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  1. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Hello Lady. Long time no speak. I'm back to attempting Slimming World again. Must check out your recipes as I found them great! Hope wedded bliss is going fantastically :)
  2. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Food Diary 26th August Breakfast - 35g Porridge (HexB1) with skimmed milk (HexA1) with banana, blueberries, fat free yoghurt and 1 tap honey (1) Lunch - 3 Ryvita (HexB2) with 50g light philadelphia with chives (HexA2), roast chicken, lettuce and 1/2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce (1) grapes...
  3. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I'm BAAAAAAACK! I hope everyone is doing good. A LOT has happened since I last posted. Most importantly I've had a baby. My little beautiful son Billy is the best thing that very happened to me. He is so amazing and it's like he has been here forever. Life couldn't be better and a lot of the...
  4. newbee89

    If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

    Just joined WW this week and I'm living your diary. Well done!!
  5. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Aw thanks a million hun! Can't believe how quickly time has gone. Only 23 days till my due days. Madness!! I'm not the biggest partier but the likes of The Porthouse bar (near Grafton Street) is a good spot and if you're drinking in Temple Bar it will be crazy expensive! There is a good spot...
  6. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Your wedding is so soon, how exciting! Let me know if you need restaurant or bar recommendations for when you're in Dublin :)
  7. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Fair play to you, good luck! Xx
  8. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    I'm good hun, been busy in work and moving house this weekend so I know how you feel! We have so much stuff so packing has been stressful and moving has been expensive but it'll all iron itself out in a month or two! How do you make your soups? I plan on making some an taking them to work with...
  9. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    So lovely catching up on your diary! Wow you've been cooking up a storm, I'm drooling! I also love that you are adding photos now too. Your inspiring me :-)
  10. newbee89

    The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

    Totally can relate to you on the being young and in a relationship and the 'why do i have to's when my friends don't have to give a seconda thought to what they eat! It's a tough battle with yourself. If i ate all i wanted is be about 20 stone now so the whatever i want never really lasts...
  11. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Not planned per se but very welcomed and we were delighted when we found out (at 8 weeks, had NO idea)! We had a scan at 12 weeks, it was amazing. Our next scan is in mid-January and we will probably find out the sex then. I'm so excited, convinced it's a boy. We've to find a house too! Just...
  12. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thank you so much girls :) For the first 3 months I was sick and didn't gain anything but now my appetite is back so I need to be very careful! How are you?
  13. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks a mill guys :)
  14. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks ladies :-)
  15. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hi Everyone, wow it's very quiet around here these days! I wanted to tell you all why I've been so quiet myself - I am 14 weeks pregnant :-))))
  16. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Sorry I've been so quiet, a lot going on at the moment with me but all good. Dieting has been on the back burner but healthy eating where I can! Just wanted to share in your excitement re house stuff and wish you well. Everything happens for a reason so i truly believe you will end up where you...
  17. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Camel Burger, Oh my :(
  18. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    I hear ya! You go girl. Will there be nibbles at book club? Is it ever hosted at your place? Enjoy :o
  19. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Aw you girls are the greatest! So lovely to log on and see those encouraging words in front of me :D I am determined to make a good dent in my weightloss before Christmas so this sounds great for me. I would be lying if I said that there won't be treats or meals out etc in the meantime but I...
  20. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I really like that plan so YES count me in! :p From tomorrow I will be 100% on-plan. I need to practice that 'no' word more. I really hope I can just be strong and not give in to temptation! Imagine being at 15 stone for so long? I've literally made no progress in 2 years! It is SO depressing...
  21. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    That is actually so hilarious, I've never heard of anyone treating their cat so like a human. So cute :o Aw, that's great that you guys are on the same page about not having kids. I know a few couples where one is very much for and one is against. Personally I can't wait till that day comes...
  22. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I know I know, but there comes a point where somethings got to give. I am literally making no progress whatsoever at the moment. It's pointless, and I'm one of the biggest around here. It just really gets me down because I know I only have myself to blame. I need to have a good long think...
  23. newbee89

    The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

    Definitely hun, I need to change this pronto!
  24. newbee89

    The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

    I hear you hun, and that is definitely good advice, and advice I will be taking in for sure. Thanks :-)
  25. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Was the cake nice? This reminds me, I really must try the stock roast potatoes! Keep meaning to :D God you are so good being on top of things and in such control of your weight as soon as a few pounds creep on. You are amazing! I hope I can get there :( finding it really really tough.
  26. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Laughing my head off here at you bringing your cat for a walk in a bag haha. Do you do that often? Does he not try and jump out? That is so hilarious! Next it will be a buggy you're pushing ;) hehe! That's my prediction anyway ;) Food sounds lovely as always, you are inspiring me!!
  27. newbee89

    It all starts now...!

    That steak dinner looks sooo good and right up my street. Yummy! I like it exactly the same way with mushrooms, onions and peppersauce :p
  28. newbee89

    The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

    Well done Stevie, you really are my inspiration at the moment. When you say you measure out you healthy extras, how does that work with your milk for tea/coffee? Do you just know what 250ml looks like? Same with the cheese? Or do you literally measure it out before you use it for anything? I...
  29. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    CONFESSION TIME!!!! Will I EVER learn? Another weekend where I had excellent plans and went the complete opposite way! I was an absolute pig and I feel really crap about it now. I'm writing this for accountability but I know that 90% of it was comfort eating and this is something I need to...
  30. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Welcome :D Weekends are such a struggle aren't they? I had yet another awful one! Wish I had more self control. Something needs to change because I am getting nowhere! I'll pop over to your diary now too ;) Another week ahead, *sigh* T x Hey Sweetie! Ugh, complete and utter WRITE OFF...
  31. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Friday at LAST. What a busy day! What a busy week in fact. Really happy to be off now for the next couple of days. I won't even be referencing Monday till, well - Monday :D Last night didn't exactly go to plan. Well I ordered chicken wings as planned, but then I ordered garlic chicken for main...
  32. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hey, if it's not broken and all that ;)
  33. newbee89

    The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

    Hi Stevie :) I haven't commented here in a while but I've been readying. Glad to see your all loved-up ;) That soup sounds gorgeous, I'll definitely have to make it. Wonder would it be nice to throw in some ham? Hmm. Do you weigh out your healthy extra cheese? I really should start doing...
  34. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Your sleepover sounds so fun. You've given me the idea to pick up some white options now too. Sounds like a nice treat when we're watching a movie tonight. Thanks :)
  35. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Salt and Pepper Squid sounds delish. I remember Nigella Lawson made something similar in one of her programmes and she did it all in a zip-lock bag and shock it all up together. It looks so yummy!
  36. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks hun, really appreciate that! x
  37. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hi Tasha :) It's only 5 syns if it's 350g but the tins are always closer to 500g or more :) but thanks hun!
  38. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thursday already, whew this week is flying in. Visited my nanna as planned yesterday but I stayed later than expected. I ended up having some roast chicken and about 2 syns worth of pasta bake (literally a handful) so I decided not to have the bun with my burger. Overall I would have still...
  39. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    That's a really good idea. We have these 'tea biscuits' here in our main supermarket (Dunnes Stores) and you get two biscuit for 1 syn. Great huh? They are very plain and not very sweet but they definitely take the edge off a craving for something with a cuppa! I didn't end up having the bun...
  40. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks girls, I cannot wait Having a really bad day. Not in good form and don't want to be here. Visiting my nan later and I love her to pieces but I don't want to see anyone (feel so guilty saying that) so I just want work to be done so I can go visit her and no doubt she will make me smile...
  41. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    I like your style! I love quorn mince and chicken style pieces so that might just be the answer! I need to get my head around how it works though because aren't syns etc all different on the different plans?
  42. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Yeah that's true hun. I don't really ever do green or red days. I'm always tempted! We do generally have some sort of meat most days though!
  43. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Haha I was exactly like that the other evening when we were pretty much having that exact dinner and OH didn't get in from work till near 9. I was so hungry and I knew it was going to be amazing. lol. I've actually had steak twice in the past week as I re-discovered my love for SW chips and...
  44. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    I think that's the secret, finding a way to enjoy social occasions without ruining our good work. I am trying to do the same. Already having sabotaging thoughts of weekend 'treats' which I cannot afford to have. Back to the drawing board!
  45. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thank you girls, I really cannot wait. So happy! It is going to be amazing. I got paid today so I saved as much as I could! 5 months is going to fly in. Still on cloud 9 over it all! Since my birthday weekend passed I have been totally back on track and I am delighted about it. I didn't end up...
  46. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Welcome back doll, hope your day flies. I am determined this is it for me now. No looking back! xx
  47. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, it was fab!! I had the most amazing weekend, lots of great times with family and my boyfriend, a fab meal and night out and gorgeous presents! My boyfriend has surprised me with a trip to VEGAS!! I was completely shocked. It's all booked and we are going in...
  48. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks a million girls, I have to say I'm REALLY looking forward to the weekend. I have a lovely one planned. Friday (tonight) I'm going to see a play that a friend of mine is in. It's only €10 and the theatre is literally 5 minutes walk from our apartment so that will be handy. Possibly a drink...
  49. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    As always, you rock girl!
  50. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks hun! :D New plan and new strategy is underway. I am planning to start exercising in the evenings. A friend of mine recommended a 10 minute work-out video on youtube so I'm going to do that every day after work, whether I want to or not. It has to be done. I really want to start enjoying...
  51. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    So on top of everything I planned to have yesterday I also had some jellies (3) mini packet malteasers (5) and a freddo bar (5) and went over my syns by about 10. So annoyed at myself. OH was making chocolate biscuit cake as a trial run for the one he's making me for my birthday on Sunday so...
  52. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks Bev, I did it again yesterday though :cry:so let's hope your willpower lasts longer than mine! I ended up going over my syns by about 15. So annoyed at myself!!
  53. newbee89

    Nicola's Cuba Countdown

    Hey Nicola, I haven't been on here much but I'm back posting and hoping to shift as much weight as possible. You are doing marvellously well so well done!:D X
  54. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    So yesterday didn't go to plan. Why does my willpower slip so easily? When I was on the way in to town to meet my friend I started thinking about going for food in fattening places, when we had already planned Nandos. WHY? We went to Nandos as planned but I didn't get what I planned to get. I...
  55. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    Great photos Minks, you look great!
  56. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Sunday evening, and I'm just sitting down to relax for the evening. I've just had the nicest shower and now I have a date with my PJs, Slimming World magazine and then watching The Kardashians. Love my Sunday evening wind-down before the week ahead. I spent the day shopping and cooking, and...
  57. newbee89

    Nandos! Whole meal for 6.5 syns yipee :)

    nope, that's the syns INCLUDING the skin on the Butterfly Chicken. Amazing eh? The chicken is free and the marinade is only .5 per tablespoon.
  58. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Ah I see, you'll be happy we won today so :p Did you watch the match? I used to feel like that about weigh-ins but I want to do it for me, and my slimming world class was getting so repetitive and I wasn't getting anything from it so I'm doing OK on my own so far. Hopefully it stays this way!
  59. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    Hi Minks, Was the phily nice with the strawbs?
  60. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    It's really gorgeous, like really really amazing! I think I might even have it twice a week and just syn the 25g, that's probably the best thing to do! Thanks for your help :) Oh good luck losing the 3.5 pounds before your holiday, I know it's a lot harder done than said! Where are you off to...
  61. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hello Tasha :-) how are you? What part of Dublin are you from? Or are you? Hooray for Irish on Minimins! :) Well done on your loss, that's amazing. Are you going to a group or just doing it yourself? Oh I'm really looking forward to my toasty! I hadn't actually finished that post when you...
  62. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hello All! Thank God it's Friday. We're getting a take away and I have been SO looking forward to it so I can't wait! It will be a bit off-plan but shouldn't be too awful. Yesterday I stayed within syns, but just about though. I am starting to realise what works for me and what doesn't. About...
  63. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Have a nice weekend hun :)
  64. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Still feeling great! It feels normal now which is exactly what I had hoped. I brought soup for lunch today. I didn't think it would fill me but it actually did. The soup mix and brown rice in the soup make it lovely and filling. They give it more substance. Was having a few bad days in work...
  65. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hi :D Aw thanks a million, I'm feeling good. Thank you so much for the syns info. Wow, 6 syns is not a lot. Wonder could I pass 25g as a HexB then? It's high in Fibre and usually things that are HexB are 6 syns. Hmm. Must weigh out 25g later and see what it looks like. Thank you! Hope your...
  66. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Yesterday was another great day. I ended up making the soup, today's lunch and dinner all in a bit cooking frenzy. It's so worth it when I do that. Makes life a lot easier during the week when you get in from work and you're tired. I ended up not having corn on the cob in the end, but I did...
  67. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Sounds gorgeous!
  68. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I've been really enjoying cooking lately! I have an urge to make a carrot based soup so after work I've just gone in to Tesco got carrots, sweet potato, onion and garlic and i'm going to make a delicious syn free soup flavoured with some cumin to give it a curried flavour. I'm excited!
  69. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Yesterday was a great success. It feels so good to have one proper good day behind me. My dinner was so good. The curry ended up being quite green because of the spinach and then we didn't have chicken stock so I had to use beef stock. It was delicious nonetheless. OH loved it too! He was going...
  70. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    LOL, it's definitely easy to do that. How has it been going? Thanks for the warm welcome!
  71. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Happy Anniversary! :-) Meal sounds lovely. How did you know how the rice was cooked and that is was Sharwoods sauce etc? That pork and choritzo burger looks lovely, do you have a recipe? We're due a burger night so I think you've made my mind up for me for Saturday or Sunday's dinner. It...
  72. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Aw thanks you hun, that means a lot to me. It's GREAT to be back and I am feeling great already! Thanks again :)))))
  73. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hi Everyone, Thanks for the support and for asking me how I've been getting on. To cut it short, basically not good. Fell off the wagon, holidays, work, excuses, the usual. Well I am back now and am moving away from focusing on a particular goal. I just want to move closer to health and...
  74. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Welcome home :) Where did you go on holiday? Peaches and yoghurt sounds fab! How did you go about the bookclub thing? That sounds so fun... Did you know the people or was it a random one you found on the net? x
  75. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Hello Love :p Thank GOD someone else is in the same boat as me. Like you I've had weeks off plan and I've gained 10 pounds so it's all systems go now and I hope to shift it as soon as possible. I've developed some bold bold habbits over the past month which need to be well and truly forgotten...
  76. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hi Everyone, Just catching up on all your diaries here, it's great reading. I have just returned from more or less a month of holidaying and celebrations between London, Spain and the weeks that preceded them and followed them. This seems to be the trend for me, I got a bit awol and then I am...
  77. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Your weekend sounds amazing and you look beautiful. It sounds unforgettable. Enjoy this weekend and try and not even think about the scales because sometimes it really just doesn't matter, THIS is the important stuff. Enjoy hun x
  78. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Hiya Love It's gas, you are so right about the forum being quiet lately. I find we're all on different wave lengths. For example when I start posting a lot I find other people don't, lol. I'm currently not on plan, but not being awful either. I haven't weighed myself but I will on Thursday...
  79. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Belated happy 30th my love! You look stunning in all the pictures and really HAPPY! Have an amazing weekend in Champagne xxx
  80. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Here I am to confess my naughtiness. I've had two days where I've been completely off-plan. I go to London on Saturday and the whole weekend will be more or less off-plan (within reason) so I really need to try and keep today and tomorrow as good as possible. It's not easy though when my boss is...
  81. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Oh I might just do that Honey. Sounds right up my street. Literally! haha Welcome :D
  82. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Mmm I want pizza now. Was it nice?
  83. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    £15 for ONE cocktail???? :eek: That's like €17/€18 holy crap. Do they come with a back massage? That is insane! I bet the views are unbelievable though. Who knows, maybe I'll be sipping ridiculously expensive beverages there at the weekend. Unlikely if they are so expensive though. My God I...
  84. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hooray :D Well we're staying in a hotel near Earls Court metro station, Kensington I believe? We're doing all the touristy things like the red bus, the boat cruise thingy, and seeing a West End Show so we're not limited to one particular area but wherever is along those lines and central-ish...
  85. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks for all the well done comments, I am delighted! It was a huge surprise and just goes to show you how being good Mon-Fri plus two Zumba classes really did make a difference even though I had a naughty weekend. Happy as a pig in s***e now :) Today's Food Diary... Breakfast - bran flakes...
  86. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    obsessed with mangos! I absolutely adore them :)
  87. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Down 2 pounds and absolutely thrilled :)
  88. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    How was the curry? It sounds gorgeous!
  89. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    You look GORGEOUS in that photo. So slim! I love the shorts too :)
  90. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    What a great weekend I just had! I was definitely off-track in terms of Slimming World but I'm not going to beat myself up about it because that's when I end up going off the rails. I was relaxed and had what I wanted and as a result I won't get the weightloss I was after, but that's OK. I am...
  91. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hello Hun :) Sorry for only replying now, I wasn't on here all weekend which as you can imagine means I was off eating things that were a bit synful. I had a really great weekend though! How was yours?
  92. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I keep thinking I've posted her when I haven't, maybe I'm losing it? LOL. All is well with me and Slimming World. I haven't quite kept to the under 10 syns a day vow but I have been within 15 syns every day, usually bang on 15 actually. I purposely wanted to have less yesterday and today to...
  93. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Sounds like a great weekend you've got planned! Enjoy it love. Nandos is great, so low in syns! xx
  94. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks hun! I'm not too sure what we will see in the cinema, maybe the new one with the guy from Social Network. That looks good! We might go to Nandos too which will be lovely and easy to syn. My daydreaming yesterday meant double the work today lol. Hopefully by lunch time tomorrow I'll have...
  95. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hi Everyone. 2 days down 3 to go, woohoo! But who is counting right? ;) I must start making some sort of fun plan for the weekend. We are thinking about a cinema trip, or possibly a day out. I'll put the feelers out there. I've had the weirdest day ever. Done very little work and just...
  96. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    You should definitely try them hun. They are so so gorgeous! Made them last night and had them for dinner today. More like a mexican chicken lasagne but all the elements o enchiladas. Nom nom nom!:D
  97. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I am actually so unbelievably hungry today. I generally eat quite little on weigh-in days but today I am STARVING. Breakfast was bran flakes and light milk. Lunch was a mugshot and fruit salad. Filled me for about an hour but now I am just tummy rumbling. Should be leaving work in next 20...
  98. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Enjoy your meal out! x
  99. newbee89

    Laura's last EVER diet!!

    We're going to london in two weeks, can't wait!
  100. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Perfect excuse to get back at it and maybe try some new recipes or something :)
  101. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    Minks you are so funny. I literally can't do that whole stay out all night thing. I was out till 4am on Saturday and that felt pretty wild for me ;) How do you not be exhausted/too drunk? I just hit a wall! LOL! I'm not surprised you ate badly on Sunday, if I'm hungover I am the exact same...
  102. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks babe. Bit nervous but hopefully it will be OK. I'd LOVE 1.5 pound but in truth I will be happy with anything that's a loss because I did have an indulgent weekend. Hoping a little bit of care will have made a difference though. Really looking forward to my dinner already, SW enchiladas...
  103. newbee89

    Laura's last EVER diet!!

    Sounds great hun!! Have you got a new diary or something? The last post I can see from you is 27th May so not sure if you just didn't post for two months or if there is something wrong there. 6 weeks off sounds blissful. You set on a city break or would you do a week in the sun? I'm a sun-lover...
  104. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Your picnic looks wonderful, I now really want to plan one for this weekend, hehe! It looks really lovely hun. Was that a noodle salad? Yum! Hope you guys are re-connecting and clearing the air. I bet things will be even better after this episode. Could be a blessing in disguise. What does Dave...
  105. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Excellent news re the scales. You are amazing girl! Enjoy some relaxation today :) Reading anything nice?
  106. newbee89

    Laura's last EVER diet!!

    How are you hun??
  107. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    You might get s chance to talk before bed or tomorrow? Be nice to start the week off on a better note. Well done for not going off plan. You are doing amazingly. My weekend was great. Went out last night and we had such a good night. Makes me want to do it more often. Love him so much!! Just...
  108. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    What a great weekend ? I'm just settling down to a bit of tv now. New episode of The Kardashians in a few minutes. I love that show. I had such a fab weekend. It wasn't really on-plan but I am hoping it wasn't bad enough to un-do my good work. Yesterday was mainly off-plan and I would have...
  109. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Well done :) You won't know yourself with the office hours and structure xx
  110. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Wow that looks amazing. You are some girlfriend! How was the reunion? I hope you guys get to chat and can properly make up after this week's not-so-fun times. That spread looks so fabulous. He is very luck to have you!
  111. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Did you get up at 5am on a Saturday morning? My God that's crazy! Hope you slept longer this morning? Xx
  112. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hey :) Oh how optimistic! What were you working at and what's the new job? I bet it felt amazing handing in your notice. Are you delighted??
  113. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Rushing out of work here so just a quick post really. I had a lovely lunch today, primarily of fruit, and I really enjoyed it. Perfect for this weather. I got a surprise call today from a friend with free tickets to see HAIRSPRAY the musical tonight, so I'm going after work. I'll be staying in...
  114. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Enjoy the relaxation hun, you deserve it :)
  115. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    Totally makes sense, I would be the same! Enjoy your weekend :)
  116. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hey Pretty Lady, Crazy busy day in work so it flew in. I got a few minutes in the sun too which feels great! Just about to leave and I'm off to see Hairspray the musical. Yipee! Hope you enjoy your evening with your friend tonight xxxx :o
  117. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    For a snack have you just been literally having a slice of ham and wrapping up some goats cheese, rocket and chilli jam? Sounds yum! I now want a mini toffee crisps, snickers ice-cream and a tasty dinner just like yours from yesterday. Lol! Can I ask you something, you know how your...
  118. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Is his name Peter? haha! Sounds like my man for sure. He is a fab cook, treats me so good, always helps with the house work, and he is SO funny and easy going. I need someone like him to calm me down lol :)
  119. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    HAHA this is making me laugh so much, I totally thought the same. He looks SO happy! Minks, I can't believe you lost 4 pounds this week, that is unbelievable!! I never thought it would be possible to get a huge weightloss so far in to your journey. has this happened many times before? Any tips...
  120. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Your really giving me the boost I need. I know you are totally right. I have to sort of break the day up in to little sections and find ways of getting through it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being absolutely treated like crap but it's just the entire company. Exactly what you said. It's...
  121. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I'll definitely keep those in mind. Thanks :D I need to get over it I know but I just can't imagine working anywhere else other than the theatre I worked in. I absolutely adored it. Unfortunately there is no office job there for me. I've been told I'm first in line if one comes about but I ain't...
  122. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks Doll, great to see your lovely face here again :) Yes I am starting to realise that it's time to look elsewhere. I don't know what I want to do though so need to make it worthwhile. I worked in a theatre for 5 years and I LOVED it but it was evening work and I had no life at all, plus I...
  123. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Hiya Love :) There really is nothing worse than that feeling, but I can tell that you guys will totally be the better of it after a few days. Sometimes things need to go down before they come up you know. You'll have little mini Sarah's before you know it ;) I really admire your attitude...
  124. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Lunch!! God I love Slimming World. "Enchiladas" SW style. 2 syns and HexA per portion. so gorgeous!
  125. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Oh Sarah, you really are being such a positive little fairy. I really envy you. I find it very hard to stay positive and get on with things when i'm upset. I am a super-emotional person though, God love my OH right? I really feel for you right now but it seems that at least being on speaking...
  126. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    I don't know what happened between you and OH but I hope you are OK. It sounds serious whatever it is and I just so feel for you :( I hope he didn't do something stupid :mad:
  127. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Ah feck it anyway! I had a post written and then my boss walked in (I am bold I know) and I deleted it in a panic. Doh! I am alive and well :) For once my lack of posting does not mean I've fallen off the wagon which is great. I ended up having 20 syns on Tuesday and 20 yesterday so today is...
  128. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks hun, I appreciate your advice but unfortunately neither of us are fortunate enough to be able to just sort of feck off and travel for a few months. (You mentioned OH could take the time off and had worked lined up when he got back). Who knows though, maybe that is an option for us. To be...
  129. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    That sounds awful :( hope your ok hun. I've been there before and it is the shittiest feeling ever. I know it's hard but try not to worry. Inevitably you will though! Thinking of you xxx
  130. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Thanks hun, i absolutely cannot wait :-)
  131. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    It was beautiful aswel hunny, thank you. We don't have a balcony or garden though so roll on the New Year when hopefully we'll have a garden :)
  132. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Sounds like a fab idea for breakfast! Applekath, what you mean lumpy yoghurt? Lol!
  133. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Thanks hun! Yes it sounds like a fab breakfast. So you have it before work or do you bring it in a lunch box and prepare in work? I always thought the danio 0% were 1 syn, thanks for the heads up!
  134. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    Your holiday criteria was exactly the same as ours and we went to Caleta De Fuste in Feurteventura. Highly recommeded!! We went to Albufeira in Portugal in October last year and it rained for 5 days so I wouldn't recommend there unless its summer months! We're going to Benalmadena in August...
  135. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Out of curiosity, do you eat your fruit and yoghurt mixed together for breakfast or separate?
  136. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    That risotto looks incredible. Do you have a recipe please? Do you grate the parmesan yourself or buy it like that? Must look out for that devon dream stuff! Is the chai tea with milk or is it a herbal tea? I've had chai latte before and they're so good! X
  137. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    It looks absolutely rotten and I bet it tastes great after a few drinks haha :)
  138. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Just at weigh-in and I've lost 4 pounds this week. I am absolutely delighted :) another 9 pound to lose in the next 4.5 weeks to get to my holiday target :) Really makes me realise how great slimming world is. I ate gorgeous food this weeks and had a lovely weekend! Very happy right now xxx
  139. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Sounds deliciously synful! Thanks for the info, i'll go to Tesco today and have a looky look. How are they classes as a HexB if they are white though?
  140. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    This sounds SO good. Where would I find weightwatchers petit pan? Are they half-baked or do you get them in the bread isle cooked already? I haven't seen them anywhere! Also, what is saveloy? Never heard of it before.
  141. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks girls. I am feeling a whole lot better right now. I am probably that bit more family orientated than the average person. I'm a bit 'different' if that even makes sense. Never been crazy for a mad social life, happier going for meals and discovering new things. I love holidays but right...
  142. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Morning Everyone. Not in the best of form today but hopefully it will pass. Decided yesterday that I really don't think I'll able to make the move to Canada. All of the excitement is gone which is just the crappest feeling ever. To make it worse I feel as though I've robbed the whole...
  143. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I am alive guys :o Sorry about the lack of posting the past two days. I have been out and about and seem to have struggled to find a few minutes to type when I have been so happy to be away from the computer. I was SO happy to finish work on Friday, it was a beautiful moment. The home-stretch...
  144. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Wow that sounds awful hun. And did he just have it in for you or was he like that in general? See it's just me so all of the frustration gets taken out on me because I am usually the only person there. I definitely wouldn't leave before Canada. I mean, it gets bad and this was a shitty week and...
  145. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Your making me feel guilty about house work now ;) must get up and do some myself! Have a lovely day hun xxx
  146. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    My dinner was gorgeous. I made a gorgeous marinade which i smoothered the chicken with before i roasted it. It was made with a chopped chilli, the juice of 1 lime, 2 garlic cloves, soy sauce and honey. My dinner was so good that ai couldn't have been bothered taking a photo. I really enjoyed it...
  147. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Yep :D that's the plan hun. I'm really starting to get excited about it because I've told me family etc so we actually talk about it. It couldn't come at a better time because OH is at a point where he is at a plateaux in his work. He is there 3 years so he needs a change but like me he can't...
  148. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks for your nice words hun. That is EXACTLY it. Today was one of the worst days ever and tomorrow will be similar. Just like hat you said I am made responsible for things that are not my job at all! Like my sales targets are outrageous and would be so so tough to get even if I just done...
  149. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hey Fiona, I'm not sure where we will settle. We'll visit my friend in Vancouver and OH's friend in Toronto to start things off with a little holiday. What about you? When are you planning on going? :-)
  150. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    Choco hazelnut coffee sounds gorgeous. Where does one buy this? How many syns? Little mini quiche muffins are so cute. What kind of dish did you use to cook them? I usually make one large one in a cassarole dish, but these are too cute. The lasagne sounds fab and a perfect example of how...
  151. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    I love Indian food. Have you ever had Saag Paneer? So amazing! Like sauteed spinach with chillis and paneer cheese. Unbelievable! Were the edamame beans nice?
  152. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Your making me want to buy chutney and chilli jam now. Mmm!
  153. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    I'm just like Minks, I can't wait to make the soup. Might even make it this weekend actually :) do you make it often? You have had it all week and I'm surprised it's lasted so I'm thinking it's a few batches maybe? Is your mushroom curry just the recipe you gave me but just with loads of...
  154. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Good morning everyone! In three minutes I can say afternoon, now that's progress. I am in a bit of a stinker today work-wise. I really truly dislike my job. Don't get me wrong I'm glad to be working and the money is good so I am extremely grateful, but the actual job sucks. I will never ever...
  155. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hey :) Yes I sure did hun. I fried off some onion, 1 red peppee, half a red chilli,4 cloves of garlic and some chopped smoked bacon medallions, then added about 10 cherry tomatoes which I chopped in half and then a tin of chopped tomatoes. I let that simmer away for about 10 minutes and adde...
  156. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Me too! I love them. Is it just the full bean and pod in the bag? How you going to prepare them? X
  157. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    OMG I totally forgot how much I love Slimming World. My dinner was absolutely amazing!! Like unbelievable. I licked my plate. And the best part? It was totally syn-free and the cheese was my HexA. So so good :-) Here is the sauce before I added the pasta. So much joy making this - onions...
  158. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Today's Food Diary for accountability... Ugh, I don't feel too good right now. Just had two long meetings and during the second my stomach started gurgling and I could barely hold 'it' in. I ended up being in the bathroom for about 20 minutes and I just feel empty now. Sorry for the TMI but it...
  159. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    I love Danio. What's your favourite one? I love blueberry but that's 3 syns. Passionfruit one is incredible!
  160. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    Definitely, don't bother buying the beans when you have lovely beans there already!
  161. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Oh that sounds lovely. What a pity that Elton John is sick, I would love to see him in concert. I'm going to Michael Buble next Tuesday and I cannot wait for it. The best part is that I won the tickets off a radio station :) Hope your nanny will be home soon, and you're right about spending...
  162. newbee89

    Nicola's Cuba Countdown

    I so know what you mean, sometimes we just need a bit of stodge! Good luck at WI! A half day, lucky you!
  163. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Oh lovely, I will definitely try that, it sounds simple and lovely. Can't wait now, I'll put the ingredients on my shopping list for this week. Hope your nanny is OK, I have had a year of it with my nanny being in hospital on and off and you just feel so helpless. My grandad is now in hospital...
  164. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Your weekend sounds lovely! Especially the picnic. Did you cook/make things to bring or did you buy them? We're hoping to do something similar this weekend if the weather stays nice, though it's not supposed to. Here's hoping :) The mezze sounds lovely, that is so my kind of food! Personally...
  165. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    It's all been said here already, and I think you know this, but man you need to stop putting so much pressure on yourself. This is for YOU and if it takes another 6 weeks or another 6 months so be-it. You are DOING it and you are the biggest motivator for so many people here so cut yourself some...
  166. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I like the idea of having goals so I want to set myself a little mini-goal right now. I really want to be in the 13's by the time I go on holidays in 5.5 weeks. That would be a 14lb loss! I'm going to London in that time but don't plan on going crazy over there either. I really want to be under...
  167. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Happy Wednesday lovely Minimins Ladies! I cannot wait for the weekend. I know it's only Wednesday but it's nearly 11am so it seems OK to finally say that. Work is so busy at the moment and I just can't wait to do something nice this weekend. The weather here is glorious. It's such a pain sitting...
  168. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hey Girl! It was great thanks, well and truly in the swing of it now :)
  169. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Sorry hun, I totally could have just googled it, I don't think I read your message properly. I'm not that lazy I swear! :) I'm definitely going to try this. Thank you! :D
  170. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks for the warm welcome hun :) Oh that sounds lovely. What spices do you use? Like is there an exact amount such as 1 tablespoon of curry powder or something. And how much stock? I will definitely try it. Does it be thick? I'm really excited to start trying lots of low-syn recipes and...
  171. newbee89

    Nicola's Cuba Countdown

    Just stopping by to say well done on your loss so far, and I'll be following your journey :)
  172. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Hope you had a nice weekend hun :)
  173. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Well done on the loss love, that's really brilliant! Your food sounds lovely as always :) do you have the recipe for the soup handy? It sounds lovely and right up my street. Could even throw some ham in! Having it cold with ryvita and phily sounds divine and perfect for this weather :D Getting...
  174. newbee89

    It all starts now...!

    Hair is FAB hun, really really suits you :)
  175. newbee89

    Monday weigh in

    re-joining SW tonight and I'll be posting my weigh-ins here every Monday :D
  176. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hello Hello! Re-joined Slimming World girl here, at your service. I am excited. I'm re-joining tonight and I am looking at it as a fresh start, not bothering to keep the other pounds on my account. I just want to start fresh and see what I can accomplish from here. Either way I have lost about...
  177. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Your day and picnic sounds lovely :-)
  178. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Thanks hun, as you know I'm back to Slimming World now and back with a mission. I am definitely going to relax a bit about the time but in general I am going to stick to it 100%. I'll drink Vodka when I'm out, will have to say no to the wine which I love. I'll only eat things when I'm out that I...
  179. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    That dinner looks gorgeous. Aren't the Danio yoghurts just amazing?
  180. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    Hi Minks :) I haven't been around in a while but I am back in action and ready to smash Slimming World out of the park. As always you are a big inspiration to me. I am very excited :) I am even toying with the idea of trying some green and red days, once I get my head around them that is :)
  181. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Hope the sun comes out and you enjoy your day. I am back in action with Slimming World. Here's to great successes :)
  182. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks hun, I appreciate the kind words. Yes I am going full throttle and re-joining my class on Monday. I really need the weekly weigh-in and the support of a class. It used to really keep me motivated. The only time I ever really made progress in Slimming World was when I originally joined...
  183. newbee89

    Jade's Getting Slim for Summer 2013

    Looking fab Jade :)
  184. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Good Evening Guys, I have news! Slimming World, I'm back!!!
  185. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks hun, appreciate the nice words. What plan are you following? I hope you see results really soon :-)
  186. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    It depends what the ingredients are hun. Is there flour of any sort in it? Thanks for thinking of me :) Thanks for your lovely words! It is really tough but the hardest part of all is not seeing results. I know I'm only 3 weeks in but 3 bloomin pounds is really shocking after that length of...
  187. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    So nice to see you posting again! I'm delighted the new job is going well and WELL DONE on staying under 10 stone. You really are amazing! I think you are a perfect example of someone who has lost the weight, lives a nice life and has a social life, and doesn't pile back on the pounds. You are...
  188. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Doing good hun thanks :) getting there!
  189. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks hun! I'm having no carbs at all. You just referring to the carbs in vegetables or what? I had a weigh in today and lost 3 pounds. I hoped for more but it'll catch up! Thanks :) yes i find it expensive too. So much meat to be bought!
  190. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    A day in the life on my new diet... For anyone who is interested :D I am getting used to it. Still not 'loving' it but it has to be done. I didn't have the self control for SW but I definitely will in a couple of months when I hit my target. Yesterday's food, just as an example of what this...
  191. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Not forever but definitely for the next 6 months till I get to target. It's getting easier. I'm going to start posting food diaries from tomorrow onwards xx
  192. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Finding this diet very very tough and have been all weekend. Not sure how I feel but I know I can't give up. Just generally feeling low and don't know what to be thinking.
  193. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! All of your comments and well-wishes really mean a lot to me :) For the moment I am keeping my diary here, unless I'm told to do otherwise. You are all so lovely! I had my first consultation/session last night with the gym. They did a body analysis and explained...
  194. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hi Everyone, God where do I even start? Firstly, as I said in my last post I have been offered an amazing opportunity to be basically personally trained in a new style of gym for FREE. They want to sponsor my challenge and get me to my goal weight through their training and take on nutrition...
  195. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Doesn't it? I am not going to pass up such an amazing opportunity so I am going to give it 100%. Scared and excited! Hi jenny, I got mine in Superquinn in Dublin! I didn't end up going, you'll see why in my next post. Thanks for asking :) LOL I quite fancy myself as a lady!
  196. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Morning All! I'm on my own all this week in work because my boss and colleague are both away. Gives me a chance to do a few bits and doss a bit too ;) I am so bold! Today will be a good day except for dinner which will bring me way over my syns. We went out on Saturday and I was seduced by...
  197. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks hun, I try to make things as tasty as possible. Ah lovely my stepdad is from Rathnew I think... Yes I am re-joining tomorrow so I'll be well on my way after tonight. Thanks :) We're wild things ;)
  198. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Absolutely exhausted after that weekend. I spent most of it with my 7 month old cousin. She is just amazing. Feeling a bit hormonal tonight so hope I feel better after a good night's sleep... Food today was pretty good overall but kind of high in syns. I was rushing around so I tried my best...
  199. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Great :) welcome! What part of Ireland are you from? I'm from Dublin.
  200. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    The sun is shining in Dublin and my weekend is jam-packed, but that's fine by me :) heading to the theatre I used to work in today to bring my cousin to see Barney :) OH was out last night and I could have very easily comfort ate. But ai think I pretty much did well and my weekends are already...
  201. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hi Fiona, Welcome :-)
  202. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Today's Food Diary... Breakfast - 1 slimbo with scrambelled egg (1) and a pear Lunch - amazing wholefoods and grilled halloumi salad. Unreal! It was mainly free but about 8 syns to cover dressing, bit of crunch crouton thingy and halloumi after HexA Skinny Latte (2) Snack - muller...
  203. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Today's Food Diary... I ended up not having the popcorn afterall. I saw a lovely fruit salad in the shop for €1.99 which had so many gorgeous fruits in it and it appealed to me way more. A fruit salad and a diet coke was such a lovely treat after walking in the sunshine. Breakfast - Banana...
  204. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    These are the Slimbos. Just so you all know what I'm talking about! It looks bigger in this photo. Each side is not even as big as a WW slice of bread or nimble slice. It's 48g for the lot. Today's dinner. So gorgeous! I came in from Zumba, had a shower, and OH had it on the table for me. It...
  205. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    The weather in Dublin is amazing at the moment. It's about 20'C now and I can't believe it. I am sweating here in the office and can't wait to get out. I'm going to treat myself to a packet of popcorn and a can of diet coke. I am excited! I have been really enjoying being so on-plan this week...
  206. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Thanks guys, I am only seeing this now! :) Thanks hun, good to hear from you! Nanny is still sick and in hospital, I will keep you posted. Please God she will be OK! I loved our chats this week, she is an amazing woman. I definitely toyed with the online shopping idea but then I felt guilty...
  207. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    You look gorgeous in the dress! Sounds like your getting back on track too :) Can you point me in the direction of the mac and cheese recipe? What's the new job? Congrats :)))
  208. newbee89

    The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

    Well done for coming back :) i've been a bit like that myself lately and have recently re-started so I can relate. Lets do this :)
  209. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    Loving all the talk of muesli with fruit and yoghurt. Thats been my breakfast of choice for ages now. I love it. I usually drizzle in some honey too! Oh meat free kievs sound lovely, i've never seen them before though. Where in Tesco do they be? Frozen? X
  210. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    That chicken Kiev looks gorgeous. Is it high in syns? Minks you have inspired me so much. Have been struggling a lot lately and I now feel like I can do it. Are your weekends usually semi on-plan? This is my big downfall. Think I need to make some big changes because I have my goal to lose 5...
  211. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Hope the job is going well xx
  212. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Not even sure if anyone even read my last post from Monday... Anyway, I'm fine now. I have drawn a line under the past few weeks and I know what I need to do. I have more or less decided to cut out alcohol, halve my treats, reduce my portion sizes, and up my exercise. At the moment I am toying...
  213. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Rather than go backwards and try and explain everything I thought I would just copy and paste what I just posted on my Facebook page for my 70 pound weightloss challenge... It says it all really. ​Hi Everyone. First of all, the mini marathon today was brilliant and I am so delighted that I did...
  214. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I just wanted to say that I'm still here and I'm reading all of your diaries! Its a stressful time for me at the moment. My nanny has been taken back in to hospital and is really sick again. I have been ok with food up till today which has been complete comfort eating. I'll be back on track...
  215. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Thinking of you, sounds like its been a tough and intense two weeks. Xx
  216. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Opened up a lovely packet of peaches and one had a snail on it :( yuck Yesterday's lunch. Yummy! My dinner yesterday. Turkey stirfry. Filling and gorgeous! For the fun of it, me before I left for Zumba last night :)
  217. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Really looking forward to Zumba tonight. they say you release endorphines when you exercise and I could do with some of those today. Still feeling a bit low and my boss being a complete *** to me doesn't help. He is really a pain! Anyway, plan for today is as follows - Breakfast - banana...
  218. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hi Everyone, Had a bit of a low day yesterday but thankfully it didn't lead to comfort eating. I was walking through the shopping centre and very nearly went in to McDonalds but I stopped myself. It ended up being a very good day food wise but a very hormonal day otherwise. It came on me all of...
  219. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Oh good to know, thank you! I just replied :)
  220. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    My lunch yesterday. So gorgeous! Hot Smoked Salmon from Aldi, Erin Lowfat savoury rice (1.5) and salad. Delicious and filling! I'm hoping the Hot Smoked Salmon is free... Last night's dinner. All free! Burger made with extra lean mince, salt, pepper and worchester sauce, roasted vegetables...
  221. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    I hope you are feeling better hun. You deserved all those good times and now you're back at it and it will swiftly sort itself out because you're so good when your focused! Well done xxx Ps all this referencing to you guys meeting up has me so jealous. Damn Ireland :-( We didn't have a bank...
  222. newbee89

    Whats for tea tonight?

    This was gorgeous :)
  223. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Hello Darling :) I am only catching up on diaries now. WOW it sounds like you had a fabulous week. I love all the pictures and you look gorgeous in them xx
  224. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your nanny. I too am very close with my nanny. My thoughts are with you and your family. There is a lot going on for you at the moment between that bad news, driving again, the job, your birthday and wedding planning. Try and cut yourself a bit of slack and remember...
  225. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Monday again and another week full of activities and promise eh? I am actually feeling really positive at the moment. I am feeling really grateful for all the things in my life at the moment, and most importantly the people. I have the best family and boyfriend a girl could wish for. So today is...
  226. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Happy Friday Everyone, Would you believe I STILL haven't read anyone's diary since I got back. That is so annoying because I love reading them :cry:I have just been SO busy. It's literally taken me about 5 days to get back in to the swing of things after that holiday. I was very lazy in work...
  227. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hi Hun, Sorry I am only seeing this now - no idea why. Did you pick up the salmon? It's so gorgeous. I'll be having it today which will be my third time this week. It's just so full of flavour and so versatile. In a pita bread is lovely, or with rice or salad. It is so tasty. Let me know how...
  228. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Gorgeous quorn and vegetable stirfry which was yesterday's lunch Yesterdays dinner. I ended up making more of a bollognaisse than a chilli. Packed with superfree! Leftovers for lunch today too which is a huge plus. All the veg that went in to the above bollognaisse All chopped and...
  229. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I tried to upload like 25 photos here. They uploaded but then the bar just disappeared and I can't see them anywhere. Can anyone help or tell me what the best way to upload photos from your computer is? Thanks :)
  230. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    The salmon I am currently obsessed with. It is SO good. I read the ingredients and it seems the marinade is all dry free ingredients and no oil is added so it seems free to me. I got it in Aldi, so you have Aldi in the UK? It was unbelievably flavourful and so good in a pitta bread with salad...
  231. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Yesterday's Food Diary... Breakfast - Fruit (melon, grapes, pineapple) & a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (2) Lunch - a banana, wholemeal pitta bread (HexB) with a marinated Salmon Fillet (I make these out to be free, No oil added and all dry spices - It's hot smoked) with spinach and...
  232. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Well hello there everyone, I think I am officially having minimins withdrawals. I have returned from what was the most incredible holiday imagineable. It was everything I hoped for and more. We went to an island called Fuerteventura. It is a Canary Island that is something like 6,000km from...
  233. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    Hello lady :) Sorry I haven't been online all week as I was on holidays. Had such a good time, you'll have a ball in Tenerife. We were in Fuerteventura which is another canary island and the weather was gorgeous and there was so much to do. Do you love waterparks? I'm no good for that stuff. I...
  234. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I had a whole entry written there and it got deleted :( I'm really glad I took the control back yesterday. When I got in from work I was feeling lazy and decided I wasn't going to go for a walk. I also was starting to have 'sod it' thoughts on the food front. I was thinking 'oh come on, I'm...
  235. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Wow that garden is going to be massive. I love your plans to plant veggies and herbs too. I can't wait to do that some day. And chickens? haha you hero. Sounds so cool. That pork and choritzo burger is amazing. Is it pork mince you used or what was it? I don't think I have ever even seen pork...
  236. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I hear ya hun. At the moment we probably eat out twice a week but I might look at reducing that to once and really making good choices. I think I will start trying more new recipes as well because that keeps me motivated and inspired. I think I'll have to ditch the wine too. It's far too...
  237. newbee89

    Jade's Getting Slim for Summer 2013

    Sounds gorgeous. I'll definitely try that next time and I would definitely go for the Halloimi and chicken too. I couldn't go to Nandos and not get chicken! lol. I did the full couch to 5k. It was about 2 years ago now! I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it and I did :)
  238. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    Holy Moly Minks, you must spend a fortune in Slimming World! lol
  239. newbee89

    Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

    Hope you feel better today hun. The before and after pictures are amazing, well done!
  240. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    It was great! Hope yours was nice? No it was callsd Tetrus Tea or something. I had had one glass of wine and I looked hammered!!
  241. newbee89

    Tracey's healthy yummy lovely journey

    I made 'pulled pork' tonight but I used a recipe that doesn't involve a slow cooker or an oven. It was kind of poache and took about 1 hour 10mins to cook and it turned out gorgeous. I took different elements from different recipes and just sort of came up with my own to suit my tastes. It...
  242. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    That's because its very naughty haha!
  243. newbee89

    Jade's Getting Slim for Summer 2013

    Well done on the amazing loss babe, that is amaaazing. You must be thrilled :) Your hair looks fab, as does the lake you posted the pic of. Looks very appealing to walk somewhere like that. What is the nandos salad like? I love salad and have never thought of getting one while there. What's in...
  244. newbee89

    MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

    Hooray! Well done :-)))
  245. newbee89

    Extra Easy Online - attempting to maintain!

    Have you had Panang curry before? I ordered it at the weekend. A prawn one. It was so heavenly!
  246. newbee89

    It all starts now...!

    you're nearly there :o That prawn jacket looks gorgeous!