Christie's Fitness Diary

Have some work to finish up today, plus a lot of errands, so have done some stretching @ home this morning and will get in plenty of walking where I can. Looks like it will be a nice sunny day, good time to try and get a bit of sunlight!
Gorgeous day!!!
Not so gorgeous today...a bit gray and blah outside. Went late today, too much ice on the road this morning!

Thurs - 65 mins hard cardio, it was great! :D

Another type of workout later this afternoon; 2 of our cats go in for their annual checkup and boosters. One is really timid and nervous and can be a handful trying to keep her calm...the other will bite. I'm making OH hold the biter. :8855:
Nobody bit anyone at the vets yesterday; the biter was a polite and scared little Miss (very unlike the madam she is at home!) and the one who is so timid and scared was actually pretty brave! It was a very good trip to the vets, our vet is lovely and always grateful when nobody hisses at her or bites her!

Went early today, no ice, it was great! Will prob go tomorrow instead of Sunday, as OH is golfing tomorrow instead, that'll be a change, I seldom go on Saturday.

Fri - 65+ cardio plus stretching ;)
Whew! Sweaty one today!

Sat - 90+ mins cardio (about 80+ mins intense, 10+ or so was about medium/5-6 on the scale) Soaked, but feel great!

Now, time for my magical yoghurt and granola brekkie, I'm starved!

BTW...OH is golfing in cold rain this morning :8855: but gave me a huge bouquet of lovely flowers that the cats are very interested in. So points for him for not forgetting it's Valentine's Day!

And a very happy Valentine's Day to you all. :D
Back at you, my OH is poorly and I doubt anything will come this way...heh! He is not the romantic type...but we did go out Thursday and it was his treat...saying that I haven't bought a card or a pressie (cos the thing I was going to get kinda won't be used now he has spoken how poo he is feeling and how despondent he feels about maintaining fitness bah!)'s OH smokes like a chimney (fortunately, only out in conservatory but I can still smell the stink...:flamingmad: ), only eats healthy if I"m cooking for him (will stuff a nasty mystery-meat lukewarm bacteria-laden pie in his face if he can get away with it :yuk: ) and thinks he gets tons of exercise by going around golf course 1x per week...with an electric golf trolley. :sigh: He's just left for the membership meeting for his golf club, so that's my Sunday outing down the toilet.

I was going to take a day off today, but ended up really fed up at him this morning (he really ticked me off yesterday) so went and did a 15 minute walk and then weights and then stretching. It was nice!
I think I'm just doing the basic army drill (you know press ups, pull ups, sit ups, etc) for the next week until kids are back to school as well as using the stairs a lot...just as I seem to get going and to a good point I have to halt my training or take a break...oh well, back to it come Monday 23rd...
Yep...I know the basic Army drill; I'm retired US Air Force! (hence the stripes in my sig block) Nothing better than the basics, really.

Nice morning @ the gym;fairly empty and quiet.

Mon - 65+ cardio, 30 mins upper body weights, stretching etc.

May see if I can book massage later today; I have persistent knots in left trapezius, most likely from some nerve and disk issues in my neck (long story), plus my calves are really knotty and sore.
I was going to ask what all the stripes were but didn't want to appear they the same thing, different colour?

Oooh a massage sounds traps have always been tight ever since I was a lighty...all my stress seems to gather there and I just massage them when in the bath at the end of the day to try to loosen them off a bit...can be very painful!
The stripes represent the highest rank I achieved, I was a non-commissioned officer, a Master Sergeant. The blue ones are various versions of what I wore on blue dress uniforms and normal day to day uniforms, the green ones on my Battle Dress Uniform (camoflage green), the brown on my desert Battle Dress Uniform.

Decided to have a rest day today. I have a lot of soreness in my quads, seems like maybe the lactic acid isn't draining away fast enough even though I'm stretching for about 20 mins after each gym session...didn't find time for massage yesterday but will try for today or tomorrow. One thing I learned to help loosen my traps a bit is to do shoulder rolls frequently, first going front-wards, then backwards, it does help to loosen the knots a bit. Also, there's this stuff, Bio-Freeze, you get it in roll on or a gel, you put it on sore muscles and it cools them down, bringing blood into them. That helps as well. Nothing worse than sore neck and shoulders, I think!
The stripes represent the highest rank I achieved, I was a non-commissioned officer, a Master Sergeant. The blue ones are various versions of what I wore on blue dress uniforms and normal day to day uniforms, the green ones on my Battle Dress Uniform (camoflage green), the brown on my desert Battle Dress Uniform.

Ah! Thanks for that...interesting...

One thing I learned to help loosen my traps a bit is to do shoulder rolls frequently

You know, I have neglected to do this for ages, I started at the beginning of going to the gym, then stopped when I made up a new dynamic stretching routine, forgot about the traps...heh! Oh yes, I use that cool gel stuff (mostly on my lower legs though), it's lovely!
Whew! Glad I took a rest yesterday, felt a lot better this morning.

Wed - 60+ mins cardio, 30 mins lower body weights and then my stretching.

That BioFreeze stuff is great, I use it on my calves and my left trap. I get very sore calves, lots of knots, so I massage them myself plus I have an aromatherapy oil mix I use when they're really sore. But I'm running low on that, gotta get some more!
Looks like all the coughing and sneezing that goes on all over has caught up with me...I'm mad, as I very seldom catch a cold, but looks like I've got the start of a head cold, combo stuffy/runny nose and scratchy throat. :mad::mad::mad: Didn't go to gym today, took day off, but if I'm really sinusey tomorrow, will take a miss on my normal long Sunday gym session, as I would end up having to take a box of tissues with me!

On plus side, bought some cool size 12 skinny black jeans that fit nicely (!), and a pair of cool Mexican-American cowboy boots, OH laughs but I love them!
Mmmm skinny jeans....
Sorry to hear you're feeling cr*ppy - there is a lot of it about. I've had a cough loitering for 2 months now!! What's that all about?!!

I've decided to go back on the shakes for a couple of weeks so have beed advised to go easy on the exercise. To be honest its TOTM at the mo and I really don't feel like it anyway.

Hope you're feeling better soon - try not to overdo it though or you wont get improve.

Carol x
Well, I'm on the mend; my immune system must actually be in pretty good shape! I started to feel more normal yesterday (Monday) and am about back to my regular self today except for a sinus headache and a bit of snuffiness. But looks like the cold is about gone (except OH has it now, serves him right for smoking!). So I'm prob gonna give the gym a try tomorrow morning, not my usual pounding, but the treadmill for 45 mins or so should be fine!

Hiya, Carol; do take it easy if you're only doing a short time of shakes, I think it takes the body longer to cope with the calorie deficit if you're exercising too much. Hope your cough goes away pronto!

Hi, Nex...are you back to normal schedule now the kids are back at school? Is your cough any better? I'm lucky, this cold didn't seem interested in going to my chest!