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  1. KateR

    back for good this time

    Hiya! Just popping in to say hello and let you know that I haven't just vanished off the planet! haha Hope you are having a wonderful day!! K :)
  2. KateR

    Going from two to three without eating for five!

    Blackpool is most certainly a bit meh bit St Anne's or Lytham are nice? What about having a walk around Hollingworth lake? It's easy to get to from you and is paved all the way around so you can push baba? I'll have a good think on it!
  3. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Hey chick Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling perky at the moment. Are you working this weekend? I hope that tomorrow things turn around and something awesome puts a big smile on your face! X
  4. KateR

    I may lose some battles but I'll win the war.

    Hiya! I'm also popping in to subscribe :D
  5. KateR

    Going from two to three without eating for five!

    Hey lovely, hope you're having a wonderful bank holiday weekend in the sunshine x
  6. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Pooks, a pound is a pound is a pound! Every pound counts and you are going in the shrinking direction. I think a pound is to be celebrated.... I have lost 4 lbs total on this plan but I know I am changing shape... I bet you are too :-) x
  7. KateR

    2015 - going to do it this time!

    Boot camp sounds like hell! I used to HATE that sort of beasting in the RAF. There were lads (and girls) there who loved it though. I mean just had this mental attitude that made me want to punch them in the face....... if I had the strength to lift my arms ;) ;) Good luck with your...
  8. KateR

    2015 - going to do it this time!

    Hiya laura! Well done on the loss AND managing it with a holiday is fantastic! How was your hols? Where abouts did you go? K :)
  9. KateR

    Bee's Journey v 2.0

    Hiya! I used to think that I really wanted an automatic too as it was what I first started to drive in the states, I've been on a manual now for about 11 years and I promise you it just sort of happens. Confidence build up and then it all just becomes second nature. My parents haven't had a...
  10. KateR

    Bee's Journey v 2.0

    Just popping in to subscribe :D Hope youre feeling better... lady times are the WORST!!
  11. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Well you looked FAB! How was the night??
  12. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Ooooh I fully love that dress!! Where's it from? It's right up my street!!
  13. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Changing shape is a good thing though surely? Youre doing so so sososososososoooo well don't let a stupid suckerinnererer ruin your night! Did the online dress arrive? isn't your WI today? How did you get on? x
  14. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    5lbs in a week?! You hard working lady! I'm on week 4 of my mental plan and I don't think I've lost that! I'm just hoping the inches are good... thats what she said.... ahem! I would like to see pictures of your log cabin! It all sounds very fancy!
  15. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    That is exciting!!! I haven't had the experience of something being too big for a LONG time. Hopefully one day soon though?! Hope youre having a good day!
  16. KateR

    Going from two to three without eating for five!

    Caz you're SO organised!! You have a little one taking all your attention and you have still managed to plan for a whole week... I can barely plan my next five minutes today haha I'm glad that Bethany is a growing girl and that she's been discharged, that must be a weight off your mind!
  17. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Youre a better woman that I am! I would be sound asleep by 11 and there would be nothing anyone could do about it! haha night night! x
  18. KateR

    Going from two to three without eating for five!

    Morning Caroline. I just thought I would pop in and say hello and see how you are getting on. I can't even imagine what it's like having a new born. Mothers astound me! you're awesome! K x
  19. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    ... and remember, the letter MUST be signed by a parent or guardian! ;)
  20. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Good Luck tomorrow! You'll be great I'm sure :D
  21. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Well done pooks! So glad youve got your mojo :D
  22. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    The problem with a chinese blip is the salt and msg causes water retention. you CANNOT have gained 2 whole lbs from one meal. I promise! You still rock! I hope you feel better soon. K x
  23. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Glad you hear youre feeling so much better B :)
  24. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    HAHA the "house redecoration diet" i imagine that would get very expensive after a few months?! Hiya Pooks!
  25. KateR

    No going back now - Official Diary Time

    brill loss!! Well done :D
  26. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Yay! Look at all these awesome choices! You're so on it at the mo! Have a wonderful (probably wet) Wednesday
  27. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    I think I once had a party 'round mine but someone chipped my trough and THAT WAS IT!! I had to draw a line somewhere ;)
  28. KateR

    Dietninja's 90 day SSS plan

    I'm doing ok! (I think) I'm not being perfect with my food though I am trying but I just can't seem to fit it all in! Especially the liquids after the gym and before breakfast... I'm getting there though! Sticking to carbs after work outs etc. I've only been at it 13 days though... can't believe...
  29. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Massive NSV Sparkles! Think about how smug you will feel as you drift off to sleep tonight knowing that you WON!!! ;)
  30. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Booo stupid sunday class! Only a few days to go until your usual class and two weeks at once is a great excuse to get a good result ;)
  31. KateR

    Dietninja's 90 day SSS plan

    I understand what you mean with the Love/hate HIIT thing... yesterday i HATED it so so much. Tomorrow at 6am doesnt look good either ;) I think the whole point of the plan after cycle 2 is sustain.. I think a change is as good as a rest sometimes... and you seem to have really thought about it...
  32. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Also ... always here to support you :) In fact at the moment I am always here as it stops me trying to find my next source of SUGAR!!
  33. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Dubai sounds AMAZING pooks! You going to grow your mermaid tail again ;)
  34. KateR

    Going from two to three without eating for five!

    Hey lovely! I didn't know you had this diary! Just popping in to subscribe and say CONGRATULATIONS again! She is gorgeous!
  35. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Oh my gosh thats awful! I know its quite different but at the stables we used to have a mouse problem with them getting into the feed etc. In the end anything that was in paper packaging had to be put into plastic boxes with tight lids. Have you thought about something like that? Once there was...
  36. KateR

    Dietninja's 90 day SSS plan

    Surprisingly I am really enjoying it! This morning I was the first in the line waiting for the gym to open and I can feel myself able to go a little bit harder every day. The thing I don't like is the hours of food prep but I think i will get into the swing of things! How long before you...
  37. KateR

    Dietninja's 90 day SSS plan

    Hiya, Just popping by to subscribe - I'm about to start week two of cycle one! Think I am already feeling a change in my fitness! What do you use to track your heart rate? I've been trying to use the machines at the gym but they are pretty useless!! Kate :)
  38. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :happy096::worthy::worthy::happy036::bliss::wow: (Its rate i get the smileys out so you KNOW I'm impressed!!!) That's so awesome! Well done chick x
  39. KateR

    No going back now - Official Diary Time

    Tracy you look absolutely fab!!!!
  40. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    I used to love going to bingo with my sister! The deal was who ever won would split it right in the middle... The one time i didnt go with her... she won £5000!! She took me out for my tea but £2500!?! can you imagine that on a random Tuesday evening?!!?
  41. KateR

    2015 - going to do it this time!

    Hey Laura, how you getting on? x
  42. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    How was the extra shift? I know what you mean about the extra pennies! I wish that I could do extra shifts here but I doubt they'd let me! At the rate im spending for my trip i might have to sell a kidney or something! haha
  43. KateR

    No going back now - Official Diary Time

    That is EXCITING news!!!!!!! SUCH and inspiration!! x
  44. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    I am indeed I will PM you my name on there... also you should follow thebodycoach... he is mental but good!
  45. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    They look YUM!! I am sooooooo hungry right now and am stuck in a room with students doing practicals in silence for the next 2 hours... *sob* haha
  46. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    omg pintere$t!! (it stars it out if i dont do that for some reason!) I am OBSESSED with that thing! I have a whole board of things to make and never get round to it so its good to know that some of the things on there are as yummy as this! a gain of 3lbs after not being on plan isnt bad at all...
  47. KateR

    2015 - going to do it this time!

    Laura you ledge!!! Well done x
  48. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Bloody LOVE Nashville!!!!
  49. KateR

    2015 - going to do it this time!

    YAY Laura! You are absolutely blasting it! What's the best thing so far about shedding all that weight? When are you going to florida? (SO many questions this morning hehe) K :)
  50. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    BUT - at least you said "weekleys wiped out" rather than.. "well i've blown it now I might as well start a fresh on monday" I think your attitude means that you still win! ;)
  51. KateR

    Time to do this...

    Hiya! Just popping in to subscribe as I saw you on one of the other posts. Well done on resisting temptation and going for the salad! I'd have probably been face first into a ham and cheese pasty! I know what you mean about being able to get on a horse. I used to ride competitively - I would...
  52. KateR

    No going back now - Official Diary Time

    Hello! I am just popping by to subscribe and so say how wonderfully amazingly awesome you have done! Five stones is a HUGE achievement. When you are feeling down in the dumps remember that you have literally given yourself years of health. And if you dont mind me saying you look great!!! SUCH...
  53. KateR

    Melting March Challenge

    I am so annoyed that I have not only not lost anything but i have GAINED. I set myself such a low target and I'm never going to make that now. I wouldnt mind if i had been a stodge monster but I have eaten really balanced meals and I havent had a single pizza incident lol. I have also been...
  54. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    You look fab Mrs!! So glad you had a good night xx
  55. KateR

    2015 - going to do it this time!

    Your determination is amazing! Next week all your hard work will show up double I'm sure :)
  56. KateR

    Melting March Challenge

    1. Gamy - 14lbs to lose - 0 lost 2. Lauragoespop - 9lb to lose - 3.5lbs lost 3. bliss - 8lb to lose - 0 lost 4. Estameme - 10lbs to lose - 0 lost 5. LadyFelsham - 10lbs to lose - 2.5lbs lost - 7.5lbs to go 6. S_J_B 8lbs to lose - 0 lost 7. Jayde 7lbs to lose - 0lbs lost 8. Grumpy Space Princess...
  57. KateR

    Back For The Long Haul

    Cranberrie that sounds awesome! Where did you get it from? I once tried to use a knife to make very thin strips but it just turned into mush! haha Well done on the loss and the fab motivation!
  58. KateR

    2015 challenge

    1/4 of the year!?!?!? Ahhhh I really need to get my bum in gear!!
  59. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Omg where are you going?? I'm checking out my summer options and 3 of them are America lol
  60. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    How good are you?!? Im in full naughtiness mode at the mo haha So much will power!! X
  61. KateR

    2015 - going to do it this time!

    A whole stone? That's awesome! Well done hun! I'm going in the opposite direction at the mo but seeing people losing the lbs for good is so inspiring!!
  62. KateR

    2015 challenge

    Cmcewn I did it earlier :-)
  63. KateR

    2015 challenge

    That's amazing!! Congratulations!
  64. KateR

    2015 challenge

    1) Hershey - 140lbs to lose - 19lbs lost - 121lbs to go 2) Another Tracy -79lbs to lose -19lbs lost - 60lbs to go 3) CaroleM - 140lbs to lose - 32lbs lost - 108lbs to go 4) Bigbear - 126lbs to lose- 9lbs lost - 117 to go 5) S_J_B - 78lbs to lose - 22.5lbs lost - 55.5lbs to go 6) Destamia...
  65. KateR

    2015 challenge

    Sorry I've not updated my stats for a week or two.... I haven't dared get on the scales. I am burying my head in the sand lol
  66. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    That sounds blooming awesome!!!!! I don't there is anything at all like that around here!!
  67. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    sparkles - what on earth is clubbercise??
  68. KateR

    2015 - going to do it this time!

    Welcome Laura!! Popping in to subscribe
  69. KateR

    Back For The Long Haul

    Hi Cranberrie! I just thought I would pop in to subscribe as we are pretty much the same age and are both WeMITTS so It will be interesting to follow your journey... which seems to be moving forward (mine is mostly backwards haha) I also have a fitbit one and i love it although its been reading...
  70. KateR

    Always wanted to be a size 16 now buying 14's!!

    Hello!!!! So awesome to have you back and a size 14!!! Amazing job!!! I am actually bigger than a house end right now but I'll get there too one day! How have you been? What sort of gym things are you doing?? Kate :-)
  71. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Binky - first defence is a nasal spray made by vicks that kills germs at the back of your nose and throat. Its not pleasant (or cheap) but it is very effective. If you are already plagued up I swear by olbas oil steam taken as deep into my lungs as I can manage - Kate's top tip for that one...
  72. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    I have used Vicks first defence all winter (i'm a teacher and work with teenagers so germs ahoy!) and touch wood I haven't developed a full blown cold yet this year. Its threatened a few times but I have fought it off. It might be worth a try if you keep getting colds? I tried to visit the...
  73. KateR

    2015 challenge

    Just reporting in with a STS - probably more than I deserved with the food week I have had. I just can't seem to find my mojo at the moment. I might have a big event in June to attend so fingers crossed I draw some inspiration from that - I really can't go if I am morbidly obese (and after a...
  74. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Awwww Hun!!! Don't fret... Stick with it! You can do this!!!!
  75. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Haha!! That quote!! So true!
  76. KateR

    2015 challenge

    Hey All I'm a bit disappointed with my probably more than it should have been 1 1/2 lb loss - I was not a good girl this weekend and i am not kicking myself with the whole "imagine what it could have been if you'd stuck to it" thing! Onwards and downwards... 1 1/2 a week would still get me to...
  77. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    SO excited for the weekend!! We have had zero snow here at my house... not a flake! Just wet slush and rain. Youre a better woman than me with the pointing too! I have been a glutton tonight!
  78. KateR

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Heya! Popping in to subscribe! Something i should have done blooming ages ago!!
  79. KateR

    Time to regain my life!

    Hi Moomoo Well done on your losses so far! I am just popping in to subscribe :)
  80. KateR

    A Diary of Disillusionment

    Absolutely amazing advice there! I know its hard to follow though - we expect results right away but it doesnt work like that. I did a VCLD for a month two years ago... I lost 2 1/2 st taking me down to about 16st and I felt so much better for my holiday! Then I got home and within a few weeks...
  81. KateR

    2015 challenge

    Yay Mrs S! Well done on your loss!! My WI isn't until Monday. I am so impatient.
  82. KateR

    2015 challenge

    That's an awesome loss!! Well done!!
  83. KateR

    2015 challenge

    I havent tried it as rice... but i really like the cauli pizza crust! That will be a weekend treat (because it takes bloomin ages to prepare hehe)
  84. KateR

    2015 challenge

    I am low carbing. I tried SW but struggled with the meetings a bit... They weren't the best run I don't think near me. Seriously craving some rice today!!
  85. KateR

    2015 challenge

    Does anyone mind if i tag along with this too? I have about 120lbs to shift to get into the middle of the healthy range but if i can into onederland this year I would be over the moon - would rather be chubby at 30 rather than morbidly obese at 30! haha I know I am already a month late but...
  86. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Ha! That picture is probably exactly what mine will do when I start on Monday! If I had a closer boots I would definitely do that too! I seem to remember for 20p it tells you everything! Weight, body fat, water % etc etc it's fab because one week weight might not change but body fat may have...
  87. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Afternoon B, I've done package holidays before even though they are REALLY not my thing and I had a great time, also for about 3 years I couldn't afford to go abroad so I went camping around the uk. It was so much fun and a change really is as good as a rest!! Day trips to the lakes are...
  88. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    It must be a really hard time for you guys! Thinking if you xx
  89. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Oh gosh b, I am so sorry to hear that! I hope that Tabby is ok. Is there no way that you can keep lyra over there for now and then when you have saved up enough you can bring him home? Was this a quick decision or has it been considered as much as the move over there was? I am really sorry to...
  90. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Happy Birthday Chick... have a fab day!
  91. KateR

    What is your inspiration? For me it is the wardrobe full of clothes I don't fit into!

    I'm excited to fit into my very lovely old wardrobe, (the clothes in it... not the wardrobe itself!) and I want to feel confident sitting in unfamiliar chairs. I will often stand rather than risk a chair squeak or a breakage! (pathetic eh??)
  92. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    a pound is a pound mrs!! Plus with all the exercise it will probably all just drop off in a week or two. Your body will be in shock from working so hard so will retain water (for muscle repair) and won't be burning fat yet as you've gone from a not physical to very physical life style... its...
  93. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Amazing pooks! Well done chick x
  94. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Well done pooks! That's a great loss!!
  95. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    hello my darling! I am back at work... not sure why I post more from work.. what does that say about my work ethic? haha I've not been to have a look at the Ol' new eye candy yet... our communal area has been demolished so its all a bit weird trying to find people to socialise with at...
  96. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Hey lovely It's crazy quiet around here at the moment. I'm in America having a lovely time in the sunshine on a solo holiday. Glad you had an awesome time! I bet Dubai was so hot?? Glad you're well Xx
  97. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    awww that seems like totally the opposite of what they should do! :( And is taking him with you out of the question? September is so awesome too! I bet you are very excited! Have you told the girls?
  98. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Have you looked at animal sanctuary chick?
  99. KateR

    Swollen Ankles... Help!

    Hey all, I was just wondering if I could have a little advice please? I am currently at my biggest ever and i have just (about 2 weeks ago) started properly exercising first thing in the morning and i Really get my blood going. BUT I have been getting really swollen ankles. I was wondering...
  100. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    hey pookalish! Hows things chick?? Awesome weight loss! I have been donning the cossie and trying to grow a tail of my own... I am no where near your level of mermaid though!
  101. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    I can't wait until I am noticing things like that with my clothes!! Go you!!
  102. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    I have some green cream from boots, it's lasted me years!! You rub it into the cuticle and skin below the nail and it makes them very strong and the grow very fast. You might need calcium too? I read somewhere that a VCLD can cause hair loss so maybe it makes nails thin too? Awesome news on...
  103. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    FIVE POUNDS!! A May zing!!! You're an absolute super star at this aren't you!. Well done!
  104. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Wow!! That's insane for parking!!! Theifs and theives!
  105. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Wowsers!! It's £4.90 here!! And it's absolutely rammed with kids... And plasters hehe You're so awesome with all the fitness... I'm a sloth!!
  106. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Mrs, just be careful that your postcode is on that last post.. It certainly reads like it isn't included... although i dont know why.. surely thats the whole point! haha I'm sure there will be ways that things will work out well for you both! (you and Lyra that is!) :D
  107. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Morning Miss pooks! Hows the tail?
  108. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Morning B! :)
  109. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    I got bitten and then savaged last night by various Desmond's pooks... First was the "go figure" a cocktail so amazing that I had to have 3 of them. Then came mojitos in various flavours.. All of which needed sampling... Then it was time for the evilest of all Desmond's... Desmond vino!! I am...
  110. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    26lbs is insane pooks! It really is!! You should be screaming it from the roof tops!! As for the colours... I suit bright colours or very dark colours, pale yellows, pinks, etc make me look yellow skinned unless I have a very dark tan (rare these days) The people I work with walk at an insane...
  111. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    I joined in 2009 about 2 1/2 st lighter than I am now... Dropped 3 st and am now at the biggest I've ever been. You're doing amazing chick and that's all anyone will see. You are a swimming machine!! Hehe x
  112. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Nothing worse than a squirts shake!, hehe I'm on a cleanathon too! Almost done just the vacuuming and bathroom to do! Enjoy your day :)
  113. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Morning chick, I am usually a multivitamin sceptic just because I know that if you eat an even slightly balanced diet you just wee out the vitamins. I thought that the idea behind the packs was that they gave you all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that you needed so you could just live...
  114. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Onward and Downward! you can do it!!!!
  115. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Well done chick... Yay for 2lbs!,
  116. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    the teens? We started off at the same place and now im 20lbs bigger and you are about a billion lbs littler!! you are FABULOUS!!! soon onderland will be yours! how exciting!
  117. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    ... i think it would take more than 350 stickers to cover what i have to cover pooks ;)
  118. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    no no no no... SCD will take away my Ricky Wilson viewing on a Saturday night... i need that right now! haha Hey pooks
  119. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Make sure you get a good stretch pooks... dont be seizing up on us! (it could just be your new tail coming through tho!?) Have a lovely day :)
  120. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    So much space!!! Very jel!!
  121. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Yeah!! Go pooks! You kick Desmond's ass!!!
  122. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

  123. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    NINETEEN POUNDS?!?!?!?! That is amazing!! Well done my dear!!
  124. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah get yourself gone. Just don't sneeze or cough on people and it'll be fine and you will have a wonderful time! ESPECIALLY now your a slinky lady!
  125. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    I think you should go! If you feel up to it you must! Just don't be giving everyone big squeezy hugs! haha Have fun!!! Also WOW to the WL thats absolutely AMAZING!!! hoorah for the tens!
  126. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    yay pooks that is amazing!!!!! well done! Your support network is here for you! :D Hopefully i will have a fitbit today or tomorrow at which point i will be on the wagon 100% (i hope!)
  127. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Hey pooks! I spoke to Rosie just the other day... Worry not, she is still with us... Last I heard there was something to do with an Peter Andre convention on the Scottish islands that she was running! Hehe X
  128. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Thanks love! I am just so active when i am out there. I just dont stop! I think if i was in Orlando the whole time i would gain a million pounds as there is so much food always offer! nom nom nom If i could travel for a few years i would come home skinny! Unfortunately its not an option for me...
  129. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    I am missing it like crazy already! Hows things in pooksville?
  130. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    I adore the help.. The book especially! Well done on the all time low! I cannot wait until I am reporting similar news!! Hehe
  131. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    A very slight tan... I just no longer look like I have jaundice! Hehe Hey lovely pooks!!
  132. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    It's the last weekend in July and the first Tuesday in August tranqs!! Hehe
  133. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    I just had 5inches taken off at christmas.. if id thought about it i could have had an extra inch off and done some good! My hair is soft like a unicorn! hehe
  134. KateR

    Starting to run... Eventually!

    Thanks guys! All your advice does really help! I'm currently kick boxing about 3 or 4 times per week. I hadnt been for a while so i am building up fitness that way... but keep falling off the diet wagon so i'm not shifting the lbs like i should be! My knees were my big worry Neil - i have an...
  135. KateR

    Starting to run... Eventually!

    I'm really keen to start but I just dont know how to get going! I want to be a runner so badly! My rubbish ex used to call me crazy legs because of the way i run and its made me so self conscious! Not that i ever was much of a runner!
  136. KateR

    Starting to run... Eventually!

    Hey everyone. I am really keen to start running. I have downloaded couch to 10k but I haven't started yet as I'm not not fit enough to run a bath let alone for 30seconds!! I am kickboxing again several times per week but I just am too nervous to start running as I'm so big! I have never been a...
  137. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Some travel agents employ people to do all their booking etc over the phone. So people find a holiday they like the look of on something like ice lolly then they call a number and get directed to an agent... It happened to me a few years ago and I asked the lady about it. She worked from home...
  138. KateR

    Mini Mates Meet

    Wherever you guys decide I will try my best to be there! I genuinely have no preference
  139. KateR

    Mini Mates Meet

    I think it might be because it's an over nighter and maybe that people are bringing OHs maybe? I don't know... But I am very much wanting to see your faces!!!
  140. KateR

    Mini Mates Meet

    I can't say for sure just yet. I'd like to come but I wouldn't be able to book anything until closer to the time xx
  141. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Glad you enjoyed your night! It is good... You just have to season the base right and make sure you get aaaaaall the water out or it is so soggy hehe Have a lovely day
  142. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Okay... ready...? Put a cauliflower in a food processor and pulse until it looks a bit like couscous. Stick it in a bowl with about 50ml of water (i just use a tap splash) cover with cling film and then put in the microwave for about 4-5 minutes. Leave it to cool and finish cooking with the...
  143. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    I find that tomatoes don't push me out of ketosis at all. Last summer (i was on an absolutel roll) I even had the occasional slice of low carb pizza (made with a cauliflower crust) and it took the edge off any cravings i was having - it also had tinned tomatoes as part of the topping! NOM! You...
  144. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    it is a huge adjustment i do understand how scary it must be. From what i know of the sure start its like extra easy on slimming world and as long as 1/3 of your plate is greens (or equivalent) then you can have as much as you want until you feel satisfied? Have you had a chat with the folks...
  145. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Lets plan tomorrow... pack free... healthy food galore.... What you got in?!
  146. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Deep breaths hun! you are allowed carbs now and TBH... i have a spoon of beans or two on my diet - i find they dont knock me out of ketosis which is a relief! So they are FINE - high in fibre and good for you! Have you got any of the WW cookery books? My good friend (TF) and her housemate are...
  147. KateR

    Always wanted to be a size 16 now buying 14's!!

    Youre so so close! You can do it!!!! x
  148. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Morning love! You plan so well! I think living with my folks means i have to plan too... when i lived on my own i was rubbish at planning what i was going to eat. It must be quite time consuming doing a food shop with too little ones and no car. I think i'd be tempted to get online hehe Have...
  149. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    It will feel like everything is a treat as you have been deprived on a VCLD for so long! As long as you point things then youre not being naughty and you're following the plan. And we all know that the plan works! Youre doing great!
  150. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    You daft bugger! Of course we wouldnt unsubscribe! I'm so glad you're finding your mojo with this diet. LauraBlue (not seen her on here since before christmas) When from doing s&s to doing WW (or maybe SW) and she LOVED it. She had great losses too. Apples really are a super food! Especially...
  151. KateR

    Mini Mates Meet

    I'm in! I have to go a few places over Easter but I'm not sure when yet... Exciiiiiiteed to see/meet y'all!!
  152. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    that place sounds absolutely lovely! I bet youre excited! I'm excited for you - sounds delicious - AND im on the cusp of ketosis so am ready for eating my own arm off!!
  153. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Morning! I know you mentioned it before but i need to know more about these pancakes! I do not like the porridge at all... (not so much as the chilli though - which i couldn't even swallow for some reason) aaaaaaaaaaaaanyways i have 5 or 6 packs of porridge and it seems like such a waste to not...
  154. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    If i were closer hun i would offer to babysit - as i teach teenagers its pretty much all i do anyways hehe! Youre doing well on s&S!!! I started it again today. I have slightly more calories in the form of lean protein than you do (or is recommended) but now my kick boxing instructor has a new...
  155. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Sounds good to me chick. Our bodies are weird things. When i was on a VCLD before summer I had one day where i had a big bar of chocolate. Just was silly and it happened. the following day i showed a slight gain, the day after a STS and then the day after that - a loss of 4lbs! From eating...
  156. KateR

    Always wanted to be a size 16 now buying 14's!!

    THAT IS AMAZING!! Well done! You must be feeling absolutely fantastic!! I wish i had stuck to my guns back when you did.. I would kill to be in a size 14 today! Well done chick! Looking forward to seeing more of you after the hols! :)
  157. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    I really like the way you approach things. I think i might follow the Beelishy diet myself! :D
  158. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    I LOVE your positivity! You'll get there! I know you will! Do you find it easy enough to get back into ketosis? Do you not feel like chewing off your own arm? hehe
  159. KateR

    Freebies samples of the new mint and choc orange bars !!

    I liked them both but i found the orange one a bit too bitter... thats probably just my unrefined palate! hehe
  160. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    They had them down the £1 isle last night. They had several shapes. Its such a random isle... toys, cleaning products, kitchen things, bathroom things... Not sure if its just store based though. :)
  161. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Sammy... those cookies made me almost drool! They sound amazing! They actually have star shapped cookie cutters in Asda at the moment - £1 for a set of 5 i think :)
  162. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    You are doing AMAZINGLY! I'm actually quite jealous of the VCLD but i am saving my S&S focus for after christmas when i am back at work with nothing to focus on except getting back to the states for my oldest friend's wedding in Feb! You sound like your head is in such an amazing place...
  163. KateR

    7 weeks... 14lbs... let's get 1 stone down by Christmas!

    Caz: 14lb goal, 5lb lost MinnieMel: 10lb goal, 1lb lost Tranquility: 14lb goal, 5.2lb lost RainbowRose: 14lb goal, 0lb lost StillTryingJoJo: 6lb goal, 0lb lost Trisha: 14lb goal, 0lb lost Squeezyweezy: 14lb goal, 0lb lost KateR: 18lb goal, 13lb lost Claireyred: 14lb goal, 0lb lost Shrinki : 14lb...
  164. KateR

    Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

    Hello! I saw you on mel's thread and i saw we started at similar places (within 1/2lb) so i thought i'd pop by and subscribe and say hey! Well done with the pumpkin pie! Also getting back on track after a day off with a VCLD is so hard so you are doing amazingly! Hope youre having a good...
  165. KateR

    7 weeks... 14lbs... let's get 1 stone down by Christmas!

    Caz: 14lb goal, 5lb lost MinnieMel: 10lb goal, 1lb lost Tranquility: 14lb goal, 5.2lb lost RainbowRose: 14lb goal, 0lb lost StillTryingJoJo: 6lb goal, 0lb lost Trisha: 14lb goal, 0lb lost Squeezyweezy: 14lb goal, 0lb lost KateR: 14lb goal, 11lb lost Claireyred: 14lb goal, 0lb lost...
  166. KateR

    7 weeks... 14lbs... let's get 1 stone down by Christmas!

    Caz: 14lb goal, 5lb lost MinnieMel: 10lb goal, 0lb lost Tranquility: 14lb goal, 5.2lb lost RainbowRose: 14lb goal, 0lb lost StillTryingJoJo: 6lb goal, 0lb lost Trisha: 14lb goal, 0lb lost Squeezyweezy: 14lb goal, 0lb lost KateR: 14lb goal, 6lb lost Claireyred: 14lb goal, 0lb lost Shrinki : 14lb...
  167. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    I'm so so sorry for your loss dear pooks. Sending big hugs and thinking of you xx
  168. KateR

    7 weeks... 14lbs... let's get 1 stone down by Christmas!

    Caz: 14lb goal, 0lb lost MinnieMel: 10lb goal, 0lb lost Tranquility: 14lb goal, 0.4lb lost RainbowRose: 14lb goal, 0lb lost StillTryingJoJo: 6lb goal, 0lb lost Trisha: 14lb goal, 0lb lost Squeezyweezy: 14lb goal, 0lb lost KateR: 14lb goal, 6lb lost Claireyred: 14lb goal, 0lb lost Shrinki : 14lb...
  169. KateR

    7 weeks... 14lbs... let's get 1 stone down by Christmas!

    Caz: 14lb goal, 0lb lost MinnieMel: 10lb goal, 0lb lost Tranquility: 14lb goal, 0lb lost RainbowRose: 14lb goal, 0lb lost StillTryingJoJo: 6lb goal, 0lb lost Trisha: 14lb goal, 0lb lost Squeezyweezy: 14lb goal, 0lb lost KateR: 14lb goal, 0lb lost Claireyred: 14lb goal, 0lb lost Shrinki : 14lb...
  170. KateR

    7 weeks... 14lbs... let's get 1 stone down by Christmas!

    Ohhhh look how many lovely slimmers we have on here! If that's not motivation i dont know what is!!! Time to get our shrink on ladies!!
  171. KateR

    7 weeks... 14lbs... let's get 1 stone down by Christmas!

    SARAH! Were have you been all my life?! lovely so see you posting again hun! xxx
  172. KateR

    7 weeks... 14lbs... let's get 1 stone down by Christmas!

    Sooooo in starting this properly from today... Had my SW disaster last night to refocus my mind and be a good girl! I have about 90days until the wedding in Florida now so I really do need to get a wriggle on and Get on my wagon!! Do we have an official WI day for this? Xx
  173. KateR

    7 weeks... 14lbs... let's get 1 stone down by Christmas!

    My word Panda! I am impressed by your stats!! Youre an inspiration!
  174. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    How is your little one dealing with not being the littlest? I was 9 when my nephew was born and i remember feeling a little put out that i wasnt the cutest any more! haha
  175. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! i bet youre so excited to have babies at home again! (although possibly sleep deprived?) yaaaay! nanny pooks!
  176. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    dress shopping!?!??!?!?! I DEMAND pictures of you in every dress you try on! I am obsessed with people in wedding dresses! hehe I'm making a menu board tonight when i get home... gonna nip to b&q on my way home and get some cork board and some little tins of paint. Organisation is the key here i...
  177. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    youve lost the important bit!! Id rather be a size 10 who weighs 15st than a size 18 who weighs 10st! inches are all important (rosie... NO! mind out of the gutter young lady!)
  178. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    These are stressful times in the pooks house! Very exciting though i imagine!!
  179. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Ooooooh well I really don't know... I have been scouring pin terest to no avail... I just don't have any space... I'm in the mood for some kind of upcycling but I don't know what!! Maybe a menu planner for the kitchen.. I saw that and I liked the idea and the organisation!
  180. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    I'm the same Caz!! I'm well up for crafting!! Nothing needs to be crafted :-(
  181. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Yeah Rome is only beaten to most expensive place I've ever been by Geneva. But Italy is only expensive in the cities everywhere else is pretty reasonable. The Amalfi coast.. Forgot to mention that.... Sooo beautiful and I imagine romantic too. Bordeaux is a lovely city and not expensive and...
  182. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    The trains in Italy are fabulous... We got the sleeper from Rome to Sicily. To be honest in such a short time you're probs right sticking to don't want to try and cram in too much Croatia is supposed to be stunning too... Beautiful scenery and clean beaches
  183. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    I have to recommend Sicily. I went as part of my travels in 2006 to Catania just under mt etna. The people are amazing and it's not too touristy nor expensive. We took a few trips out into the country and sat on volcanic slopes drinking the local wine which was amazing! Rome is lovely but...
  184. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    It must be so exciting!!! I'm sure all your exercise has melted some pounds mrs. Won't be long now!!
  185. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    That's Is weird mrs. I wonder if its something you touched then touched your face? Hope you're not too uncomfortable x
  186. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Hey Caz... hows Tuesday? Feeling more positive about work? x
  187. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Oooooh look at your new ticker! couldnt see that before! Have you got a budget for your dress? I know someone who went around all the shops and took pictures of the ones she liked then went off to vietnam to have them made... the trip with a hand made dress worked out cheaper than the one she...
  188. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    ooooh wedding dresses!! How exciting... I have a board dedicated to them! I think i would want more lace than bling but id still want some sort of a veil. When else in life can you get away with netting on the head?! Never!! hehe i think i want quite a poofy dress for the same reason. I'd also...
  189. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Very eloquent Caz! Morning!! :) have a lovely day!
  190. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Doesn't that take the drama out of "does any person here present..." Bit? I always hold my breath at that bit... Last wedding I went to, at that bit someone knocked over something metal and it clattered to the stone floor.. There was a big gasp and the lad who did it kept saying sorry sorry...
  191. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Probably being a heathen idiot but what's banns??
  192. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Yay!! That's a relief mrs! Tell us more about this cpvenue then?!
  193. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Lovely to hear from you pooks! It sounds like your life is crazy busy at the moment! Dont worry about breaking the chocolate fast! one things in 3 weeks is going to do more good than harm in my opinion!! :)
  194. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Morning caz, don't worry about the inspectors. Just do your day as planned and all will go well. Really good luck today! X
  195. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    That's an amazing loss! Well done hun!! X
  196. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    The site was pin ter est... Not sure why I wasn't allowed to tell you about it? It's very very good for weddings etc though. I love it and I'm not even getting married hahaha Some of the stuff is a little off the wall... Some is so lovely I want it now just to have! Hehe LOVE the colour of...
  197. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Morning caz... Are you on *********? If not you need to be. There are millions of wedding ideas on there... Some great some bit so much. I pin things for my wedding just in case it ever happens hahaha xx
  198. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Yeah I'm comfy... And to think we were talking about ideal weddings not a month ago!!
  199. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    I think it really does Rosie!! Hehe Please tell us ALLLLL about the proposal??
  200. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    It's gorgeous lovely lady!!!!! Oh my word!! I am so excited for you!! Congratulations!!!!!
  201. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

  202. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Come on caz.... Details pictures... Everything!!!! Xxx
  203. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Happy birthday Caz!! Have a lovely day x
  204. KateR

    I'm New Here And Need Support ...

    Hello! Just jumping to the end to write a Juice/fizzypop idea (not sure if people have already said this) but i use frozen fruit in water. I especially like raspberries and strawberries. You can use fizzy water too and it just gives the water a light taste of the fruit without all the...
  205. KateR

    Diary of a desperate girl...

    Hello! Just popped in for a nosy! Well done on your loss this week!! Kate :)
  206. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    My sister knew she was having a boy but still mostly did everything in creams and whites with bits of greens and yellows just in case. Once he was born things started to get much bluer tho!! So impressed with your lack of choc mrs!! I'm sure I'd struggle like hell with that one! When is WI...
  207. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    I know LOADS of people who've signed up to be *Snip* reps. I always presumed pyramid schemes were illegal though? A few people who got on it a year or two ago are making a fortune now! How's the chocolate ban going lovely pooks?
  208. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    When i was in 6 Form all the lads had to wear suits... i think it makes such a difference. I wish they made the kids here dress smarter. I think they are worried about number dropping massively if they do that though. Plus i supposed they dont do it at uni so why do it in 6form? I just think it...
  209. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    9lbs!? That's AMAZING well done chick x
  210. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    I'm restarting tomorrow too pooks!! We can do this Hun! We will be sexy ladies together!!! Xx
  211. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Well done!! That's awesome mrs!!
  212. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Morning mrs!! I've sent you a message!
  213. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    That's absolutely gorgeous!!!!! Although remember they grow up!! I'd never have picked a poodle cross, but Tilly found us and her personality is just wonderful. We laugh every day at her antics.... We found her like this on my bed before I went away.....
  214. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Welcome home! I hate unpacking. It's my worst job! I'd rather iron for 4 hours! Haha I do enjoy the first shop to an empty fridge though... Sounds silly but it sort of feels hopeful You all set for Monday? Is that when your kids are back?
  215. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    yaaaay!! glad you have returned!! xx
  216. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    I got mine from home bargains... They have the jungle formula stuff for £3 something. It worked pretty well (but I used stronger stuff when I was around malaria and dengue fever) I think they do non deet based ones too if you're not a chemical fan. For toiletries I usually do home bargains or...
  217. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    I wouldn't trust the list lol... Or I'd randomly need something... I am awful with packing but waaaay worse with unpacking!
  218. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    I was away for a month and I packed the morning I left hehe... I do love lists and organisation but when it comes down to suitcases I can't out things away until the last minute or I forget what I'm taking or I need something I've backed. It's lovely to see you in such a fantastic mood!, x
  219. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Morning Caz!! Happy Sunday!! X
  220. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Oh it looks so lowly caz!! You must be so excited to have a home with Aaron!! X
  221. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Looks that way tranqs! Maybe she ran off with am exotic sultan??
  222. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    £18 a month is awesome! The cheapest one to me was £38 a month with no pool. (that was the council run one) The one close to my work was £49 a month and that was with corporate discount. I really dont know how gyms can charge so much! If you and Aaron will go together it might be worth getting...
  223. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Lovely to hear from you Caz... sorry you are feeling a poorly. It so exciting that its only a month until you move!
  224. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    hehe yeah yeah Suuuuuuuuuure it won't ;) ;) It looks lovely though Caz. It will be lovely. I have to say i really did love living with Mr W it was great to have a buddy there all the time!! I also really enjoyed just being domesticated! hehe Your weekend sounds lovely. Have fun x
  225. KateR

    June Challenge

    i think 10lbs for me this month as i am going away for a couple of days next week. Nefertari -14lb (0lb lost, 14lb to go) Porshe04 - 14lb (0lb lost, 14lb to go) lou1hammond - 14lb (0lb lost, 14lb to go) Gnossienne - 15lb (0lb lost, 14lb to go) Rach1001 - 14lb (0lb lost, 14lb to go) Floss - 14lb...
  226. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    But you have some of the depost don't you? Just an idea and might be worth speaking to them about? X
  227. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Well it's a negotiation thing really. You say to them look I want your house. I am in a position to move right in and I don't have to sell anything. I don't have the full deposit so if you give me some cash back on the sale then I can we can get this thing moving. The help to buy scheme is being...
  228. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    You could ask the vendor to cover your deposit as you're in such a good position with no chain. Remember you also have legal fees. Basically it's like they are discounting the house, and you'd always ask for discount so it's kinda the same? X
  229. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Sorry to hear that the job situation isn't cooperating at the moment lovely Caz. I know exactly how you feel as i have been in the same situation as you are. I wasnt getting as many interviews as you are so you are clearly doing something right!! Its bad that they have to advertise for jobs that...
  230. KateR

    May Challenge

    hahah! I subtracted when i should have added! Sorry! Bridebeslim 28 lbs (9.5lbs lost, 18.5lbs to go) [/COLOR] Cherry-Blossom 10lb (4lb lost, 6lb to go) EtchaSketch 14lbs (8lb lost, 6lbs to go) fat2slim 10lb (0lb lost, 10lb to go) KateR 14lb (8.6lb lost, 5.4lb to go) KatHmum 9lbs (0lb lost...
  231. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Where abouts in the world are you living now Caz? I'm from Manchester way and i didnt realise we were so geographically close!
  232. KateR

    May Challenge

    Bridebeslim 28 lbs (9.5lbs lost, 18.5lbs to go) [/COLOR] Cherry-Blossom 10lb (4lb lost, 6lb to go) EtchaSketch 14lbs (8lb lost, 6lbs to go) fat2slim 10lb (0lb lost, 10lb to go) KateR 14lb (8.6lb lost, 5.4lb to go) KatHmum 9lbs (0lb lost, 9lb to go) Katiebaby 9lb (5.6lb lost, 3.4lb to go)...
  233. KateR

    May Challenge

    2.6 for me this week which i am okay with as i had a mid week blip. I am lowering my target though as i only have one and a half weeks until my holiday and i think 18 is a little unreachable Bridebeslim 28 lbs (9.5lbs lost, 18.5lbs to go) Cherry-Blossom 10lb (4lb lost, 6lb to go) EtchaSketch...
  234. KateR

    May Challenge

    Only two off for me this week. I am a little down in the dumps about it but i guess my body is just trying to figure out whats going on (i've just finished my 3rd week) Fingers crossed for more next week or i will make my May goal! Bridebeslim 28 lbs (0lbs lost, 28lbs to go) Cherry-Blossom 10lb...
  235. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    When i got my job they called me after they had let everyone else down! I got the call at about 6:30!! Hugs x
  236. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    AH thats nerve racking! I remember just aimlessly wandering around Asda waiting for the call I have everything crossed for you mrs x
  237. KateR

    New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

    Thats good mrs! Such a shame you have to wait until thursday to get feedback! I hate lesson obs! I bet you are feeling so much more chilled out this afters!! Well done!!!
  238. KateR

    May Challenge

    Hey all! 4lbs off for me this week which means that i have dropped over a stone in two weeks! Woo!! Cherry-Blossom 10lb (3lb lost, 7lb to go) EtchaSketch 14lbs (0lb lost, 14lbs to go) fat2slim 10lb (0lb lost, 10lb to go) KateR 18lb (4lb lost, 14lb to go) KatHmum 9lbs (0lb lost, 9lb to go)...
  239. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Actually mel, the bird is the word....
  240. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Well in that case the last word would be "hee" But in general the last word is Zyzzyva (according the the oxford english dictionary....) hahahaha
  241. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    I'll have the last word please! kthxbye! hehe Hey pooks How your tuesday is bien!
  242. KateR

    May Challenge

    Thank you cherry :D
  243. KateR

    May Challenge

    I think I'd like 18 as I'm away at the end of the month too! Im on week two so not sure if 18 is very ambitious? I'm on an iPad so please could someone add me as I can't. Thanks :D Kate
  244. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    YAY for a loss and such a positive attitude! Shrinkasaurus Rex! (sexy Rexy) hehe x
  245. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    I know Pooks it feels like FOREVER (its probably because i am posting 400 times per day! haha) xx
  246. KateR

    Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

    Hey Pooks! I can barely look after myself let alone 5 kids and a husband! hehe Whats on the agenda for today? xx