Search results

  1. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Gluten free soda bread is next on my list for experimenting with Janet :D Just need to pick up some brown rice and rye flours when I go shopping tomorrow ... I've also found an ordinary white flour Jack Monroe recipe that doesn't call for (relatively expensive) buttermilk - she just uses...
  2. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Sadly it is fairly heavy on the sugar OL - 125g of soft brown in the whole cake. It does serve 8 to 10 though, so about 50 calories in sugar alone per slice. It's not something I'd make every day, but I'm playing around with various dairy/ gluten/ fat free recipes at the moment and wanted to...
  3. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Janet, I've just made a chocolate cake that is both dairy and gluten free ... and it looks good! Made with sunflower oil, rice flour, ground almonds, cocoa powder, brown sugar, eggs and a tin of kidney beans ... I'm trying it out on my lot tomorrow (without telling them what's in it), so I'll...
  4. MollyMolly

    Lemsip Rant

    I'm old fashioned when it comes to over the counter medications like Lemsip ... my mother was a nurse and never had any truck with them - seeing them as overpriced and ineffective rubbish lol. Once you read the ingredients on any of these medications it becomes rapidly clear that she was right...
  5. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Hi guys ... and welcome Melonball :D I missed WI on Monday this week due to work commitments, but weighed in at home at 1lb under target - so bang on target by group scales. I'm now playing around with doing 5 days (Mon to Fri) on 800 calories and then 2 days off (which if I'm honest are full...
  6. MollyMolly

    My Journey ... 16th Sept 2013 to 27th May 2014. 8 Months : 9 Stone 4lbs

    Hi Martine :) Thanks for posting and Good Luck :D I'm actually a non drinker I'm afraid (I like it but it doesn't like me - one glass of wine and I'm literally asleep in the corner so it doesn't work for socialising lol). The thing I have noticed with alcohol amongst my SW following friends...
  7. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I'm late checking in thanks to a somewhat hectic week lol. I didn't go to group on Monday (thought I'd take advantage of a free week off seeing as I was on target last week ;) ) especially as my weight was all over the place thanks to the water weight losses! By last Friday I was down to 9...
  8. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Hi Becky :D Nice to meet you :welcome: I didn't know that online target members had to carry on paying either - I guess it's because they can't check that your weight really is what you report it as, but that seems grossly unfair given that I've had a chat with my consultant today and he tells...
  9. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Well done Jo :) and great news on the ankle front Janet .... are you sleeping with it elevated? I found that that helped with the aching at night with my wrist (why does everything always feel worse at night? :( ) Perhaps try putting a pillow under it in bed?
  10. MollyMolly

    Who survived Christmas on the SW plan? :)

    Oh I was expecting much, much worse than 10 1/2 ... I hoovered up home made cake, puddings, chocolates, cheese, fresh dates, biscuits, buffet nibbles and anything else available in industrial sized quantities :D (well - unless it looked remotely healthy, obviously ;) ) I don't drink though...
  11. MollyMolly

    Who survived Christmas on the SW plan? :)

    Wow! Gazter ... you even outdid me ;) lol . I had 2 weeks off and was eating to gain as I was so far below target it wasn't funny (I was looking drawn and gaunt). I ate everything in sight and gained 10 & a half pounds - which took me slap bang to my target weight. I'm now back on plan to...
  12. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Great result Jaffa :D It's always useful to have a look at our past figures I think (one of the reasons why I'm refusing to switch my WI's to my new book! If I stop using my old one then I'll inevitably put it in a 'safe place' never to be seen again ;) ). How did you get on at the fracture...
  13. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Thank you ... but equally I admire your dedication to exercise - something I simply can't get my messy head around!
  14. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I don't do well on grains - they bloat me and trigger IBSd. Bread gives me thrush (it's a yeast thing lol), so I avoid it completely (and did continue to avoid it even during my Christmas binge). I do eat spelt - both as porridge and risotto and I'm fine on that but within limits. I also find...
  15. MollyMolly

    Don't you just hate it when....

    Now you've mentioned the stollen, you've reminded me that I have an (unopened) one in my 'naughties' stash! and I can't stop thinking about it either now lol - good job I'm at work! ... I happen to know that it's still in date until the end of February though, so I'll earmark it for when I...
  16. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I don't keep a food diary on here as such ... it's a bit 'samey' to be of interest to be honest. Spelt porridge for breakfast, fruit or a salad for lunch and loads of veggies and a bit of protein for dinner. Oddly enough though I was asked by another member for some of my recipes only this...
  17. MollyMolly

    Don't you just hate it when....

    I did enjoy it :D ... it was my first 'cutting loose' since September 2013 and I desperately needed to gain weight as I was starting to look really quite ill (which is one of the reasons that I went so overboard). Trouble is I now look much better but feel fat lol Out of sight out of mind...
  18. MollyMolly

    Don't you just hate it when....

    I had 2 & a half weeks of full on bingeing over Christmas Rosie, and gained an impressive 10 1/2lbs lol. Luckily I was seriously under target before Christmas, so I had it to gain without going over target, but I need to rein back for this month to get to the lower end of target range or...
  19. MollyMolly

    My Journey ... 16th Sept 2013 to 27th May 2014. 8 Months : 9 Stone 4lbs

    My thinking too was that so many people seemed to report stalling of weight loss once they started exercise - mainly from water retention - and there was never a point where I wanted to 'bite the bullet' and suck up a maintain/ gain. I just kept kind of putting it off until I felt I had no...
  20. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Oh goodness yes! I remember the hassle of trying to keep clean while wearing a cast :( ... I was pretty naughty with it to be honest - they plastered me while I was still quite swollen, so after a week or so I found that I could just slip the cast on and off ;) so I used to do that for baths/...
  21. MollyMolly

    Don't you just hate it when....

    Just popped in to use this as a safe place for a rant about many things that are grating on me (I'm such a grump in January!) My niece who keeps posting pictures on FB of her 8 and 10 year olds wearing full makeup :( ... and who continually moans about her weight and neurological problems...
  22. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Well done Liquorice :) And good luck at the fracture clinic today Janet xx I WISH I could sew clothes, but it somehow never works (sack of potatoes tied up in the middle would be the most accurate description of my attempts ;) ) I've had a look at the new plan and I can see that it does make...
  23. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I'll do my best to bob Janet ;) As for my first project .... I'm not sure LOL. I think probably a quilt for my Granddaughter and some new cushions for the living room (I already have the fabric for the first but not the second). I do also have a pram hood/apron (or two) that need to be done...
  24. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Well I'm back from WI with my new shiny Members Pack (which I shall be investigating later) and Jaffa, you were right - it wasn't as bad as I'd feared. It WAS horrendous in that I've gained 10 1/2lb in just over 2 weeks ... but on the other hand those were the 10 1/2lb that I was under target -...
  25. MollyMolly

    My Journey ... 16th Sept 2013 to 27th May 2014. 8 Months : 9 Stone 4lbs

    WI tonight wasn't as bad as I'd feared ... it was bad in the sense of how much I gained LOL, but OK in that it took me to slap bang on target. I'll now look to lose my 3lb lower end window and then maybe a lb or two after that, but I'll play it by ear - I was starting to look very gaunt at my...
  26. MollyMolly

    My Journey ... 16th Sept 2013 to 27th May 2014. 8 Months : 9 Stone 4lbs

    OK ... so after a couple of weeks off plan I have my first, post Christmas, WI tonight which I am not looking forward to lol. What will be will be though and, I've enjoyed every mouthful, so from today I'm back on the healthy eating bus :D I've been asked by another Mini member to post some of...
  27. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Eeeek Janet! That sounds both painful and very irritating :( I broke my left wrist about 5 years ago and it was a pain in all meanings of the word. Weigh yourself just before you go to the fracture clinic and then, if they plaster you, again when you get home. It will at least give you some...
  28. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Well that's it Girls ... I've had two weeks so far off plan that I might as well have been on Mars :( I won't know the weight damage until tomorrows WI (after which I will calibrate my own - Santa bought them!! - scales), but I reckon at least a stone if not more. My clothes still fit, but not...
  29. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Well today I've worked (whilst building and gluing a slot together wooden castle - including cutting a hardboard base for it), nipped out to scour charity shops for jugs to serve custard etc in (all of mine seem to have vanished into thin air!), built two boxes for large presents - and then...
  30. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I must be insane - 4 sleeps until Christmas and I decide to clean and re-arrange my kitchen cupboards ... and this is after doing my normal Sunday deep clean, a quick trip into town for a couple of essentials (that I could probably have lived without lol), cooking dinner and washing all the...
  31. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    LOL re the bread, dripping and seed cake memories Janet - I looove bread and dripping (as long as it's the meat jelly and not the lard) and I hadn't had seed cake for years then for some odd reason it popped into my head the other day. I love it, but I also add finely grated orange zest which...
  32. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Yes Janet, I assume so - either my consultant or the area co-ordinator, who I also know. It just seemed somewhat high handed. So ... I'm up, spelt porridged and preparing to go to Asda for the Christmas booze run to keep my impending visitors happy. Then I think I'm going to make a seed cake...
  33. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I practically live on success express to be honest - major starchy carbs only once a week, at least 2/3 of my plate is superfree veg (more like 3/4 most days) and I don't snack between meals even on superfree. It just how it's evolved along the way - it works for both my head and my weight, so...
  34. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    It's funny but I'm not too bothered about the new plan ... I follow SW very much 'my way' and I'm not sure head office would approve ;)
  35. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Wooohooo Jen :D :winner::party0011: What a fantastic Christmas present to yourself :happy096: I have one last WI before Christmas - also on Monday Jo (though that's my normal day anyway). After that all bets are off ;) Except they won't be because I'm too scared of making myself feel ill...
  36. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Brilliant Janet :D
  37. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    During my journey it was definitely the SW weekly WI which kept me focused - I think if I'd have had scales at home at that point I would have been forever giving myself a 'treat' because the scales said I could afford to. Now I'm at target though it's a different matter - I need to be able to...
  38. MollyMolly

    Food wise what do you not agree with ?

    With regard to the carbs though, I think it depends on your body metabolism type. I really don't tolerate starchy carbs well, plus I'm a compulsive overeater - so telling me I can have an unlimited amount of pasta or rice is asking for trouble. If I knew when I was full (as opposed to so...
  39. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I can't wait to get my own scales! (they are on my Christmas list and I'm 100% certain Santa will bring them :) ) ... just to be able to monitor mid week will be fab.
  40. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    1lb off for me this week despite the sampling of last weeks baking - it must be all the pre-Christmas rushing around because it certainly wasn't calorie counting or even sticking to plan for a couple of days. On Saturday I cooked a sample batch of 6 mince pies and ate the lot :rolleyes: - and...
  41. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Janet's right Jen - you're always welcome as far as I'm concerned :D Yes Janet it's to do with my weight loss ... I've been named as SW's 'Luton Woman of the Year' apparently (first I've heard of it LOL). It must be a slow news week ;)
  42. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Rooting for you Jen :D xx
  43. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    But none left is a good thing :D (and you can always make more ;) ) I've made mainly shortbread and freezer biscuits tonight - all safely tucked away in the freezer now. Well I apparently made our local paper today ... and aged 18 years in the process LOL. What's really scary is that no-one...
  44. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Considering the tsunami of mince pies, chocolates and work 'do's' that threaten to engulf us all at this time of year I reckon we're all doing pretty darn well with less than a fortnight to go :D
  45. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Bless you Jaffa ... I'm just a crafter lol, it's less talent (I see talent as being able to draw or paint or create music etc) and more just being a cheapskate who never buys anything if I can make it cheaper ;)
  46. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Here's the crate :) And here's the wand This year I've had a bit of a thing for vintage brooches as gifts - I've picked up some absolutely stunning ones on ebay for a song (or several songs lol) ... so tonight I really must make some gift boxes for them to go into
  47. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Well done Jaffa ... if I can say the same this time next year I will be extremely proud :D I'm feeling quite positive about Christmas foodwise really - I'm tempted but when push comes to shove (for the moment at least lol) I don't actually indulge because I'm aware that it's going to make me...
  48. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I figure that if I keep losing in the run up to Christmas I might be able to sample a few of the goodies lol ;)
  49. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I hate December - it's just so manic! WI tonight and I've lost another 1/2lb lol ... and this despite a pre- Christmas baking ahead frenzy over the weekend (last minute Christmas cake, 2 Lemon Drizzle Cakes, a huuuge carrot cake <superfree right? ;) >, one almond frangipane tart and another...
  50. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Yay!! Janet :D
  51. MollyMolly


    I don't know that it is technically HexB lol - but given that it's much higher fibre than normal porridge oats (which is the whole point of a HexB), with less calories (a normal Hex portion always works out at about 140-150 calories) I just use it as one. It's even higher fibre than scan bran -...
  52. MollyMolly


    I can't eat first thing (it makes me feel sick), so I have Spelt Porridge (40g because it's less calories than normal porridge) made with water for breakfast once I get to work (about 8.15am). I'm a maintainer and do red, so it uses one of my 3 HexBs but saves my HexA. It fills me up...
  53. MollyMolly

    Mulled Wine

    I would have though so Trixicle ... maybe a little sweetener and/or sugar free orange squash. I make a syn free spiced red cabbage using a mulled wine spice bag, sugar free apple squash and sweetener instead of apples and sugar and it's delicious - I would have thought it's the same principle :D
  54. MollyMolly

    Mulled Wine

    I'm thinking that an alcohol free version could be made using sugar free blackcurrant squash, simmered gently with a mulled wine sachet (not a sugary one - a 'herbs and spices' one) and adding a dash of sugar free orange squash, some lemon slices instead of orange (as lemon juice is free). Then...
  55. MollyMolly

    Mostly slimming world, some calorie counting?

    I'm another who mixes and matches ... while losing I stuck mainly to SW principles whilst being 'calorie aware' rather than actual calorie counting (frankly, as a compulsive over eater I needed to do this or I could easily take in to many calories on SW - especially on EE). I do agree with...
  56. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    My first WI in 2 weeks tonight and I've lost 4.5lb, despite the indulgences of last weekend. I reckon it's the knock on effect of having a fully functional digestive system and that it will hopefully settle down now as long as the spelt keeps working :)
  57. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I think 'Diet Friendly' and 'Cake' are generally fairly incompatible ;) I did look at the Nigella cloud cake recipe, which sounds divine, but plumped for Hugh's because it doesn't involve cream, which I've never been a fan of :)
  58. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    That's the one this recipe came from :D My sister has it (and it's on my Christmas list lol) ... we also had a divine chicken with rosemary and red lentils from it for Sunday lunch.
  59. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    2 large unwaxed lemons 1 medium orange (unwaxed if possible but if not either fruit can be scrubbed under a hot tap) Frylight or a little sunflower oil for oiling the tin 150g fine (not quick cook) polenta 100g ground almonds 2 teaspoons baking powder 4 large eggs 250g caster sugar 200g...
  60. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    No ... It has a very strong citrus flavour - like a lemon drizzle cake :) it's a lovely texture too, really moist but quite light
  61. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I think I was worried that if I came 'off leash' as it were, then I'd fall off the wagon in style and not be able to climb back on :( But that didn't happen :D I had two and a half days of lovely, organic, home cooked food with lots of salads and vegetables plus olives, prunes, cheese, fresh...
  62. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Ooooh, Ooooh and I forgot! I had sourdough bread over the weekend (didn't touch the spelt bread because I wanted to test the sourdough out without any question marks hanging over it) ... anyway, not only was it divine having toast for the first time in 15 months, I had no bloating or stomach...
  63. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    It's a much rougher texture than normal porridge and looks like sawdust lol, but it has a lovely nuttyish taste (I have it well sweetened and add cinnamon, but then I add cinnamon to just about everything from my coffee to ragouts lol). It does need cooking for a little longer than ordinary...
  64. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I didn't WI this week as I had a weekend away at my sisters where I ate healthily but off plan and not calorie counted (which naughtily included lots of cheese ;) ). I'd done last week at 800 calories a day, and the same this week to counteract it though - so hopefully next week's WI won't be...
  65. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    TMI alert Girls, but I have to share lol ...the Spelt has been an amazing find :D In addition to the spelt risotto, I also ate spelt porridge while away, and my sister sent me home with the rest of the box. By Tuesday it had completely sorted out my constipation issues! Now nothing else has...
  66. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Had the most amazing organic spelt, wild mushroom risotto for dinner tonight - produced locally to here (I'm at my sister's in Somerset) but happily available from a farm shop nearer home :D it's well worth a look - Sharpham Park is the name of the producers and they do lots of other spelt...
  67. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Great news about the interview - and on the STS :D
  68. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    2lb on for me this week ... which I guessed it would be as I've felt really bloated and uncomfortable the last couple of days. I know it's just water/loo weight though as I did a good week on 1000 calories a day, so I'm not stressing :) I'm away at my sister's for a long weekend this week - 2...
  69. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I've been approached Re becoming a consultant too - like Lyn it's not feasible for me time wise as I'm already so heavily committed with stuff that I either can't get out of or don't want to lol. Plus, to be honest, there are a lot of official SW things that i don't really agree with (I kind of...
  70. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    It makes LOADS by the way - one batch lasts me the whole week as a vegetable (which is why I found out that it freezes well lol).
  71. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    Spiced Red Cabbage 1 Medium red cabbage - cored and shredded 2 Red onions - halved and thinly sliced 2 teaspoons sweetener (I just use 2 sweetex as I'm not keen on granulated sweeteners) 3 Tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar 1/4 Cup Cider Vinegar 1/2 Cup sugar free apple squash (undiluted) 1 1/2 pints...
  72. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    Burstingattheseams - back bacon with the fat trimmed off makes good syn free bacon rolls (I roll them and thread them onto skewers) and I use the Linda McCartney rosemary sausages (defrosted) to make stuffing balls (which my non SW doing son prefers to ordinary stuffing lol - he even asks for...
  73. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    A client bought me in a big box of chocolates yesterday, which was so sweet ... and I'm doubly chuffed because they made their way straight to my Christmas present stash to be re-gifted without me opening them and inhaling the entire contents in one sitting (which is what I would have done pre...
  74. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Congratulations Cub's Mummy :D I'd say definitely go for the next round - the questionnaire is a pain (if it's anything like the pages long one I had to do for Woman of the Year), but the Regional Finals are a great day out and hugely inspiring and confidence boosting - they were definitely the...
  75. MollyMolly

    My Journey ... 16th Sept 2013 to 27th May 2014. 8 Months : 9 Stone 4lbs

    It's definitely worth it :D and in far more ways than just appearance ... life is suddenly about to become much more hectic as my younger daughter starts back at work next week - on night shifts. Which necessitates me being at her house for 6am (she only lives a few doors away thankfully), in...
  76. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Hi Kirsty :D :welcome2: and congrats on your Diamond! :)
  77. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    You'll get there Princess and probably with a loss that takes you under target :) WI for me tonight and a STS :D I did 1000 calories a day last week, so will stick to that again this week and see what happens. I am still loving the feeling of control that calorie counting is giving me -...
  78. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Ooooh! I love a good wedding ... there's none for ages and then 3 roll along all at once :D Looks like we all have lots of motivation coming up! :bliss:
  79. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I settled down far too early with my 1st husband, just to get away from home - then got married far too young as well because I couldn't see a way out of doing so! :( The things we do in our extreme youth, when we think we know everything!! It's odd but I'm quite happy to see my H with her...
  80. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I did the living together thing before I got married (both times lol) and this daughter and her (now! :D ) Fiance have been living together for a couple of years already. He's the old fashioned one and wouldn't dream of having children unless they are married (he also actually formally asked my...
  81. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    LOL - so do I! They are planning on 5th November (as it's the date they started going out and the day they got engaged) 2016 Mind you, I have a horrid suspicion that I'm going to need all of that time to make everything that she wants handmade! (paper and fabric flowers for the table...
  82. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Woohooo!!! I was munching my dinner last night when the phone rang ... my eldest daughter (the one without the children) was out to dinner with her boyfriend of 3 years and he had just proposed to her (she said yes) :D I get to be Mumzilla of The Bride :love047: ;) Now there's a great...
  83. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Seems like everyone is having a good week so far :D Well done to all!!
  84. MollyMolly

    Itchy Skin?

    I get this from time to time (and have noticed that it's usually worse on weeks when I have a slightly higher loss, but that may just be co-incidence) ... I've no idea why, though apparently it may have something to do with low fat diets (which SW is) in general. Having said that I wouldn't say...
  85. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Ooooh Lily - I'm so envious of those who can really get into exercise :) I hate it -the gym (and home gym equipment) bores me rigid so I resent it, swimming isn't remotely practical due to distance, my working hours and other commitments (like looking after the grandchildren etc) and things...
  86. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I've pretty much followed Red from quite early on Lynn - Extra Easy allows me far too much leeway to overeat on carbs and with the gluten intolerance etc it just made sense not to go there lol I'm really not surprised to learn that target members often switch to calorie counting - let's face it...
  87. MollyMolly

    Starting Slimming World Tomorrow... but I have a question about plain yoghurt...

    I know what you mean about the 'edge' to natural yoghurt (and to a lesser extent Quark) - I get around it by sweetening it myself (I use my normal sweetex tablets that I use in tea/coffee) before using it even in savoury recipes. Just experiment a bit until you find a flavour balance that you...
  88. MollyMolly

    How long did it take you to lose...?

    Hi Daisy :) I lost just over 11 stone in 11 months - the first 5 stone took me just over 4 months and it really only slowed down for the last stone which took me about 6 weeks. I too broke mine down into mini goals - each 1/2 stone, the next stone zone etc and I also had non scales related...
  89. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Well that was an interesting week :) I decided that I couldn't mentally cope with the whole 'hit and miss' nature of trying to maintain the way I was doing it and that I needed a framework, at least until I've worked out roughly what a maintaining 'diet' should look and feel like - so I've...
  90. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    Yay!! :D Rocky Roads and syn free 'Pimms' (diet lemonade, balsamic vinegar and chopped fruit) for my Christmas breakfast it is then :gimi:
  91. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    Ooooh! I love Rocky Roads - will you do me a stocking too? ;) :D
  92. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    Last Christmas my younger daughter was on SW as well as me (it was her who pressured me into going in the first place), and she actually did get Hifi bars in her stocking instead of sweets LOL (individually wrapped in Christmas paper too ;) )
  93. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    I'm the only one who likes Christmas cake (and Christmas pudding) in my house too Annette, so I just don't buy/make them any more - my whole shopping these days is done on the basis of 'if it isn't in the house I can't eat it'. Mind you, as a strategy it does work :D xx
  94. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    It's a fab feeling isn't it Jo :D I'm in a size 10/12 now ... I don't think I've fitted in a 12 since I was about 10 years old! This week my younger daughter had an interview and needed a tailored skirt to wear - now she's a petite 8-10 since losing 2 stone on SW, but she popped round to...
  95. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    They are all rather charming in their aspirational qualities aren't they? :) ... well, apart from 'Eleven' obviously ;) Though you would think that if you named your child Ever Polite you might at least make some effort to teach her some manners - much more controllable than clumsiness :D...
  96. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    There wasn't much he could do with Snow White as he was a black Nigerian, so over here no-one was prepared to call him either Snowy or Whitey for fear of being seen as racist (he opted for 'John' but kept it as his official name - presumably out of respect for his parents, who originally chose...
  97. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    It is! Like shooting fish in a barrel :8855: I'm just about old enough to remember her on TV towards the end of her career, but by most accounts Fanny Cradock was a pretty unpleasant woman with a full on addiction to speed. My MIL is a Johnny Cash fan, so A boy named Sue is one I know :D -...
  98. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    LOL Sam ... I did actually work with a bloke years ago who's wife was called Fannie. He was a complete a**hole who's general life policy seemed to be to make other people's lives as unpleasant as possible (which given that he was a director was pretty easy :( ) One of his classics that I'll...
  99. MollyMolly

    Help! Budget Recipes!

    I've got some leftover gammon in the fridge that needs using, so I too am making pea & ham soup when I get home tonight :D
  100. MollyMolly

    Help! Budget Recipes!

    I'm another Jack Monroe fan - most of her budget recipes are easily adapted to SW and they really are delicious :) I'll also second Pootle's idea for making spaghetti sauces from soups, especially as soup can be made from just about all and any vegetables that you can pick up in the reduced...
  101. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    I often get the impression that people feel threatened in some way by us non drinkers - like we are making some kind of moral judgement on them by not partaking lol. I've never met a smoker who would dream of trying to persuade non smokers into 'go on - it's Christmas, just have a small one'...
  102. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Thanks to the park we do get a good variety of birds in the garden :) Sparrows of course plus Blue Tits, Great Tits, Greenfinches, wagtails (I love wagtails - such amusing little birds to watch) lots of Blackbirds and Robins and the odd Thrush. Lots of Crows, Magpies and Woodpigeons too of...
  103. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Oh, Oh !! And I want some pygmy goats lol (and an alpaca or two ;) ). Do you think the park would count as common grazing land? lol The trouble with me is that I love all the amenities of urban living but still hanker after my rural roots livestock wise. Lentil - we are in the process of...
  104. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Oh Sam - I've been hankering after an Egglu for months! Like you though, although the garden isn't tiny and I could conceivably fit one in, the dogs are an issue (I have 2 Jack Russells) plus we are right next to a park and get a lot of urban foxes, which often come into the gardens so it's a...
  105. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Oh you guys have made me laugh so much this morning :D Harry is gorgeous Rosie! I too have designs on a pygmy hedgehog ... does he love baths like all those little darlings on YouTube? They really are adorably cute, though ducks are better for eating your slugs Sam (and I REALLY want ducks :D)
  106. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    LOL! My daughter is down tomorrow as my younger sister is visiting (not me thank heavens - I avoid her like the plague lol) ... after an hour or so of said sister I have no doubt that she'll feel the need to pop into mine and devour it herself ;)
  107. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I know, but I've already dropped it once by 5lb, so they aren't too keen on me adjusting it by a 'non prescribed' amount again <cross face>. I do get that they don't want people to keep adjusting in order to get out of paying, but the 7lb thing is quite annoying! For now I'm just aiming to...
  108. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    I'd not thought of that! Being fast asleep in the corner would be a pretty surefire way of not eating anything from the buffet :D lololol
  109. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    The whole maintaining thing is hard to get your head around I think Annette - I was in a comfortable zone with knowing what I had to do to lose, but adding stuff in to maintain kind of throws me off balance - because I don't know how much to add and it all feels so hit and miss! I'm food...
  110. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Yes Jaffa I'm still under my SW target (but bang on my 'in my head' target). My official target is a bit high, but I don't want to drop a whole 7lbs so I'm kind of doing my own thing at the moment. The soup sounds lovely! I might give that a whirl at the weekend :) I made braised red cabbage...
  111. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    LOL re the 'wasting' syns Sam ... I don't drink because it simply doesn't agree with me - one small glass of wine and I'm either nursing a banging headache or literally asleep in the corner. Plus I hate, hate, hate being around drunk people - it's one situation where my (otherwise legendary ;)...
  112. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I have a bar of Green & Blacks white chocolate in the fridge ... my daughter left it here back in August and I've 'womanfully' resisted it so far, but I know it's there lol.
  113. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    I don't drink alcohol either little - it certainly does help I think, not only syn/calorie wise but also because it means I don't lose my food awareness lol. I love Christmas :D Especially with the littles around, and having it tacked onto a weekend this year is fab! Four whole days off to...
  114. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    No, I'm not too phased by the 1/2lb ... though I have started the food diary again this week (I'd kind of let it lapse because it's a pain lol, but it is ultimately helpful). Thanks for that recommend :) I had heard that the WW ones were good ... Hubby is so far resisting hints about scales...
  115. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    1/2lb on for me this week, which I'm OK with - though a little unsure as to why as I was technically eating to lose last week lol. But I have a cold which always makes me retain a bit of water, so I'll just carry on with another week the same and see how I go for next WI. I definitely need...
  116. MollyMolly

    Do I start SW AGAIN! Whats best red and green or extra easy etc? Help please?

    Rofl Sam! :rotflmao: It's a good job my kids keep me grounded by telling me regularly what a loser I am or my head would weigh twice what my body used to ;) Seriously though - I only know what works for me and I'm still working some of that out :)
  117. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    It's scary how quickly it can go on, but it's so scary that when it happens it's a sharp learning curve - which could be seen as a good thing :D
  118. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    To be able to write that is, in and of itself, an amazing achievement Lyn :D
  119. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Great news on another grandchild Cavegirl :D It's nice when they are close in age I always think - less room for resentment because neither of them remember a time when the other wasn't there. There is an 8 year gap between my younger sister and I and we have never been close - consequently I...
  120. MollyMolly

    Do I start SW AGAIN! Whats best red and green or extra easy etc? Help please?

    Hi :D Thanks for popping over to my page (and for the reputation comment!) - and thanks Jeanne for the endorsement - I still have trouble getting my head around the 'inspiration' tag though <blushes and retires under my bushel to gorge on braised red cabbage - my current obsession> I do go to...
  121. MollyMolly

    Newbie with a Mountain to Climb

    Thank you Kelly :D I've done vlcds before (most notably the black coffee and fag diet ;) ... which worked brilliantly but didn't win many prizes in either the health stakes or long term sustainability lol). When I came to SW I decided that I'd take the attitude that the weight hadn't gone...
  122. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    I'm a huge foodie too (and equally envious of those who are disinterested in food!) ... that's one of the things I love about SW - that I can still cook and eat fabulous food but in a healthy way and different foods. I find these days that my body can't really tolerate wheat and fatty foods -...
  123. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    I'm lucky in that I work in a very small office (just me and one part timer), so I don't have to deal with Xmas meals out or temptation in the form of chocs/ mince pies, which does help! For Christmas itself (and birthdays etc through the year) I've developed a coping strategy lol ... instead...
  124. MollyMolly

    Christmas - Are you staying on the SW plan or allowing yourself a couple of days off?

    I stayed fully on plan last Christmas and it was much easier than you might expect :D Christmas dinner is just a slightly jazzier Sunday roast anyway - so I did cauliflower cheese (traditional in our house) using melted LowLow (HexA), braised red cabbage using apple squash instead of grated...
  125. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    LOL - Me too Sally ... though, to be fair i wanted to be a boarder at The Grange a la Mary Gervaise ... flashing eyes, lacrosse sticks, midnight feasts AND ponies! What was not to like? ;) My Mother was constantly threatening to send me to boarding school but sadly never did (she thought it...
  126. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I know Michelle - I loved them too, which is why I kept them ... I actually found some of them last month when I was searching the 'cupboard of doom' for something else lol: a whole load of hardback Famous 5 and Secret 7 hardbacks. I loved them all :) It is fascinating just how much...
  127. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Oddly I came across this article in the Graun today Enid Blyton | Books | The Guardian I did keep many of my childhood books, including a selection of Enid Blyton that covered from 'early reading' through The Wishing Chair and Faraway Tree and onto the Famous 5 - my kids hated them lol. They...
  128. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    The aching is a good sign that you've done a bit of muscle ripping ... which is a good thing in terms of fitness, but pretty much guarantees that you will be holding onto water for muscle repair :) I'm really not a gym bunny sadly :( It just bores me soooo much and I spend all of my time...
  129. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    It could just be a 'lag' from last week Jaffa, or a bit of water retention - It's just irritating when you can't put your finger on the 'why' isn't it? x
  130. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I thrived on setting goals for myself lol - weird really because I am generally extremely uncompetitive, but I guess that's different to setting challenges against myself ... Hmmm <taps finger on chin pensively> Mind you, a lot of my goals weren't specifically weight based - things like being...
  131. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Yay! Jeanne's back too :D
  132. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I have made some pretty radical changes, but thankfully it's stuff that, hopefully, is sustainable (and the fact that I feel like poo if I eat unhealthy food certainly helps with that - as long as I keep reminding myself of it when I'm tempted lol). 17 seems like a long way away when I look...
  133. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    You can do this Sam :-D xx
  134. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I saw that article too ... the premise seemed to be that those who lost weight quickly were no more likely to put it all back on than those who lost it slowly - contrary to the 'if you lose slowly it's more likely to stay off' thinking. Both make sense really - it's never going to stay off for...
  135. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Welcome back Sam!! :D I'm sure I speak for us all when I say you were sorely missed :grouphugg: I do the whole 'retreat from the world' thing when things go wrong too - even though that means I miss out on support :( When I had cancer I didn't tell anyone apart from my husband, kids and...
  136. MollyMolly

    My Journey ... 16th Sept 2013 to 27th May 2014. 8 Months : 9 Stone 4lbs

    Thank you McNaughty - I do indeed feel so much better :D No more IBS, indigestion, thrush, piles, sleep apnoea, Achilles pain, aching knees and hips, palpitations or blood sugar dips ... and my excema is virtually gone. When I write it down like that it's quite frightening - all of those...
  137. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Congrats Cub's Mummy :D and looking forward to you joining us soon SuperfreePrincess! I don't think I'll ever relax about it either - constant vigilance and mindfulness is part of me now and I go to group to keep it that way. Food is my addiction of choice, SW is my support group. I too have...
  138. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I actually don't mind scan bran as a crispbread, but spending my days in the loo isn't really compatible with my job sadly (unless they install the phone in there lol). Ah well, the slow system is annoying but still an improvement on the constant ibs(d) I had before SW :D I know you're right...
  139. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Well done Annette :) I wish I could be that consistent! Yes Jaffa, I've been paying because I was out of target range. That doesn't bother me in and of itself though - I've not had enough weeks of not paying yet, for it to register that handing over a fiver isn't the norm lol. WI last night...
  140. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    One of the chaps I work with has reynauds - a real trial given that we spend a lot of time working in the cold. His hands literally do go blue :( I'm a great one for layering lol - it's one of the reasons that people thought I'd dropped loads of weight overnight, because the loss was well...
  141. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Great news on the 2lb off :D That gives you cake and candy wriggle room :) That's a good idea re the rice - I've got some alborio in the cupboard, that should work really well. And I too am wearing my winter jammies (and a full length winter coat - and furry hat & gloves) when I venture...
  142. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Oh yes :D They do go higher lol ...l The thing is that I like my bedroom cold at night but to be snuggly under the duvet - that way if I get too hot then I can just stick bits of me out to cool down ;) My husband and I have different bedrooms as we are totally incompatible sleepwise ... he...
  143. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Ooooh!! I'd not thought of my handbag - that weighs a ton! :D I might have to unload some of it or I'll be over target ;) lol Lardylady, I can relate completely to the having a safety net ... I'm much more comfortable with the idea of having 6lbs to play with under target than I am with...
  144. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Even at my biggest I was always a 'cold' person Lyn - now I've lost all my insulation I'm freezing all the time :( so I wear lots of layers to compensate. Remember that 'heat wave' we had in the summer? I couldn't see what the fuss was about as I was just comfortably warm for once and that was...
  145. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I did buy myself some fairly weighty slouch ankle boots the other week - I shall weigh them tonight :) They aren't work wear, but I can easily change into them when I get to group - good thinking! Janet, I'm hugely envious of your friend and her 1/2lb bra lol - since my boobies are now...
  146. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I think I had early morning brain freeze Lyn ... I'm 6 1/2lb under actual target (so 3 1/2 under the lower end of my target range) ... I go to WI straight from work but I probably could change clothes once I get there. My work clothes are fairly heavy anyway though (thermal bodyshaper because...
  147. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Yes, I'm 5 1/2lb under target at the moment, but I've decided not to get fixated on it - I'm still in the mid range of healthy BMI so I'm just going to carry on trying different things each week to try to maintain at a steady weight, even if it is under my 'official' target. If I can get my...
  148. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    WI tonight and I lost 2lb, so the gain last week WAS down to the extra carbs ... I'm going to try weighed portions, every other day this week and see how that goes.
  149. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Quiet day at work today so I've been browsing recipes (Quelle suprise lol) and found this savoury porridge. It occurs to me that it might be made vegan by substituting the bacon with quorn choritzo :) Savoury porridge with kale and baconPinhead cooks to a lovely texture not unlike risotto...
  150. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    The bagels look extremely yummy! And so does the soup ... I'll be giving that a try this week :D thanks for the recipe xx
  151. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Oooh! Let me know how it turns out please :) I love mushroom soup, but haven't quite worked out which recipe will work best. I made the curried parsnip soup in mine yesterday and immediately lost two portions of it to (non sw) visitors lol - it's extremely yummy. I made the broad bean and...
  152. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    WoooHooo :D Well done and welcome xx
  153. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I always find ginger great for combating nausea (and it's supposed to be good for motion sickness and jet lag too) ... do you have any ginger tea? Or if you have root ginger you could make your own with a couple of discs cut from it in boiling water (even nicer with lemon and sweetener)...
  154. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Glad you had a good time Jaffa :D x
  155. MollyMolly


    The beauty of the soup maker is not having to fry off the onion etc - it's just soooo quick and easy! :D On the soup menu this week is Roasted Butternut Squash and Red Pepper (with rosemary, thyme and a chilli kick), more Cauliflower and Brussels Sprout Cheese soup (a firm favourite with...
  156. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    It's that sort of workplace Janet :) It's such a small company that we all not only know each other well but also each others spouses, children, grandchildren etc - I handmade all the wedding favours and sewed chair covers for this chap's daughter's wedding a couple of years ago. It's a...
  157. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Yay!! I've just been given an 'under the worktop' freezer by a colleague for all my SW batch cooked meals Not only does that mean that the main freezer can be used for the rest of the family lol, but also that my soup maker is going to get a major hammering this week!:D
  158. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    WoooHooo... WI tonight and I managed to gain a pound :) It feels really weird to write that and, although I've tagged it with a smiley face I'm feeling a bit 'meh' about it if I'm honest. I know I NEED to gain, but it's scary after 54 weeks of losses (and 1 sts lol). Anyway, this week I added...
  159. MollyMolly

    Doing SW without HEX A's?

    I'm not sensitive to dairy but regard milk as being a food of the devil, lol, so struggle with Hexa ... I often just don't bother but make sure that I get plenty of calcium from other sources - tinned pilchards/ sardines/ kippers are an excellent source for example :)
  160. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I did that the week before I hit target too GrannieAnnie (my first ever STS! Grrrr )- then had a 41/2lb loss the following week :) I do notice too that I retain more water when I'm ill. xxx
  161. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Vegan Mozzarella? Your wish is my command :D Vegan mozzarella: is the holy grail of pizza toppings finally here? | Life and style | The Guardian Edited to add that I honestly don't spend my entire days scouring the internet for food and recipes ;)
  162. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Same here HH - I can't be doing with treaks and pasta over pasta is a serious carb overload! This has the beauty of being mainly superfree :) Plus - I can't wait for lunchtime to roll around so that I can have it for soup (and I've only just eaten my breakfast!)
  163. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Ahhhh! Good idea! :) Janet I would think the Lactofree soft cheese would work to make it creamy :)
  164. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I love melted LowLow cheese sauce:) ... it's nice poured over aubergine and tomato bake or, as you say, cauliflower and pasta bakes. I've never tried thinning it with water, but I guess this is essentially what the soup does - only the cauliflower (and potato) keep it relatively thick. When I...
  165. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    BREAKING NEWS!!! I think I may have inadvertently cracked the perennial how to make a decent 'white sauce' problem :-D Tonight I made cauliflower soup (in my soupmaker lol) - 1 cauliflower (chopped), 2 onions (finely chopped), 1 tablespoon lazy garlic, salt pepper and enough vegetable stock...
  166. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Cauliflower Cheese soup? O.M.G !!! :D It's amazing ... so much so that I abandoned half the cheese on top of my bubble and squeak in favour of a portion of soup. In doing so, I think I may have inadvertently cracked the perennial how to make a decent 'white sauce' for lasagne problem :D...
  167. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Thanks for that Jaffa :) Tesco is the other side of town for me, but there is a Tesco Express in town and I have to pop in on Friday, so I'll have a look in there and if they don't have them, I'll pop to Holland & Barrett who should have (I've just checked online) :D I'll see how I go with the...
  168. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    LOL! I said much the same to my (very loved) step sister about our troublesome shared half sister only last week. Jealousy is the root of her attitude problems too, but I lack either the patience or inclination to connect with her I'm afraid. We cannot control how others behave, only how we...
  169. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Here's the Celeriac soup recipe - it looks deliciously thick & creamy thanks (I think) to the potatoes :) Celery Root Soup Recipe - CHOW and this is the cauliflower cheese soup recipe (this one uses primula, but I still prefer LowLow as it's less 'plasticky' if you know what I mean) ... Cheesy...
  170. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    That's not good Sam :( We spend so much of our lives at work and being somewhere that you hate is soul destroying and really drags you down. As the others have said, is there any way to hasten things along, or even maybe supply teach until the college position is available? And Janet - I...
  171. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Yep, I got the Morphy Richards jug one as well :D I'm going to try the cauliflower cheese soup recipe tonight and add LowLow rather than dairylea (which I'm not keen on)... and I've found a delicious looking celeriac one which contains olive oil for another HExb - soups I think are going to be...
  172. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    My problem is that I'm in my comfort zone with what I was eating to lose ... I really can't face pasta, and am funny about textures - beans and lentils make me gag. BUT - my soupmaker arrived today and it's just occurred to me that I can hide lentils etc in a smooth soup which will add calories...
  173. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Looking forward to you joining us officially Grannieannie :D Well I lost AGAIN this week, not a particularly small amount either - 1 1/2lb - despite eating an extra HEb every day, plus soup as well as fruit at lunchtimes and generally eating more (to the point that I actually had stomach ache...
  174. MollyMolly

    Snacks St Clements Cookies

    I very rarely bother with cooking sweet recipes - they are inevitably a disappointment and, frankly, I'd rather have fruit lol. However ... our group has a MacMillan Coffee Session this week, so I hope I've risen to the challenge. This recipe was originally devised by a fellow group member...
  175. MollyMolly

    My Journey ... 16th Sept 2013 to 27th May 2014. 8 Months : 9 Stone 4lbs

    Oh I think sewing machines (like children ;) ) thrive on benign neglect ...once you start taking them apart and oiling bits it all starts to go downhill lol. I did have a beautiful old Singer treadle, but it took up so much room that I gave to a friend who I knew had always wanted one. I had...
  176. MollyMolly

    Does anyone?

    I follow SW principles and plans, but while being calorie 'aware'. I don't weigh anything, but I just tend to make food choices that are lower in calories ... so for example -butternut squash instead of potato - courgette ribbons instead of pasta - Apples or peaches instead of persimmons...
  177. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I'm very laid back with them - far more so than I was with my own children lol - but it's different isn't it? I'm not saying I never discipline them, but on the very rare occasions that I do raise my voice, they sit up and take notice. I'm of the firm opinion that over shouting at children...
  178. MollyMolly

    Does SW stop working after a while............?

    I really struggle with the SW implication that we can eat as much pasta etc, plus things like Muller Lights as we want, so I try to be calorie aware whilst still following SW (I do mainly Red) ... that encourages me to snack on fruit rather than things like yoghurts or boiled eggs/ mini quiches...
  179. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    My own children didn't really have much grandparental input - Their father's parents died before they were born and mine moved to France when my eldest was born - before internet - and never embraced technology when it would have enabled them to stay more closely in touch. I've always felt that...
  180. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    My own grandparents were my rocks Janet - especially in my early years and I want my own littles to have that same feeling of unconditional love and safety (plus loads of great memories) - being able to do that with loads of energy was (and is) one of my main motivations for losing and keeping...
  181. MollyMolly

    My Journey ... 16th Sept 2013 to 27th May 2014. 8 Months : 9 Stone 4lbs

    That's an amazing price - even at £60 ... am off to check it out now :D Thanks for the heads up!!
  182. MollyMolly


    I got mine from ebay too and ditto for the soup book (though I've done a fair amount of Googling for new recipes already as well as finding loads on Minis :) ) Saturdays are the day for my weekly visit to the proper greengrocers, so I'm going to get some stuff in so I can use it straight away...
  183. MollyMolly

    Pete's Recipe Book

    That's brilliant! Thank You :D I think it would be easiest if I just come and move in with you ;)
  184. MollyMolly

    My Journey ... 16th Sept 2013 to 27th May 2014. 8 Months : 9 Stone 4lbs

    IKEA do cheap sewing machines??? I really need a new machine as I've given mine away in a fit of altruism or two. Is it any good? :) I'm going to need a run there soon anyway, for crafting box frames, so I might have a look.
  185. MollyMolly


    I've just got a soup maker (YAY!!!) so am subscribing :D Can't wait for it to arrive so I can add some Autumn warmth into my lunches!
  186. MollyMolly

    Pete's Recipe Book

    OMG! Pete ... I' subscribing and can't believe I've only just discovered your recipes. I thought I'd had my weekly fix of food porn with Gino D'Acampo earlier this evening, and now this - which is even better because it's SW friendly so I can actually eat it lol :D Thank You for putting the...
  187. MollyMolly

    My Journey ... 16th Sept 2013 to 27th May 2014. 8 Months : 9 Stone 4lbs

    Thanks Jonny ... and you are doing amazingly well so far :D I think the important thing is to take it bit by bit rather than looking at the (very daunting) target loss. I've been overweight all of my life, apart from my one brief foray into slimness via the black coffee and fag diet...
  188. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    K has really enjoyed his first week at big school :D I have him sleep over on Thursday nights (as his Mum goes to college on Fridays and it reduces the manic qualities of her morning if she only has to get Tiglet sorted instead of both children) and he literally kissed me awake at 4.30 this...
  189. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I love most offal, though even I draw the line at tripe lol
  190. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Gluten free flour takes a bit of getting used to I believe ... my Godson is coeliac and his Mum bakes with it all the time but when she first started using it a LOT went in the bin (and she's a professional chef lol). Not exactly vegan (or vegetarian) friendly, but I have been given a kilo of...
  191. MollyMolly

    Quark or Fat Free Fromage Frais Alternative?

    Would tofu cheese (bean curd cheese) work as a substitute if you blended it in a food processor? Alternatively, if you can get hold of skimmed (or semi skimmed) milk you could make your own cottage cheese and blend it in a food processor until it's smooth curd cheese (which is what Quark is)...
  192. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Way to go and welcome Jogirl :D :D
  193. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    There's a copy of that issue of the magazine going on a certain auction site right now Hon ... Cook Vegetarian Magazine April 2014. It's available to buy immediately £2.99 with no p&p costs :D
  194. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I don't know that I'd dare be in that close a proximity to nutella lol - especially armed with a spoon ;) Yes ... I've always steered clear of sweet SW recipes - partly because chocolate scrambled egg/ omelette REALLY doesn't sound evenly remotely like something I want to eat (and we've pretty...
  195. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I've never tried it either Janet, and I've now decided to go with the chickpea cookies - 2 batches - one flavoured with lemon essence and the zest of both oranges and lemons, and another carrot/ mixed spice version. I'm also going to experiment with removing the Muller Light and replacing it...
  196. MollyMolly

    My Journey ... 16th Sept 2013 to 27th May 2014. 8 Months : 9 Stone 4lbs

    Most days I actually follow Red / Original plan because it naturally limits carbs :D I tend to have two HEb's a day - one of which is my porridge oats and the other I usually have as olive oil or dried fruit rather than carbs (if I want carbs then I just do an EE day lol). I am a bit...
  197. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    Go for it Rochelle! :D
  198. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Oooh that looks yummy! I would think that spinach would pulverise better - especially if you use baby spinach leaves - as it's so much softer than kale. Let us know how it goes. Our group has a Macmillan Cancer 'Bake Off' next week (as we're an evening group so a coffee morning isn't...
  199. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I love soda bread! Haven't had it for years, but I might experiment with some gluten free flour Hmmmm. At group yesterday someone bought in some awesome cookies made with pulverised tinned chickpeas. A bit of a tweak, so not something I'd make often, but lovely for special occasions :D The...
  200. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    Wow Rochelle - you are a stunner!! :D You look absolutely gorgeous :wow: Orla, re the colour of our greys - it occurred to me last night that I should have mentioned that mine used to be a very dull 'iron' grey until I started to use Pro-Voke Touch of Silver products in it. They really 'lift'...
  201. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    I started to go grey at 25 too (it runs in my family - my Mum was completely silver by the time she was in her early 40's and never dyed her hair). I did dye it for a few years, but the whole hairdresser thing doesn't appeal (lol lougalx - I'd rather go to the dentist too!) and dying it at home...
  202. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    Thank you Orla ... my hair is a point of contention amongst those who know me, so I may well have to refer them back to your comment :) :) - as you can see I decided to embrace grey some time ago ;) and I'm always getting nagged by friends/ family to have it cut/ dyed and styled BUT it's...
  203. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Woohoo!! Way to go Cavegirl :D I've just realised that it's my SW anniversary today - exactly one year since I walked into my first session - reluctantly, rudely and not at all sure I wanted to give up my food crutch ... Sam, and you girls have been such an inspiration to me and really...
  204. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    Well done Rochelle :D. Sounds like you enjoyed your day as much as I did :) I got unexpectedly lucky with my arms Sam - even at my biggest they weren't huge but, given my complete lack of any exercise of them, they look deceptively toned lol. The same cannot be said for my thighs and stomach...
  205. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I've always associated the word 'groat' with currency - never realised it had two meanings. That's one of the things I love about your diary Sam - I LEARN stuff :D
  206. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Wow! I'm totally stuffed from lunch and dinner and am still drooling over those muffins! I'm thinking I might make them for my friend's Macmillan morning as a healthy option :D Trust me, I have lumpy bumpy bits - they are just well controlled with a bodyshaper lol, but thank you :) My family...
  207. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    LOL Lougal ... it does seem to stay pretty clean now the children have all left home ;) But we open cupboards at our peril as that's where I stash ... well ... everything really :) Thanks Girls :) xxx
  208. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Ooooh - those strawberry banana oaty things look like something I need in my life!! :D Any chance of the recipe? Great bargains on the books Sam! :)
  209. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    Well I'm back and dropped in for an update .... Well, first off, it was a lot more fun than I was expecting! I met some lovely, lovely ladies (a lot of whom have now been added to facebook - it was a definite 'bonding' sort of day :D ), heard some inspirational (and heartbreaking) stories...
  210. MollyMolly

    alternatives to fry light

    True lol - but I'm only on my 2nd bottle (3rd if you count the bottle of olive oil one that I keep in) in a year and I'm sure I used to spend more than that on oil/ olive oil in the same amount of time. My biggest expense is balsamic vinegar - I'm addicted to the stuff!
  211. MollyMolly

    alternatives to fry light

    I'm the same Patty - I've never had any problems with it either taste wise or in terms of pans/utensils, but I always put it into a cold pan and then heat and use it very sparingly (I don't like SW chips or fry ups anyway so the most it gets used for is things like Mediterranean Roast Veggies...
  212. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    That's good to know Janet :D The gluten question is an interesting one ... I know I'm sensitive to gluten, but in small quantities can get away with the odd bit of pasta, ryvita etc, Bread though is another thing entirely - even the smallest amount sends my digestive system into meltdown :(...
  213. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    My understanding is that it's the LDL levels that are the important ones - they're the ones that clog up arteries, so them being normal is what you need to know :D I did a bit of research into gallstones a couple of weeks ago. Turns out that they are linked to cholesterol levels (as much of...
  214. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Nuts, nut milks and butters, pulses, legumes (beans etc), tofu, soya, quinoa are all good sources of non animal protein (and to be honest we really don't need quite as much protein in our diets as we are conditioned to think we are) .... says the woman who likes her steak so rare that a good vet...
  215. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    You guys really do inspire me to look even further afield for recipes and to experiment more .... apropos of which here's another link for you - a lot of these can be made vegan (and even paleo) friendly :D I am SO trying the sesame and garlic green beans and the creamed kale with coconut...
  216. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I'm assuming it would be the same kind of consistency as carrot cake or the chocolate and beetroot, so quite soft and moist :D I love cake with added superfree lol
  217. MollyMolly

    alternatives to fry light

    This works well - it obviously has a syn value (1 syn per 4 squirts) but it's worth it unless you are really heavy handed with it. Mild & Light Olive Oil – Filippo Berio
  218. MollyMolly


    I'm one of those who held back on the exercise (apart from my normal walking routine which wasn't anything to shout about). I finally then introduced more when I was about a stone from target and my losses were slowing, but even then it was just investing in a pedometer, doing a minimum of...
  219. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Yay!!! :D Jack Monroe has a new cookbook out! and there's a special feature in today's Graun which I'm going to share because two of these are definitely do-able as vegan recipes :party0011: Five recipes from Jack Monroe That woman is one of my all time heroines! :D and the new book is...
  220. MollyMolly

    10 Stone+

    Yay!!! :D Congratulations on your news Gamy :wow: SW is fine to do while pregnant (just about the only 'diet' that is because it's essentially just healthy eating) - just speak to your consultant and he/she will be able to give you the info. I think you will get some extra HEs. I do my meal...
  221. MollyMolly

    10 Stone+

    Thanks NewMe :) ... initially I was expecting it to take me about 2 years or so to get to my original target - after all the weight didn't go on quickly, it was a gradual process over years ;) To get to target this quickly has been completely unexpected but the real bonus is that I've learned...
  222. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Hmmm ... what gadget did you use? I did sign up for the recipe emails lol and it does say to keep adding kale/spinach until you get the right colour (but to keep tasting it as you go to make sure it doesn't start to taste too 'green'). I quite like the speckled look though - it looks like mint...
  223. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Yes, my consultant runs 6 groups in total, so that's a lot to juggle and I'm not surprised he's vague at times bless him. Our social team don't have badges but it tends to be a bit 'fluid' anyway ... those of us that are regulars quite often step in to cover the scales/ shop/ raffle etc even...
  224. MollyMolly

    10 Stone+

    Hiya :D I've only just seen this thread and thought I'd pop in with a few words of encouragement ... I joined on September 16 last year, with around 10 stone to lose to get into healthy BMI. Like Guru, it seemed so daunting that I broke it down into little chunks - the next stone zone, the...
  225. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Oh I don't know ... the kale, lemon juice and salt are OK ;) Thanks for that :D I think I'll make it anyway - have a play with the HE allowance portion wise, tweak the banana and syn the oils - my sister does SW too, lol, but like us isn't averse to using her HExs on good fats that aren't...
  226. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    It's a local hotel - just a bog standard Hilton Garden Inn (which is the Hilton chain aimed at business clients), but it doesn't have conference facilities, just moderately sized meeting/reception rooms that are mostly used for small business meetings, funeral receptions, private dining and that...
  227. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I've always been appalling at exercise for the sake of exercise ... I seem to be incapable of 'getting into the zone' with it. Part of it is that I have so many hobbies to cram in outside of my work and family commitments that I end up resenting gym/workout time because it's taking me away from...
  228. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Woohoo Janet :D I think I need to move in with you!! I never got a badge :( lol ... mind you, after losing another 1/2lb this week I've lowered my target a bit : My lovely consultant and I had a chat about where my target was and about how I, psychologically don't want to go over 10 stone...
  229. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Perfect - and they sell Kohl Rabi seed too! :D I feel an agricultural frenzy coming on (fortunately my - somewhat rural - school also had compulsory Rural Science on the curriculum. We even had our own mini farm at the school lol) That actually looks amazing ... so pretty! have you...
  230. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    No Janet - the venue simply isn't big enough, what with 28 women of the year, their consultants and the judges. My consultant will be with me though, so I won't be walking in on my own :) Thank you VeggieGirl :-)
  231. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Awww, that's so sweet of you Sam - thank you! :) and I promise to post some photos. Best not to keep everything crossed mind you ... it might be a bit risky while attempting 'Body Magic' ;) (and how the heck I am going to be able to use THAT phrase in any context on Sunday without snorting...
  232. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    Bless you :D That's the one 'problem' with chatting to people online isn't it - you just know you'd love to get together for a really good chinwag and (SW friendly) lunch but everyone is so far flung :( But hey - if it wasn't for the net who would have ever known that the vast majority of...
  233. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    True Cavegirl, but there are so many hidden fats and sugars etc in pre-prepared foods that often people just don't realise how many calories they are eating and how little vegetables etc. When I were a lass ( ;) ) not only was cookery compulsory at my school but basic nutrition was taught as...
  234. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    That's it in a nutshell Orla ... I joined SW (extremely reluctantly and because my daughter emotionally blackmailed me into it lol) to try to overcome my lifelong eating disorder (I'm effectively a compulsive overeater) and to improve my health. Even the weight loss (in terms of appearance...
  235. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    LOL ... I guess it's all relative ;) If your normal fare is Iceland turkey burgers and chips, then anything more elaborate might conceivably seem 'Posh'. On other SW forums I am constantly amazed by the amount of grown adults who seem to lack even the most basic grasp of cooking skills :(...
  236. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    It's 5 minutes Superfree Princess, and it's timed. There are 28 finalists in our district, who they will split into 3 groups, with separate judges for each group apparently (my consultant sent me the whole itinerary and instructions last night :D ). Each person speaks for 5 minutes, with their...
  237. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    Funny you should say that Texty ... My friend asked me if I'd booked a hair appointment and I laughed at her ;-) My 'Indian squaw' Plait is my trademark and despite my new shape it's integral to my (lack of) style, and it's staying just as it is lol.
  238. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    I live so close to the venue that taking a suitcase and changing isn't really an option sadly Orla, but my consultant has kindly sent me a photo of last year's district finals and, while my dress is a bit different from 'the norm', I wouldn't entirely suit the kind of things most people are...
  239. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    Thanks Janet - I'll get my daughter to take a photo and show you all :) xx
  240. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    Thanks Emsie :) I bought it on a whim and then thought 'not that I ever go anywhere that I'm likely to wear it', so at least it would ensure it gets at least one outing lol
  241. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    It's at 10am this coming Sunday ... one thing about not having had the invite yet, is that it's all come along in a 'whoosh', so at least I haven't been worrying about it before now. I have a couple of outfit choices - mainly thanks to an emergency call to an old friend last night, who...
  242. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    I have a few key notes from when I had to do the one at my group (I saved it on my computer because I'm anal like that lol), so I'll have a look at it and see if it might be OK. Thanks Texty :) xx
  243. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    Exactly Patty - to me it's useful to know that HExs work out at roughly 130 calories each, so I see no harm in using the same amount of calories on things that are healthy, provide essential nutrients but aren't normally classed as a HEx (like avocado, flax seed, coconut oil etc). It's not like...
  244. MollyMolly

    woman of the year 2014

    HELP! ... It's the regional finals this weekend and my official invitation seems to have gone astray (according to my consultant I should have received it already). I'm obviously OK for date, time and place but I don't have any other info and my consultant (though adorable) is vague at times...
  245. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    I'd not thought of the fitbit (because I'm such a cheapskate, so my Omrom gadget is very basic lol), but that sounds perfect for when you're out and about at least :D
  246. MollyMolly

    Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

    That's brilliant news about the college - congrats on getting your foot through the door :D I'd definitely say there is no point going to group if you are getting nothing from it - the whole (almost AA) format isn't for everyone ... I was certainly VERY uncomfortable with it at first, though...
  247. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    No, I do have to get my fresh sardines from the supermarket as it's not a fish they sell at my daughter's place. I'm generally not keen on tinned fish, apart from pilchards and sardines lol ... they are actually the same fish, just at different sizes :) Oh, and I am a bit keen on tinned...
  248. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    I'm lucky fish wise in that my eldest daughter works for a seafood restaurant that also has a fresh fish counter. They are Greenpeace approved, so I know that what I buy is from sustainable stock or farmed responsibly (and it helps that she gets her staff discount lol). Sometimes I resort to...
  249. MollyMolly

    Molly & Sam Race to Target

    Ooooh - that sounds like a yummy breakfast :D I'm not that keen on quinoa but banana and cinnamon are regular additions to my normal porridge ... I've also recently become addicted to adding ground cinnamon to my black coffee - absolutely delicious (and reportedly great for improving sugar...
  250. MollyMolly

    How are you target members doing out there?

    Yes, the pier was a sad loss :( It held so many happy memories for me. I was down fairly regularly until a few years ago but haven't visited since my Grandmother died as she was my last tie to the area. Even then the town was definitely looking better than it did in the 90's though - much...