exercise Advice

    OMG! My BP instructor only insists on 2kg each side on the back track for stability. the other tracks are up to us. I've done BP for ages and I can only just do 2kg on each side on the bar and I always use a 2.5kg for any plate work. You might do yourself an injury if you lift heavier than...
  149. SandraEG

    Exercise Advice

    Kerrie - your instructir was totally out of order. I would be writing a complaint to the manager of the gym if I was you. All the 'Body' workouts are designed to be done at your own pace. (I know what i'm talking about because they originated in NZ at the Les Mills World of Fitness gym and are...
  150. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    pink 'refresh' book? Is that for a particular stage?
  151. SandraEG

    Inexplicable weight gain

    20p - cheapskate!
  152. SandraEG

    London LLCs

    London is a big place! I work in Whitechapel and someone has put up posters advertising their LL contact details in the Royal London Hospital Outpatients. If this is any use to you, I would gladly pop over and get the telephone number... I go to an LLC in the London Borough of Havering. My...
  153. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    I'm so glad that your strategy is working. I have worried that I've contributed to that feeling of 'it's okay to cheat' when I've admitted I have in class. The problem for me is that I am not able to lie and I find myself forced to admit a lapse - even when I didn't intend to. Last week we had...
  154. SandraEG

    Need some help please

    If I could magically wind back time, I would have advised you to go to the meeting that you thught was too soon after the end of Foundation... BUT that's done with now. Number 1 - you need the support of a group to get back on track. Do you REALLY want to give up? Are you happy at the weight...
  155. SandraEG

    Weight coming off but not the inches..any tips?

    Also - don't forget the internal fat that has disappeared. Your internal organs will be thankign you for the weight loss even if your waist measurement seems disappointing. Try on clothes in smaller sizes to see. I have clothes that I used to wear before that still fit now BUT I think that's...
  156. SandraEG


    Graham Greene wrote a book about career changing and in that there was a great bit of advice about interviews. His advice was to think of an interview as a discussion about the job (or in your case - the course). The interviewers want you to succeed. Thinking about these things makes the power...
  157. SandraEG

    Exercise Advice Please

    I've been exercising throughout. I did a Body Step class on Saturday and I usually do half an hour either on the treadmill or cross trainer each morning plus RPM or Body Pump classes if they don't clash with social occasions. BUT I was already exercising. If you haven't been active (other than...
  158. SandraEG

    What happens when you have a tummy tuck?

    Sorry to hear about the hotel/spa mix up. I've had similar bad service in the Sofitel in London. I just don't think the 'posh' hotels in the UK know anything about service and working for the customer. On the other hand, I've had good experiences in the States and Hong Kong... The least...
  159. SandraEG

    I could cry today

    What about stepping your way to SS? It's on a sticky. I read it and it sounded really sensible...
  160. SandraEG


    I do sympathise. A friend at work has started and only likes the soups. I feel sorry for her because I don't know how I'd cope without enjoying the packs. I would go so far as to say I really like the banana and strawberry ones - and would happily have them after this has ended. I also like...
  161. SandraEG

    Weighing yourself at home - effect on morale?

    Brilliant idea Sarah. I would go further and say different foundation groups for more to lose. I found it quite disheartening when foundation ended and I was the only 'fatty' left. It was great to see others get to goal and being so happy BUT knowin I had a long way to go felt really lonely. I...
  162. SandraEG

    Concerns about digestion, dizziness etc - sorry if it's a bit gross!

    If you are concerned about the BP, try extra salt. I use Marigold (the regular version rather than the low salt one). Not sure what to suggest about the poo situation. I was considering a colonic irrigation. I've been havign constipation issues recently and 1 laxative isn't doing anything. I...
  163. SandraEG

    HELP - My Dr will not sign my form

    I do my BP checks through Lloyds Pharmacy, which is free(!) and no hassle at all. My DR wouldn't do the medical - supposedly because I hadn't booked the 'right' appointment - and the next opportunity would ahve been 3 weeks later... I went to a GP my LLC knew and paid about £30 for the form to...
  164. SandraEG

    Non LL related rant - need to vent, sorry

    Next time, perhaps you should plan to pay for your cat to stay in a cattery instead. Your sister sounds like a right misery.
  165. SandraEG

    Word Association

  166. SandraEG

    Really not sure about my LLC

    Great advice from Sarah. I would just add that you say your LLC has always been tiny. Does that mean she hasn't done the programme? Obviously it is not a pre-requisite and some people can be effective LLCs even if they've never had a weight problem BUT I would personally find it difficult...
  167. SandraEG

    going in to development

    Development is just less structured and you may have a new group of people depending on how many from foundation are carrying on. Also - the group of people (whether your foundation group or not) will be at different stages and that can be very distracting as you are not on the same journey...
  168. SandraEG

    Best wisdom teeth remover in London

    Yes, I remember feeling VERY happy after having my wisdom teeth out. My surgery didn't have posh smellies or a wine list though... You look lovely. I'm looking forward to reading about your management journey in the weeks to come.
  169. SandraEG

    Word Association

  170. SandraEG


    Depo does have a 'weight gain' side effect due to the hormones. It affects some people more than others ina similar way to the pill. I put on 3 stone in 3 months on it as a teenager.
  171. SandraEG

    Been ill - tum bug, then mega binge

    Probably a touch of nurturing parent in there too! ;) Try not to feel guilty - haul yourself back on the wagon - and peg it down to experience. Hope you're feeling a lot better anyway.
  172. SandraEG

    Anyone else gained weight without cheating??

    I am amazed that you still have 2 stone to go as you look fab! I'm sure it'll even itself out next week.
  173. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Sarah - I've come to a similar realisation this morning. I had a binge last night after weigh in. I had lost 3lbs but had thought it would be more. Not sure if it's just too simplistic to equate what i did with the disappointment or there are other emotions involved. I will try to do a thought...
  174. SandraEG

    Lost my wedding ring

    I bought myself a diamond ring to celebrate 3 stone lost. It only fit on my little finger when I bought it but had become loose within a few weeks. I've now taken it off until it fits my ring finger. Sorry I'm no help - just wanted to sympathise!
  175. SandraEG

    People starting LL in March...

    I lost 3 lbs last night - I was a tad disappointed (I know I shouldn't be) because my home scales had suggested a 5 lb loss. I think I may have had too much water before weighing in as my new group is at 8pm and I can't seem to stop sipping when I get home to distract myself from food... Still...
  176. SandraEG

    Weigh In No1... and a long offload...

    Being a good listener is such a great skill, so you shouldn't downplay it. Maybe you can use it to your advantage - volunteer on childline or something like that. Actually volunteering is a great way to expand your group of friends - and can give you a sense of being valuable to society in a...
  177. SandraEG

    Word Association

  178. SandraEG

    Weigh In No1... and a long offload...

    One of the reasons I chose LL was the support of a group and the counselling. Perhaps you could find these things in another way to support your CD journey? This forum is great support and that's a start BUT do put yourself out there and meet new people. Perhaps get a few life coaching or...
  179. SandraEG

    Hi - I'm new - and start tomorrow!

    Sorry to hear that - I had a feeling... Whether to go or not depends on whether you think you will get anything out of meeting the group members this week. That might be good. If you pick up the packs on Monday or Tuesday, you'll have a few spare days worth to keep some packs at work or in the...
  180. SandraEG

    okay, so i just went for my gym induction .....

    Hmm. This is one reason I haven't told many gym-type people that I am on a vlcd. He is just relaying to you the things he believes based on what he has been told. BUT it is really not possible to lose 2 stone of water and muscle and not have lost any fat. I don't know what supporting material...
  181. SandraEG

    Hi - I'm new - and start tomorrow!

    Welcome! Lucky you that your GP signed the form - hope you can start tonight - LLCs usually need the form to be able to hand out packs.
  182. SandraEG

    Universal Contour Wraps.....

    I'm sure there is some benefit from the procedure but I wouldn't believe all the claims. I'm still quite keen to try it though as I tend to think it all can help one way or another. I've been doing monthly firming body treatments at Clarins and I don't think that is having much effect BUT that...
  183. SandraEG


    It's cool, isn't it! I did the same thing yesterday - popped into Next in my lunchhour and thought I'd see what this grey shift dress looked like in a 16 and it was perfect. I am not a 16 in trousers yet but dresses and tops work and it's such a buzz buying those sizes.
  184. SandraEG

    Missy's First WI

    Not sure about charcoal tablets but you could call LL HQ to check. I can't see why not though. If it's a no, ask them about other indigestion remedies. I also get trapped wind at times and it can be painful. I get it if I overdo the water flavours and the chewy bars can cause it too. You...
  185. SandraEG


    Jasmine tea is unfortunately not allowed as it is a flower. Plain green tea is allowed but not green tea with Jasmine...
  186. SandraEG

    Dwindling - 3 stone "guarantee"

    Anyway - you only need to lose 2.5lbs per week and you'll have done 3 stone in 100 days... you really have nothing to worry about.
  187. SandraEG

    Dwindling - 3 stone "guarantee"

    I would second all these comments. It is not a linear process. One woman in our group lost 3lbs each week and felt a bit discouraged by those of us with larger losses. Then about 6 weeks in she suddenly lost 6lbs in a week - and hadn't done anything different at all. Rest assured you are...
  188. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Thanks ladies! I've been having a 'getting back on the wagon' week and I can't say I've been perfect BUT I am heading back in the same direction. The scales at home are nudging down again. Water is vastly improved. The transgressions have been fairly minor and I am working on cutting them out...
  189. SandraEG


    Thanks Sarah for the clarification. It can be a lot to take in for newbies. When in doubt I always have a peppermint tea.
  190. SandraEG

    Need to vent!!!!!!

    From my perspective, I would ask myself what I was getting from a friend like that. It is possible that the cultural difference means she says things bluntly and doesn't consider anyone's feelings BUT that does not mean you have to put up with it. One of the things I did, a few years ago...
  191. SandraEG

    Exercise Advice

    I was really concerned about not continuing with exercise and asked about it at my introductory session. My LLC said 'if you're already exercising, keep it up BUT be aware of your energy levels'. I started doing only toning activity but quickly found I had more than enough energy for cardio. Now...
  192. SandraEG

    Brain catching up with body....

    I was thinking about this the other day. Popped into M&S to look att eh sale items and there were quite a few things in 20 or 22 and I actually picked one of them up before I realised I am not that person anymore. Typical eh - as soon as I lose weight things in my old size are in abundance on...
  193. SandraEG

    Off on Saturday.....

    This plan is definitely do-able. A shake at breakfast is easy and then a bar at lunch with a dinner (or the opposite way around) and then one more soup or shake as a snack when you need it. Try to keep up the water (with the temperatures in the continent the way they have been - this should...
  194. SandraEG

    Its just dawned on me.......

    I'm trying to get back on track myself and one thing that worked today when I was out and about at lunchtime and wanted something was to get an iced black americano and slurp on that while I was wandering around. It was a bit different from having water, a bit more than having coffee but didn't...
  195. SandraEG

    My weight tracking - might help people with slow loss weeks

    Thanks again. I drew up one on my development scrapbook last night. Sarah - you may have had some 'bad' weeks but you've never gained - so you have been truly focused. I've had a couple of gains in mine and I'm not on track for achieving what you have BUT I am certainly not giving up and I can...
  196. SandraEG

    People starting LL in March...

    The new developers group was a massive success! The new group were really nice and the counselling was good too. Feeling focused again...
  197. SandraEG

    My weight tracking - might help people with slow loss weeks

    Peridot - if you look at the weight column in bold, you can see the week's Sarah stayed to same. I was also a bit baffled intially... Brilliant idea - I'm going to do a spreadsheet for myself!
  198. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Just do it - I wouldn't put up with the way you've been treated. If I was you, I would call LL HQ and make a complaint about your counsellor. No counselling in the last 5 weeks is not acceptable. Also - having the right support in developers is crucial. I changed to a new developers meeting...
  199. SandraEG

    anybody out there swaped LL for CD succesfully?

    I am thinking about it but don't want to risk changing right now. My local CD counsellor is pretty active on the minimins CD forum and seems very supportive - so no probs on that score. But I feel I should give LL a bit more of a chance first. Finance may force me into it as I am broke right now!
  200. SandraEG

    sez - Jul06 to Jul07

    You are looking fabulous!
  201. SandraEG

    2nd pack - 1st day - urgghh

    I find that both banana and strawberry mix really well int he shaker you get free when you start on LL. If you missed out, you can buy the same shakers at Boots with 'Maximuscle' printed on them. I add 300mls of water and then the packet and then give it a good shake (making sure the lid is on...
  202. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Turned up to development last nigth and yet again there was just the 3 of us from our foundation group. No one else bothered to show for the 3rd week running. I do love the two ladies who were in foundation with me but they have both started management and I still have 6 stone to go - so we...
  203. SandraEG

    met old friend & felt embarrased about loss!

    For me it depends on the situation. My girlfriends know I'm on LL and I did talk someone I'm close to at work to try it. She had stopped WW for the umpteenth time and she knew what i was doing and I lent her the magazine (didn't get it back!) and said it would be a relatively short journey for...
  204. SandraEG

    How did you find out about LighterLife?

    I kept seeing adverts for it in magazines and i bought the LL magazine a couple of times. I was VERY sceptical though. My personal trainer at the gym suggested it after I had failed to lose any weigth after working out with her for a month but I still was not convinced. Mainly this was because...
  205. SandraEG

    People starting LL in March...

    Hi ladies I haven't updated my ticker yet but last night I only lost the lb I put on last week. I really struggled last week and last night I felt bad at group. Our developers group has disappeared and for the last 3 weeks it has just been the 3 of us who did foundation together - and the...
  206. SandraEG

    What happens when you have a tummy tuck?

    Hi Mike Glad to hear you are still being positive with all these trials! I thought I'd post a link to NZ blog I read. The woman who writes it had a tummy tuck after losing a lot of weight. She wrote a post about it on March 28 2007 (I think - definitely end of March though) and it was...
  207. SandraEG

    What happens when you have a tummy tuck?

    Good luck with the draining today!
  208. SandraEG

    The Highs and Lows of Development

    Thanks for starting the thread. I have seriously struggled lately and since I started development 5 weeks ago I have lost 9 lbs and put on twice. My own fault and I am not trying to shift the blame but I feel abandoned. The 3 of us who went into development from our foundation group joined...
  209. SandraEG

    People starting LL in March...

    Hi ladies I have not yet been able to get back on the wagon. Yesterday i did so well until about 5pm and then I sat and scoffed a load of stuff I didn't need. I had even promised myself extra packs this week if I needed them to get through but the things that have worked before just are not at...
  210. SandraEG

    Feeling guilty about losing weight like this

    It's definitely not cheating. I used to feel that way about people who had surgery or whatever - and while I still think a lot of people choose that because they think of it as the easy option - it is not easy. Losing weight is not easy - full stop. It takes determination and a desire to change...
  211. SandraEG

    What happens when you have a tummy tuck?

    Just wanted to say Hi and sorry that you are still having problems. I really hope it sorts itself out soon!
  212. SandraEG

    New stuff up on the blog and advice needed on a food dilemma!

    I'd have done the Italian but then I am easily swayed...:drool:
  213. SandraEG

    I'm still here....

    Glad to see you lurking... :hide:
  214. SandraEG

    Losing My Way

    Little Blue - I've been going through the same thing too. I put on 3 lbs 3 weeks ago and then a lb this week. Like you, I am trying to get back on that wagon! So you definitely have company, feeling like this...
  215. SandraEG

    People starting LL in March...

    Bad week - had a few out of control moments. :hitthefan: Put on a pound and thoroughly deserved - not sure why it wasn't more! Had a really good talk to my LLC tonight though and feel I can have a good week. Fingers crossed!:devilangel:
  216. SandraEG

    Hair loss???

    Well you are almost halfway there - have you noticed a big problem yet?
  217. SandraEG

    2 Questions - please help!

    My LLC has a scale that does KGs and lbs and she writes the stones/lbs amount in the margin. The weight loss is recorded in lbs not kgs for us but she also fills in the weight in kgs column. Does that make sense? I haven't bothered to check using independently as she uses the scales. Anyway -...
  218. SandraEG

    What happens when you have a tummy tuck?

    Have a great time with the boys. I've always been squeamish so don't feel guilty about putting me off. I'll do anything not to be cut up unless it was to save my life!
  219. SandraEG

    Zest mag

    Well I definitely don't agree with you. Those examples you gave are, in my opinion, grotesque. Hope you get to your idea of slim if that's what you want - it's certainly not what I'm aiming for.
  220. SandraEG


    HUGS Sarah! :grouphugg::hug99: Everyone has said the obvious things - you are most definitely NOT a failure. You sound very down and I'm not sure that any advice any of us can give will help right now. But, like Cerulean, I hope you treat yourself kindly in the next wee while. Really hoping...
  221. SandraEG

    What happens when you have a tummy tuck?

    Mike Just caught up on your story. Hope the latest issue is being dealt with as I type! I have to say I have never been fond of the idea of surgery and your account has definitely made me certain not to have it. I think I will have some loose skin on my tummy area but I am losing weight to...
  222. SandraEG

    Has anyone else ever heard of this happening?

    HI I'm on LL - just poped in to the CD forum for a change. In my group, one woman lost only 3lbs each week for the first 4 weeks. She was devastated as the rest of us were losing more. But, like your friend, only had 3 stone or so to lose. In the 5th weeks she suddenly lost 6lbs and was...
  223. SandraEG

    How a Thought Record

    Thanks! printed out and I've also photocopied a bunch of the hto thought page from te book. I'll get onto these...
  224. SandraEG

    Zest mag

    Maybe so - but the one who won it was not underweight - and no corned beef legs in sight. Zest makes comments about people who are underweight by BMI - advising them what weight they should be to be healthy. Therefore, I felt it was hypocritical of them to accept underweight women in the...
  225. SandraEG

    Scales not moving this week...

    One thing I did a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to get back to 100% (after a gain and a bad week and I was feeling hungry) was have an extra pack if I needed to. I didn't tell my LLC mind! I thought - if it's a choice between an extra pack and nibbling, the extra pack is bound to be...
  226. SandraEG

    Scales not moving this week...

    Yes - I think it is crooked thinking. I often feel exactly the same. A few extra bits won't hurt because it's still way less than I would normally eat. BUT if you are taking in carbs, your body will use these first before using any fat. So you might be eating less calories but not using your fat...
  227. SandraEG

    People starting LL in March...

    Chin up ISOM! If you haven't cheated, a loss will be there for you next week. Perhaps you were retaining water for a unknown reason. Just keep the faith with what you are doing!:hug99:
  228. SandraEG

    Sorry...its a moan...I need help please.

    I gave it to my sister when I went to NZ (read it on the plane trip over there)! Our parents are both still with us but weren't there for either of us and my sister has real relationship issues. She pushes those who love her away and she and I have had real hum-dingers of fights including not...
  229. SandraEG

    Hair loss???

    Hi all I knew there would be hair loss on this programme and I have been expecting it and it has now started. Everytime I run my fingers through my hair, a few come out on my hands. There was a little pile by the chair I was sitting on this morning. I am a bit concerned as I have 6 stone to...
  230. SandraEG

    Getting rid of clothes

    Yeah - I need the money too! Before we moved house in May I sorted a lot out and made £70 on Enay. I now have another big pile which I intend to put on in the next few days. If anything doesn't sell I'll give it to Oxfam or the BHF shop in my area.
  231. SandraEG

    Thought Records - a "how to" guide (would you be interested?)

    A resounding yes please...
  232. SandraEG

    Zest mag

    Yes - I'm a subscriber. But I've sent a letter to the editor complaining that two of the Face of Fitness 2007 finalists were underweight on BMI and another two were 18.6 so definitely borderline and within a pound of being underweight. I love Zest usually but not pleased with them promoting...
  233. SandraEG

    long time, no see

    WOW! You looked stunning!
  234. SandraEG

    People starting LL in March...

    I lost 4 lbs last night. Delighted with that but was hopeful for more... Hoping for another good loss this week...
  235. SandraEG

    Well - I'm back and what a week - week 26

    Thanks Sarah! I dip in and out of your blog and I love it. You say a lot of the things I think. I also feel a bit creatively stunted by work and I am currently looking for another job - and considering a pay cut and less responsibility to be able to allow myself mental space to expand. I...
  236. SandraEG

    Sorry...its a moan...I need help please.

    I can thoroughly recommend Geneen Roth. I read 'When Food is Love' a number of years ago and bawled my way through it. For anyone who has felt neglected or lonely I their lives and think food was their comfort - this is the book for you! I recently read one of her non-weight books - 'The...
  237. SandraEG


    I don't use it BUT I think people get it from health food shops like Holland & Barrett.
  238. SandraEG

    Do I switch over to CD or stay with LL??

    Have you called LL HQ? I know that LL do have a locum system for when counsellors take holidays etc. Surely they could get someone to cover your classes for a few weeks?
  239. SandraEG


    Living - The Cincinnati Post Info about health benefits of cinnamon...
  240. SandraEG


    I don't add anything extra to mine. I just use about half a cup or two thirds of a cup of hot water, pour over the banana pack and use my hand blender to mix. It is hot and thicker than usual.
  241. SandraEG


    YUm. Last nigth I had a hot banana custard and sprinkled cinnamon on top. Just the kind of thing I would eat in the world of food...
  242. SandraEG

    Was this a stroke or not?

    On the other hand, maybe she just knew something was different and couldn't put her finger on it. Only the people who know I'm doing this have commented on me losing weight. Others have said the vacuous 'you look really well lately' and I have just taken it that they are seeing a difference...
  243. SandraEG

    Sorry...its a moan...I need help please.

    Sez If you have a supportie and together group, why not raise this there. You could print of your post and read it out. Maybe others are feeling the same and could benefit from the discussion? Hopefully your LLC can find a way through. Mike and Dom have given some particularly good insights...
  244. SandraEG

    Can we have C d mix a mouse on LL?

    Guess you could look them up on the website. I just worry that they would make a big deal about trying to persuade me to stop LL and switch. They wouldn't succeed of course because I'm really happy doing LL but it would make me angry and I'm trying to control my feelings these days. It would be...
  245. SandraEG

    When will I see my "b4" LL photos?

    yes - I don't know if there is one policy as I had heard some kept the photos until you finish - maybe to keep you coming... Ours measured us at the beginning and at the end of Foundation. We got our photos at the second weigh in. Someone said about keeping them in her wallet - there's no way I...
  246. SandraEG


    Good idea. I've been considering trying that too.
  247. SandraEG


    Actually I am sure that I read somewhere that it has a positive effect. But I can't remember how or why...
  248. SandraEG


    Bars can make me windy (not the Nut Crunch in my experience though). But that's usually just temporary. I sometimes find that after a lapse I have a problem with constipation and at those times I can get a bit windy - presumably as gases build up with the extra bulk... So if you haven't 'been'...
  249. SandraEG

    Ketosis Fairy came back home!

    Mrs L - that's a surprise. Our LLC has stopped checking ketostix since we started developers. I kept doing it for a couple of weeks and then realised no-one else was... I guess she might ask if you had a couple of weeks of no loss. Sez - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll drop a lb in...
  250. SandraEG

    Strange comment in developers last night...

    Thanks all! That's exactly the kind of support we all need...:o